Results of Archaeological Data Recovery at Site AZ AA:12:73 (ASM) for the Avra Valley Road Improvements Project, Pima County, Arizona

Author(s): Danielle Desruisseaux

Year: 1998


Huntington Ruin, site AZ AA:12:73 (ASM), is a large Hohokam village site located just northwest of Rillito Peak at the northern tip of the Tucson Mountains. Between February 17 and 28, 1998, archaeologists from SWCA. Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted data recovery excavations at the northern periphery of this site as part of the Avra Valley Road Improvements Data Recovery Project. The goal of the project was to mitigate impacts to buried cultural deposits located within the proposed road improvement construction right-of-way (ROW). The nature, extent, and significance of the archaeological deposits within the ROW was determined during an archaeological testing project that SWCA conducted in December 1997 (Thurtle et al. 1998). The subsequent data recovery fieldwork was conducted per the request of Ms. Linda Mayro, Pima County Archaeologist, and was based on SWCA's plan of work submitted to Ms. Mayro (Thurtle et al, 1998). Two cultural features (one pit structure and one extramural thermal feature) and an accumulation of cultural trash were identified during data recovery. This report describes SWCA's investigations at this portion of the site, including the results of analyses of all artifacts and botanical samples recovered within the ROW, and the results of radiocarbon and archaeomagnetic dating.

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Results of Archaeological Data Recovery at Site AZ AA:12:73 (ASM) for the Avra Valley Road Improvements Project, Pima County, Arizona, 146. Danielle Desruisseaux. 1998 ( tDAR id: 446192) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8446192

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