Society for American Archaeology 81st Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL (2016)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2016 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 81st Annual Meeting was held in Orlando, Florida from April 6-10, 2016.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,701-1,800 of 2,537)

  • Documents (2,537)

  1. Out of sight and out of mind? The non-funerary burial of objects in early Southeast China (2016)
  2. Over the Hills: Decline and Abandonment of the Bolonchén District (2016)
  3. Overtaking the Past: Addressing Modern Site Destruction in the Moche Valley (2016)
  4. An Overview of Technological Changes in the Pottery of the Early Holocene Shangshan Culture, Zhejiang Province, China (2016)
  5. An Overview of the Distribution of Clovis/Great Basin Concave Base Projectile Point Sites at Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California (2016)
  6. An Overview of the Stratigraphy at Witz Naab and Killer Bee, the Remnants of Salt Making Mounds, Paynes Creek National Park, Belize (2016)
  7. Oyster Mariculture on Florida’s Northern Gulf Coast: The Intensification of a Ritual Economy (2016)
  8. Painted Media among the Late Classic Maya (2016)
  9. Painting and Firing Technology in the Late Bronze Age Saronic Gulf: A study of ceramic microstructures by SEM (2016)
  10. Paired radiocarbon dating on bioanthropological and textile samples from the Pica 8 Cemetery (Atacama Desert, northern Chile) (2016)
  11. Paisaje Cultural en Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Nuevas Perspectivas e Interpretaciones (2016)
  12. Paisaje religioso: Adoratorios y eventos cívicos (2016)
  13. Palaces and Power in Early China: Comparative Analysis between Shang and Zhou Elite Courtyard Complexs (2016)
  14. The Palenque Pool Project: Preliminary Investigations into Monumental Construction Costs (2016)
  15. A Paleoclimate model of Neanderthal landscape-use during the last interglacial (2016)
  16. Paleoenvironment and the Hunter-Herder Transition in Northwestern Mongolia (2016)
  17. Paleoenvironments and Paleoindians in the Lower Mississippi River Valley (2016)
  18. Paleoethnobotany on the Columbia Plateau: A Case Study from the Pend Oreille River Valley (2016)
  19. Paleogenetic analysis of the Eneolithic (4900 – 2750 calBC) Trypillian Culture from Verteba Cave, Ukraine (2016)
  20. A Paleogenetic Perspective on the Early Population History of the High Altitude Andes (2016)
  21. Paleoindian Archaeology in the Delaware Valley: Insights from the Snyder Site Complex in New Jersey (2016)
  22. Paleoindian Occupation of the Colorado Alpine Ecosystem: A Consideration of Archaeological and Paleoclimatic Data (2016)
  23. The Paleoindian Period At Mashantucket (2016)
  24. The Paleoindian Period at the Aldrich Island Site: A Multicomponent Paleoindian site in the Hudson River Valley (2016)
  25. Paleoindian Responses at the Younger Dryas Boundary: A Case Study from the Carolinas (2016)
  26. Paleoindian uses of Maritime Environments in the Far Northeast (2016)
  27. Paleolandscape Reconstruction and Modeling in the Lower Pecos River Valley (2016)
  28. Palimpsests in the Colonial Borderland at Black Star Canyon, Orange County, California. (2016)
  29. Panquilma’s Architecture: Ideologies involved in the construction process (2016)
  30. The Paracas Phenomenon as an Interaction Sphere during the First Millenium B.C. (2016)
  31. Parallel Analysis of Ancient Human mtDNA Sequences and Radiocarbon Ages of Quids from the Mule Springs Rockshelter, Nevada, USA (2016)
  32. Parasites and Their Impact on Human Behavior and Society (2016)
  33. Particularism vs. Broad Strokes: The application of political economic paradigms of the elite Classic Maya in Northwestern Belize (2016)
  34. Parting the Late Pleistocene Red Sea : An Introduction to the Session and Region (2016)
  35. Partitioning variance in maize landrace flowering time by cultural affiliation, geography, and genetic relatedness (2016)
  36. Partnering for Preservation: IUP’s Role as a State University (2016)
  37. Partnering Louisiana Style (2016)
  38. Partnering with Pots: The Work of Materials in the Imperial Inca Project (2016)
  39. Partners, Passports, Parsimony, and Preservation (2016)
  40. Partnerships between the USFS and New Mexico SiteWatch (2016)
  41. Partnerships for Patrimony: A Community-based Approach to Sustainable Archaeological Protection (2016)
  42. Partnerships, Preservation, and Public Archaeology: Working together to retrace the Trail of Tears across the Mark Twain National Forest (2016)
  43. Passage through a Palimpsest: Lower Magdalenian Lithic Manufacture and Maintenance Patterns in El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain (2016)
  44. Past and Present Andean Night Moon Rituals (2016)
  45. Past Meets Future: Combining GIS, 3D technologies, and legacy data to reanalyze ceramics at Copan, Honduras (2016)
  46. Paths and plants: territory and mobility among the Laklãnõ/Xokleng in Brazil (2016)
  47. Paths towards Complexity in the Maya Lowlands: Implications of Architectural Change at Cahal Pech (2016)
  48. Patriation: NAGPRA’s Regulations on Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains, applied (2016)
  49. Patterns of cranial trauma in the Late Intermediate Period Colca Valley, Peru (A.D. 1000-1450) (2016)
  50. Patterns of Mobility during the Iron Age and Roman Periods in Apulia, Italy. (2016)
  51. Paying Homage to the Ancestors: The (Preclassic) Cunil Phase Maya of Cahal Pech (2016)
  52. Paying It Forward: Collaborative Heritage Stewardship in the Forest Service's Eastern Region (2016)
  53. Paynes Creek Salt Works: Ten Field Seasons of Underwater Maya Survey, Mapping, and Excavations (2016)
  54. The People Behind the Practice: An Ethnological Encounter with a Maya Forest Gardener (2016)
  55. The People, the Megaliths, and the Changing Times in Cherrapunjee (2016)
  56. Peopling of the High Andes of Northwestern Argentina (2016)
  57. "Periods, Organized (PeriodO)": A Linked Data period gazetteer and approach to the modeling of scholarly assertions (2016)
  58. Perishable Artifacts from Bonneville Estates Rockshelter (26EK3682), Nevada: A Technological Analysis of Artifacts from the Early through Late Holocene (2016)
  59. Perry Pines Sites: A Cultural Resources Phase I Survey Report (2016)
  60. Perspectives on Ochre Provenance in British Columbia, Canada (2016)
  61. Perspectives on water management systems in Mesopotamia (2016)
  62. Pest, Prey or Domesticate: Odocoileus virginianus in the Maya World (2016)
  63. Pestilences of the Just War: An Epidemiologic Investigation of the Pequot War (2016)
  64. The Peten Campechano: A Functional and socioeconomic analysis of its settlement patterns (2016)
  65. Petroglyphs of East Tank Mesa and the Mac Stod Great House: Using Rock Art to Gauge Regional Influences in Petrified Forest National Park (2016)
  66. Petrographic analysis of decorated ceramics from La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico (2016)
  67. A Petrographic Analysis of Jemez Black-on-white Pottery from Five Classic Period Sites in the Jemez Province, New Mexico (c. 1350-1700 AD) (2016)
  68. A Petrographic Examination of Early Ceramic Crushed Rock Tempers (2016)
  69. The Petrographs of Janos, Chihuahua and its Archaic Community (2016)
  70. Petrography and Provenance of Pottery Sherds from Islands in the Southern Lesser Antilles, Caribbean (2016)
  71. Petrography, Pots and People: Determining the source of Hohokam plainwares at Cerro de Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico. (2016)
  72. Pharaonic Power and Architectural Labor Investment at the Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt (2016)
  73. The PHAST Way: The PennDOT Highway Archaeological Survey Team (2016)
  74. Phoenician Colonization of Nuragic Sardinia: A World-Systems Model of Periphery-Semiperiphery Interaction (2016)
  75. Photogrammetry at Lapa de Picareiro: 3D modeling of a Middle and Upper Paleolithic Cave Site (2016)
  76. Phylogenetic Approaches in Examining Western North American Rock Art: The Evolution of the Shield-Bearing Warrior Motif (2016)
  77. Phytolith Analysis at Roc de Marsal, SW France (2016)
  78. Phytolith analysis in Sernambetiba shell mound, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (2016)
  79. Picking up the Pieces: Bioarchaeological analysis of a looted cist tomb in the mid-Chincha Valley, Peru (2016)
  80. Pigments in Peril: Degradation of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Murals (2016)
  81. Pilgrimage, Ancestors, and Commemoration in Postcolonial Indigenous Homelands (2016)
  82. A Pilot Study in The Application of HPLC-DAD-MS and IRMS In the Analysis of Textile Fibres from the National Gallery of Australia and Archaeological Site Caleta Vitor, Northern Chile (2016)
  83. The Pineland Site Complex: A Southwest Florida Coastal Wetsite (2016)
  84. Pioneering Archaeology in Nicaragua (1983) (2016)
  85. Pithouses in the Taos Valley: What Don't We Know? (2016)
  86. Pithouses, Pueblos, Projectile Points, Petroglyphs, and Possible Plazas: An Update on the 2015 Petrified Forest National Park Boundary Expansion Survey (2016)
  87. Pits, Posts, and Not Much Else: Sub-Mound Archaeology at Two Late Woodland Effigy Mound Sites (2016)
  88. Plant Fibre Diagnostics: Retrospect and Prospect (2016)
  89. Plantation Life Beyond the Village: Examining Evidence for Residence in Provision Grounds (2016)
  90. Plants used in the Indigenous Caribbean: a database of plants in reference to the archaeological literature (2016)
  91. Playing for Power: Ballcourts, Political Negotiation and Community Organization in Postclassic Nejapa, Oaxaca, Mexico (2016)
  92. Plaza of the Columns at Teotihuacan: Scope, Goals and Expectations of a New International Project (2016)
  93. Plaza, Trade, and Politics in Postclassic Tlaxcallan (2016)
  94. The Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in Cantabrian Spain: Current State of the Question (2016)
  95. Podcasting as a way to promote archaeology and engage the public, or, Archaeology - straight from the trenches to your ears! (2016)
  96. Poder, autoridad y paisaje político en la zona costera de la sierra de Santa Marta, Los Tuxtlas, Ver. (2016)
  97. The Poetics of Corpse Fragmentation and Processing in the Ancient Southwest (2016)
  98. A Point of Order on Great Basin Projectile Typologies and Chronologies (2016)
  99. Points of revelation and communication: Interpreting Native American "monument" construction in the coastal American Southeast (2016)
  100. Polished edge stone tools from the Gulf of Morrosquillo, Caribbean coast of Colombia, evidence of an advanced lithic industry (2016)