Cans (Material Keyword)

1-22 (22 Records)

Archaeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Silverking-Kyrene, East End, Transmission Line, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona: Revised Final Report for Archaeological Investigations at the Proposed Tower Assembly Area, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona, A-78-119 (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald K. Yablon.

The Museum of Northern Arizona recently conducted an archaeological clearance survey on a ten acre parcel west of Superior, Arizona. No archaeological sites were recorded. One isolated non-site locus consisting of approximately ten sherds and lithics was located. Archaeological clearance is recommended. The documents include a revised final report and an addendum which contains related correspondence.

Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Coyote Canyon Air Base Defense Training Area, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Trevor Kludt. Allan J. Schilz.

In the period between January and June of 2004, e2M archaeologists relocated, updated, tested, and determined the eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) four sites managed by Kirtland Air Force Base. The four sites tested consist of LA 48098, LA 69739, LA 88116, and LA 134236. Each of the sites had been previously recorded, but further testing was recommended in order to determine eligibility. LA 48098 and LA 88116, were determined by e2M to be potentially eligible to...

An Archaeological Survey of the Westwing Substation Expansion, Maricopa County (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark R. Hackbarth.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) conducted a Class III archaeological survey of the proposed Salt River Project (SRP) Westwing Substation. The survey was conducted under Permit #92-12 issued to Northland; the survey was conducted on 15 April 1992 by Mark Hackbarth. Prior to the survey, an examination of site files maintained by the Arizona State Museum and the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office was conducted. Sites have been recorded from the vicinity of the Westwing Substation, but...

A Cultural Resource Evaluation of the Salt River Project Fence Lake Coal Mine and Transportation Corridor in Catron County, New Mexico (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dennis Gilpin. Richard Anduze.

On August 15 and 16, 1994, Dennis Gilpin and Richard A. Anduze, archaeologists, and Lex Palmer, historical specialist, of SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, evaluated seven previously recorded archaeological sites and attempted to relocate an eighth in the proposed Fence Lake Mine and Railroad Transporation Corridor in Catron County, New Mexico. The project was sponsored by Salt River Project (SRP); the lead federal agency for cultural resources is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Las...

Cultural Resource Survey of 54 Acres for a Proposed Gravel Quarry, Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernaillo County, New Mexico (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John A. Evaskovich. Deni J. Seymour.

Mariah Associates, Inc. completed a Class III Cultural Resource Inventory for a gravel quarry located on Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Ten isolated occurrences and a single archaeological site were recorded. Site LA 48098 was recommended as potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D. Avoidance was recommended. The data potential of the isolated occurrences was considered to have been completely recorded during...

A Cultural Resource Survey Report of 204 Acres along for the Northern Parkway, near El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

MCDOT plans to expand and extend Northern Parkway to be a parkway with grade-separated intersections at major cross streets to eliminate traffic signals and provide a higher-speed, higher-capacity, east-west route in the northwestern portion of the Phoenix metropolitan area where no freeways are planned. The current cultural resources assessment is in support of the Northern Parkway construction project, including geotechnical investigations. Before ground disturbance can begin, pursuant to the...

Cultural Resource Surveys of 6.84 Acres for Sandia National Laboratories, Environmental Restoration, Sitewide Drill Locations Number 1 and 2, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

Cultural resource surveys for approximately 6.84 acres of property situated within Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), Bernalillo County, New Mexico, yielded no significant cultural resources. The area surveyed includes two drill locales with substantial buffer zones and one access road (Location No. 2). The results of this survey concur with a previous Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) cultural resources inventory conducted by the Center for Anthropological Studies (CAS) in 1981 (Franklin and...

Cultural Resources Inventory of Three Routes Crossing BLM and Private Lands to Access the Proposed APS Second Knolls Substation, Navajo County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text EnviroSystems Management, Inc.. Anne Raney.

The project consists of a Class III cultural resources inventory for three possible access routes to the proposed Second Knolls  Substation. Two of the proposed access routes leave State Route (SR) 77 in a westerly direction and follow  section lines  for 2.35 miles, where they split, one heading north under or adjacent to an existing APS  sub-transmission line and one heading north-northwest along the existing Reidhead Road. The third proposed access route follows the northernmost 25 feet of...

Cultural Resources Survey and Review for Sandia National Laboratories, Area I, South of O Street, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

A cultural resources inventory of approximately 432 acres on Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Tech Area I, South of "O" Street, which is located in Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, yielded no prehistoric or historically significant cultural resources. A historic trash dump apparently dumped in the late 1950s and the few existing facilities appear to lack sufficient antiquity to be considered eligible for inclusion to the National Register of Historic Places. An isolated...

Cultural Resources Survey And Review For Sandia National Laboratories, Area III, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

A cultural resources inventory of Tech Area III, an approximately 1,890 acre locale, situated on Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, yielded no prehistoric or historically significant cultural resources. Twenty-three isolated occurrences (IOs) were located within the boundaries of Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)Tech Area III. The IOs consisted of historic trash, historic and/or prehistoric chipped stone items, and prehistoric pot...

Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Peacekeeper Challenge Course, Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John A. Evaskovich. Deni J. Seymour.

The following report summarizes the results of a Cultural Resources Survey of two parcels of land, totaling about 220 acres, for a proposed obstacle course - The Peacekeeper Challenge Course - on Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Cultural remains observed in and near the project area consist of a previously recorded site and a newly discovered site. LA 88087, recorded in 1988, consists of a low density scatter of historic trash probably dating to the 1930s. This...

Cultural Resources Survey of Two Tracts, 20.6 Acres, for Sandia National Laboratories Containment Test Technology Facility Expansion, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven R. Hoagland.

An archaeological survey of approximately 20. 6 acres situated within two tracts of land, yielded no significant cultural resources. A small portion of the northeast corner of Tract One (approx. 0.46 acres) was previously surveyed by the Center of Anthropological Studies (Franklin and Neal 1981). No cultural resources were located within Tract One during this previous inventory. The current inventory resulted in the recordation of nine isolated occurrences (IOs), one in Tract One (IO #1) and...

Draft: Archaeology of the Manzanita Mountains: 2002 Survey of the Eastern Portion of Kirtland Air Force Base and Department of Energy Lands Withdrawn from the US Forest Service, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Gallison. David Wilcox. Roberto Herrera.

From 3 June to 1 November 2002, engineering-environment Management, Inc., (e2M), under contract with Kirtland Air Force Base conducted a Section 110 Cultural Resources Investigation of 6,000 acres of US Forest Service lands withdrawn to Kirtland Air Force Base (4,850 ac) and the Department of Energy (1,150 ac) located in the Manzanita Mountains of New Mexico. There are nine previously recorded sites in the project area. The New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office determined that two of...

Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Charlene Collazzi

Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Little Rock Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Little Rock Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Management Data Form: 5EP.8980 (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James Ramsey. Patrick Brogan. Paul Matchen. Reece Black. Daan Meens. Dante Knapp.

Management Data Form for 5EP.8980

Management Data Form: 5EP.9001 (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Reece Black. Paul Matchen. Patrick Brogan. James Ramsey.

Management Data Form for 5EP.9001

Rockpile Areas and Other Specialized Activity Sites on the Gila River Terrace: An Appraisal of Hohokam Auxiliary Agricultural Strategies near Florence, Arizona (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rein Vanderpot.

This report presents the results of an archaeological survey of an 150-acre parcel for a proposed Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) facility near Florence, Arizona, and a testing program at AZ U:15:171, a site found within this parcel during preliminary survey. The project area is located on a slightly sloping alluvial terrace between 1 and 2 km north of the Gila River. Numerous minor drainages dissect this terrace environment, creating a system of irregularly shaped low ridges....

Site Form for 3PU0425 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rolando L. Garza.

Site form for Site 3PU0425. Site 3PU425 is a possible historic homestead found on top of a ridge top/terrace. The site may date to the 1930s and 1950s. Four features were observed at the site. Due to extensive disturbance it is considered ineligible for inclusion to the NRHP.

Site Form for 3PU0430 (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gary L. Shaw.

Site form for Site 3PU0430. Site 3PU0430 appears to be a historic residence, possibly dating back to the 1940s to the 1950s and probably associated with the community of Macon, AR which is presently 200-300 m north of the site. The site area has been so extensively disturbed by bulldozing that it is considered ineligible for inclusion into the NRHP.

Site Testing of Six Historic Sites, Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard D. Holmes. Toni R. Goar.

TRC Mariah Associates Inc. completed site testing at six historic archaeological sites on Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. This project was requested by Ms. Chris Tuttle, Cultural Resources Liaison, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The sites are: LA 48101, LA 48102, LA 88113, LA 101250, LA 103167, and LA 107497. Central goals for the project were determining the nature and extent of cultural remains and evaluating them in terms of the historic contexts and research...

Tracks through Time: Urban Archaeology along the METRO Light Rail Corridor, Volume IV, Part 1: Technical Analyses and Material Culture (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...