Arizona Public Service Company
No description specified.
Institution Members
1-27 (27 Records)
- An Application for Certificate of Environmental Compatibility - Proposed Transmission Line from Pinnacle Peak to Sunnyslope. (1972)
- APS / SDG&E Interconnection Project Transmission System Environmental Study (1980)
- Archaeological Data Recovery at Locus S of AZ U:15:46(ASM) Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
- Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, BLM and Private Land, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Waste Water Conveyance System (1977)
- An Archaeological Resurvey of the Area Between Towers 96 and 123 on the Proposed Cholla-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line (Arizona Public Service) Crossing the Apache Sitgreaves and Tonto National Forests, Arizona (1977)
- Archaeological Site Inventory for Antiquities Located On Bureau of Land Management Land During Archaeological Clearance Investigations For the Arizona Public Service Company Southern Transmission System Power Line (1973)
- Archaeology at Alkali Ruin (2003)
- Archaeology of the Four Corners Power Projects (1963)
- Arizona Public Service Company, Pinnacle Peak to Ocotillo 230 kV Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1984)
- An Assessment of Cultural Resources for the Proposed APS Kyrene EHV Transmission Line Project (1980)
- The Beeline Archaeological Project (1990)
- Cholla Project Archaeology, Volume 1, Introduction and Special Studies (1982)
- Cholla Project Archaeology, Volume 2, The Chevelon Region (1982)
- Cholla Project Archaeology, Volume 3, The Q Ranch Region (1982)
- Cholla Project Archaeology, Volume 4, The Tonto-Roosevelt Region (1982)
- A Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Pinnacle Peak Substation Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
- A Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Southwest Valley 500kV Transmission Line Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- Cultural Resources Inventory of Three Routes Crossing BLM and Private Lands to Access the Proposed APS Second Knolls Substation, Navajo County, Arizona (2007)
- A Cultural Resources Survey of 61.22 Miles (371.03 Acres) of Federal and State Land for the Arizona Public Service M-001 (Deer Valley to Sycamore) 69-kV Transmission Line in Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona (2013)
- A Cultural Resources Survey on Federal and State Land of 0.23 Mile (1.39 Acres) of the Arizona Public Service M-101 (Agua Fria–Waddell) 69-kV Transmission Line, 4.75 Miles (28.78 Acres) of the M-104 (Agua Fria–Westwing) 69-kV Transmission Line, and 2.26 Miles (41.09 Acres) of the 230-13 (El Sol–Westwing) 230-kV Transmission Line in Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Draft: Treatment and Work Plan for Archaeological Investigations and Monitoring at Eight Sites Along the Southwest Valley 500 kV Transmission Line Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (2002)
- An Environmental Statement of A Proposal to Construct Two 500 kV Powerlines Across National Forest Land by the Arizona Public Service Company (1971)
- Final Report: the Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Transmission Line To the John Rose House, Located On the Coconino National Forest Sedona District (1977)
- Historic Pima Occupation and Land Use on the Mesa Terrace of the Salt River Valley, Arizona: Introduction to the Beeline Highway Archaeological Project (1987)
- Navajo Generation Station at Page, Arizona, Preliminary Report (1969)
- The Navajo Project: Archaeological Investigations, Page to Phoenix 500 kV Southern Transmission Line (1980)
- West of the Maricopa Mountains: A Cultural Resources Inventory in Support of the Proposed Gila River Transmission Project (2001)