SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  • Documents (965)

  1. Cove Creek Clovis? Exploring Fluted-Point Assemblages in the Eastern Great Basin (2024)
  2. Cows, Clorox, and Canning: Early Twentieth Century Consumption and Consumerism in Rural Alabama (2024)
  3. The "Cracking the Code" Project: Markers of Culture and Networks in Early Iron Age Stamna, Greece (2024)
  4. Crafting Bones: An Analysis of a Worked Bone Assemblage from a Mississippian Ceremonial Complex in Northeast Florida (2024)
  5. Creating a Frontier Community: Ceremony and Political Elites in a Middle Appalachian Mississippian Village (2024)
  6. Cremation during the Early period (1000 BC – 600 AD) in the archaeological site Matecaña (Pereira)  (2024)
  7. Cross-Craft Interactions in the Central European Bronze Age (2024)
  8. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Man’s Best Friend: Insights from Casas Grandes and the North American Arctic (2024)
  9. CT Imaging and Radiocarbon Dating of a Gourd Container with Vertically Strung Olivella Shells: a Pueblo I Cache from Old Man Cave, Utah (2024)
  10. Cultural Corridors in South Central Pennsylvania (2024)
  11. Cultural Footprints Unearthed: Exploring Settlement Patterns and the Constructed Landscape of Yalahau, Yucatan (2024)
  12. Cultural Landscapes of the Red Rocks: Southern Sinagua Occupations in the Oak Creek-Sedona Region of Central Arizona (2024)
  13. Cultural Landscapes of the SunZia Transmission Line Project (2024)
  14. Cultural Resource Management of Denman Wildlife Area, Southwestern Oregon (2024)
  15. Culture Contact and Gender Dynamics in Early Iron Age Southern Italy (2024)
  16. The Cummings Site: An Early Woodland Occupation in the Etowah River Valley of North Georgia (2024)
  17. Curating Donations: Ethical Curation of Pesky Collections (2024)
  18. The Curation Continuum: An Example from the Henry Smith Site in Northeastern Montana (2024)
  19. Curaçao’s Oldest Site: Dates from the Rif St Marie Rockshelter Revise Earliest Island Settlement (2024)
  20. Current and Potential Applications of Satellite-Borne Lidar to Archaeological Research and Conservation (2024)
  21. Cutting Edge Technology: A Comparison of the Environmental Impact on the Emergence and Dispersal of Microblades in Siberia and Northern China (2024)
  22. Daily Food Practices and the Materiality of the Early Bronze Age Kitchen in the Southern Levant (2024)
  23. Daily Life Rhythms of the Mexican Mountains: Narrating Milpa and Coffee Landscapes in Baxtla and Mixtla de Altamirano (2024)
  24. Dark Heritage in Tallinn: Dissonant Narratives of Mass Violence (2024)
  25. Data Inconsistency and Multi-Site Analyses: Using Multilevel Modeling to Transform Archaeological Data (2024)
  26. Dating Classic Maya Houselot Markers in Northwestern Belize (2024)
  27. Dating Islamic Ceramics from Nәsiri Kolat and Şәğolhoni (2024)
  28. Dating Stylistic Change in Ancestral Pueblo Building Mural Traditions in the Southern Bears Ears and Across the Northern Southwest (2024)
  29. Death in a Time of Transition: A Spatial Analysis of Mortality in Fenner, NY from 1850-1880 (2024)
  30. Death Undone: The Contextual Importance of Human Skeletal Remains in an Analysis of Diachronic Mortuary Practices at Mesambria Necropolis, Bulgaria (ca. 400 BC–AD 1400) (2024)
  31. Defensibility, Cooperation, and Centralization: A Comparative Analysis of the Interrelationship Between Warfare and Sociopolitical Organization in Late Intermediate Period Peru (2024)
  32. The Demography of Fire (2024)
  33. Design, Construction, and Evaluation of a Solar-Powered Mechanized Flotation System (2024)
  34. Detecting the Path: The Usefulness of Lidar in the Upper Central Tombigbee River Valley (2024)
  35. Determining Datums & Considering Climate: The Relocation of Inundated Apalachee Bay Sites in the Modern Day (2024)
  36. Developing Temporally Relevant and Spatially Robust Sulfur (δ34S) Isotope Baselines for Archaeological Studies of Residence and Mobility (2024)
  37. Diachronic Analysis of Sequential Enamel Stable Isotope Analysis in Human Populations (2024)
  38. Diachronic Domestic Spaces at Torre d’en Galmés: Results from the 2022-2023 Seasons of the Menorca Archaeological Project (2024)
  39. Diagenesis and Preservation of Pb Isotopes in Ancient Human Tooth Enamel Using Multiple Samples from the Same Tooth (2024)
  40. Diaguita Pottery, Technological Traditions and Changes during the Late Intermediate and Late Periods: A Petrographical and Chemical Approach (2024)
  41. Dietary Evidence for the Timing and Diversity of Mesoamerican Turkey Husbandry (2024)
  42. Dietary Inferences based on Starch Residues from O’Mallely Shelter, Southern Great Basin (2024)
  43. The Dietary Practices of the Ancient Inhabitants of the Chengdu Plain (2024)
  44. Dietary Practices of the Muisca at Nueva Esperanza Archaeological Site during the Late Muisca Period (1000 AD - 1600 AD) (2024)
  45. A Differential Recovery Checklist for Zooarchaeology in the U.S. Southwest (2024)
  46. Digging Deeper into Tsenacommacah: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis of the Pre-Contact Archaeological Record at Virginia’s Flowerdew Hundred Plantation (2024)
  47. Digital and Computational Methodologies for Masonry Typologies: A Quantitative Approach to Structure Classification in the Colca Valley, Peru (2024)
  48. Digital Media and Online Resources in Ancient Mediterranean Teaching: Current Practices and Future Opportunities (2024)
  49. Digital Technologies in the Periphery of the Ancient Maya site of Lamanai, Belize (2024)
  50. Digitizing Handwritten Field Notebooks: the Impacts of Image Pre-Processing on OCR Text Extraction (2024)
  51. The Diné Kin Ya’a Community (2024)
  52. Disconnects in Archaeology Higher Education: Insights from SAA Faculty, Professionals, and Students (2024)
  53. Discoveries from the Fort St. Joseph Bead Collection (Past & Present) (2024)
  54. Disease Ecology of Human Treponematoses in the Southwest US/Northwest Mexico (2024)
  55. Distance and Power in Early Medieval Coinage in Spain (2024)
  56. Distinct Types? A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Paleoindian Age Mojave Desert Lake Mohave and Silver Lake Projectile Points (2024)
  57. Distinguishing Cervids and Bovids in the Americas Using Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS): Authentication and Development of New Peptide Markers (2024)
  58. Documentation: The "Other" Artifact (2024)
  59. Domestic Animal Use at St. Inigoes Jesuit Plantation (2024)
  60. Domestic Life at Río Viejo, Oaxaca (2024)
  61. A Dong Son Community: Connecting Communities Through a Shared Bronze Tradition (2024)
  62. Dorset Through Their Own Eyes (2024)
  63. Dynamic and Diverse Roles and Identities of Women in Ancient Southwest Systems of Violence (2024)
  64. Dynamic Coasts and Landscapes of Resilience: Archaeological and Environmental Hotspot Modelling on the Swahili Coast (6th – 19th century CE) (2024)
  65. Early Ceramics in Charleston's Tidal Region (2024)
  66. Early Monuments at the Maya Archaeological site of El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
  67. Early Paleoindian Mountain Use: Initial Reports from Ongoing Investigations at High-Elevation Clovis Sites in the Beartooth Mountains, Montana (2024)
  68. Early Romani Archaeologies (2024)
  69. The effects of carnivore diversity on scavenging opportunities and hominin range expansion during Out of Africa I (2024)
  70. The Efficacy of 3D Photogrammetric Models in the Documentation and Reconstruction of Dismantled Historic Stone Walls in Southern New England (2024)
  71. El legado de Ann Cyphers en la arqueología olmeca: Investigación y vinculación comunitaria (2024)
  72. El Ombligo Burial Mound and Its Material Networks (2024)
  73. Elk and Archaeological Models in the Shoshone National Forest (2024)
  74. Embedding Librarians in Archaeological Field Schools (2024)
  75. Embodied Lives: Bioarchaeology of the Moche Valley Chimú (2024)
  76. The Emergence of Pottery Use and its Interpretation: A Case Study from Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru (2024)
  77. The Emergence of Social Complexity in the Precolumbian Socioceremonial Center of Java in Southern Costa Rica. (2024)
  78. (En)Gendering Cure: An Exploration of Gender Construction at a Twentieth Century Southern Asylum (2024)
  79. End of the line: Tikal’s Final Ceramic Phase (2024)
  80. Ending at the Beginning: Excavation of the Louis Beaudoin Site (2024)
  81. The Enduring Practice of Dental Modification in the Ecuadorian Past (2024)
  82. Energetics of Potters and Painters in the Athenian Industry of Decorated Ceramics (600-400 BC) (2024)
  83. English Colonists and Complex Foodways in an early northern ‘New England’ frontier (2024)
  84. Establishing Lithic Site Profiles for Joshua Tree National Park (2024)
  85. Establishing Longitudinal Regional Origins in East Coast North America Using a Modern Strontium and Sulfur Isoscape in Deer Bones from Virginia (2024)
  86. Ethnoarchaeological Pottery Traditions in North Wollo, Ethiopia (2024)
  87. The Ethnohistoric Narratives Confronted to the Archaeological Reality: A Case Study from the Mississippian Sites of Cahokia, Moundville and Spiro (2024)
  88. Evaluating long-term trends in seasonality and land-use changes in the post-Contact Llanos de Mojos (2024)
  89. Ever True to Thee: Archaeo- and Osteobiographies from Asylum Hill (2024)
  90. Evidence for Land Tenure and the Creation of Commons among the Virgin Branch Ancestral Puebloans (2024)
  91. Evidence for Possible Digging Implements in the Southern Columbia Plateau: Microbotanical Analysis of Stone Tools from a Late Holocene Earth Oven, 45OK1722, WA (2024)
  92. Evidence of Coastal Use by Foragers: Inferences from Pottery Petrography from Two Pleistocene Sites, Tanegashima Island, Japan (2024)
  93. Evidence of Maritime Trade at the Bulgarian Black Sea Site of Apollonia Pontica (7th-3rd centuries BC) (2024)
  94. Evolving Hohokam Irrigation Strategies at La Plaza: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2024)
  95. An Examination of the Virgin Pueblo within the Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument (2024)
  96. Examining Dental Wear of Mongol Period Elites from Khövsgöl Province, Northern Mongolia (2024)
  97. Examining Great Oasis Cemeteries in Iowa through a Population Level Analysis. (2024)
  98. Examining Origins of Ceramic Production in Lerik, Azerbaijan (Late Iron Age to Late Antique Period): Insights from Ceramic Petrographic Analysis (2024)
  99. Excavation at an Early Upper Paleolithic site of the Tarvagataiin Am, Northern Mongolia (2024)
  100. Excavation at AZ T:12:220(ASM)/Las Cremaciones (2024)