OSD Cultural Resources Program Collection


Welcome to the Department of Defense (DoD) Cultural Resources Program Collection.

The DoD maintains thousands of historic and culturally significant resources that form an integral part of mission support and readiness. The Department's cultural resources are the Nation's heritage and DoD holds these assets in trust for all Americans. As stewards of the Nation's largest inventory of federally managed historic properties, DoD strives to maintain, promote, and interpret the cultural resources it manages, both to support the defense mission and to preserve the country's military heritage for future generations. Cultural resources are mission enhancing assets that connect our fighting men and women with their proud history and traditions.

The Federal Preservation Officer for DoD is responsible for cultural resources management and historic preservation policy across the Department. Mr. Richard Kidd is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience and is located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations & Environment.

The DoD historic property portfolio includes 49 individual National Historic Landmarks, 3,171 National Historic Landmark contributing properties, 2,396 individual and contributing historic assets listed in the National Register of Historic Places, over 15,000 historic assets determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and over 132,000 recorded archaeological sites. Military Services and other DoD Components manage these cultural resources at the installation level and work closely with public stakeholders, including American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, State Historic Preservation Officers, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Sound cultural resources stewardship ensures DoD’s compliance with applicable historic preservation Federal laws, Executive Orders, and regulations in support of the defense mission.

For more information, please visit: https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/index.html

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-375 of 375)

Still Serving: Reusing Historic National Guard Armories (Legacy 93-0483) Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452) Support and Utilitarian Structures and Facilities (1917-1946) Overview, Inventory, and Treatment Plan (Legacy 93-0900) Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources Protection (Legacy 06-324) Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection (Legacy 07-324) Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection (Legacy 08-324) Treaty-Reserved Rights on Department of Defense Lands (Legacy 99-1881) Tribal Engagement Guidebook (Legacy 21-001) Two for the Price of One: Integration of NEPA and NHPA Procedures (Legacy 12-520) U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856) Underwater Cultural Resources Management (Legacy 98-1725) Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties (Legacy 01-121) Unspoken Messages - Basque Arborglyphs: Methods for Recording and Documenting Arborglyphs on Department of Defense Land (Legacy 07-359) US DoD Desk Guide to Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes Locations Located in South and Eastern US (Legacy 06-315) Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Site Integrity in the Eastern Woodlands (Legacy 10-416) USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan (Legacy 94-1704) Valcour Bay Research Project: 1999-2002 Results from the Archaeological Investigation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield in Lake Champlain, Clinton County, New York (Legacy 02-162) Vietnam and the Home Front: How DoD Installations Adapted, 1962-1975 (Legacy 12-518) Vietnam War Special Operation Forces and Warfare Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 16-518) Vietnam War-Era Helicopter Training and Use on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 14-739) Vietnam War: Medical Research, Treatment, and Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 18-518) Vietnam War: Pilot and Air Support Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835A) Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835B) Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities (Legacy 15-779) Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the Cultural Resources Management Process (Legacy 09-457) A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations (Legacy 03-167)