EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,601-6,700 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Die Pfahlbauten von Unteruhldingen, Teil 5: die Zeit von 1945 - 1949 (1997)
  2. Die Rekonstruktion des linearbandkeramischen Brunnenschachtes von Schletz (1997)
  3. Die Rekonstruktion eines eisenzeitlichen Ofens aus den westlichen Niederlanden (1997)
  4. "A dry shell of the past". Living history and the interpretation of historic houses (1997)
  5. Drying food (1997)
  6. The Duyfken project: an age of discovery ship reconstruction as experimental archaeology (1997)
  7. Débitage au Chalcolithique de grandes lames du silex par pression au levier (1997)
  8. Early Iron Production - Archaeology, Technology and Experiments (1997)
  9. Early iron working in Europe, archaeology and experiment, International Symposium (1997)
  10. Earth play - Camas day - Pit bake way (1997)
  11. Editorial <Biskupin> (1997)
  12. The effect of core surface morphology on flake attributes: evidence from a controlled experiment (1997)
  13. The effect of indentor type on flake attributes: Evidence from a controlled experiment (1997)
  14. Effective open hearth fire in a wigwam (1997)
  15. Effects of Stone Projectile Points as a Mass Within the Atlatl and Dart Mechanical System (1997)
  16. Ein archäologischer Park in Százhalombatta/Ungarn (1997)
  17. Ein bronzezeitlicher Kupferverhüttungsplatz in Mühlbach/Hochkönig (Salzburg), unpublished Diplomarbeit, thesis (1997)
  18. Ein Haus wie vor 3000 Jahren. Bericht vom Nachbau eines spätbronzezeitlichen Hauses (1997)
  19. Eiziger Sakralbau der Merowingerzeit (1997)
  20. Eksperimentelle studier av flint og flintvandringer i strandsonen. Ett forsøk på å vinne ny kunnskap om våre boplasser i stenalderen (1997)
  21. El proceso de fabricación de las cuentas de collar en Variscita (1997)
  22. Els parcs arqueológics a Catalunya: aspectes historics, pedagògics i patrimonials (1997)
  23. Environmental factors and the yield potential of ancient wheat crops (1997)
  24. The equipment of a mountaneer 5000 years ago (1997)
  25. Erfahrungen bei der Herstellung bestickter slawischer Schuhe des frühen Mittelalters (1997)
  26. Estudio del comportamiento de aleaciones históricas: Aproximación Experimental al problema de la temperatura requirida para la función de bronce (1997)
  27. The ethnoarchaeology of hide working and flakes stone tool use in southern Ethiopia (1997)
  28. Ethnoarcheologie: un mode d'expérimentation (1997)
  29. Etnoarqueología y música: flautas y silbatos primitivos (1997)
  30. The "Evenstad" process - description, excavation, experiment and metallurgical evaluation (1997)
  31. Experiences in constructing and living in a northern birch bark lodge (1997)
  32. Experiment oder Berechnung – Probleme der Leistungsbestimmung prähistorischer Vollholzbogen (1997)
  33. An experiment using wood as fuel in a slag pit furnace (1997)
  34. Experimentació i simulacions en Arqueología. Un exemple de la seva aplicació didàctica al Patronal de la Flor de Maig (1997)
  35. Experimental archaeology (1997)
  36. Experimental Archaeology (1997)
  37. Experimental determinations of carcass processing by Plio-Pleistocene hominids and carnivores at FLK 22 (Zinjanhropus), Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (1997)
  38. Experimentalarchäologische Untersuchungen zur bronzezeitlichen Verhüttung sulfidischer Kupfererze (1997)
  39. Experimentelle Archäologie im Elfenbeinturm - Beispiele aus dem Archäologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg (1997)
  40. Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland, Bilanz 1996 (1997)
  41. Experimentelle Archäologie in Murlo (1997)
  42. Experimentelle Archäologie: Eisenverhütten und Schwertschmieden (1997)
  43. Experiments in archaeology - Lejre Seminars 1995 (1997)
  44. Experiments with a slag-tapping furnace and a slag-pit furnace (1997)
  45. Experiments with a slag-tapping furnace at the Historical-Archaeological Centre, Lejre (1997)
  46. Experiments with iron smelting in a slag-tapping furnace (1997)
  47. Experiments with perforated soapstone slabs (1997)
  48. The Explanation of Artifact Variability (1997)
  49. Expérimentation en architecture. La reconstitution d'une maison sur pilotis du néolithique moyen (1997)
  50. Fabrication of a female costume, based on the excavation finds of the Dutch Neolithic Swifterbant Culture (1997)
  51. Fachwerklexikon. Handbuch für Fachwerk und Holzkonstruktionen (1997)
  52. Factors Influencing the Use of Stone Projectile Tips: An Ethnographic Perspective (1997)
  53. Feathers, fashion and food: many uses of eiders (1997)
  54. A feeling of the past (1997)
  55. A felt shield (1997)
  56. The Fenno-Ungrian two-wood bow: a missing link (1997)
  57. Feux, ethnologie, préhistoire et expérimentations (1997)
  58. The fire plow (1997)
  59. Fire-gilding on European Plate Armour of the 16th Century - recipes, objects and experiments (1997)
  60. Flaked Stone Technology at the Sloan Site (1997)
  61. The formation of flakes: The role of platform thickness and exterior platform angles in the productions of flake initiations and terminations (1997)
  62. From known to unknown. Application of well-known iron production results to archaeological materials (1997)
  63. Fuel for the fire - charcoal vs. wood in iron production (1997)
  64. Färbeversuche im archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Gross Raden (1997)
  65. Galteland-steinen rekonstruert (1997)
  66. Gebrauchsspurenanalyse nach Experimenten mit Geräten aus verschiedenen Gesteinsarten im Hinblick auf die jungpaläolitihischen Steinartefakte aus Rosenburg am Kamp, Niederösterreich (1997)
  67. Germanic Iron Provision in the second half of the third century AD. Slag-pit furnaces and iron hoards. (1997)
  68. Glasperlenherstellung - wie könnte sie vor sich gegangen sein? (1997)
  69. The Great Globe Itself: Sam Wanamaker's Shakespeare's Globe (1997)
  70. Hallen i Lejre (1997)
  71. Het Zwitserleven-gevoel (1997)
  72. Historisk Arkæologisk Forsøgscenters Forskningsstrategi 1998-2002. (Historical-Archaeological Experimental Centre. Research Strategy 1998-2002) (1997)
  73. The history and development of projectile technology research (1997)
  74. Hjemsted Oltidsparken: Ga 2000 jaar terug in de tijd (1997)
  75. Hledání pocátku moderního clovéka (1997)
  76. Holes and grooves: the contribution of microscopy and taphonomy to the problem of art origins (1997)
  77. How to save your brains and other primitive tanning tips (1997)
  78. Hundert Jahre Saalburg. Vom europäischen Grenzposten zum europäischen Museum (1997)
  79. Hunting during the Upper Paleolithic: Bow, Spearthrower, or Both? (1997)
  80. Høgsetet på Borg. En tolkning av høgsete - ondvege (1997)
  81. Identification of woodworking on stone tools through residue and use-wear analysis (1997)
  82. Image analysis, homogenization, numerical simulation and experiment as complementary tools to enlighten the relationship between wood anatomy and drying behavior (1997)
  83. Images des Journées d’archéologie expérimentale, Pâques 1996 et 1997 (1997)
  84. In Kampen bouwen ze een kogge (1997)
  85. In the borderland of archaeology: experimental forging (1997)
  86. The influence of iron on prehistoric society - a model (1997)
  87. Initiation á la Protohistoire. Livret pédagogique (1997)
  88. Interpreting the landscape of battle (1997)
  89. Iron technology in East Africa: symbolism, science and archaeology (1997)
  90. Ironmaking in Trøndelag during the Roman and Pre-Roman Iron Age. An archaeo-metallurgical evaluation (1997)
  91. Islam, Merchant or King - Who was behind the making of the Viking Age weights? (1997)
  92. Jern på langfart (1997)
  93. Journées d'Archéologie Expérimentale. Bilan des années 1996-1997 (1997)
  94. Kaiserzeitliche Hausmodelle nach Befunden aus dem Altmarkkreis Salzwedel (1997)
  95. Keewatin-Style footwear (1997)
  96. Kiln-produced tar (1997)
  97. Koivutervan valmistus ja käyttö (preparation and use of birch-bark tar) (1997)
  98. Koriatenje kamena u gradnji amfiteatra u Puli [The Use of Stone in the Building of the Pula amphiteatre] (1997)
  99. L'Esquerda. Ecology, environment, and agricultural productivity (1997)
  100. La ciudadela ibérica de Calafell (Tarragona): un viaje al pasado (1997)