Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ T:4:150(ASM), a Multicomponent Rockshelter at Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Yavapai County, Arizona

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  • Phase 2 Data Recovery Investigations at AZ T:4:150(ASM), A Multicomponent Rockshelter: Select Photos (2010)
    IMAGE Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    ACS conducted Phase 2 data recovery at the Lake Pleasant Rockshelter site (AZ T:4:150[ASM]) in 2010 at the request of the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office. The proposed work plan for Phase 2 (Pinter et al. 2009) was accepted by Reclamation, and was implemented in two sessions due to inclement weather and rising lake levels. The first session occurred in January 2010, followed by a hiatus to allow the lake level to drop and the weather to cool; the second and final session occurred in...

  • Phase 2 Data Recovery at AZ T:4:150(ASM), a Multicomponent Rockshelter at Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Yavapai County, Arizona
    PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

    In 2008, at the request of the Bureau of Reclamation–Phoenix Area Office (PXAO), Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted Phase 1 cultural resource assessments and investigations at AZ T:4:150(ASM), a multicomponent rockshelter site in Lake Pleasant Regional Park. These investigations confirmed that the site held the potential to yield important information about the Prehistoric, Protohistoric, and Historic period occupations of the Lake Pleasant area. Please see...