Beyond Maize and Cacao: Reflections on Visual and Textual Representation and Archaeological Evidence of Other Plants in Precolumbian Mesoamerica

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Beyond Maize and Cacao: Reflections on Visual and Textual Representation and Archaeological Evidence of Other Plants in Precolumbian Mesoamerica" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Discussions of plant use in Mesoamerica have historically focused on two agricultural resources: maize and cacao. While recognizing the importance of these resources, we call attention to the critical contributions of other foraged and horticultural plants to nourishing the bodies and souls of indigenous Mesoamericans. Agroforestry systems in Mesoamerica were multilayered, species-rich, and adaptive. This session asks how less studied plants contributed to these anthropogenic landscapes (perhaps even as keystone species), what economic roles they played, and how such plants also factored, on a more ideological level, into visual and textual communication systems. Each participant takes up the task of considering visual, textual, and/or archaeological evidence of a species or category of food/nonfood plants (other than maize or cacao). Papers will expand our understanding of how a diverse suite of wild and domesticated resources contributed to sustaining human life and relationships with non-human agents. By placing various time periods, subregions, and methodological frameworks in discussion with one another, this symposium will bridge the gap between humanistic and scientific discussions of less discussed but nevertheless invaluable plant resources.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-15 of 15)

  • Documents (15)

  1. Agricultural Diversity in Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala: New Ideas on Environmental Resources (2024)
  2. All that Sprouts Is Not Maize: Phytogenic Imagery in Mesoamerican Art and Narrative (2024)
  3. Beans of Power: Phaseolus and Late Preclassic Rulership on the Pacific Coast (2024)
  4. Culinary Arts and Plant Residues of the Ancient Maya Lowlands: Botanical Ingredients beyond Maize and Cacao (2024)
  5. De quelites me como un taco: The Importance of Secondary-Growth Plants in Polyculture-Based Farming Strategies and Food Traditions at Etlatongo, Oaxaca (2024)
  6. The Forest Foods of Ancient Arenal, Costa Rica (2024)
  7. Managing Teotlalpan: Resourcefulness and Socioecological Diversity during the Epiclassic Period in Central Mexico (2024)
  8. A New Locus for Avocado Domestication in Mesoamerica: Evidence for 8,000 Years of Human Selection and Tree Management at El Gigante, Honduras (2024)
  9. The Place of Maguey at El Tajín and in North-Central Veracruz during the Classic Period (2024)
  10. Sacred Surfaces: Reed Mats in Classic Maya Writing (2024)
  11. "These, therefore, are our roots, our existence": Ancestral Roots as the Embodiment of Identity in K'iche' Maya Society (2024)
  12. Tree Resin in Mesoamerican Religion: Blurring Ontological Boundaries in Ceremony and Beyond (2024)
  13. Tuber Cultivation and Tropes of Fragmentation in Mesoamerica (2024)
  14. Tz’ite and Sib’aq: The Wrong Materials to Create People in the Popol Wuj (2024)
  15. Verdant Signs: The Making and Shaping of Foodstuffs in Mesoamerican Texts (2024)