EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 7,001-7,100 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. The History of Archaeological Reconstruction in Scandinavia (1998)
  2. Hogh phosphorous steel from experimentally smelted bog-iron ore (1998)
  3. Holzbearbeitungstechnik als Gegenstand archäologischer Forschung - Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsgeschichte (1998)
  4. How was textiles made waterproof in viking age Hedeby? (1998)
  5. Hunting with primitive bows (1998)
  6. Il vetro dall'antichità all'età contemporanea: aspetti tecnologici, funzionali e commerciali. Atti 2e Giornate Nazionale di Studio AIHV - Comitato Nazionale Italiano (14-16 dicembre 1996 Milano) (1998)
  7. Immer im Gespräch bleiben ... Verbale Vermittlungsarbeit (1998)
  8. In andermans vaarwater. Wat heeft de archeologie aan moderne koggen?, doctoraalscriptie voor de studie Prehistorie (1998)
  9. In the workshop of the Viking Age goldsmith. Gold and silverwork at Borgeby in Scania, southern Sweden (1998)
  10. Intentional bone fracturing on Bos primigenius domestic variety: results of field experimentation (1998)
  11. Interpreting 'visions': Addressing environmental education goals through interpretation (1998)
  12. Interpreting Wild Seeds from Archaeological Sites: A Dung Charring Experiment from the Andes (1998)
  13. An intra site study of Rågången (Lappland), a Mesolithic site in the intrior on northern Sweden (1998)
  14. Introduction à l'étude du dépôt de Farébersviller et la production métallique du BF IIIb en Lorraine (1998)
  15. Is meten weten? Geofysisch onderzoek op het terrein van de afgebrande LBK-boerderij in Archeon (1998)
  16. J.H. Jameson, Jr. (editor)(1997): Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek (1998)
  17. Jugend und Archäologie in der Schweiz, Museumspädagogik in archäologischen Museen (1998)
  18. Kadonnutta kokeillen ja havainnollitaen / att experimentera med och åskåelliggöra det förgånga (1998)
  19. Kids and clay (1998)
  20. Kind of Blue: Glass of the Amarna Period Replicated (1998)
  21. Kirklareli'nde Deneysel Arkeoloji: Bir Neolitik Çag Evinin Yeniden Yapilisi (1998)
  22. Korbreuse, Erdofen und Flechtwand. „Experimentelle Archäologie“ mit Heranwachsenden (1998)
  23. Käringsjön. A Fertility Sacrificial Site from the Late Roman Iron Age in South-west Sweden (1998)
  24. L' Earthwork de l'Esquerda. Un experiment sobre processos de formació (1998)
  25. L'Archéodrome de Bourgogne: vingt ans après (1998)
  26. L'Archéodrome de Bourgogne: vingt ans après (1998)
  27. L'Archéosite d'Aubechies (Belgique) (1998)
  28. La chasse dans la préhistoire (1998)
  29. La comprensión de los contenidos del museo (1998)
  30. La construction de la mosaïque et le rôle du mosaïste (1998)
  31. La didáctica en els espais de presentació del patrimoni. Consideraciones epistémológiques (1998)
  32. La grande aventure du fue (1998)
  33. La place des matériaux dans l'histoire des techniques (1998)
  34. La production des objets en métal (or, argent, bronze) en Égypte hellénistique et romaine à travers les sources papyrologiques (1998)
  35. La recerca a l'abast: l'experiència del Parc arqueològic del Patronat Flor de Maig (1998)
  36. Lars Chr. Nørbach (editor): early iron production. Archaeology, technology and experiments (1998)
  37. Las réplicas excavables de yacimientos arqueológicos: aspectos básicos y perspectivas de futuro (1998)
  38. Laurel Ceramics: a pointed question (1998)
  39. Le choix du matériau dans la construction monumentale gallo-romaine: à propos des amphithéâtres (1998)
  40. Le feu avant les allumettes. Expérimentation et mythes techniques (1998)
  41. Le parc archéologique de Beynac (1998)
  42. Le prime produzioni di pasta vitrea nella protostoria del Piemonte (1998)
  43. Leather working processes (1998)
  44. Lejre Experimental Centre (1998)
  45. Les haches (1998)
  46. Les llavors Antiques de L'Esquerda (1998)
  47. les retouchoirs en os d'Artegnac (couche 6c): perspectives archéozologiques, taphonomiques et expérimentales (1998)
  48. Lessons from the Viking Age (1998)
  49. Lithics, macroscopic approaches to analysis, Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology (1998)
  50. Los instrumentos líticos del Túnel VII: una aproximación etnoarqueológica (1998)
  51. Los nuevos paraísos. Historia y evolución de los parques temáticos (1998)
  52. Male dress in Finland during the Viking Age (1998)
  53. Malmö Kogg - ett project med marinarkeologiska förteckn (1998)
  54. Malmö Kogg, ett annorlunda kulturprojekt (1998)
  55. Malmö Kogg, ett projekt med marinarkeologiska förtecken (1998)
  56. Manching und Tarent. Zur Vergoldungstechnik des keltischen Kultbäumchens und hellenistischer Blattkränze (1998)
  57. The manuballista (1998)
  58. The manufacture of glass in Roman York (1998)
  59. The manufacture of sail with reconstructed tools (1998)
  60. Maschinenbau zur Hallstattzeit? (1998)
  61. Materiali e techniche edilizie romane nella Decima regio (1998)
  62. Mechanical performance of quartz-tempered ceramics Part 1, Strength and toughness (1998)
  63. The Mediaeval Fence (1998)
  64. Mega-plants (1998)
  65. Middelalderens mekanikse apparater til krigsbrug (1998)
  66. A modern crafstman re-creates Peru's past pottery (1998)
  67. More news from the archaic kitchen: the roots of ceramic technology in North America (1998)
  68. Moselik på kunstig vis (1998)
  69. Museologia y didáctica. Consideraciones epistemológicas (1998)
  70. Museum Theatre. Communicating with Visitors through Drama (1998)
  71. Museumspädagogik in Köln, Konzepte-Angebote-Themen (1998)
  72. Mångsysslare, småstäder och klassresor. Nordens bronshantverk som exempel på möjligheter inom socioarkeologin (1998)
  73. Nadelbindung - Typ l mit vielen Variationsmöglichkeiten (1998)
  74. Neolithische Steinartefakte. Ihre Merkmale und Aussagemöglichkeiten (1998)
  75. Neolithische zeef in naaldbindingtechniek (1998)
  76. Observations on a goatskin (1998)
  77. Ochrana dřeva ve stavbě (1998)
  78. Ore-slag relationships from experimentaly smelted bog iron-ore (1998)
  79. Parámetros Técnicos de obtención de lascas de retoque (1998)
  80. Persistance de techniques d'orfèvrerie: le torque celtique de Soucy (Aisne) et les bracelets gallo-romains du Poiré-sur-Vie (Vendée) (1998)
  81. Pfosten, Ständer und Schwelle und der Übergang vom Pfosten- zum Ständerbau – Eine Studie zu Innovation und Beharrung im Hausbau. Zu Konstruktion und Haltbarkeit prähistorischer bis neuzeitlicher Holzbauten von den Nord- und Ostseeländern bis zu den Alpen (1998)
  82. Plant-working and craft activities as a potential source of mocrowear variation (1998)
  83. Plants of the gods (1998)
  84. The play about the plot. History on stage and at stake during the Medieval Week in Visby (1998)
  85. Podrijetlo gra evinskog kamena i dekoracija u kamenu kao i tehnika gradnje na rezidencijalnom kompleksu u uvali Verige na Brijunima (1998)
  86. Postscript (1998)
  87. Potential factors which allow the preservation of mammalian soft tissue in peat bogs (1998)
  88. Pottery ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya highlands (1998)
  89. The presence of the past. Popular uses of history in American life (1998)
  90. Primitive ropemaking: the archaeological and thnographic evidence (1998)
  91. The problem of the plunging neckline (1998)
  92. Problem solving in primitive ceramics: a three part experiment (1998)
  93. The proces of wear formation. Archaeological approach for characterizing and distinghuishing wear traces on flint tools with "gloss" (1998)
  94. The production of glass jewellery at Strbinci (NE Croatia) (1998)
  95. Przesłość i przyslość rekonstrukcji stanowisk archeologiznych (1998)
  96. Prähistorische Textiltraditionen (1998)
  97. Quantifying lithic curation: An experimental test of DIBBLE and PELCIN's original flake-tool mass predictor (1998)
  98. Āraišu ezerpils, Nodaļa grāmatā (1998)
  99. (Re)Capturing a Ruin (1998)
  100. Realización de un arpón Aziliense (1998)