US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
Part of: US Army Corps of Engineers
This is the parent collection for all collections curated and investigations conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District.
Site Name Keywords
41DT12 •
41DT13 •
41DT16 •
41DT14 •
41DT39 •
41DT36 •
41DT45 •
41DT46 •
41DT42 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Midden •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Settlements •
Cemetery •
Artifact Scatter •
Encampment •
Hamlet / Village •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Collections Management •
Finding Aid
Culture Keywords
Archaic •
PaleoIndian •
Late Archaic •
Historic •
Historic Native American •
Prehistoric •
Clovis •
Early Archaic •
Middle Archaic •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Archaeological Overview •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Environment Research •
Consultation •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Historic Background Research
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Ceramic •
Shell •
Fauna •
Ground Stone •
Fire Cracked Rock •
Metal •
Glass •
Wood •
Temporal Keywords
Archaic Period •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Texas (State / Territory) •
Delta County (County) •
Hopkins County (County) •
Hopkins (County) •
Delta (County) •
Jim Chapman Lake •
Fort Worth
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-20 of 20)
An Arachaeological Reconnaissance of Aurbrey Reservoir (1973)
This report describes the result of an archaeological reconnaissance conducted within the area of the proposed Aubrey Reservoir. Within the limits of the reservoir 26 archaeological sites were located and recorded. The period of occupation represented by these sites extends from approximately 2000 B.C. to A.D. 1870. Hunting and gathering were the main subsistence activities of the Indians who inhabited the area. No evidence of occupation during the Paleo-Indian stage was recorded in the...
An Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Perspective: The Tucker (41DT104) And Sinclair (41DT105) Cemeteries of Delta County Texas (1988)
The relocation of the Tucker Cemetery marked the first joint effort to integrate professional archaeologists, bio-archaeologists, and their research goals with the goals and personnel of the Burial Relocation Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and a private relocation contractor. Between October 7 and October 11, 1986, archaeologists from the Institute of Applied Sciences, North Texas State University (IAS-NTSU), a physical anthropologist from the Department of Anthropology,...
Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Survey at Tennessee Colony Lake 1975 (1977)
Archaeological investigations at Tennessee Colony Lake in 1975 were directed toward examining site distributions and densities within a variety of survey sampling strata. Utilizing data derived from the 1974 transect survey to refine field and analysis procedures, a series of 52 quadrats were surveyed as a part of this phase. In all 46 sites that were located, sites shed considerable light on the locations, differences, and similarities in prehistoric, protohistoric, and historic land-use...
Archaeological and Historical Investigations of Joe Pool Lake, North Central Texas (1988)
The field of archaeology addresses the full record of human history before writing was invented. Native Americans have lived in Texas for over 12,000 years. Without archaeological studies, the record of many of these early peoples can not be recognized. At the same time, archaeology is able to provide historians with additional details of our recent past, and useful insights into past settlements. As a discipline, archaeology is very young in comparison to other fields such as astronomy,...
An Archaeological Assessment of the Bear Creek Shelter, Lake Whitney, Texas (1978)
The Bear Creek Shelter (41HI17) was recorded and tested by the River Basin Surveys in 1947. At that time, the site was judged to be shallow and insignificant. Enlargement of Lake Whitney in 1975 subjected the site to wave action, which resulted in the exposure of numerous artifacts through erosion of the deposit. This was noticed and reported by members of the Texas Archaeological Society. Testing in 1976 and 1978 by the Archaeology Research Program of Southern Methodist University revealed a...
An Archaeological Evaluation of Beals Creek, Big Spring, Texas (1977)
Howard County, located in west-central Texas, is situated at the intersection of the Edwards Plateau, Rolling Plains, and the Llano Estacado (Godfrey, McKee, and Oakes 1973). Big Spring, in south-central Howard County, is the county seat and largest city in the county. The city of Big Spring has developed along the Texas and Pacific Railroad line, which partially parallels Beals Creek within the present city limits. Beals Creek, a headwater tributary of the Colorado River, is the major focus of...
Archaeological Investigations at Lakeview Lake: 1979 and 1980 (1982)
The following report is a synthesis of archaeological investigations in the Lakeview Lake Project area. Following an archaeological survey of the project (Phase One) by Skinner and Connors (1979; see below), sequential years of test excavations (Phase Two, 1979; and Phase Three, 1980) were carried out. The results of Phase Two and Three investigations were accumulated in two annual reports (Raab, Bruseth and McIntyre 1979; Ferring and Reese 1979 and Raab, McGregor and McIntyre 1979; Ferring and...
Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Upper Brazos River Basin (1973)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is studying the feasibility of controlling the natural salt pollution of the Brazos River and its tributaries. A plan to establish control of the major sources of salt pollution in the Upper Brazos River has been formulated. The plan calls for the construction of three total impoundment dams and interconnecting pipelines. Construction of the impoundments will prevent salt pollution from spreading throughout the entire length of the Brazos River and would allow...
Archaeological Research at Proposed Cooper Lake, Northeast Texas 1974-1975 (1977)
Testing at four and excavation of two prehistoric sites has revealed new information about the aboriginal settlement of the South Sulphur River Basin. Sites located in and immediately adjacent to the river floowplain have been shown to be functionally similar. Extensive excavation of the Arnold Site and the Ranger Site has revealed that larger artifact samples bear out the same functional attributes as shown through the limited testing of sites within the lake area. The collection of a large...
Archaeological Resources at Los Esteros Lake, New Mexico (1976)
A survey of areas, which will be directly or indirectly affected by construction of a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dam on the Pecos River in Guadalupe County, New Mexico, recorded 246 archaeological sites. In this sample 133 prehistoric, 69 historic, and 44 multiple component sites were recorded. Eleven site categories were defined on the basis of surface remains. These categories included: two differently constructed types of multistructured historic sites; low-walled sandstone enclosures;...
The Archaeological Resources in the Lake Monticello Area of Titus County, Texas (1973)
During the spring and summer of 1971 and January 1972 multidisciplinary environmental and archaeological survey projects were accomplished in the area which will be effected by the construction of an electric generating plant, associated cooling reservoir, and lignite strip mining fields. The proposed reservoir is located on Blundell (Brunnels) Creek, a tributary of Cypress Creek which forms the southern boundary of Titus County. The reservoir impoundment will be approximately 4 1/2 miles long...
Archaeological Resources of the Cooper Reservoir, Texas (1971)
One hundred and five archaeological sites were located and recorded within the area of the proposed Cooper Reservoir, Texas. Sites occur in six topographic situations and are further divided into two time periods, the Archaic and Caddo. Analysis of lithic samples from each site is correlated with site distribution in an attempt to determine the location of specific maintenance activities. A research design is proposed for the salvaging of the archaeological resources of the reservoir area prior...
Catalog Inventory, Delta County, Cooper Lake 1970 (1970)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Tyler Sutton
Field specimen catalog sheets for the Cooper Lake 1970 investigations conducted in Delta County. The Cooper Lake investigations consisted of a two month archaeological site survey of the area to be included within the proposed limits of the Cooper Reservoir, Delta and Hopkins counties, northeast Texas. One hundred and five prehistoric sites were recorded during the survey, 85 of which will be directly affected by construction of the dam and reservoir. Upon completion of the survey limited...
Catalog Inventory, Hopkins County, Cooper Lake 1970 (1970)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Tyler Sutton
Field specimen catalog sheets for the Cooper Lake 1970 investigations conducted in Hopkins County. The Cooper Lake investigations consisted of a two month archaeological site survey of the area to be included within the proposed limits of the Cooper Reservoir, Delta and Hopkins counties, northeast Texas. One hundred and five prehistoric sites were recorded during the survey, 85 of which will be directly affected by construction of the dam and reservoir. Upon completion of the survey limited...
Cooper Lake 1970
One hundred and five archaeological sites were located and recorded within the area of the proposed Cooper Reservoir, Texas. Sites occur in six topographic situations and are further divided into two time periods, the Archaic and Caddo. Analysis of the lithic samples from each site is correlated with site distribution in an attempt to determine the location of specific maintenance activities. A research design is proposed for the salvaging of the archaeological resources of the reservoir area...
An Evaluation of Archaeological Resources at Aquilla Lake (1978)
The purpose of the 1977 investigations at Aquilla Lake was to continue testing archaeological sites in the project area in order to determine which sites warranted nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and also to evaluate various archaeological problems relevant to the project area. This information was used to determine which sites in the project area warrant additional investigations and to develop a comprehensive plan to mitigate the unavoidable loss of archaeological...
An Evaluation of the Archaeological Resources at Lake Whitney, Texas (1974)
The archaeological resources around the edge of Lake Whitney in Central Texas were inventoried in order to determine the impact that an increase in lake level will have upon the resources. It was determined that testing should accompany site survey in order to insure a realistic evaluation of archaeological sites. Testing determined that several sites have been eroded away by lake edge wave action. Extensive excavation was conducted at two prehistoric sites. The sites (Bowling Pin site and...
Finding Aid, Cooper Lake 1970 (2018)
The linear extent of this collection is 15 inches of paper, 9 inches of photographic materials and less than 1 inch of oversize materials. The MCX-CMAC utilizes the standard archival practice of unique naming of collections. The purpose of this is to avoid redundant and confusing collection names commonly found with archaeological investigations. Therefore, this collection is referred to as "Cooper Lake, 1970.” This naming practice is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folder...
The Natural and Cultural Environmental Resources of the Aquilla Creek Watershed, Hill County, Texas (1972)
This report describes the findings of an archaeological site survey within the Aquilla Creek Watershed in Hill County, Texas. One hundred and twenty-five prehistoric sites were recorded during the survey which was concentrated in the area along Aquilla and Hackberry Creeks between State Highway 22 and Aquilla, Texas. Additional information about other archaeological sites within the watershed was provided by amateur archaeologists. Site testing was not included within the scope of the...
A Reconnaissance Survey of the Trinity River Basin (1978)
The current multiple-use plan proposed for the Trinity River, Texas, in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Status Report of Environmental Evaluations: 1975 is a modern outgrowth of a long history of navigation proposals beginning in the mid-nineteenth century. As currently developed, the master plan for the 550-mile Trinity River includes four major developmental components: channelization of the river, development of Tennessee Colony Lake, and the construction of two sets of flood way structures...