EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,201-6,300 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Removing The Hooves From Deer (1995)
  2. The replica as a bridge between the past and the present (1995)
  3. Replica, Reconstruction, free invention. Field report from the open air museum in Upper Bavaria (1995)
  4. Replicas in Polish open air museums and the fire of Sanok (1995)
  5. Replication of Ancient Puebloan Sandal-toe constructions: comparisons of complexity (1995)
  6. Reproduction of Prehistoric Sickles (1995)
  7. Restaurierungs- und Präsentationsprizipien in tschechischen Freilichtmuseen (1995)
  8. Resumé: Architecture et parcs archéologiques (with summary) (1995)
  9. Resumé: La reconstition d'un ferme de l'Age du Fér en Norvège (with summary) (1995)
  10. Resumé: Réalisations et projets atour du village préhistorique de canmbous, comune de Viols-en-Laval, Hérault, France (with summary) (1995)
  11. The Ribchester hoard: a descriptive and technical study (1995)
  12. Ricostruzione sperimentale delle antiche techniche di granulazione e punzonatura nell'oreficia etrusca (1995)
  13. Ritzzeichnungen auf zwei kaiserzeitlichen Kuppelöfen aus dem Reiderland. Ein Beitrag zur Herstellungstechnik eines unbekannten Ofentyps (1995)
  14. Rotary motion - lathe and drill. Some new technological aspects concerning Late Bronze Age goldwork from southwestern Europe. (1995)
  15. Rural Life and Farming (1995)
  16. Répertoire européen des centres de formation aux métiers du patrimoine culture (1995)
  17. The sailing properties of the Hanse cog in comparison with other cargo sailingships (1995)
  18. The Scapular Saw (1995)
  19. Schmuck der jungpalaolithischen JagerInnen (1995)
  20. Schussversuche zur Wirkung und Schäftung einiger steinzeitlicher Projektilspitzen (1995)
  21. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Reconstruction and Guidelines for Reconstructing Historic Buildings (1995)
  22. Seeing (1995)
  23. Shark Tooth Tools (1995)
  24. Shell Trumpets (1995)
  25. Should we believe in experiments? (1995)
  26. Smag på oldtiden (1995)
  27. Smältugnar för bronsgjutning (Furnaces for bronze casting) (1995)
  28. Små bronseøkser med mange bruksmuligheter (Small bronze axes with many uses) (1995)
  29. The Society of Primitive Technology and Experimental Archaeology: Who are we? (1995)
  30. Sollberger Memorial (1995)
  31. Sounds From the Past (1995)
  32. Square sails of wool (1995)
  33. The State of Our Knowledge About Ancient Copper Mining in Michigan (1995)
  34. Sticks and Stones (1995)
  35. The stone tool technology of capuchin monkeys: possible implications for the evolution of symbolic communication in hominids (1995)
  36. Stone-Tool Quickie Bow (1995)
  37. The Stones (1995)
  38. Studien zur funktionalen Deutungarchäologischer Siedlungsbefunde in Rekonstruktion und Experiment (1995)
  39. Subcutaneous Stitch for Buckskin (1995)
  40. Sulla granulazione degli etruschi (1995)
  41. Surveys, excavations and experiments in Tranemo [Västergötland], Sweden (1995)
  42. A technical study of Roman bronze mirrors (1995)
  43. Techniques et ateliers de sculpture à Délos à l'époque hellénistique (1995)
  44. Technologie d'une roue du XVe siècle av. J.-C. (char A5 de Toutankhamon, n°332 de l'inventaire de H. Carter) (1995)
  45. The technology of metalwork: bronze and gold (1995)
  46. Tecnica e tipologia (1995)
  47. Tecniche della granulazione e della filigrana in area veneta attorno al 300 a.C. Indagini technologiche su manufatturi aurei delle tombe 23 e 36 di Este, necropoli della casa di ricovero, scavi 1984 (1995)
  48. Theatres of memory: the past and present in contemporary society (1995)
  49. Three Dimensional Reconstructions of Iroquoian Longhouses: a Comment (1995)
  50. The Three-Stick Roycroft Pack (1995)
  51. The timber circle at Sarn-y-Bryn-Caled, Welshpool, Mid-Wales: an exercise in reconstruction (1995)
  52. Tir expérimental de sagaies et de flêches emmanchées de pointes " de la Gravette " (1995)
  53. Towards cupstone classification: an experimental approach (1995)
  54. The traction trebuchet: a reconstruction of an early medieval siege engine (1995)
  55. Tradition vs. Technology (1995)
  56. Un paio di orecchini etruschi a bauletto da Santa Severa. Tecniche e analisi microchimiche (1995)
  57. Unter der Lupe - Die Gebrauchsspuren (1995)
  58. Urgeschichte - Prehistoire - Preistoria LIVE Experimentelle Archäologie auf dem Platzspitz 9-24 September 1995 (1995)
  59. The use of replica buildings and infill creations in Northern Ireland’s open air museums (1995)
  60. A Use-Wear analysis of the function of basalt cylinders (1995)
  61. Using Stone Tips (1995)
  62. The Usk Mail hook reconstruction (1995)
  63. Verktøykopiene i Forsandprosjektet (Tool replicas in the Forsand Project [Rogaland]), with reply by Sverre Bakkevig (1995)
  64. Versuche zur Herstellung und Erhaltung naturlicher Farben (1995)
  65. Viking Age replicas in research and communication (1995)
  66. The Viking ship museum in Roskilde [Sjælland] (1995)
  67. Viking-ship off Cape Farewell 1984 (1995)
  68. Vikingabåt på rullar - rapport från ett experiment (Viking boat on rollers - a report from a trial) (1995)
  69. Vom Körperschutz zum Kleiderschutz. Teil 2: Zur Geschichte der Schürze (1995)
  70. Von der Rohhaut bis zur Kleidung (1995)
  71. Vorgeschichtliches Getreide im Unterricht - Vom Anbau bis zum Verzehr. Erweiterung des Geschichtsunterrichts durch Ideen aus der Experimentellen Archäologie (1995)
  72. 'Vuur-stenen' in het late Paleolithicum (1995)
  73. Växtfibrer och textil - försök med nässlor. (Plant fibres and textile - experiments with nettles) (1995)
  74. Was ist ein wissenschaftliches Experiment? (1995)
  75. West Stow. In Search of the Anglo-Saxons (1995)
  76. What is Experimental Archaeology? (1995)
  77. What Sound Do Gourds Make (1995)
  78. Wie kommt das Zinn in die bronze? Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Archäologie (1995)
  79. Wiederhergestellt - Ein Hemmoorer Eimer mit bacchischem Fries aus Xanten, Kreis Wesel (1995)
  80. Wing-Bone Whistle (1995)
  81. Wood Under Stress (1995)
  82. Working Hides With Bone and Antler (1995)
  83. Zur Entstehung der "Langobardenwerkstatt Zethlingen" (Altmark). Vier Jahre experimentelle Archäologie und Museumspädagogik in einer historischen Werkstatt. Eine Bilanz (1995)
  84. Zur Herstellung römischer dreiflügelicher Pfeilspitzen (1995)
  85. Zur Herstellung von Hemmoorer Eimern (1995)
  86. 100.000 Jahre Eßkultur. Essen und Trinken von der Steinzeit bis zu den Römern (1996)
  87. Actualistic models for interpretation of two early iron age industrial sites in northwest Tanzania (1996)
  88. Am Limes. Römische Experimentalgruppen in Europa (1996)
  89. An ancient wind-powered iron smelting technology (1996)
  90. Anja erlebt die Bronzezeit, translation of: Sol - høvdingens træl: en historie fra broncealdren (1978) (1996)
  91. Användningen av bergmalm för framställning av järn i blästerugn (1996)
  92. Archaeological Displays and the Public (1996)
  93. The Archaeology of Shakespeare (1996)
  94. Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen, Archäologie zum Anfassen (1996)
  95. Archäometallurgie, von Norwegen aus betrachtet (1996)
  96. Archéologie experiméntale ou expérimentation archéologique? Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  97. Arkæologiske eksperimenter i Lejre (1996)
  98. Artful Crafts, Ancient Greek Silverware and Pottery (1996)
  99. Ashcakes (1996)
  100. Asterix an der Elbe, Die Popularisierung von Ausgrabungsergebnissen im Archäologischen Zentrum Hitzacker (1996)