SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  1. So Many Disks, So Little Research: The Intersectionality of Modified Ceramic Sherds (2024)
  2. Social Inequality and Cohesion through Rural-Urban Feasts at the Lowland Maya site of La Corona (2024)
  3. The Social Significance of Jemez Mountains Obsidian at Aztec Ruins National Monument (2024)
  4. Solar Architecture and the Making of Inca Sacredness (2024)
  5. Son of a Son of a Sailor: Island Life and the Colonization of Cyprus (2024)
  6. Sounds of Change: Mapping Auditory Experiences through Time in the Greater Chaco Landscape (2024)
  7. Source Analysis of Cascade Points from the Connley Caves, Oregon (35LK50) (2024)
  8. Sourcing Maya Lowland Chert Resources: A Multimethod Perspective (2024)
  9. Sourcing Obsidian in the Central Mesoamerican Region Using XRF Analysis (2024)
  10. Sourcing Pensacola Communities of Practice: NAA of Mississippian Pottery on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast (2024)
  11. Sowing the Seeds for a Relational Archaeology: Building Relationships in Queer Inuit Communities as a Settler Archaeologist (2024)
  12. Spaces of Survivance: Recovering Nineteenth-Century Choctaw Homesteads Misrecorded in Archaeological Literature (2024)
  13. Spanning the Southern Appalachians and the Archaic-Woodland Transition: Comparing Patterns of Plant Use and Land Use in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina (2024)
  14. Spatial Analysis of Glass at Fort St. Joseph (2024)
  15. The Spatial Analysis of Housing Structures in Relation to Mortuary Features at Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137[ASM]) (2024)
  16. A Spatial Analysis of Precontact Sites Containing Ceramics in Relation to Natural Resources and Landforms of Eastern Idaho (2024)
  17. The Spatial Distribution of Pleistocene Archaeological Sites and Paleoenvironmental Records across North America (2024)
  18. Specters and Spectators: Paranornal Tourism and Historic Sites of Confinement in the American South (2024)
  19. Spinning Makes the World Go Round: Spindle Whorls from Nohcacab, Q. Roo, Mexico (2024)
  20. St. Pius X Mission Boarding School - An Archaeological Investigation (2024)
  21. Stable Isotope Analysis Study of Dietary Change from the Qing Dynasty to Modern Day in Northwestern Taiwan (2024)
  22. Stable isotopic evidence for camelid mobility and its consequences for early hunter-gatherer settlement patterns in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert, Chile (2024)
  23. State of the Art: Digital Methods for Rock Art Research in 2024 (2024)
  24. Stela and Altar Rituals: Caches, Inscriptions and Iconography in Tikal, Petén, Guatemala (250-950 AD) (2024)
  25. Stepping Towards a Paradigm Shift: The White Sands Footprints (2024)
  26. Stone Monumentality in Tana Toraja, Indonesia: Initial Ethnoarchaeological Insights (2024)
  27. Storage Pit Prospection and Capacity Estimation in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Comparison of Surface Detection Methods (2024)
  28. Strategizing Food Security under Colonial Rule at Purun Llaqta del Maino, Chachapoyas, Peru (2024)
  29. Straying from the Flock: A Stable Isotope Analysis of a Sheep Membrane Condom from Colonial Maryland (2024)
  30. Street Code: Working Out How Symbolic Artifacts and Features Are Used to Traffic Drugs (2024)
  31. Strontium Isotopic Evidence Reveals Sustained Levels of Intraregional Migration at the Postclassic City of Mayapán (2024)
  32. The Structural Archaeology of a Middle Fort Ancient Village: Recent Investigations at the State Line Site (2024)
  33. Suburban Space Transformed: Investigating Chu Capital’s Southern Suburbs before and after Conquests (2024)
  34. Supplying Life and Death: General Goods Stores in Nineteenth-Century Upstate New York (2024)
  35. Survey and Mapping of Antimpampa, An Early Horizon Monumental Center in Southern Peru (2024)
  36. The Tacahuay Landscape: Land Use and Environmental Change on the South Coast of Peru (2024)
  37. A Tale of Two Mounds: New Chronologies of Mississippian Movements and Mound Building in Southwestern Virginia, USA (2024)
  38. Talk to the hand: experimental research on the painted hand depictions of Cerro Azul, Colombia (2024)
  39. Tallgrass Prairie Archaeological Landscapes Project: Investigating Occupational Histories within a US National Grassland through GIS (2024)
  40. Tame, Feral, and Pest Species: Plants and Animals at the edges of Domestication and Human Control (2024)
  41. Teaching With Collections: The Power of Object-Based Pedagogies (2024)
  42. Techno-economic Approach to Early Lithic Industries of Fuego-Patagonia, Discussing Interactions Among Culture, Society, and the Environment (50º-56º South Latitude) (2024)
  43. Tectonic Origin of Desert Wetlands at Pozuelo, Peru (2024)
  44. Tel Esur: Summary of Fourteen Seasons of Excavations and a Long-Lasting Community Archaeology Project (2024)
  45. Temporalities of Middle Bronze Age Cemeteries in Transylvania (2024)
  46. Ten Years of DINAA: Lessons for Archaeological Methods, Practice, and Ethics from a Decade of Experience Compiling, Organizing, and Publishing Data with the Digital Index of North American Archaeology (2024)
  47. Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, and a Cautionary Tale of Corporate Commerce (2024)
  48. Teotihuacán: Retos Actuales en la Protección de su Patrimonio Arqueológico (2024)
  49. Territorial Strategies in Western Chiapas. (2024)
  50. Testing a Possible Feasting Context at an Early Fort Ancient Village: A Zooarchaeological Analysis from the Turpin Site in Southwest Ohio (2024)
  51. Testing and Improving Interlaboratory Comparability of Tooth Enamel Carbonate Isotope Analyses (2024)
  52. Therapeutic Dentistry in Prehistoric Maryland—New Analyses from the Late Woodland Period Hughes (18MO1) Archeological Site. (2024)
  53. There’s An App For That: Cost-Effectiveness of Lidar/Photogrammetry Smart Phone Applications for Virtual Osteology (2024)
  54. Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Redstone Pipes and Social Change on the Central Great Plains (2024)
  55. Tidemarks, Waterlines and Shifting Sands: Perspectives on Aquatic Landscapes in the Plata Basin (2024)
  56. Time to Reconsider. A Critical Assessment of How Different Interpretations of Variation in Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Central Asia Influenced the Establishment of Chronological Frameworks (2024)
  57. To Build or Not To Build: An Historical Archaeological Examination of Fort Louise Augusta and the Role of Sovereign Perceptions and Interests in the Construction and Maintenance of Danish West Indian Fortifications (2024)
  58. “Tola Boayacu Puyu” (Upper Pastaza, Ecuador) in the understanding of the Amazonian urbanism and food consumption (2024)
  59. Tornadoes as an Impetus of Social Change in the Eastern United States (2024)
  60. Touching the Colors of the Past: Ochre Painting Workshops at the Origins Centre Museum, South Africa (2024)
  61. Toward a Miwok Archeology of Yosemite California (2024)
  62. Towards the Development of a Temporal GIS for the Study of the Peopling of the Americas (2024)
  63. Toying with Classic Maya Society: Ceramic Figurine Whistles and Children’s Socialization at Ceibal, Guatemala (2024)
  64. Tracing Cannabis in the Historic Past: New Insights from Chemical Residue Analysis (2024)
  65. Tracing Health Outcomes of Africans Who Were Enslaved in North Florida, Pre- and Post-Emancipation (2024)
  66. Tracing Marks in the Dark: Documenting Mud Glyph Cave by Drawing on Methodology of the Past and Present (2024)
  67. Tracing Paleoamerican adaptations to South American Tropics: new data from lithics analyses in Brazil (2024)
  68. Tracing the Relationships between the Lower Ohio and Central Mississippi River Valleys through the Bradley Off-Site Remediation Project (2024)
  69. Tracking the Origins of Animal Management in a Neotropical Foraging-to-Farming Population using Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis of Lysine (2024)
  70. Traditional Subsistence Economies on Southwest Madagascar have Long-term Impacts on Ecological Productivity (2024)
  71. Transcending the Niche of a Wild Progenitor: An Ecological Niche Perspective on the Spread of Archaeological Soybeans in China (2024)
  72. Transformations in Professional Archaeology (2024)
  73. Transnational Labor in Maya Archaeology, 1910–1930 (2024)
  74. Trials and Tribulations: Navigating Instruction of Archaeology Courses for Rising Scholars in a Post-Pandemic Educational Environment (2024)
  75. Turtles all the Way Down: Tracing Long-Term Genetic Change in Southern Caribbean Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Populations and Applications to Modern Conservation (2024)
  76. Tut on Tour: 30-years of Demand Creation through Exhibition (2024)
  77. Twelve Metrics for Creating Effective and Sustainable Public Archaeology (2024)
  78. The U.S. Navy and Cultural Resources Overseas (2024)
  79. Uncovering the Foundations (Literally) of Higher Education in Michigan: The Discovery of Michigan State University’s First Campus Observatory (2024)
  80. Under the Lens: A Preliminary Approach to De "Objectifying" Bone Implements (2024)
  81. Understanding Animal-Human Interactions during the LIP in the Central Coast of Peru (2024)
  82. Understanding Climatic Condition, Ecosystems, Subsistence Strategies and Human Adaptation thru Micro-Botanical Analysis in Late-Holocene, Northern Mesopotamia (2024)
  83. Understanding the Forecasted Labor Shortage: Undergraduate Views of Archaeological Careers (2024)
  84. Understanding the Transition to Villages: A Comparison of Maize between Basketmaker III Sites and an Early Pueblo I Village (2024)
  85. Undiscovered Country: The Ground Stone Tools Assemblage from Hell Gap National Historical Landmark (2024)
  86. Unearthing Difficult Histories: The Delicate Balance of Public, Community, and Campus Archaeology in West Philadelphia's Black Bottom (2024)
  87. Unearthing the History of Mokil Atoll: A Fresh Perspective through Zooarchaeological Exploration (2024)
  88. Unearthing the past: Tracing Settlement Continuity in Dutsen Kura Hill, Central Nigeria. (2024)
  89. “United with Them in Good Feeling and Friendship”? Material Insights into 17th century Onöndowa'ga:' Hodinöhsö:ni' Incorporations (2024)
  90. Universal Access to Archaeological Parks and Sites: A State of the Question Part II (2024)
  91. Unraveling Indigenous Histories in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil): Insights from Archaeological Research at the Tobias Wagner Site (2024)
  92. Unraveling Neolithic Cultures in the Taipei Basin through Pottery Technology at Tzufakung (2024)
  93. Unravelling the Complexity of Magdalenian Engravings on Gönnersdorf Plaquettes: Investigating through Manual and Controlled Robotic Experiments (2024)
  94. Unstable Frontiers: Isotopic Model of Agricultural Dispersal in the Subtropical Andes (2024)
  95. Unsung Heroes of Cahokian Cuisine: The Materials and Methods for Nixtamalization in the American Bottom (2024)
  96. Untangling the Collection: French-Associated Ceramic Assemblages at Fort St. Frédéric (2024)
  97. Updates on the Geoarchaeology of the Latest Pleistocene and Earliest Holocene at the Page-Ladson site, Florida (2024)
  98. Urban Organization and Agricultural Practices at Las Huacas, Chincha Valley (AD 1100-1570) (2024)
  99. Urban Renewal, Historical Preservation, and the Erasure of Indigenous Modernity (2024)
  100. USACE Tulsa District Wister Lake Site Preservation Project (2024)