EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 5,401-5,500 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Eisentechniken in Nord-Togo (1993)
  2. El cómo y el por qué de la expérimentación en análisis funcional (1993)
  3. El parque arqueológico: definición y filosofía (1993)
  4. Entwicklung und Status quo der Experimentellen Archäologie (1993)
  5. Essai de construction d’une cabane excavée à deux trous de Poteau du Haut Moyen Age (1993)
  6. Et ligbrændingsforsøg på Hollufgård – hvad kan det fortælle om jernalderens brandgrave? (1993)
  7. An ethnoarchaeological perspective on textile categories of identification and function (1993)
  8. Ethnoarchäologische Untersuchungen zum Metallhandwerk - Gelbguß, Bergbau und Goldschmiedetechniken als Analogien zu prähistorischer Metallverarbeitung. Ethnoarchäologie - Ansätze und Forschungsstand im deutschsprachigen Raum. (1993)
  9. Etruskische Granulation. Eine antike Goldschmiedetechnik (1993)
  10. Etude de fours de type carolingien à Saint-Pierre-du-Perray: l’apport de l’expérimentation (1993)
  11. Experimental Archaeology and the Trireme (1993)
  12. Experimental flintknapping in Canada: an encounter with Eugene Greba in Calgary (1993)
  13. An experimental investigation of the effects of trampling on the results of lithic microwear analysis (1993)
  14. Experimental Reconstruction (1993)
  15. Experimental reconstruction of a medieval trebuchet (1993)
  16. Experimentell arkeologi i USA idag (1993)
  17. Experimentell arkeologi och stenredskap (1993)
  18. Experimentelle Archäologie: Wanderausstellung des Staatlichen Museums für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte in Oldenburg; 30. April bis 11. Juli 1993; Kurzdokumentation zur Ausstellung (1993)
  19. Experiments in glass: present & future (1993)
  20. Expérimentation archéologique et savoir-faire traditionnel: l’exemple de la découpe d’un cervidé (1993)
  21. Feu par percussion, fue par friction, les données de l'expérimentation (1993)
  22. Finding Hidden Tracks (1993)
  23. Fire-clearance husbandry, traditional techniques throughout the World (1993)
  24. Flint fra Danmarks oldtid (1993)
  25. Forntida Teknik: Aktuellt 1993 (1993)
  26. Forntida Teknik: Utblick (1993)
  27. From bones to behavior: ethnoarchaeological and experimental contributions to the interpretation of faunal remains, Occasional Paper (1993)
  28. Funktionsinterpretationen durch Merkmals- und Gebrauchsspuren-Analysen an Steinartefakten der spätmesolithischen Fundstelle Henauhof Nord 2 (Baden-Württemberg) (1993)
  29. Fåret i oldtid og nutid (1993)
  30. GA-O-WO: Building an Iroquios Elm Bark Canoe (1993)
  31. Germanentidens jernknive – fra luppe til kniv. Beretning og teknisk rapport fra en forsøgsrække i Historisk-Arkæologisk Forsøgscenter Lejre (1993)
  32. Glass bead making: some wound bead experiments (1993)
  33. Glödhållning (1993)
  34. Goldschmiedekunst in Mali (Westafrika) (1993)
  35. Greenstone Woodworking Tools (1993)
  36. Går det göra eld med eldslagningsstenar (1993)
  37. Heritage and tourism in the "global village" (1993)
  38. Herstellung und Gebrauch jungpaläolithischer Geweihgeräte (1993)
  39. Historic Voyagers (1993)
  40. Horn experimentation in use-wear analysis (1993)
  41. A Hydrostatic Study of a Reconstruction of a Mainz Roman Ship 9 (1993)
  42. Identification des traces de manipulation, suspension, polissage sur l'art mobilier en os, bois de cervidés, ivoire (1993)
  43. Influences from the Huns on Scandinavian Sacrificial Customs during 300-500 AD (1993)
  44. Instruments rotatifs dans l'orfèvrerie de l'Age du Bronze de la Peninsule Ibèrique. Nouvelles connaissances sur la technique des bracelets du type Villena/Estremoz. (1993)
  45. The Interpretation of Artifacts in the History of Technology (1993)
  46. Introduction to Tule Ethnobotany (1993)
  47. An investigation into the effects on fish bone of passage through the human gut: some experiments and comparisons with archaeological material [workshop contribution] (1993)
  48. An Iron Age Settlement in Dorset, Excavation and Reconstruction (1993)
  49. Ironmaking during the Roman Iron Age in Mid-Norway (1993)
  50. Iseki siseki no hozon to katsuyo [Preservation and utilization of archaeological sites] (1993)
  51. Jernudvindingen i Danmark ca. 100 f. Kr. til ca. 400 e. Kr. - Set på baggrund af nogle udvindingspladser og jernudvindingseksperimenter [With english summary: Iron production in Denmark, 100 BC - 400 AD. A study of some production sites and iron productio (1993)
  52. Jäger und Sammler der Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit (1993)
  53. Kommentar zu Martin Schmidt und Sabine Wolfram 'Westdeutsche Museen - objektiv und belanglos' (1993)
  54. L' Earthwork de l'Esquerda. Un experiment en processos de formació (1993)
  55. La différenciation des outils de moisson d’après les données archéologiques, l’étude des traces et l’expérimentation (1993)
  56. Landscape, politics and perspectives (1993)
  57. Les sites de reconstitutions (1993)
  58. Limited Oxidation Firing of Organic Painted Pottery in Anasazi-Style Trench Kilns (1993)
  59. Liturgie und Architektur (1993)
  60. Local Distinctiveness: place, particularity and identity (1993)
  61. Los contenidos de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en la formación del profesorado (1993)
  62. Los parques arqueológicos en España (1993)
  63. L’importance du travail du bois en Préhistoire (1993)
  64. Macht der Vergangenheit - wer macht Vergangenheit? (1993)
  65. Make a Mountain Bark Basket (1993)
  66. Making Fire With A Pump-Drill (1993)
  67. Making Pitch Sticks (1993)
  68. Manufacture of Ground Stone Axes (1993)
  69. Medicine Bow Wickiups (1993)
  70. Metallgjutning i Sigtuna. C-uppsats (1993)
  71. The Miracle of Fire By Friction (1993)
  72. Mjukgörning av näver genom kokning (1993)
  73. Mjukgörning av renskinn med bukhinnefett (1993)
  74. Modern Implications of Primitive Maple Sugaring Techniques (1993)
  75. Mud and Fire: Tools of the Dugout Canoe Maker (1993)
  76. Métal et parure au bronze final (1993)
  77. Natural history and experiment in archaeology revisited (1993)
  78. Nedbrytning av ben, en experimentell studie (1993)
  79. Nentsiska kniven – är den överlägsen att tälja med (1993)
  80. Neue Befunde zur vorgeschichtlichen Eisenverhüttung in Rullstorf/Lüneburg (1993)
  81. New Bark House in the Catawba Village (1993)
  82. Nostalgia and the Consumption Preferences: Some Emerging Patterns of Consumer Tastes (1993)
  83. NPS Programme seeks communication among practitioners and educators (1993)
  84. Observations On A Hafted Adze (1993)
  85. Pan the Tool-Maker: investigations into the stone tool-making and tool-using capabilities of a Bonobo (Pan paniscus) (1993)
  86. The parallel-flaked flint daggers of the late Neolithic Denmark: an experimental perspective (1993)
  87. Pathways to the Past. The Celts at Castell Henllys (1993)
  88. The Peat Moors Visitor Centre (1993)
  89. Performing the Pilgrims: A Study of Ethno-Historical Role-Playing at Plimoth Plantation (1993)
  90. Personal Notes on Celt Use (1993)
  91. Pottery in archaeology. Cambridge Manuals in archaeology (1993)
  92. The power of the past (1993)
  93. Practical Trials with Woollen Sails (1993)
  94. Preliminary experimental observations on the manufacture of microblades from the KbTx-2 Production station (Yukon Territory). MS on file in the Library of the Canadian Embassy in Argentina, Buenos Aires (1993)
  95. Primitive Fiber Bundle Watercraft: A Materials Primer (1993)
  96. Primitive Travel Gear (1993)
  97. Processing Acorns (1993)
  98. Public Interpretation Initiative: New Horizons (1993)
  99. Pump-Drills: Their Design, Construction, and Attunement (1993)
  100. Āraišu ezerpils. Ceļvedis topošajam arheoloģijas brīvdabas muzejam (1993)