Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery


Between 4 and 28 April, 1997, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists completed archaeological test excavations (SSI Project No. 97-02) in an 8.42-ac (34.07 ha) area (Unit 11) northeast of the corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Arizona for the DMB Corporation. Based on previous research, the parcel lies along the north edge of the large Hohokam urban site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM], see Bostwick and Downum 1994a; Downum and Bostwick 1993; Breternitz 1994). Because archaeological remains were known to exist immediately west, east, and south of the parcel (Breternitz et al 1990; Hackbarth et al 1993; Leonard 1998; Kwiatkowski 1996), it was considered probable that the parcel would also contain archaeological remains. Therefore, a program of test excavations was implemented to facilitate compliance within A.R.S. 41-865 for the protection of human remains and funerary items.

The test excavations encountered intact prehistoric cultural remains in the south part of the parcel, including structures, midden deposits, borrow pits, extramural features, burials, and a cremation. Sixty-four possible or definite prehistoric features were identified during testing. The test excavations also demonstrated that prehistoric remains were entirely absent in the north part of the test area and were scarce in the central part of the test area. Furthermore, all definite evidence of mortuary features was located in the south-central and southwest parts of the parcel.

During an on-site consultation held 6 May, 1997, it was decided that all prehistoric cultural remains be investigated in the south-central and southwest areas and that any and all mortuary features be completely excavated. The human remains and associated funerary items would then be removed for reburial elsewhere by SRPMIC, thereby ensuring that the actions of all parties including future landowners would be in compliance with A.R.S. 41-865.

From 7 May to 3 July, 1997, SSI conducted a data recovery project in the identified area. The data recovery effort was also conducted as SSI Project No. 97-02. SSI archaeologists completed the agreed excavations within the parcel.

Approximately nine months after fieldwork was completed at the DMB parcel, DMB began installing utility lines (in Unit 13 of Pueblo Grande) to service buildings planned for construction on the former DMB parcel (see http://core.tdar.org/project/372324). These lines extended along the south part of the east margin of the parcel and then extended westward from near the southwest corner of the parcel, thereby crossing an area with intact archaeological remains located on other properties (see Hulen et al 1987; Leonard 1998). Because the installations were related to development of the original DMB parcel, SSI undertook archaeological monitoring. This additional monitoring work was conducted as SSI Project No. 98-02. During March and Aprill, 1998, 32 additional prehistoric features, including two inhumations, were encountered in these installations. The features were documented and the burials were excavated for repatriation and reburial elsewhere. However, all the features encountered in these installations were part of a different burial and habitation complex than those features recorded in the 1997 fieldwork. The results of the original data recovery and the subsequent monitoring are presented in the same report, but are discussed separately.

Cite this Record

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: Soil Systems, Inc. DMB Property Testing and Data Recovery. ( tDAR id: 366734) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8V40WNC

Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.002; min lat: 33.436 ; max long: -111.963; max lat: 33.466 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Principal Investigator(s): Cory D. Breternitz

Project Director(s): Banks L. Leonard

Record Identifiers

Soil Systems Project No.(s): 97-02


General Note: Please note that SSI recorded the Pueblo Grande number as AZ U:9:7(ASM), which is the designation for a portion of Pueblo Grande. The correct number for the site as a whole is AZ U:9:1(ASM).

This Resource is Part of the Following User Created Collections

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-10 of 10)


  1. Archaeological Testing And Burial Removal Of Unit 11 At Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM), DMB Property, 44th And Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1998)


  1. Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1997)
  2. Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data (1997)
  3. Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1997)
  4. Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
  5. Soil Systems, Inc. Cremation Summaries for the DMB/Pueblo Grande Project (1997)
  6. Soil Systems, Inc. Inhumation Summaries for the DMB/Pueblo Grande Project (1997)
  7. Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande DMB BG19 paleopathology & demography dataset (1997)
  8. Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande DMB BG25 Demography & Paleopathology dataset (2011)
  9. Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande DMB Unknown BG demography & paleopathology dataset (2011)