This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.
The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.
SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.
Site Name Keywords
Swarts •
Mattocks •
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Eby •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
Jan-79 •
Flying Fish - LA 37767
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding
Other Keywords
Ceramic Analysis •
Artifact Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Culture Keywords
Mogollon •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Archaic •
Salado •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Systematic Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Dating Sample •
Mineral •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Early Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Late Mogollon Pithouse Period •
Mimbres Reorganization Phase •
Black Mountain Phase •
Classic Mimbres Period •
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Pueblo IV
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Maricopa County (County) •
Palomas Drainage •
Southwest New Mexico •
Eastern Mimbres
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-400 of 5,282)
- Coding Sheets (119)
- Datasets (398)
- Documents (2,062)
- GIS (14)
- Images (2,537)
- Ontologies (13)
- Projects (139)
#1550, Style III Flower Pot Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Flower Pot Bowl (Style III)
#1551, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1552, Style III Flare rim bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Flare rim bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms....
#1553, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1554, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1555, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1556, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1557, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1558, Style II or Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a "Style II, Style III". There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1559, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1560, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1561, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1562, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1563, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1564, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1565, uncertain Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of uncertain from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1566, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1567, Style I or Style II Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of "Style I, Style II" from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield...
#1568, uncertain Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of uncertain from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1569, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#157, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1570, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1571, uncertain Bowl from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of uncertain from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1572, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1573, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1574, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1575, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1576, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1577, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1578, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1579, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#158, Style III Jar (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Jar (Style III)
#1580, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1581, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1582, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1583, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1584, Style III Bowl from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1585, Style III Bowl from Eby 4 (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1586, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1587, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1588, Style III Jar (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Jar (Style III)
#1589, Style III Jar (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Jar (Style III)
#159, Style III Bowl from Ranger Station (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1590, Style III Seed Jar from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Seed Jar is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1591, Style III Pitcher (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Pitcher (Style III)
#1592, Style III Jar from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Jar is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There are...
#1593, Utility Unknown from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of Utility from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1594, Style III Effigy (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Effigy (Style III)
#1595, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1596, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1597, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1598, Style III Flare rim bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Flare rim bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms....
#1599, Utility Unknown (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown (Utility)
#160, Style III Bowl from McSherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the McSherry site (also known as McSherry ruin). The McSherry site is located near the NAN Ranch ruin in the middle Mimbres River Valley, Grants County, New Mexico. McSherry has at least two Classic Mimbres (ca. A.D. 1000-1130) roomblocks, which were badly damaged by looters. It also has an adjacent Black Mountain phase (ca. A.D. 1200-1300) pueblo, and ceramics suggest the presence of an earlier Pithouse period occupation. Dr. Harry Shafer conducted...
#1600, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1601, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1602, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1603, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1604, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1605, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1606, Style III Bowl from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations, the site...
#1607, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1608, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1609, Style III Bowl from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations, the site...
#161, Style III Bowl from Silver City (nearby) (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1610, Style II Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style II)
#1611, uncertain Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of uncertain from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1612, Style III Bowl from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations, the site...
#1613, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1614, Style II Bowl from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style II from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations, the site was...
#1615, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#1616, uncertain Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (uncertain)
#1617, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1618, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1619, Style III Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#162, Style III Bowl from McSherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of Style III from the McSherry site (also known as McSherry ruin). The McSherry site is located near the NAN Ranch ruin in the middle Mimbres River Valley, Grants County, New Mexico. McSherry has at least two Classic Mimbres (ca. A.D. 1000-1130) roomblocks, which were badly damaged by looters. It also has an adjacent Black Mountain phase (ca. A.D. 1200-1300) pueblo, and ceramics suggest the presence of an earlier Pithouse period occupation. Dr. Harry Shafer conducted...
#1620, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1621, Style III Bowl from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Bowl (Style III)
#1622, Style III Flower Pot Bowl from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Flower Pot Bowl is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres...
#1623, Style III Flower Pot Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Flower Pot Bowl (Style III)
#1624, Style III Flower Pot Bowl from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Flower Pot Bowl is an example of Style III from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations,...
#1625, uncertain Jar from Swarts (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Jar is an example of uncertain from the Swarts Ruin site. Swarts ruin (sometimes known as Swartz ruin) is a Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s by H.S. and C.B. Cosgrove. The site dates from about A.D. 950 to 1175 and contained the relatively undisturbed remains of numerous pit houses and several Classic Mimbres roomblocks, as well as a large assemblage of ceramics, lithics, and faunal material. Sometime after the excavations, the site was...
#1626, Style III Jar from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Jar (Style III)
#1627, Style III Seed Jar from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Seed Jar (Style III)
#1628, Style III Jar from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Jar (Style III)
#1629, Style I Seed Jar from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry Seed Jar (Style I)
#163, Style II or Style III Bowl from Ranger Station (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a "Style II, Style III". There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1630, Style III Jar from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Jar is an example of Style III from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There are...
#1631, Utility Unknown from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of a Utility. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#1632, Utility Unknown (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown (Utility)
#1633, Utility Unknown from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry (Utility)
#1634, Utility Unknown from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of Utility from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1635, Utility Unknown from Mcsherry (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Mcsherry (Utility)
#1636, Utility Unknown from Eby (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of Utility from the Eby Ranch site. The Eby Ranch site (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the Ely site) is a Classic Mimbres village in Grants County, southwestern New Mexico, excavated during the 1920s and 1930s by Earl Morris (Carlson 1965) and V. G. Tannich (separately) and later by A. M. Thompson (Brody 2004; The Eby Ranch site dates from about A.D. 1000 to 1130 and includes around 75 Classic Mimbres rooms. There...
#1637, Utility Unknown from Cameron Creek (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of Utility from the Cameron Creek (also known as Cameron Creek Village) a Mimbres site in southwestern New Mexico on a western tributary of the Mimbres River. Cameron Creek is a large site with pithouse and Mimbres Classic period components. It was excavated in the early 20th century by Bradfield . Most...
#1638, Utility Unknown from Cameron Creek?; Warm Springs? (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This vessel is an example of a Utility. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#164, Style III Other from K Bar Slash (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Other is an example of Style III from K Bar Slash.
#165, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)
#166, Style III Bowl from Ranger Station (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
This Bowl is an example of a Style III. There is no provenience information for this vessel.
#166A, Style III Bowl (2012)
IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Michelle Hegmon
Unknown Bowl (Style III)