Western Europe (Geographic Keyword)

1-25 (352 Records)

The 1839 Parker Academy: On the Frontier of Transformative Resistance and Social Justice (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peggy Brunache. Sharyn Jones.

The Parker Academy, founded in 1839 in southern Ohio, was the first secondary school in the country to house multiracial, coeducational classrooms. Furthermore, several primary sources suggest it was also a participatory component of the Underground Railroad network. This paper highlights our findings of recent excavations and continuing archival research to explore how the school was a site of everyday resistance under a framework of transformative change through education for a multi-racial...

3D Laser Scanning for the digital reconstruction and analysis of a 16th Century clinker built sailing vessel (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Pat T Tanner.

 Using the Drogheda boat scaled physical model as a starting point, the following paper discusses a methodology that has been created to develop and analyse the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic characteristics of a reconstructed hull form. The physical boat model was 3D laser scanned and virtually modelled using commercially available CAD modelling software. Using boatbuilding experience, the recorded model is then "repaired", rebuilding the entire vessel, including recreating any missing...

3D Modelling and Interactive Mapping of Historic Shipwreck Sites (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael J Postons.

Recent developments in technology have made the process of recording terrestrial archaeological sites a much more digital affair.  The same can now be said for underwater historical sites such as shipwrecks.  This paper will explore through a number of UK and US projects carried out during 2012, showing how shipwrecks can be mapped and modelled in 3D, the process involved, and the exciting public outreach formats that can be created.  From web based interactive 3D shipwreck tours, to game-engine...

The A7 Project - An investigation of HM Submarine A7 (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Peter Holt.

January 2014 was the 100th anniversary of the loss of the Royal Navy submarine A7, sunk during a training exercise off Plymouth, England.  All contemporary salvage attempts failed and the submarine was abandoned on the seabed and forgotten, but the wreck was rediscovered by sports divers in 1981.  In 2001, problems with sports divers removing parts of the submarine prompted the UK Ministry of Defence to designate the site under the Protection of Military Remains Act and all diving was banned. In...

Abandoned Rural Settlements and Landscape Transformations in the Early Modern and Modern Period: Innovative Methodological Approaches of Historical Archaeology within a Central European Context (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lukáš Holata. Michal Preusz.

Settlement and landscape transformations in Central Europe during the Early Modern/Modern period were beyond interest until 1990s and, ironically, remain insufficiently recognised despite better preservation of sites, larger collections of artefacts and broader data sources. Nevertheless, complexity of sites, often with extensive destructions, and a requirement of integration very variable data sources (especially a combination with written evidence and historical maps is significant) generate a...

Advanced Digital Modelling of the Newport Medieval Ship (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Toby N. Jones. Nigel Nayling. Pat Tanner.

Since its discovery in 2002, the remains of the mid 15th century clinker built Newport Medieval Ship have been excavated, cleaned, documented, modelled and are now midway through PEG and freeze-drying conservation treatment. Digital documentation methods, including laser scanning and contact digitising were used extensively. The manufacture and assembly of a 1:10 scale physical model of the vessel remains has provided both construction sequence information and a suitable foundation from which to...

Advancing The Study Of Cultural Frontiers In Post-Medieval Ireland – Native Innovation In The Face Of Colonial Power (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul J Logue.

Historical archaeology in the north of Ireland offers much to the global debate on identity and cultural interaction. There, social order in the post-medieval period has been portrayed as representing a culturally isolated conservative society: a point of contrast with ‘civilised’ Europe. North Irish elites are traditionally believed to have used earth and timber indigenous sites as alternatives to a supposedly more mainstream European architectural lexicon. Recent studies challenge this...

All change down on the allotment: York’s allotment gardens and urban transition (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ross J Wilson.

This paper assesses the development of the allotment gardens in the northern English city of York to demonstrate the processes of urban transition on a scale and on sites which are often overlooked in studies of city life. From the pressures of political reform, social change and environmental concerns, the allotment gardens in the city reflect local, national and international concerns from their origins in the early twentieth century to the present day. Through an assessment of archival...

Analysis Of Artefacts From The Portuguese Nau Esmeralda (1503) (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David Parham. David L Mearns.

Following the recent discovery and identification of the wreck site of two Portuguese naus from Vasco da Gama’s second voyage to India lost in 1503 off the coast of Al Hallaniyah Island, Oman, a series of scientific analyses were conducted to better understand the origin, manufacture and use of certain types of the recovered artefacts.  The artefacts studied include stone shot, composite lead/iron shot, breech powder chambers, coins and a rare copper-alloy disc that has the appearance of an...

Anarchy in the UK (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lorna J Richardson.

This paper will view British public archaeology through the lens of the specifically British experience of politically energetic and aggressive militant working class sub-cultural phenomenon of punk rock, which asked questions about social issues such as unemployment, racism, sexism, identity and militarism, and the contradictions inherent within a Punk Public Archaeology approach in the UK. It will situate the DIY aesthetic of British Punk Public Archaeology as a cultural expression within a...

Anchors Through History: The Case of Lagos, Portugal. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joana Isabel Palma Baço.

Historical archaeology research has proven that Lagos bay was a mercantile hub for more than two millennia, with maritime traffic reaching as far as Northern Europe, Mediterranean, Northern Africa, and Egypt. Fishing activity in the bay, is even more ancient than maritime traffic. Our study has located and research a large collection of anchors related to this maritime activity in Lagos. We intend to present a series of typologies, including previously unknown examples and show how these...

Animals and Humans in Post-medieval York: A View From Hungate (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Clare E Rainsford.

Excavations at Hungate, in the centre of the city of York, have yielded a substantial assemblage of faunal bone, of which a significant proportion derives from a time period from the 16th century through to the early years of the 20th century. Reworking and residuality of bone pose a significant problem at Hungate, owing to the large quantities of underlying medieval faunal material. This paper will demonstrate that a combination of zooarchaeological, taphonomic and historical approaches provide...

Animals, science and empire: London’s animals as scientific objects (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Morris.

Urban environments are places of change and discovery, where complex social and cultural boundaries are expressed and altered. As the transition to an industrial society occurred, with the associated intellectual advances and socio-economic developments, the roles and understanding of animals also changed. The 18th and 19th centuries see the increased exploitation and use of animals in physiological studies as scientific disciplines evolved from natural philosophy. These practices were often...

Approaching Eyri: Photographs, Memos and Ruin Memories  (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Þóra Pétursdóttir.

The use of photography and the meaning of the photograph in our dealings with modern ruins and ruination has been a much discussed topic in workshops, seminars and less formal contexts during the four year life of the Ruin Memories project. This discussion has often been driven by a critique of how photography has come to dominate our approaches, hinting that it may be an "easy way out" – touching the surface of things instead of properly digging them for knowledge. With reference to my work...

Archaeological Investigation of North-Eastern English Responses to the Great Depression (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ronan O'Donnell.

This paper presents preliminary results of the  Landscapes of the Great Depression Project. Both government agencies and private individuals created schemes to create employment or ameliorate the effects of unemployment during the Great Depression and earlier de-industrialisation. Research is being conducted into four such schemes: two private and two public. All were concerned with material features of industrial society, poverty or unemployment and utilised landscape and material culture to...

An Archaeological Investigation Of The Submarine Resurgam (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Garrett. Peter Holt.

The early steam powered submarine Resurgam was designed and built by an eccentric curate from Manchester, England, and was lost in mysterious circumstances off North Wales in 1880.  The submarine was relocated in 1995 and was investigated in 1997 by a mixed team of avocational and professional divers, archaeologists and conservators during the SubMap project.  A summary of the results of this and later investigations is presented along with a new analysis of the Resurgam submarine's...

Archaeological investigations at Brouage (France) : the "Maison Champlain" site (16th-17th centuries) (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alain Champagne.

Established in the mid-16th century, the French Atlantic port city of Brouage is surrounded by salt marshes, which produced a valuable commodity that was exported to northern Europe and formed the basis for the city’s early wealth. However a number of factors contributed to the city’s almost immediate decline, so that by the end of the 19th century Brouage was nothing more than a small village of less than one hundred inhabitants. The principal contributing factors were the gradual silting up of...

The Archaeological Invisibility of the Urban Immigrant: Examples from 19th and early 20th Century Glasgow & Manchester (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael D Nevell.

The 19th century saw the rapid urban expansion of many industrial cities, through inward migration from the surrounding countryside and overseas, and also by natural population growth. Glasgow and Manchester offer excavated examples of large areas of workers' housing with immigrant populations. This paper will look at the archaeological evidence for immigration on these sites, exploring the variety of material culture available. It will review the lack of archaeological evidence for these...

An archaeological light age: On modernity, urbanism and the materiality of light-based technologies. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Hilary Orange.

Artificial light is synonymous with modernity and the industrial age. Light turns night into day, guides our way, and transforms place and material. Despite its centrality within the urban experience, light studies are fragmented across a diverse set of fields including, among others, architecture, history, planning and art. Where historical and contemporary archaeology are concerned, light and light-based technologies have received little attention. In 2015, the International Year of Light...

Archaeological Practice as Science Communication (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leonor Medeiros.

For long archaeology has relied on its inherited connections with pop culture and images of adventure and discovery, but as generations pass archaeology has to make a renewed effort to capture the public’s attention and interest. This situation is not exclusive to archaeology and has resulted in a strong investment in science communication in Europe, but our field has remained quite unrepresented on its developments.  Through my experience as national winner of the science competition Famelab,...

Archaeology and Offshore Development: Advancing our Archaeological Understanding through Collaboration with Industry (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Louise Tizzard.

The last 15 years have seen a massive increase in offshore development around the UK which has provided archaeologists the opportunity to find and examine new sites from areas of seafloor, in deeper waters and further from the coastline than was previously possible.   In particular, collaboration between archaeologists, geologists, engineers and other stakeholders has significantly advanced our understanding of preservation of inundated palaeolandscapes over large areas, and the potential for...

Archaeology of a nautical battle: the investigation of the Italian-French brig Mercurio (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlo Beltrame.

The Mercurio was a brig of the Italian-French fleet that was sunk by an English brig in the north Adriatic Sea in 1812. Underwater investigation of the site has allowed the research team to document a part of the prow and the stern and to recover about 900 finds. What are the goals of the investigation of a military ship from the beginning of the 19th century? Can it add new information to our knowledge of ship construction; of the equipment, crew, and everyday life aboard a military ship of...

An Archaeology of Belonging: A Theory and its Practice in a Colonial Situation (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Melonie R Shier.

An archaeology of belonging explores a new and developing element in the field of archaeology; using elements of attachment to place with landscape identity as a theoretical tool to look at the colonial and diasporic expansion of non-Amerindian populations into the San Emigdio Hills, South Central California. Although the theme of belonging was recently discussed in the International Journal of Historical Archaeology (published 2012) and some archaeologists have worked with attachment to place...

Archaeology of Colonialism: the 17th Century Spanish Colony of Hoping Dao, Taiwan   (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only María Cruz Berrocal. Sandra Montón Subías. Susana Consuegra Rodríguez. Marc Gener Moret.

We will present an overview of our ongoing archaeological project on  Hoping Dao, Taiwan, where, according to the historical written sources, a Spanish colony was founded in 1626. Starting from the local scale, the excavation of the Spanish colonial posts and Taiwanese native settlements, we aim to understand the reasons, mechanisms and long-term consequences (local, regional and global) of the social interaction that gathered together Europeans, Taiwanese native people (themselves extremely...

An archaeology of counter-insurgency: Spanish military trochas and reconcentration camps in Cuba (1895-1898). (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alberto P. Marti.

During the Cuban War for Independence, blockhouses and defensive lines (the so-called trochas) were constructed in order to divide the island into separate sectors that could be gradually 'disinfected' of insurgents. The non-combatant population was removed from rural areas and resettled in a number of fortified towns where they would be 'protected' by Spanish troops. This counter-insurgency tactic led to the indiscriminate confinement of hundred thousands of civilians and is usually referred as...