VAFB-2000-10: Compilation of a Database for Isolated Artifacts on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California

Author(s): Carole A. Denardo; Clayton G. Lebow

Year: 2000


This document is a report that includes an inventory of isolated artifacts on Vandenberg Air Force Base and an associated database incorporated into GIS. This list and database serve as a comprehensive review of all sources of isolate data at the 30th Civil Engineering Squadron, Environmental Flight Cultural Resources Section (30 CES/CEVPC), including the existing GIS, multiple sets of site location base maps, existing isolate records and cultural resource field forms, cultural resource reports, and other sources identified by the Air Force staff. A review of data on file at the Central Coast Information Center (CCOIC) of the California Historical Resources Information System, housed at the University of California, Santa Barbara, was also required. Based on the inventory results, a comprehensive set of isolate records with a standardized numbering system was generated. The database resulting from the inventory was used to generate a GIS layer for integration into the existing cultural resource system.

Cite this Record

VAFB-2000-10: Compilation of a Database for Isolated Artifacts on Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, California. Carole A. Denardo, Clayton G. Lebow. 2000 ( tDAR id: 501067) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501067

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