Quartzite (Material Keyword)

51-75 (175 Records)

Archaeological Testing at the Sites AZ U:9:134 (ASM) and AZ U:9:67 (ASM), Phoenix, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell.

Archaeological testing was conducted in east-central Phoenix, Arizona. Test trenches were systematically excavated at both schools to identify the presence and distribution of subsurface features. Seven features were identified and a site number was assigned to this area, AZ U:9:134 (ASM). This site roughly corresponds with the location of a map that was created in the early part of this century. The features included a roasting pit, an ash stain with sherds, two large pits or middens, two ash...

Archaeological Testing for the Rio del Rey Unit 2 Salt River Project Irrigation Exchange Parcel, Pueblo Del Alamo–AZ T:12:52 (ASM), Maricopa County, Arizona (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald F. Ryden. Michael S. Foster.

This report presents the results of archaeological testing of a strip of land. The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the Highland Ranch Construction Co., LLC propose the exchange of land that measures 1,607 feet (490 m) long and 29 feet (9 m) wide. The project parcel is in the proximity of Pueblo del Alamo-AZ T:12:52 (ASM), a prehistoric Hohokam site. Cultural remains associated with the site were observed in the parcel. The testing was done at the request of Highland Ranch Construction Co. to...

Archaeological Testing in a Portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:10 [PG]) in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cara Bellavia. Ronald F. Ryden. Douglas R. Mitchell.

This document presents the results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Germann Site (AZ U:10:10 [PG]). The project proponent, North Valley Corp Center, LLC, is planning to develop this parcel. SWCA conducted an archaeological survey of the property in June 2006 (Bellavia and Mitchell 2006a). An approximately 53.7-acre area within site AZ U:10:10 (PG), including a 200 foot buffer off of the site boundary, is located on the property of North Valley Corp Center, LLC. SWCA conducted...

Archaeological Testing of a Portion of AZ T:12:203 (ASM) in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael S. Foster.

Seefried Properties is proposing the development of approximately 20 acres called the Buckeye 71 Corporate Center. A portion—approximately 4 acres—of a prehistoric Hohokam site, AZ T:12:203 (ASM), extends into the property. The site was recorded as a prehistoric artifact scatter with ceramics, flaked stone, and ground stone with a light scatter of Historic period Euroamerican materials. SWCA was contracted to complete archaeological testing of AZ T:12:203 (ASM) within the project area to assist...

Archaeological Testing of Four Sites on Haigler Creek near Young, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chris North. Grant Fahrni.

AR-03-12-01-237 is a historic to modern site thought by locals to be the location of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp related to construction of the Chamberlain Trail. Work conducted during this testing program revealed that the site is related to early twentieth century ranching. Since the 1950s or 1960s, this area has been a favored recreational camping spot—a function that continues to this day. No evidence of a CCC camp was identified at AR-03-12-01-237 and archival research places...

Archaeological Testing of Site AZ EE:9:91, Patagonia Lake State Park, South-Central Arizona (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kurt Dongoske.

On June 8 and 9, 1981, Richard Ervin, Annick George, and Kurt Dongoske of the Arizona State Museum, Cultural Resource Management Section, conducted archaeological testing at AZ EE:9:91 (ASH). This work was done under contract with the Arizona State Parks (P.O. #S-81-02). Testing of AZ EE:9:91 was carried out to better determine the nature and extent of the site, and to aid in determining what impacts proposed campground development might have upon the site. The site is at an elevation of...

Archaeological Testing Report for Roy P. Drachman Agua Caliente Park: The Whiptail Site and Agua Caliente Ranch Site, Pima County, Arizona (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kevin D. Wellman. Mark Slaughter.

From March 8 to March 23, 1995, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological testing at the Roy P. Drachman Agua Calicnte County Park. The test excavations were conducted at the request of The Pima County Public Works Department in conformance with The testing Plan (SWCA 1995) was developed in response to Work at the park was based on a testing plan submitted by SWCA and on modifications made at the request of Linda Mayro, the Pima County Public Works Department Archaeologist...

Archaeology at Estrella Mountain Ranch: Prehistoric and Historic Settlement in the Foothills of the Sierra Estella Mountains (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This report presents the results of archaeological survey, testing and data recovery investigations conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, near Goodyear, Arizona. The project area includes over 11,000 acres that is part of a residential development. In order to develop the area, the property owners were required to obtain a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to comply with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Corps is the lead federal agency for this project since...

Archaeology at the Gillespie Dam Site: Data Recovery Investigations for the Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Alaina Harmon

In this report, the results of data recovery efforts conducted for the Palo Verde to Pinal West transmission line project at the Gillespie Dam site, AZ T:13:18 (ASM), in the Gila Bend area of the Gila River are presented. The site is a prehistoric Hohokam-Patayan settlement with an overlay of Historic era material. Fieldwork primarily occurred within the construction staging area of a transmission tower. Although covering less than an acre, the staging area contained surprising numbers of...

The Archaeology of Alamo Lake, Arizona: A Cultural Resources Sample Survey (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David A. Gregory.

During July and August of 1987, Statistical Research conducted a cultural resources survey of approximately 2400, acres, located in and around Alamo Dam and Reservoir and within the property administered by the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. During the survey.,44 archaeological sites and eight isolated, non-site occurrences of cultural materials were discovered and recorded. Other environmental data relevant to the interpretation of cultural resources within the study area...

The ASU Fall Field School at Site AZ U:9:14 (ASM), The 1995 Season (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glen Rice.

This is a report on archaeological field investigations conducted in 1994 and 1995 at a Classic period Hohokam compound located in the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community of Arizona. The work was performed at the southern locus of site AZ U:9:14 (ASM) under the direction of Glen Rice as part of a course in archaeological field methods taught in the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University (course number ASB 231 for undergraduates and ASB 532 for graduate...

AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) Arizona Site Steward File (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Welch. John H. Madsen.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of depressions, a pit house (alternatively described as a room block in various documents), artifact scatter, trash deposits, and a burial ground. The file consists of a Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form and five maps of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1986.

AZ F:14:47 Arizona Site Steward File (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gilman. Dixon. McDonald. Curriden.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for AZ F:14:47, comprised of lithic scatter, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated document is from 1977.

AZ F:16:15 (ASM) Arizona Site Steward File (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A. Ferg. L. C. Hammack.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the site AZ F:16:15 (ASM), located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated document is from 1977.

The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory R. Seymour. Mark Slaughter. WIlliam L. Deaver. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom.

This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard V. Ahlstrom. James E. Bradford.

The initial Phase I investigation for the Salt River Project 1978 Power Plant Study has been completed. This report presents that data which was collected during library research and actual field reconnaissance and is intended to offer a background on the archaeological and ethno-historical resource base of the two proposed areas being considered for plant site and wellfield location. A discussion of the possible impacts with alternatives to these is also included. The report includes...

The Beeline Archaeological Project (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland. Scott Fedick.

The Salt River Project (SRP) and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) constructed three transmission lines along a portion of the Beeline Highway on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). SRP proposed to build a new line that connects the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Buttes substations. At the same time, APS proposed to realign two existing transmission lines and move them out of the Salt River channel and onto the north terrace above the river. Prior to construction,...

Boundary Delineation and Limited Testing of Several Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kim Adams.

Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted survey of 200 acres and limited testing of cultural resources on Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community (FMIC) land at the request of Mr. Jon Czaplicki of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). The work was performed to define the boundaries of archaeological sites to be avoided by agricultural development. Eight sites were slated for preservation; however, only seven sites were relocated and flagged, and two new sites were...

CA-SBA-576: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-576 (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich

This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-576. This record consists of 2 recordation events.

CA-SBA-594: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-594 (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich

This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-594. This record consists of 9 recordation events.

CA-SBA-611: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-611 (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich

This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-611. This record consists of 2 recordation events.

CA-SBA-728: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-728 (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jessica Kekich

This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-728. This record consists of 5 recordation events.

Canoa Ranch Arizona Site Steward File (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ann Marie Wolf. E. Huber. M. C. Thurtle. R. P. Jones.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Canoa Ranch group of 11 archaeological sites located on Pima County land. The sites are comprised of habitation areas; agricultural features, including rock alignments to mark fields and control water flow; and lithic and sherd scatter. One historic surveyor's cairn is found within the area. The file consists of an Arizona Site Steward Program OPS form and 11 Arizona State Museum archaeological site cards.

Cellar Creek Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text D. Peterson. Ron Lee. Rick Ahlstrom. J. S. Wood. Ronald J. Ice.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Cellar Creek Ruin, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of a 100 or more room structure (described as a caserón, compound, or pueblo) with defensive walls and a maze entry, accompanied by artifact scatter and at least one cemetery. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, two types of site data form, maps of the site, an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form, and a cultural resources preliminary inventory...

The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations: A Description of Lithic Collections from the Railroad and Transmission Line Corridors (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia Berry.

During 1974-1978, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an extensive archaeological mitigation program for the Salt River Project prior to the construction of the Coronado Generating Plant near St. Johns, Arizona, and its energy corridors, the Coronado-Silver King Transmission Line and the Coronado Coal Haul Railroad. Lithic material from those corridors was separated from remaining project data and is reported herein. Objectives of this study are identification and description of all lithic...