Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,801-1,900 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Owned in Life, No Longer Owned in Death: Remembering the Ancestors at the Pine Street African Burial Ground (2024)
  2. The Oyo Empire, ca. 1570–1840: The Art of Being a Compositional State (2024)
  3. O’Odham Pottery: Prehistoric, Historic, and Contemporary Native American Ceramic Production in the Phoenix Basin of Southern Arizona (2024)
  4. Pagan-Christian Interactions 11th to 13th Centuries CE: The Isotope Evidence (2024)
  5. Painted Pottery on the Fremont Frontier (2024)
  6. Painting Methods and Process—a Compositional Analysis of Pecos River Style Murals (2024)
  7. Painting Pictures: There Is Madness in Archaeological Methods (2024)
  8. Palabras Andantes: Collaborative Story Mapping of Community Memories Using QField at Chupacoto in Huaylas, Peru (2024)
  9. Palace Pottery Production on Cerro Baúl: The Particularity of Paste Recipes (2024)
  10. Paleo Core: A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Paleontological, Archaeological, and Geological Data (2024)
  11. Paleoanthropology in the Central Highlands of Kenya: A Knowledge Co-production Research Model (2024)
  12. Paleodemography of a Late Medieval Cemetery in Poland (2024)
  13. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at Poverty Point Using Ancient Sedimentary DNA: Potential and Challenges (2024)
  14. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Two Paleoindian Sites in North-Central New Mexico (2024)
  15. Paleoenvironmental Research at Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  16. Paleoenvironmental Signatures of a Persistent Place at Kharaneh IV, Jordan (2024)
  17. Paleoenvironmental Studies at the Ancient Maya Center of Yaxnohcah based on Analyses of eDNA, Pollen, and Plant Macroremains (2024)
  18. A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Ceramic Residues from Caches and Burials at the Lowland Maya Site of Holtun, Guatemala (2024)
  19. A Paleoethnobotanical Comparison of Mortuary and Village Langford Tradition Sites in Northern Illinois (2024)
  20. A Paleogenomic Investigation of Historical Human Skeletal Remains from Rapparee Cove, North Devon, UK (2024)
  21. The Paleoindian Database of the Americas: On Such a Full Sea Are We Now Afloat (2024)
  22. Paleoindian Sites and their Cultural Diversity in Southeast, Brazil: A Case Study from São Paulo State (2024)
  23. Paleolithic in Azerbaijan: Research History, Finds, and Dating (2024)
  24. Paleoproteomic Approach to Understanding Human Subsistence at the Late Upper Paleolithic Site of Ljubiceva Pecina (Istria, Croatia) (2024)
  25. Paleoproteomic Perspectives on the Subsistence Decisions of Later Stone Age Herders in Namaqualand, South Africa (2024)
  26. Paleozoological Baselines Inform Climate Change and Help to Restore Indigenous Socioecological Systems: A Case Study from the Bear River Basin, UT (2024)
  27. Panama Archaeology’s Paradigm Shift: A History of Cerro Juan Díaz, Its Excavations, and Ongoing Research (2024)
  28. Papa’s Work Is Not Fathering (2024)
  29. Paracas Medio en el valle bajo de Ica, una perspectiva desde el sitio arqueológico Ánimas Bajas (2024)
  30. Paracosmic Play Areas in Western Plains Boarding and Day Schools (2024)
  31. The Paradox of Livestock: Transformative Agents and Tools of Resilience (2024)
  32. Parasitism and Care in the Schoolyard: Archaeoparasitology of an Early Twentieth-Century School Latrine in New Orleans, USA (2024)
  33. Parsing the Pits: Cooking Techniques in the Kachemak Period Kodiak Archipelago (2024)
  34. Participation, Choice, and Institutional Change across the Eurasian Bronze Age (2024)
  35. Participatory Mapping and Self-Management of Territory among the Kuikuro of the Upper Xingu, Amazonia (2024)
  36. Partnering with Descendant Communities: Investigating the Dorsey Site, an 1874 African American Farm in Sugarland, Maryland (2024)
  37. Party on the Plaza: Risk and Resilience in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century New Mexico (2024)
  38. The Past and Future of Archaeological Prospection (2024)
  39. Past as Future in Times of Colonialism: Women’s Agroforestry Knowledge and Practices across Generations (2024)
  40. Past Particles: Palynology at Poverty Point (2024)
  41. Past Transgressions, Future Reconciliations: Ethical Engagement with Legacy Collections (2024)
  42. Past Water Futures: Rehabilitating Ancient Dams for Present Use (2024)
  43. Pastoralism and Landscape Sustainability: A Mediterranean Perspective (2024)
  44. Pastoralism and Nomadism: An Archaeological Bifurcation (2024)
  45. Pastoralist Spacetimes and Political Life in the Past: Exploring the Value of Living and Dead Animals Archaeologically (2024)
  46. A Pathway to Attain Sustainable Development in Africa (2024)
  47. Pathways to Power for Classic Maya Sub-royal Elites (2024)
  48. Patterned Pictographs: The Rock Imagery of Eagle Nest Canyon in a Regional Context (2024)
  49. Patterns of a Life and Death through Machine Learning: Archives of the Bois Marchand Cemetery in Mauritius (2024)
  50. Patterns of Ecological Succession and the Archaeology of Living Trees (2024)
  51. Paul Gendrop’s Río Bec, Chenes, and Puuc Architecture: New Insights after 40 Years (2024)
  52. Payang (Pangium edule) Pengolahan (Processing): Using Experimental Archaeology to Understand the Archaeobotanical Record at Liang Jon, East Kalimantan, Borneo (2024)
  53. Paying the Price for Passion: Navigating Compensation Realities in US Academic Archaeology (2024)
  54. Pañamarca through Time: Before, during, and after Moche (2024)
  55. The Peninsula of Baja California, a Terra Ignota Before and Now (2024)
  56. People and food: investigating the diet through isotopic analysis in a pre-colonial group from Piaçaguera shell mound (sambaqui), Brazil (2024)
  57. People on the move: early peopling of Central Brazilian Plateau, eastern South America (2024)
  58. People, Plants, and Pests: Desiccated Macrobotanicals at Bartram’s Botanical Garden (2024)
  59. People, Trees, Rice: Consequential Intersections and Complicated Relationships in the Lowcountry (2024)
  60. People-as-Animal Comparisons and the Indigenous Experience of Spanish Colonialism in the Andes. (2024)
  61. People-Plant Negotiations in Two Rejolladas at Yaxuna and Joya, Yucatán (2024)
  62. Pequot Subsistence Practices during the Seventeenth Century: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Calluna Hill Site (59-73), Groton, CT (2024)
  63. Periods: Out in the Open (2024)
  64. Perishable Artifacts from Rockshelters and Caves in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico and Texas: Dating and Stylistic Study of Sandals, Baskets, Matting, and Cordage from Early Twentieth-Century Excavations (2024)
  65. Perishable Weaponry from the Northern Colorado Plateau: Adding Temporal Context to Wayward Collections (2024)
  66. Perplexing Landscapes: The Role of Natural Landscape Features in Late Preclassic Site-Design of Noh K’uh in Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  67. Persistence in Clay: A Thousand Years of Ceramic Traditions at Etlatongo in the Ñuu Savi Region (2024)
  68. Persistence in Pastoralist Practices During the Uruk Period at Tepe Farukhabad (2024)
  69. The Persistence of Presence in the Rock Art Traditions of the Great Lakes (2024)
  70. Persistent Places, Affordances, and Temporalities on Chacoan Time Bridge Roads (2024)
  71. Perspectives on Deviance: Exploring Sex-Variance from Bioarchaeological and Contemporary Standpoints (2024)
  72. Perspectives on the Organization and Use of Lithic Technology: A Modern Ethnographic Case Study in East Turkana, Kenya (2024)
  73. Perspectives, Policies, and Practices: How Thoughtful NAGPRA Implementation Can Change Everything (2024)
  74. Petrographic and Chemical Analysis of Ceramics of the Atlantic Period of Baol (1400–1900), Historical Kingdom of Northern Senegambia (2024)
  75. Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Pottery from the White Marl Archaeological Site, St. Catherine Parish, Jamaica, West Indies (2024)
  76. Petrographic and Lead-Isotope Analysis of Pottery from Goat Spring Pueblo, New Mexico (2024)
  77. Phenotypic Perspectives on Biological Variation at Phaleron (2024)
  78. A Phylogenetic Approach to Analyzing Lithic Stone Tool Morphology in Southern British Columbia (2024)
  79. Physics and Ballistics of the “Rabbit Stick” or Straight-Flying Boomerang (2024)
  80. “Picking at the Scabs of Ancient Wounds”: The Derry Excavations Collection (2024)
  81. Picking Up the Pieces of Harvard’s Colonialist Archaeology: The Turpin Site in Social, Historical, and Archaeological Context (2024)
  82. Picking Up the Pieces: The Continued Influence and Impact of Redding's “Breaking the Mold” on Animal Domestication (2024)
  83. Picturing the Written, Read, and Spoken Prayers to Zell: Devotional Therapeutics for (In)Fertility and Motherhood at Mariazell (2024)
  84. Picuris Ethnogeography (2024)
  85. Picuris History: A Native Perspective (2024)
  86. The Piedras Rayadas of El Tigre, Honduras: Brokering Place and Cultural Memory (2024)
  87. Pilgrimage Centers as Persistent Places: Spiritual Magnetism, Affects, and Atmospheres (2024)
  88. A Pipeline Project: Navigating through Diverse Perspectives Surrounding the Line 3 Replacement Pipeline (2024)
  89. Pittsburgh’s Chinatown: A Study of Chinese Diaspora Archaeology in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
  90. The Place of Maguey at El Tajín and in North-Central Veracruz during the Classic Period (2024)
  91. Place-Making, Fire, and the Praxis of Becoming Angkor (2024)
  92. Places that Percolate: French Post Park and the Creation of a Hoosier Origin Story (2024)
  93. Plan de las Mesas, Copan, Honduras: Teotihuacan Is in the House (2024)
  94. Planning for the Inevitable: Climate Change, Cultural Resources, and Coastal Cities in the American Southeast. (2024)
  95. Plant Use at Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI: A Window into Taíno Ecology and Ritual (2024)
  96. Plants and Environment: A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of the Vosburg Site (21FA002) (2024)
  97. Plants Are Friends and Food: Reinterpreting Fort Ancient Plant Use through Indigenous Ontologies and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (2024)
  98. The Plastic Bag Paradox: Taphonomy and Complicity in the Archaeological Archive (2024)
  99. Playing the Game: an Analysis of Hohokam Ballcourt Structures (2024)
  100. Plaza A, Plan de las Mesas, Copan, Honduras: The Sacred Center of an Early Classic Hilltop Fortress (2024)