SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  1. Puffin Heads and Albatross Limbs: An Examination of Avifaunal Usage from the Rat Islands, Alaska (2024)
  2. Pulling it Together: Collecting, Collating, and Analyzing Quantitative Data from Written Reports using R (2024)
  3. Punto de referencia en la movilización de los olmecas de la costa del Golfo de México (2024)
  4. Putting Archaeology Southwest’s Indigenous Collaboration Model into Practice: A New Mexico Example (2024)
  5. Quartz Microcores and Bladelets in Southern New England: Gulf of Maine Archaic Tradition Sites and the Rise of Quartz Technology during the Early Holocene (2024)
  6. Questioning Social And Labor Relations In Contract Archaeology From A Feminist Autoethnography (2024)
  7. Radiocarbon Dating a Paraffin Contaminated Moccasin: Detection and Removal of Paraffin from Skin-Based Samples (2024)
  8. The Radiocarbon Record and Precolonial California (2024)
  9. The Ralph Solecki Collection: Revisiting Forgotten Materials in an Urban New York Landscape (2024)
  10. (Re)Connections Through Time: Developing a model for multi-modal storytelling about Zuni Cultural Connections (2024)
  11. Ready, aim, fire: darts, arrows, and pre-contact era fire use in the western Cascades (2024)
  12. The Reality of Commercial Archaeology for Early Career Archaeologists (2024)
  13. Reanalysis of the Aterian Lithic Assemblage from Layer 6 of Mugharet el’Aliya: Specialized Activities in a Cave Context During the Middle Stone Age of Morocco (2024)
  14. A Reanalysis of the Weitas Creek Site (10CW30): An Early Nez Perce Upland Hunting Camp (2024)
  15. A Reassessment of Obsidian Procurement Networks on Guatemala's Pacific Slope (2024)
  16. Recent Advances of the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla, Central Mexico. (2024)
  17. Recent Developments from the Submerged Cultural Landscape of Murujuga Sea Country, Northwest Shelf (Dampier Archipelago), Western Australia (2024)
  18. Recent Geochemical Analysis of Ceramics from the Upper Basin Region of the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument (2024)
  19. Recent Investigations at the Musgrove Shell Ring (9LI2169) on St. Catherines Island, Georgia (2024)
  20. Recent research about the Chiapanec and the Central Depression of Chiapas, Mexico, during the Postclassic period (2024)
  21. Reconsidering Cattle and Power at Great Zimbabwe (2024)
  22. Reconsidering Kingship Among the Gulf Olmec (2024)
  23. Reconsidering the Terminal Classic in the Northern Lowlands – A Boom or the Start of a Bust? (2024)
  24. Reconstructing Mortuary Rites through Micro-CT Forensic Taphonomy at Ancient Aksum, Ethiopia (50-400 AD) (2024)
  25. Reconstructing Seasonality at the Burns Site (8BR85), Cape Canaveral, Florida using δ18O Stable Isotope and Zooarchaeological Analyses (2024)
  26. Reconstructing Utah’s Indigenous Maize Farming Niche (2024)
  27. Rediscovering the Andersson Collection: 100 Years Later (2024)
  28. Rediscovering the Revolutionary War on the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests (2024)
  29. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Small Finds in the Collections of Maya Archaeological Assemblages of the BREA Project in Belize. (2024)
  30. Reenvisioning “Zero Waste Archaeology” (2024)
  31. Reevaluating Conclusions: New Data and Theories on Instrasite Find Distribution in Medieval Incastellamento, San Giuliano Plateau, Lazio, Italy (2024)
  32. A Reevaluation of Cribra Orbitalia at Early Bronze Age Bab adh-Dhra’ (2024)
  33. A Reexamination of Hurricane Hill Macrobotanicals (2024)
  34. Refining Airborne Laser Scanning Data to See Through Mayapán's Dense Vegetation (2024)
  35. Refining Haudenosaunee Site Sequences in the Cayuga Lake Region (2024)
  36. Refining Ideal Free Distribution Predictions Using Paleoenvironmental and Zooarchaeological Data on California’s Northern Channel Islands (2024)
  37. Regional Food Paths of Ancient Tropical Agriculturists: A Multi-isotope Approach (2024)
  38. Rehabilitating the Radiocarbon Sample Archive at the Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (2024)
  39. Reintroducing Spiro Mounds (2024)
  40. The Relationship between Isotopic Evidence of Childhood Diet and Childhood Rickets in a Nineteenth-Century Jordanian Bedouin Population (2024)
  41. Relatos de Juncos y Totoras en el Desierto de Atacama: Uso y Significados en el Sitio Aragón 1 (3000 AC-1000 DC), Región de Tarapacá, Norte de Chile (2024)
  42. Religious and Political Resilience in the Ancient Moche World: Monumentality, Micro-chronology, and Environment in Úcupe, Lambayeque, Peru (200-900 CE). The Úcupe Cultural Landscape Archaeological Project. First Results of the 2022 Field Season (2024)
  43. Religious Belief and Cooperation: A View from Ancient Greece (2024)
  44. The Remains of the Transcontinental Air Mail System (2024)
  45. Remote Sensing and Ground Truthing: Re-Visiting the Middle Khabur, Northeastern Syria (2024)
  46. Remote Sensing Methods to Locate Archaeological Sites Through Vegetation Indices on the Florida Coast (2024)
  47. Remote Sensing Remote Islands: Error Analysis of Lidar-Based Archaeological Survey of the Small Cycladic Islands, Greece (2024)
  48. Remote Sensing Survey at Spring Lake, San Marcos, TX (2024)
  49. Rennes-le-Château, history and myth in competition (2024)
  50. Repatriation and a Biological Profile of Indigenous Remains of West Texas (2024)
  51. Repatriations of Maya Antiquities to Guatemala: Successes, Pitfalls, and Significant Factors (2024)
  52. Replicating Stone Tools for Use in Experimental Archaeology: The Case of End Scrapers (2024)
  53. Representation and Distribution of Fragmented Elements from Human Skeletons in Umm an-Nar Tombs: Impact of Secondary Mortuary Practices (2024)
  54. Respecting the Sacred Power of Indigenous Collections and Museum Staff (2024)
  55. Resultados Preliminares del Proyecto Arqueológico Entre Bajos: Ichkabal y su Entorno. (2024)
  56. Results of the Multiyear Study of the Ancient Maya Lithic Production Community of the Took’ Witz Group at El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  57. Returning Home: Zooarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Insights on Nasca Domestic Foodways and Local Mortuary Traditions at Cocahuischo, Peru (2024)
  58. Revealing the Past Through Ceramics (2024)
  59. Revisited Analysis of Early Bronze-Age Bone Tubes (2024)
  60. Revisiting Eastern Morelos and Teotihuacan: Recent Research at San Ignacio, A Regional Center in Teotihuacan's Rural Countryside. (2024)
  61. Revisiting the Polychromatic Stucco of Lamanai, Belize (2024)
  62. Ritual and Domestic Life at Usacorral: Preliminary Investigations and Community-Based Research at a Long-Occupied Community Site in the Northern Callejón de Huaylas, Peru (2024)
  63. Ritual Cave Utilization in the Middle Usumacinta Region: Socio-political Implications of Ritual Cave Use at the Maya Residential Sites Associated with Piedras Negras (2024)
  64. A Ritual Complex at Etzanoa (2024)
  65. Ritual Landscapes of the Lower Mississippi Valley: The Marksville Archaeological Project (2024)
  66. A River Runs Through It: Recent Analyses of the Multi-Sited Líl’wat Village of Lokla in Mount Currie, British Columbia (2024)
  67. Roads and Changing Mobility in Northwest Argentina (AD 1400-1800) (2024)
  68. Rock Art As Place-Making Strategy: A Papua New Guinea Case Study (2024)
  69. The Role of Groundwater and Sinkholes on Bronze and Iron Age Settlement Patterns in Sistan (2024)
  70. A Sacred Frontier? Inka Settlement at Salapunqu (2024)
  71. Salvage Excavations of a Painted Maya Tomb at Ayiin Winik, Northwestern Belize (2024)
  72. Scanning to Share: Investigating the Use of Photogrammetry for Public Outreach (2024)
  73. Scout's Honor: Archaeological Stewardship of Rural Spaces with the Boy Scouts of America. (2024)
  74. Seabirds as Proxies for Past El Niño Events in Coastal Peru: An Archaeo-ornithological Approach (2024)
  75. Searching for archaeological evidence of Roque Madrid's 1705 campaign and Navajo resistance in northwest New Mexico (2024)
  76. Searching for Old St. Andrews: A Program for Community Archaeology in Panama City, Florida (2024)
  77. Searching for Submerged Salmon Streams (2024)
  78. The Sebittu Project: A Report on the 2023 Pilot Season (2024)
  79. Secrets in the Stones: Stones with Inclusions in the Passage Tomb Tradition (2024)
  80. Setting the Axis of the World: Investigations of World Tree Raising Ceremonies Throughout the Chronology of Mesoamerica. (2024)
  81. Settling the Score: A Comparative Mesowear Analysis Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods on Capra aegagrus Teeth (2024)
  82. Seventeenth-Century Fort Ancient Mortuary Practices and Ritual Space (2024)
  83. Sewing Hope: Embracing Traditional Knowledge and Crafts Through Gut Sewing (2024)
  84. Sexual Division of Labor and Technological Change at the Pleistocene to Holocene Transition in the Great Basin. (2024)
  85. Shadowed Facts: How the Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Horse Skeleton within a University Teaching Collection potentially Provides Insight into Early Chicago History and Equine Pathology. (2024)
  86. Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Continuity of Rattling Ceramic Vessels and Adornos in the Caribbean (2024)
  87. Shaped, Molded, and Buried: Differential Access to Ceramics in Early Bronze Age I Bab adh-Dhra’, Jordan (2024)
  88. Shapes of Power: Rectangular Tombs and Societal Identities at Yaracachi Cemetery, Moquegua, Peru (2024)
  89. Shaping the World and Running for Corn: Monumental Agriritual Landscapes in the Dry-farm Belt of the Ancient Puebloan, Northern San Juan (2024)
  90. Sharifian Letters: Conducting Archaeology in Pre-Protectorate Morocco (1884-1891) (2024)
  91. Sharpening Archaeological Approaches to Linear “Tool Grooves” (2024)
  92. Shelf Life: Addressing the “Curation Crisis” through the Use and Reevaluation of Archival Collection Material (2024)
  93. Shell, Trade, and Systems of Value at the Dawn of Agriculture in the Tucson Basin (2024)
  94. Should I Measure It or Should I BLAST It? A Case for the Regular Integration of Osteoarchaeology and Ancient DNA (2024)
  95. Should I Post This? A Discussion on Digital Archaeology and Ethics (2024)
  96. Sicán Politics and Population: Nuclear Genomic Perspective (2024)
  97. SIMuR Simulation: The Interdisciplinary Creation of a Virtual Reality Environment Archaeological Pedagogy, Research and Outreach (2024)
  98. Site Assemblage Insights from the Middle Tanana and Middle Susitna River Basins, Alaska: Understanding the Later Denali/Northern Archaic Transition (2024)
  99. Slowing Down the Archaeological Process in Dolores, Petén, Guatemala (2024)
  100. Small Sites and Big Assumptions: Questioning the Uncritical use of “Field House” to Classify Small Pre-contact Structures on South Cat Mesa of the Jemez Ranger District (2024)