A Cultural Resource Survey Report of 204 Acres along for the Northern Parkway, near El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona

Editor(s): Linda Schilling; Thomas E. Jones

Year: 2012


MCDOT plans to expand and extend Northern Parkway to be a parkway with grade-separated intersections at major cross streets to eliminate traffic signals and provide a higher-speed, higher-capacity, east-west route in the northwestern portion of the Phoenix metropolitan area where no freeways are planned. The current cultural resources assessment is in support of the Northern Parkway construction project, including geotechnical investigations. Before ground disturbance can begin, pursuant to the stipulations set forth in the project Programmatic Agreement (PA), a cultural resource assessment needs to take place to identify and evaluate any cultural resources that might be present within the project’s area of potential effects (APE). At the request of Mr. Robin Shishido of Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. (Parsons), Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the APE to provide an inventory and assessment of cultural resources that might be affected by the proposed undertaking.

The fieldwork was conducted by Linda Schilling, Emily Higgins, and Tol Cherry on August 8 and 9, 2012. The parcel was systematically examined via parallel pedestrian transects spaced not more than 20 m apart. The ground was closely examined for isolated artifacts, artifact scatters, trash dumps, rock alignments, ash, stained soil, or other indications of cultural activity. GPS data for the surveyed area was collected with a Trimble GeoXH handheld receiver capable of sub-meter horizontal accuracy. Portions of the project APE have been developed and landscaped or disturbed for extensive aggregate mining activities along the Agua Fria River. Because these disturbances across portions of the APE suggested little or no likelihood of encountering surface cultural deposits, these areas were documented by Class II reconnaissance survey; less disturbed areas were documented at the Class III intensive survey level.

Cite this Record

A Cultural Resource Survey Report of 204 Acres along for the Northern Parkway, near El Mirage, Maricopa County, Arizona. Linda Schilling, Thomas E. Jones. 2012 ( tDAR id: 445571) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8445571

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.357; min lat: 33.542 ; max long: -112.271; max lat: 33.561 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Robert J. Stokes; Emily Higgins; Tol Cherry

Project Director(s): Linda Schilling

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.

Submitted To(s): Maricopa County Department of Transportation

Record Identifiers

MCDOT Project No.(s): TT347

Accession No. (s): 2012-0516

ACS Project No.(s): 11-263-CSUR

ASM Blanket Permit(s): 2012-008bl

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11_263_Northern_Pkwy_report_OCR_PDFA.pdf 28.23mb Sep 12, 2012 May 10, 2018 1:35:39 PM Confidential
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