Ball Court (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

An unroofed structure associated with the playing of the Mesoamerican ball game, found in the American southwest and parts of Mesoamerica.

1,001-1,025 (1,267 Records)

A Proposal to Conduct Archaeological Excavations at the "Bead Maker's" Shell Midden, Site OSS 73, Ossabaw Island, Georgia (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles E. Pearson. David Collin Crass.

This document represents a proposal submitted to the Ossabaw Island Foundation to conduct archaeological excavations at a small, Irene phase shell midden located at site OSS 73 on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Test excavations conducted at the midden in 1974 by Charles Pearson (Pearson 1974; 1979) produced a variety of cultural materials, including ceramics, bone, charred wood and other items typical of late prehistoric shell middens in the region. In addition, this ...

Proposed Gas Pipeline Was Surveyed for Cultural Resources. One Isolated Find Was Recorded and One Previously Recorded Site Reevaluated (1985)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul R. Nickens. Gordon C. Tucker, Jr..

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Proposed Mead to Phoenix 500kV DC Transmission Line Project: Appendix D: Eastwing Substation and Westwing Substation Expansion: Archaeological Surveys (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald R. Keller. Donald E. Weaver, Jr..

Two proposed substation site alternatives along the Agua Fria River were surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in December 1982. One small previously recorded potsherd concentration and a number of isolated artifacts were located within the Westwing area. An extensive Hohokam site was located within the Eastwing parcel, along with a segment of the historic Marinette Heading Canal. The Westwing substation alternative is strongly recommended in preference to the...

Proposed pit inside Great House (1962)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charles Steen. Gordon. Vivian. L.R. Caywood.

This document is regarding a proposed 12 foot deep pit to be dug in the center room of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. It is a series of communications regarding the risks vs the rewards of this proposed project. The communications are between the park archaeologist and the regional archaeologist and the document includes a construction project proposal.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Caitlin A. Clark. Linda Scott Cummings.

Lacanjá Tzeltal is a Classic Period Maya site located in Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico. A cache containing artifacts was recovered beneath a large limestone altar, situated in the center of a ballcourt (Andrew Scherer, personal communication, November 29, 2019). One chert spear point and two obsidian blades from the cache were submitted for protein residue (CIEP) analysis to determine if the tools were used on plants or animals prior to being deposited in the cache.

Proyecto Laguna Costera Catalógo ● Muestras de Cerámica (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher von Nagy.

Catalog of ceramic type collections on file with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). This is part of the Proyecto Laguna Costera document set.

Public Architecture in the Greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Table of sites in the greater Cibola region (ca. AD 1000-1400) with public architectural features. This table also provides information on the specific form of those public architectural features. The data are confidential as they include site locations. These data accompany Chapter 8 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Public Outreach Booklet - Rocks Telling Stories: Rock Art in New Mexico's Guadalupe Mountains / Carlsbad Region (2019)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Myles Miller

Public outreach and education booklet describing the results of documentation and interpretation of 21 prehistoric and historic rock art sites in southeastern New Mexico

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)) Soil Systems, Inc. Master Provenience Table: Projects, Unit Numbers, and Feature Numbers (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Soil Systems, Inc..

This document contains two tables that serve as a guide to the archaeological projects conducted at Pueblo Grande from 1990 to 2008. The tables contain information on the post-Hohokam Expressway projects from SSI's Pueblo Grande Cultural Park Testing project to ACS' Lightrail Preconstruction project. The Master Provenance Table lists project names and numbers, the unit number(s) for each project, the provenience designation (PD) numbers used during each project, and the feature numbers used...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Project
PROJECT City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department. Cory Dale Breternitz. Michael Foster.

During July 1994, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted an archaeological data recovery project at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM). The project area was immediately west and north of the original Pueblo Grande museum building. The data recovery project carried out by SSI was conducted under contract to the City of Phoenix and was associated with the expansion of the museum facilities at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park, which are administered by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data (1994)
DATASET Heidi Moore. Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Faunal (FAUNAL) data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's additional recovery work in Unit 8 of Pueblo Grande. The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides the feature number and...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1994)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery Field Specimen data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during this investigation (SSI Project No. 94-11) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable), and Vessel ID (if applicable)...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Flotation (FLOTATION) Data (1994)
DATASET JoAnne Miller. Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery flotation data sheet provides data on botanical remains that were recovered from flotation samples (or other environmental samples) during the project. It presents the taxon of remains, the condition and completeness, and the weight and volume. The data set also offers data on the samples from which the remains were recovered. Please the Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery final report ( for a...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1994)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project (SSI Project No. 94-11). It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the PG Museum Expansion data recovery effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. Please see the Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery final report ( for a full discussion of all excavated...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Rough Sort Ceramic (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1994)
DATASET David Abbott. Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the PG Museum Expansion data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens. Please see the Pueblo Grande Museum Data Recovery Project final...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 08, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI PG Museum Expansion Data Recovery, Rough Sort Lithic (RS_LITHICS) Data (1994)
DATASET Lorrie Lincoln-Babb. Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery project rough sort lithic data set presents basic information on the chipped and ground stone artifacts recovered during this investigation. It provides information about the artifact type, the lithic raw material type, and the lithic condition (whole or fragmentary) for sets of lithic artifacts.

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery
PROJECT Cory D. Breternitz. Banks L. Leonard.

Between 4 and 28 April, 1997, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists completed archaeological test excavations (SSI Project No. 97-02) in an 8.42-ac (34.07 ha) area (Unit 11) northeast of the corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Arizona for the DMB Corporation. Based on previous research, the parcel lies along the north edge of the large Hohokam urban site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM], see Bostwick and Downum 1994a; Downum and Bostwick 1993; Breternitz 1994). Because archaeological...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin. David Abbott.

The DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the DMB testing and data recovery project (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements when possible.

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The DMB Testing and Data Recovery: Faunal (FAUNAL) Data sheet contains data on the faunal remains recovered during SSI's testing and data recovery projects (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. The data set lists the provenience designation (PD) and Field Specimen (FS) number of the remains (Note that it is essential that the PD and FS remain associated to identify a given faunal specimen). If the specimen was recovered from an identified feature, the data set also provides the...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The DMB Property Field Specimen Data sheet contains basic data on the artifacts recovered during this project's testing and data recovery efforts at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It presents data by artifact type for each PD unit (and associated feature). It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande DMB Testing and Data Recovery Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during this testing and data recovery project (SSI Project No. 97-02) at Pueblo Grande, Unit 11. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the DMB property testing and data recovery project. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: Kitchell Development Testing Project
PROJECT Cory D. Breternitz. Banks L. Leonard.

Pueblo Grande Unit 12 (Gateway Lot 4 at the southeastern corner of Gateway Blvd and 44th Streets) is a 3.8 ac parcel that was scheduled for commercial development in 1997. The parcel is located less than 300 ft (91 m) northeast of Unit 7 of the prehistoric site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), where archaeological features including burials had been encountered (Breternitz et al. 1990). Because of its proximity, there was a likelihood that archaeological remains including burials would also be...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: SSI Kitchell Testing, Photography Log (PHOTO) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, 48th and Washington; Kitchell Testing: Photography Log (PHOTO) Data sheet contains basic information about the photographs taken during the testing phase of the Kitchell project at Pueblo Grande. The data set may be used to locate photographs for additional research. The Kitchell Testing photographs are curated at the See Archaeological Testing at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation, Washington...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets: SSI Kitchell Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Kitchell Testing Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during a preliminary testing phase of a parcel of land owned by the Kitchell Development Co. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the Kitchell testing program. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. Subsequently, SSI conducted additional testing and full data recovery at a nearby parcel (Unit 15) for the Kitchell Development Co. and the Lauth...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 13, NE Corner of Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI AZ Federal Credit Union Testing, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The AZ Federal Credit Union project Field Specimen (FS) Data sheet contains basic artifact data for the cultural material recovered in each PD unit. It lists the PD number, the specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). Please note that a combination of a PD number AND FS number is necessary to identify an artifact specimen. The table then provides data on artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic...