SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  1. The Usage of Levels of Detail in LiDAR Survey to Increase the Digital Applications on Maya Archaeology. (2024)
  2. Use and Sources of Ohio Hopewell Fossil Shark Teeth (2024)
  3. The Use of Legacy Collections as Education Opportunities for Undergraduate Student Internships (2024)
  4. The Use-Life of Spanish Colonial Metal Artifacts from Carnué, New Mexico (2024)
  5. Use-Wear Analysis on Shell Artifacts (2024)
  6. Using A.I. Tools in ArcGIS to Identify Mining Features in Northern Georgia (2024)
  7. Using Archaeobotany and Historical Archaeology to Identify the Influence of Early English Science on Southeastern Plantation Development (2024)
  8. Using DNA to Connect Living People to Enslaved Ironworkers at Catoctin Furnace (2024)
  9. Using Ramped Pyrolysis and Oxidation (RPO) to Date and Characterize Geoarchaeological Deposits: A Pilot Study from the Ancient Mesopotamian City of Ur (2024)
  10. Using ZooMS to Understand Hunting and Fishing in the Roman Mediterranean (2024)
  11. The Ust’-Menza 14 (Lagernaya) Site and Its Place in the Middle Upper Paleolithic of Southern Siberia (2024)
  12. Usulután Pottery in the Southern Maya Region: Paste Composition & Potting Communities (2024)
  13. The Valle de Mairana, Bolivia (c. 1000-1532 CE): Elucidating the Everyday (2024)
  14. The Value of 3-D Models in the Classroom (2024)
  15. Variability in Site Usage: a Comparison of Sites 16RA1758 and 16RA1811 in Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana (2024)
  16. Vertical Economy of Prehispanic Pacific Coast Guatemala (2024)
  17. Viewshed and Network Analysis of Late Formative (600 BCE - 200 CE) Chit'apampa Cuzco, Peru (2024)
  18. Violence or Funerary Ritual? Performances of Life and Death in the Middle and Late Archaic Period of North Alabama (2024)
  19. Visions Around and Within: A GIS-based Viewshed Analysis of Ancient Ballcourts in Northern Arizona (2024)
  20. A Visual Analysis of Intersecting Identities: Nathan Harrison's Gender Performance in Southern California (2024)
  21. Visualizing Mayapán’s Outlying Centers and Regional Distribution (2024)
  22. The Wari Occupation of the Site of Kaninkunka in the Cusco Region of Peru (2024)
  23. Warrior, Priestess, Queen: Scythian Women & Their Roles (2024)
  24. Water Management and Symbolism in the Agrarian Landscape of the Sondondo Valley, Peru (2024)
  25. Water management from the Maya Lowlands: Implementing archaeology in mutual aid (2024)
  26. Ways of Death at Los Guachimontones (2024)
  27. Weaving a Complex Past – Longobards in Italy: A Population on the Move in the Early Medieval Times (2024)
  28. Weaving with the Seasons: A Case Study of Jomon Baskets and Resource Management in Neolithic Japan (2024)
  29. Weaving with Wichuñas in the Coastal Tiwanaku Diaspora: New Insights into Camelid Bone Tool Production from Los Batanes (Sama, Peru) (2024)
  30. Whales, Chiefs, and Seal Stomachs: Understanding Ceramic Adoption in the Kodiak Archipelago (2024)
  31. What 35 Students Tell Us: Re-evaluating Traditional Field School Delivery Methods (2024)
  32. What a Cache! Ritual Activities at the Medicinal Trail Community, a Small Rural Maya Site in Northwestern Belize (2024)
  33. What Faunal Remains from Wolf Scat in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Can Tell Us about Canid Presence in the past (2024)
  34. What Lies Beneath: The Significance of a Midden Burial in Exploring Differential Mortuary Treatment of the Maya at Palenque (2024)
  35. What Lies Beneath: Underwater Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Inundated Liebman Site, an Early Paleoindian Site in Lebanon, Connecticut. (2024)
  36. What Makes a Better Surface Elevation Model: On-the-Ground Total Station or Low Altitude Lidar? (2024)
  37. What's Cooking at Devils Kitchen? Context, Content, and Chronology of an Early Site on the Modern Oregon Coast (2024)
  38. What's with Exterior Corrugation on Bowls? Using spatial analysis in GIS to track ceramic deposition. (2024)
  39. When is a Living Shoreline Erosion Control Project Suitable to Protect a Coastal Mound Site? Establishing Preliminary Suitability Criteria Based on a Case Study, Adams Bay (16PL8) Mound 1, in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana (2024)
  40. When Survey Is Not an Option: Comprehensive Archeological Monitoring Standards in Texas (2024)
  41. When Walls Talk: Rodent-cached Botanical and Ceramic Assemblages from a 19th-century Charleston Kitchen House (2024)
  42. Where are the women warriors? The evidence for gender equality on the Mongolian Steppe (2024)
  43. Where Have All the Red Elderberries Gone? A Collaborative Macrobotanical Analysis of Settler-Colonial Impacts on a Vital Coast Salish First Food (2024)
  44. Who Died Prematurely?: A Demographic Profile of Middle and Late Period San Francisco Bay Area Juveniles (2024)
  45. Who's Gonna Know? Resolving Personal Privacy While Respecting Cultural Edicts in Repatriation (2024)
  46. Wild and Cultivated Plant Usage of a Late Precontact Site (11S1754) in the American Bottom (2024)
  47. Willamette Valley Project Overview: Using Subbottom Profiling, Coring, Augering, Geomorphic Mapping, and Regional Archaeological Data to Inform Sensitivity Modeling and Archaeological Research Design in the Willamette Basin, Oregon (2024)
  48. With a Little Help from my Friends: New Radiocarbon Dates from the Great Hungarian Plain (2024)
  49. With the Best In the House: Ceramic Analysis of a Nineteenth-Century Irish-American Household (2024)
  50. Wooden Features on the Jicarilla Apache Nation: An Analysis of Navajo and Apache Land Use (2024)
  51. Wooden Post Architecture and the Origins of Woodland Civic-Ceremonial Centers: New Evidence from the Spring Warrior Complex, Florida (2024)
  52. Woodland Villages in the Upper Connecticut River Valley: Landscape-scale geophysics as evidence for large sedentary settlements in Northern New England (2024)
  53. Working for the Dead: The Role of Gravediggers and Their Impact on Burial Practices as Evidence in Transylvanian, Hungarian-Szekler Communities (AD 1050–1800) (2024)
  54. "The World is a Garden": Human-Animal Relations and Sustainability Comparative Studies of Classic Maya and Early China (2024)
  55. The WPA Ceramics Laboratories of the Penn Museum: A Collaborative Legacy (2024)
  56. WPA Murals as Historical Artifacts: What is Archaeology’s Role in the Preservation, Protection, and Analysis of Early 20th-century American Art? (2024)
  57. x̌ʷiq̓ʷix̌ʷalqʷuʔ - Coast Salish Community-Based Participatory Archaeology in Practice (2024)
  58. Yes, You Ken! A Guide to Creating Your Own Water Isotope Baseline (2024)
  59. You Better Be-Leaf It: Microbotanical Remains Found in Dental Calculus of Individuals from Actun Kabul, Belize (2024)
  60. Yucatecan and Mesoamerican Influences on Taino Ceremonial Iconography (2024)
  61. Zooarchaeological Analysis of Sar El-Jisr Faunal Assemblage (2024)
  62. Zooarchaeological Evidence for Early Human Subsistence Patterns During the Precontact Occupation of Amalik Bay, Alaska (2024)
  63. The Zooarchaeological Remains from San Miguel de Carnué (LA 12924) (2024)
  64. Zooarchaeological Remains from the Roman Harbor Vada Volaterrana (2024)
  65. A Zoontological Approach for Examining the Role of Animals in Ancestral Maya Ritual and Society (2024)