EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 7,401-7,500 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Interpreting the past: presenting archaeological sites to the public (1999)
  2. Introduzione al corso (1999)
  3. Intuitive physics and abstract nodules: flintknapping as first ar (1999)
  4. Ishi sticks, Iceman picks and good-for-nothing things: a search for authenticity in pressure flaking tools (1999)
  5. Jernalderen - en legeplads i nutiden. Et studie af nutidige familier i en rekonstrueret jernalderlandsby (1999)
  6. Jernudvindningsforsøg (experimental extraction of iron) (1999)
  7. Kirkes væv. Opstadvævens historie og nutidige brug (Circle’s loom. The history and present use of the warp-weighted loom) (1999)
  8. Knapping Illustrated (1999)
  9. Knife Hafting techniques (1999)
  10. Ökologikus-környezetbarát építés (1999)
  11. Kulturelles Erbe - Kulturtourismus in Aquincum (Budapest, Ungarn) (1999)
  12. Kuoppa-asumusten lämmityskokeilu Kierikissä (1999)
  13. L'esperienza del museo del bosco tra ricerza, didattica e interazione con il territorio. Un esempio di coesistenza possibile (1999)
  14. La communicazione nei musei e nei parchi: aspetti metodologici e orientamenti attuali (1999)
  15. La cosmesi (1999)
  16. La fabrication de fibules en Italie centrale entre le XIIe et le VIIIe siècle avant notre ère. Questions méthodologiques et première étude d'un corpus (1999)
  17. La fonction d'une pièce ornamentale en argent et en fer de la Dacie préromaine (1999)
  18. La métallurgie chalcolithiques de Cabrières. Confrontation des données expérimentales et archéologiques en laboratoire (1999)
  19. La spectrométrie d'émission atomique, un outil pour la détermination de la composition chemique élémentaire des alliages à base de cuivre (1999)
  20. Lake dwellings: archaeological interpretation and social perception, a case study from France (1999)
  21. Landa - Fortidslandsbyen på Forsand (1999)
  22. Lanzen und Schilde aus dem Thorsberger Moor in Süderbrarup, Kr. Schleswig-Flensburg. Holzarchäologische und technische Aspekte (1999)
  23. Las cuentas de collar en variscita de las minas prehistóricas de Gavà (Can Tintorer). Bases para un estudio experimental (1999)
  24. Learning at the hearth - applied primitive skills (1999)
  25. Lengths Not To Go To in Atlatls (1999)
  26. Les torques torsadés de l'Aisne à La Tène ancienne: données techniques (1999)
  27. Looped string bags (1999)
  28. L’Archéodrome de Bourgogne. Comment parlér d’archéologie au public non specialisé? (1999)
  29. Macchine edili e strumenti (1999)
  30. Make Your Own Hide Glue (1999)
  31. Making a Reduced Antler Flaker (1999)
  32. Making a spear and the Iceman's outfit (1999)
  33. Making cordage fast (1999)
  34. Making Pitch Sticks (1999)
  35. Making Throw Sticks Behave (1999)
  36. Management of Parks in the United States: Implications for Archaeology and Anthropology (1999)
  37. The Manufacture of a Stone Mould for Casting an Early Bronze Age Type Axe and Subsequent Casting Trials (1999)
  38. The Manufacture of Arrowheads in the Medieval Period (1999)
  39. Manufacture of Ground Stone Axes (1999)
  40. The Manufacture of Primitive Thrusting Spears (1999)
  41. The manufacturing of terracottas in Roman Times (1999)
  42. [Materials and techniques used forwaterproofing in Antiquity] (1999)
  43. Med Aifur til Aifur. Slurapport från en experimentell Österledsfärd. (With the ‘Aifur’ to Aifur. The final report from an experimental voyage to the East) (1999)
  44. Meet the Ancestors: unearthing the evidence that brings us face to face with the past (1999)
  45. Metals and metallurgy: using modern technology to study ancient technology (1999)
  46. Methodik und aktuelle Forschungen in der Gebrauchspurenanalyse von geschlagenen Steingeräten (1999)
  47. Methods of heritage protection in Hungary – the situation relating archaeological parks (1999)
  48. Middelalder. Kirke og adel, borger og bonde (1999)
  49. The Miracle of Fire By Friction (1999)
  50. Mirrors of our past and present: archaeological parks (1999)
  51. Mise en forme des alliages métalliques dans les cultures anciennes du monde occidental; La métallographie (1999)
  52. Mit dem Fahrrad auf den Spuren der Römer (1999)
  53. Monoxylon II. Plavba po 8000 letech. Dobrodruzstvi experimentalni archeologie (Monoxylon II expedition 1998) (1999)
  54. More pieces in vertical movement (1999)
  55. More Than Just A Shelter. The Manitoga wigwam encampment (1999)
  56. Mrs Kompost's Extraordinary Cattail Leaf Visor (1999)
  57. Muck 'n' molecules: organic geochemical methods for detecting ancient manuring (1999)
  58. Mummy Varnish, Spruce Gum and Other Sticky Stuff (1999)
  59. Musei e Parchi archeologici. IX ciclo di lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in Archeologia, Certosa di Pontignano (Sienna) 15-21 dicembre 1997 (1999)
  60. Musei e Parchi in ambito tedesco: dal recupero dei siti archeologici alla creazione di parchi tematici. La Saalburg presso Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe (1999)
  61. Museumdorp Düppel. Levende Middeleeuwen in Berlijn (1999)
  62. The Music of Prehistory (1999)
  63. Musical Glossary (1999)
  64. Musical Instruments of Central California (1999)
  65. The Mythology of Herbs (1999)
  66. Métallurgie au Larzac (1999)
  67. Múltunkról utódainknak (1999)
  68. Nadelbindung - "Schlafmutze" in Dokkum (1999)
  69. Nale Tashi. Eine Floßfahrt in die Steinzeit (1999)
  70. Narzedzia w pradziejach. Podstawy badania funkcji metoda traseologiczna (translation of: Древние орудий труда. Основание изуений функтсии методом трасологии), with English summary: "prehistoric tools, basis for the traceological method of functional study (1999)
  71. The nature of experiment in archaeology (1999)
  72. Neophytic notes on fire-making with friction (1999)
  73. Netting Notes (1999)
  74. Neues zu römischem Webwerkzeug (1999)
  75. A New Hypocaust for the Millennium (1999)
  76. North American House Reconstruction Projects (1999)
  77. Notes on Mat Needles and Cattail Mats (1999)
  78. Nova Slupia. Museum voor prehistorische ijzerwinning in Polen (1999)
  79. Nuevas técnicas metalúrgicas en armas de la II Edad del Hierro (1999)
  80. Obydlí a sídlište v paleolitu: Archeologické nálezy a jejich experimentální testováni. Diplomová práce, Katedra antropologie (1999)
  81. Old rag archaeology - comments (1999)
  82. [The old tradition of illumination techniques] (1999)
  83. On typologies, selection and ethnoarchaeology in ceramic production studies (1999)
  84. oNdini, the Zulu royal capital of King Cetshwayo ka Mpande (1873-1879) (1999)
  85. Opgedolven klanken. Archeologische muziekinstrumenten van alle tijden (1999)
  86. The origin and role of the Irish National Heritage Park (1999)
  87. The origins of metallurgy in the central Balkans based on the analysis of cut marks on animal bones (1999)
  88. The origins of metallurgy: distinguishing stone from metal cut-marks on bones from archaeological sites (1999)
  89. Oude oogsttechnieken uit de Hallstattperiode? (1999)
  90. Our past to posterity (1999)
  91. Paint With Pride (1999)
  92. Palaeopathology of northwest European peat bog bodies: a very brief summary (1999)
  93. The Parc Pyrénéen d'Art Préhistorique, France: beyond replica and re-enactment in interpreting the ancient past (1999)
  94. A Peek Into The Past: an ancient wood carving cache, (1999)
  95. Pembrokeshire's posts. Natives, invaders and Welsh archaeology: the Castell Henllys experience (1999)
  96. Personal Notes On Celt Use (1999)
  97. Pfahlbaumuseen und Pfahlbausammlungen (1999)
  98. Pfeil und Bogen in Haithabu (Bow and arrow in Hedeby) (1999)
  99. Pfeilschafte aus wolligem Schneeball (1999)
  100. Piglets in the peat: experimental archaeology in the study of bog body preservation (1999)