Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 07: Two Archival Case Studies in Western Apache and Yavapai Archaeology


Chapter 7 documents two previously unpublished events that have figured prominently in Yavapai and Western Apache archaeology in central Arizona. First, Ferg details the Goodwin and Sayles 1937 Verde Survey. He argues that this three-day trip into the Verde Valley in the fall of 1937 marks the beginnings of ethnoarchaeological studies of the Western Apache. He provides thorough descriptions of all the sites located during the survey in an effort to differentiate Yavapai and Western Apache components. Ferg and Tessman then present a thorough discussion of the Skeleton Cave Massacre site, where, on December 28, 1872, the U.S. Fifth Cavalry attacked a group of predominantly Yavapai peoples. The authors examine artifacts and human remains from the site in order to determine the cultural affiliation of the cave’s occupants in the absence of historical information.

Cite this Record

Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 07: Two Archival Case Studies in Western Apache and Yavapai Archaeology. Alan Ferg, Norm Tessman, Stephanie M. Whittlesey, Richard Ciolek-Torello, Jeffrey Altschul. In Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley: The Lower Verde Archaeological Project: Overview, Synthesis, and Conclusions. Pp. 215-280. Tucson, AZ: Statistical Research, Inc. Press. 1997 ( tDAR id: 5903) ; doi:10.6067/XCV85B00G4

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Historic Historic Native American Western Apache Yavapai

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Site Name
AR-03-04-01-308 (CNF) AR-03-04-01-43 (CNF) AR-03-04-01-797 (CNF) AR-03-04-01-800 (CNF) AR-03-04-01-84 (CNF) AZ O:11:12 (ASM) AZ O:11:13 (ASM) AZ O:11:15 (ASM) AZ O:5:10 (ASM) AZ O:5:122 (ASM) AZ O:5:24 (MNA) AZ O:5:45 (ASM) AZ U:7:3 (ASM) Goodwin-Sayles Site 1 Goodwin-Sayles Site 10 Goodwin-Sayles Site 11 Goodwin-Sayles Site 2 Goodwin-Sayles Site 3 Goodwin-Sayles Site 4 Goodwin-Sayles Site 5 Goodwin-Sayles Site 6 Goodwin-Sayles Site 7 Goodwin-Sayles Site 8 Goodwin-Sayles Site 9 Jackson Ranch Ruin MOCA 88A-10 (WACC-NPS) NA10,025 (MNA) NA1275 (MNA) NA25,345 (MNA) NA4642 (MNA) NA6285 (MNA) Olson site 1 Peck site 17 Peck site 18 Skeleton Cave Massacre site Thoeny site Verde:11:10 (GP) Verde:11:9 (GP) Verde:15:32 (GP) Verde:15:33 (GP) Verde:5:43 (GP) Verde:5:44 (GP) Show More

Site Type
Agricultural Field or Field Feature Agricultural or Herding Archaeological Feature Artifact Scatter Brush Structure Cave Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex Domestic Structures Encampment Midden Pit House / Earth Lodge Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Rock Alignment Rock Shelter Settlements Trash Midden

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1583 to 1937

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.845; min lat: 33.804 ; max long: -111.591; max lat: 34.082 ;

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
vol-4_chp-07_pgs-215-280.pdf 12.07mb Feb 10, 2011 1:05:13 PM Public