Welcome to the Department of Defense (DoD) Cultural Resources Program Collection.
The DoD maintains thousands of historic and culturally significant resources that form an integral part of mission support and readiness. The Department's cultural resources are the Nation's heritage and DoD holds these assets in trust for all Americans. As stewards of the Nation's largest inventory of federally managed historic properties, DoD strives to maintain, promote, and interpret the cultural resources it manages, both to support the defense mission and to preserve the country's military heritage for future generations. Cultural resources are mission enhancing assets that connect our fighting men and women with their proud history and traditions.
The Federal Preservation Officer for DoD is responsible for cultural resources management and historic preservation policy across the Department. Mr. Richard Kidd is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience and is located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations & Environment.
The DoD historic property portfolio includes 49 individual National Historic Landmarks, 3,171 National Historic Landmark contributing properties, 2,396 individual and contributing historic assets listed in the National Register of Historic Places, over 15,000 historic assets determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, and over 132,000 recorded archaeological sites. Military Services and other DoD Components manage these cultural resources at the installation level and work closely with public stakeholders, including American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, State Historic Preservation Officers, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Sound cultural resources stewardship ensures DoD’s compliance with applicable historic preservation Federal laws, Executive Orders, and regulations in support of the defense mission.
For more information, please visit: https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/index.html
Site Name Keywords
14GE0170 •
14RY2117 •
14RY2136 •
14RY2138 •
14RY2140 •
47MO286 •
47MO465 •
47MO704 •
47MO848 •
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Archaeological Feature •
Water-Related •
Shipwreck •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Submerged Aircraft •
Rock Art •
Cemetery •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Other Keywords
Department of Defense •
Historic Context •
Cultural Resources Management •
National Historic Preservation Act •
National Register of Historic Places •
Cultural Resources •
military installations •
Archaeology •
Archaeological Sites •
Historic Buildings
Culture Keywords
Historic •
Prehistoric •
PaleoIndian •
Woodland •
Archaic •
Euroamerican •
Historic Native American •
Investigation Types
Heritage Management •
Historic Background Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Architectural Documentation •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Site Stewardship Monitoring •
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Environment Research
Material Types
Metal •
Ceramic •
Wood •
Glass •
Building Materials •
Chipped Stone •
Macrobotanical •
Fauna •
Textile •
Ground Stone
Temporal Keywords
19th Century •
20th Century •
World War II •
Cold War •
Early-Mid 20th Century •
Vietnam War •
Prehistoric •
Civil War •
18th Century •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
United States •
Virginia (State / Territory) •
District of Columbia (State / Territory) •
South Carolina (State / Territory) •
North Carolina (State / Territory) •
New York (State / Territory) •
Delaware (State / Territory)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-375 of 375)
Still Serving: Reusing Historic National Guard Armories (Legacy 93-0483)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
Historic armories, located in central cities, retain the ability to meet the needs of their communities; the adaptability of drill spaces and offices lends itself to conversion to school buildings, apartments, libraries, museums, and community centers. This report highlights successful projects from around the country.
Still Serving: Reusing Historic National Guard Armories - Report (Legacy 93-0483) (2000)
Historic armories, located in central cities, retain the ability to meet the needs of their communities; the adaptability of drill spaces and offices lends itself to conversion to school buildings, apartments, libraries, museums, and community centers. This report highlights successful projects from around the country.
Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452)
This project created a guide containing case studies for which sustainability principles were used, followed by sections centered on the five guiding principles for high performance and sustainable buildings, as developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and included as part of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG).
Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452) (2010)
This two-part guide contains case studies for which sustainability principles were used, followed by sections centered on the five guiding principles for high performance and sustainable buildings, as developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and included as part of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG).
A Summary of the Strategies for Greening Historic Properties Study - Pamphlet (Legacy 09-452) (2010)
This pamphlet summarizes a guide containing case studies for which sustainability principles were used, followed by sections centered on the five guiding principles for high performance and sustainable buildings, as developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and included as part of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG).
Support and Utilitarian Structures and Facilities (1917-1946) Overview, Inventory, and Treatment Plan (Legacy 93-0900)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report develops a classification system for support and utility structures; partially inventories 35,077 structures; provides a methodology for evaluating NRHP significance; and makes recommendations for treatment. It covers the Military Services from 1917 to 1946 in a nationwide context.
Support and Utilitarian Structures and Facilities (1917-1946) Overview, Inventory, and Treatment Plan - Report (Legacy 93-0900) (1995)
This report develops a classification system for support and utility structures; partially inventories 35,077 structures; provides a methodology for evaluating NRHP significance; and makes recommendations for treatment. It covers the Military Services from 1917 to 1946 in a nationwide context.
Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources Protection (Legacy 06-324)
This project considered preservation of archeological sites and cultural properties in military theaters of operation that is becoming increasingly essential to the mission.
DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards for Afghanistan - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
This poster displays images of playing cards distributed to inform Service members of cultural resources within Afghanistan.
In-Theater Heritage Training: Briefing Script - Script (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
This document is a script for in-theater heritage training concerning archaeological sites and sacred places in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a basic briefing appropriate for all deploying military personnel.
Respect Afghan Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Afghanistan.
Respect Egyptian Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Egypt.
Respect Iraqi and Afghan Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources Protection: Training Assets Construction Specifications - Report (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
A report on the consideration for preservation of archeological sites and cultural properties in military theaters of operation that is becoming increasingly essential to the mission. The attached specifications offer quick solutions for construction of training assets that replicate a variety of cultural properties that our personnel may encounter overseas.
Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection (Legacy 07-324)
This project funded classical archeologists to provide research background material to support soldier training and then to transform this information into useable tools like playing cards.
DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards for Iraq and Afghanistan (Legacy 07-324) (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This poster displays images of playing cards distributed to inform Service members of cultural resources within Iraq and Afghanistan.
Submerged Cultural Heritage Training - Presentation (Legacy 07-324) (2007)
This presentation discusses the importance of submerged cultural resources, laws governing submerged cultural resources, why raising artifacts is not advisable, how to identify shipwreck sites, and resources for further information.
Training for In-Theatre Cultural Resource Protection (Legacy 08-324)
This project aimed to provide practical training materials that are easily available to military personnel at all levels.
Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Training - The Ft. Drum Pilot Project - Presentation (Legacy 08-324) (2008)
This presentation stresses awareness of cultural and heritage resources in the field and discusses training with replica and actual heritage sites. The presentation also offers guidelines for addressing heritage sites in the field and associated concerns.
DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards for Egypt - Poster (Legacy 08-324) (2008)
This poster displays images of playing cards distributed to inform Service members of cultural resources within Egypt.
Soldier Pocket Guide, Heritage Preservation - Guide (Legacy 08-324) (2008)
Individualized self-taught cultural property protection instruction: a double-sided four-by six-inch card printed Soldier Pocket Guide that contains basic top-of-mind information and guidance on cultural heritage issues and cultural property protection.
Treaty-Reserved Rights on Department of Defense Lands (Legacy 99-1881)
This report identifies Department of Defense (DoD) installation obligations arising from treaties and agreements negotiated by the United States and Indian nations between 1775 and 1954. In general, these treaties recognize tribal members rights to hunt, fish, gather, and otherwise continue longstanding use of lands now occupied by DoD installations.
Treaty-Reserved Rights on Department of Defense Lands - Report (Legacy 99-1881) (2002)
This report identifies Department of Defense (DoD) installation obligations arising from treaties and agreements negotiated by the United States and Indian nations between 1775 and 1954. In general, these treaties recognize tribal members rights to hunt, fish, gather, and otherwise continue longstanding use of lands now occupied by DoD installations.
Treaty-Reserved Rights on Department of Defense Lands - Summary (Legacy 99-1881) (2002)
This is a summary of a report that identifies Department of Defense (DoD) installation obligations arising from treaties and agreements negotiated by the United States and Indian nations between 1775 and 1954. In general, these treaties recognize tribal members rights to hunt, fish, gather, and otherwise continue longstanding use of lands now occupied by DoD installations.
Tribal Engagement Guidebook (Legacy 21-001)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project developed a Tribal Engagement Guidebook as a resource to aid DoD personnel who engage with or work on matters of concern to Tribes.
Tribal Engagement Guidebook – Brochure (Legacy 21-001) (2023)
This is the brochure for a project that developed a Tribal Engagement Guidebook as a resource to aid DoD personnel who engage with or work on matters of concern to Tribes.
Tribal Engagement Guidebook – Fact Sheet (Legacy 21-001) (2023)
This fact sheet describes a project that developed a Tribal Engagement Guidebook as a resource to aid DoD personnel who engage with or work on matters of concern to Tribes.
Tribal Engagement Guidebook – Final Report (Legacy 21-001) (2023)
This is the final report for a project that developed a Tribal Engagement Guidebook as a resource to aid DoD personnel who engage with or work on matters of concern to Tribes.
Two for the Price of One: Integration of NEPA and NHPA Procedures (Legacy 12-520)
This project reviews procedural documents from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force that provide guidance for each service to implement the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
Two for the Price of One: Integration of NEPA and NHPA Procedures - Report (Legacy 12-520) (2013)
This report reviews procedural documents from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force that provide guidance for each service to implement the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.
U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview - Report (Legacy 93-0856) (1996)
The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.
Underwater Cultural Resources Management (Legacy 98-1725)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project funded management plans for shipwrecks in South Carolina and Virginia.
A Historic Archaeological Resources Protection Plan and Geographic Information System for Shipwrecks in Virginia Waters Under the Jurisdiction of the United States Navy - Report (Legacy 98-1725) (2004)
The territorial waters of Virginia contain several thousand historically significant shipwrecks from over 400 years of occupation and development by Europeans. This GIS and HARP are tools to effectively protect and manage these resources by locating and assessing submerged shipwreck resources that could be impacted by development and other activities.
A Management Plan for Known and Potential United States Navy Shipwrecks in South Carolina - Report (Legacy 98-1725) (2004)
This report builds on a multi-year effort to 1) compile historic and cultural data of U.S. Navy vessels lost in South Carolina waters to document the losses and subsequent wreck history of each vessel, which was used to update the Naval Historical Center's database of shipwrecks, and 2) conduct remote sensing operations on a limited number of shipwreck sites and areas of naval activities, primarily from the Civil War. A detailed inventory was produced, and the document includes a brief history...
Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties (Legacy 01-121)
This survey report summarizes all known information for submerged U.S. naval properties in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, based on various published and unpublished documents, oral reports, previously completed archaeological investigations, and archival resources. The report includes background information on the environmental setting of Hawaii, prehistoric and historic contexts, potential National Register nominations, and management recommendations.
Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties - Report (Legacy 01-121) (2003)
This survey report summarizes all known information for submerged U.S. naval properties in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, based on various published and unpublished documents, oral reports, previously completed archaeological investigations, and archival resources. The report includes background information on the environmental setting of Hawaii, prehistoric and historic contexts, potential National Register nominations, and management recommendations.
Unspoken Messages - Basque Arborglyphs: Methods for Recording and Documenting Arborglyphs on Department of Defense Land (Legacy 07-359)
This report describes the project focused on presenting a consistent method for recording tree carvings created by Basque shepherds. The study presents a thematic landscape approach that will facilitate a programmatic approach to determining NRHP eligibility for historic aspen tree carvings (arborglyphs) found on Department of Defense (DoD) properties.
Unspoken Messages - Basque Arborglyphs: Methods for Recording and Documenting Arborglyphs on Department of Defense Land - Report (Legacy 07-359) (2008)
This report describes the project focused on presenting a consistent method for recording tree carvings created by Basque shepherds. The study presents a thematic landscape approach that will facilitate a programmatic approach to determining NRHP eligibility for historic aspen tree carvings (arborglyphs) found on Department of Defense (DoD) properties.
US DoD Desk Guide to Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes Locations Located in South and Eastern US (Legacy 06-315)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This 2007 Desk Guide is a starting point for identifying the proper tribe(s) to contact. Initiating formal, government-to-government consultation would typically follow. The Desk Guide contains basic information on both the military installations and the tribes located in the South and Eastern Regions so that this same information is readily available for the tribal governments and their staff. Tribal staff may need to contact a military installation in a region or state which is part of their...
US DoD Desk Guide to Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes Locations Located in South and Eastern US - Guide (Legacy 06-315) (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This 2007 Desk Guide is a starting point for identifying the proper tribe(s) to contact. Initiating formal, government-to-government consultation would typically follow. The Desk Guide contains basic information on both the military installations and the tribes located in the South and Eastern Regions so that this same information is readily available for the tribal governments and their staff. Tribal staff may need to contact a military installation in a region or state which is part of their...
Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Site Integrity in the Eastern Woodlands (Legacy 10-416)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project collected soils data at four installations (Fort Drum, NY; Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA, Cheatham Annex of Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, VA, and Dare County Bombing Range of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC) to explore the efficacy of black earth as an indicator of Indian activity on the landscape. The project's report includes analysis and major conclusions, which were applied to develop management strategies that can be implemented across a wide range of DoD holdings in the...
Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing - Methods and Guidelines for Analysis of Indicator Species Distribution Using Remote Sensing - Presentation (Legacy 10-416) (2012)
This presentation continues the topic in the "Recommendations for Applying Results to DoD Modeling Initiatives" above. Remote sensing is defined, methods are presented, and interpretation and analysis are discussed. The theses of the presentation are that vegetation types containing high density of archaeological sites should show the highest potential for discovery of previously unknown cultural sites, and remote sensing, especially high-resolution aerial imagery, is useful in efficiently...
Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing - Soil Analysis, Methods and Guidelines - Presentation (Legacy 10-416) (2012)
This presentation defines black earth/soils; describes sampling, lab, and analytical methods; outlines the use of the results in ArcMap (Inverse Distance Weighting spatial interpolation tool), and discusses species and soil mineral contents that may indicate use by Native Americans. The thesis of the presentation is that an integration of the use of vegetative indicator species and black earth has more predictive power than either alone.
Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Site Integrity in the Eastern Woodlands - Report (Legacy 10-416) (2012)
This technical report provides a summary of soils data collected at four installations (Fort Drum, NY; Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA, Cheatham Annex of Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, VA, and Dare County Bombing Range of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC) to explore the efficacy of black earth as an indicator of Indian activity on the landscape. The report includes analysis and major conclusions, which were applied to develop management strategies that can be implemented across a wide range of...
USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan (Legacy 94-1704)
The Union ship USS Tecumseh was sunk off Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, Alabama, in 1864 and found by the Smithsonian in 1967. The USS Tecumseh Commission met in 1993 to discuss the future management and protection of the shipwreck, and this draft plan addressing the ship not as an isolated site but within its historical, geographical, and technological context was produced, the report outlines options and recommendations for the protection and preservation of this tomb of 93 Union sailors.
USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan - Report (Legacy 94-1704) (1996)
The Union ship USS Tecumseh was sunk off Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, Alabama, in 1864 and found by the Smithsonian in 1967. The USS Tecumseh Commission met in 1993 to discuss the future management and protection of the shipwreck, and this draft plan addressing the ship not as an isolated site but within its historical, geographical, and technological context was produced, the report outlines options and recommendations for the protection and preservation of this tomb of 93 Union sailors.
Valcour Bay Research Project: 1999-2002 Results from the Archaeological Investigation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield in Lake Champlain, Clinton County, New York (Legacy 02-162)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report discusses a project to map and otherwise document a submerged Revolutionary War battlefield where General Benedict Arnold intentionally destroyed five of his own vessels to deprive the British of battle prizes. The project was designed to systematically map the submerged Valcour Island battlefield while providing sport divers a way to channel their interest in history and archaeology into a formally permitted project.
Valcour Bay Research Project: 1999-2002 Results from the Archaeological Investigation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield in Lake Champlain, Clinton County, New York - Report (Legacy 02-162) (2003)
This report discusses a project to map and otherwise document a submerged Revolutionary War battlefield where General Benedict Arnold intentionally destroyed five of his own vessels to deprive the British of battle prizes. The project was designed to systematically map the submerged Valcour Island battlefield while providing sport divers a way to channel their interest in history and archaeology into a formally permitted project.
Vietnam and the Home Front: How DoD Installations Adapted, 1962-1975 (Legacy 12-518)
This project reviews how DoD installations in the U.S. adapted and changed during the conflict in Vietnam and highlights the Vietnam War era-influenced construction that created facilities on many installations.
Vietnam and the Home Front: How DoD Installations Adapted, 1962-1975 - Brochure (Legacy 12-518) (2015)
This brochure describes how DoD installations in the U.S. adapted and changed during the conflict in Vietnam and highlights the Vietnam War era-influenced construction that created facilities on many installations.
Vietnam and the Home Front: How DoD Installations Adapted, 1962-1975 - Poster (Legacy 12-518) (2015)
This poster describes how DoD installations in the U.S. adapted and changed during the conflict in Vietnam and highlights the Vietnam War era-influenced construction that created facilities on many installations.
Vietnam War Special Operation Forces and Warfare Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 16-518)
This project provides context and typology for Vietnam War (1962–1975) special operation forces and warfare-related resources on Department of Defense (DoD) installations in the United States.
Vietnam War Special Operation Forces and Warfare Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 16-518) (2020)
This brochure summarizes context and typology for Vietnam War (1962–1975) special operation forces and warfare-related resources on Department of Defense (DoD) installations in the United States.
Vietnam War: Logistics Support on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 16-518B) (2020)
This report’s historic context provides military cultural resources professionals with a common understanding for determining the historical significance of Vietnam War logistics-related facilities, greatly increasing efficiency and cost-savings for this necessary effort.
Vietnam War: Special Operation Forces and Warfare Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 16-518A) (2020)
This report provides context and typology for Vietnam War (1962–1975) special operation forces and warfare-related resources on Department of Defense (DoD) installations in the United States.
Vietnam War-Era Helicopter Training and Use on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 14-739)
This project reviewed a historic context subtheme regarding how military helicopter use during the Vietnam War influenced construction on U.S. military installations during this time period. The project report provides context and typology of Vietnam War (1962-1975) helicopter resources on DoD installations in the United States, offering a standardized approach to identifying property types, determining historical significance of properties, and assessing integrity.
Vietnam War-Era Helicopter Training and Use on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 14-739) (2016)
This brochure resulted from a project that reviewed a historic context subtheme regarding how military helicopter use during the Vietnam War influenced construction on U.S. military installations during this time period.
Vietnam War-Era Helicopter Training and Use on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 14-739) (2016)
This report describes the historic context subtheme regarding how military helicopter use during the Vietnam War influenced construction on U.S. military installations during this time period. The report provides context and typology of Vietnam War (1962-1975) helicopter resources on DoD installations in the United States, offering a standardized approach to identifying property types, determining historical significance of properties, and assessing integrity.
Vietnam War: Medical Research, Treatment, and Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 18-518)
This project identifies resource types associated with medical research, training, and treatment during the Vietnam War and provides a context to evaluate these resources’ historical significance.
Vietnam War: Medical Research, Treatment, and Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 18-518) (2020)
This brochure resulted from a project that identifies resource types associated with medical research, training, and treatment during the Vietnam War and provides a context to evaluate these resources’ historical significance.
Vietnam War: Medical Research, Treatment, and Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 18-518) (2020)
This report identifies resource types associated with medical research, training, and treatment during the Vietnam War and provides a context to evaluate these resources’ historical significance.
Vietnam War: Pilot and Air Support Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835A)
This project provides a historic context and building typology for facilities on DoD installations that specifically supported pilot and air support training during the Vietnam War, 1962-1975.
Vietnam War: Pilot and Air Support Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 17-835A) (2019)
This brochure contributes to a overall broad Vietnam War historic background context by addressing pilot and air support training.
Vietnam War: Pilot and Air Support Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Final Report (Legacy 17-835A) (2019)
This report provides a historic context and building typology for facilities on DoD installations that specifically supported pilot and air support training during the Vietnam War, 1962-1975.
Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835B)
This project addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.
Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme - Brochure (Legacy 17-835B) (2019)
This brochure addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.
Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme - Report (Legacy 17-835B) (2019)
This report addresses the role of special schools on U.S. military installations during the Vietnam War, identifies specific installations and resource types associated with special schools during the Vietnam War, and provides a context to evaluate the historical significance of these resources.
Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities (Legacy 15-779)
PROJECT Uploaded by: McKenna McMahon
This project outlined the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches.
Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities - Flow Chart (Legacy 15-779) (2017)
This flow chart resulted from a project that outlined the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches.
Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities - Report (Legacy 15-779) (2017)
This document outlines the challenges of evaluating military buildings under the "work of a master" standard of NRHP Criterion C and details research and analysis approaches. The guidance contains case studies and reference tools, including an annotated list of standard sources for performing evaluations, a reference checklist, and guidance on consulting with SHPO reviewers.
Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the Cultural Resources Management Process (Legacy 09-457)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This project developed and delivered at a pilot workshop that provided instruction on building GIS-based archaeological predictive models to meet the compliance requirements of National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 and National Environmental Policy Act.
Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the Cultural Resources Management Process - Report (Legacy 09-457) (2010)
This report describes a project developed and delivered at a pilot workshop that provided instruction on building GIS-based archaeological predictive models to meet the compliance requirements of Section 106 and NEPA.
A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations (Legacy 03-167)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams
This report describes a workshop of national experts to examine the use of predictive modeling by military installations in November 2004. The participants examined key issues associated with model development and use, discussed successful approaches to improving modeling efforts nationwide, and created some initial guidance for installations planning to use modeling for the first time or hoping to improve or revitalize their use of modeling.
A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations - Report (Legacy 03-167) (2004)
This report describes a workshop of national experts to examine the use of predictive modeling by military installations in November 2004. The participants examined key issues associated with model development and use, discussed successful approaches to improving modeling efforts nationwide, and created some initial guidance for installations planning to use modeling for the first time or hoping to improve or revitalize their use of modeling.