Beyond Triage: Prioritizing Responses to Climate Change Impacts on Archaeological Resources

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 86th Annual Meeting, Online (2021)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Beyond Triage: Prioritizing Responses to Climate Change Impacts on Archaeological Resources" at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Environmental impacts associated with climate change threaten archaeological resources—documented and undocumented—in all types of settings. Accelerated loss is documented for coastal and interior regions around the world, so archaeologists and preservation planners are now in a position of making difficult decisions about the types of resources and settings that should be prioritized for study. Ideally, this work should be proactive and collaborative, involving a range of stakeholders who can make informed decisions that encompass not only known resources, but areas with potential to yield new information. This session addresses approaches to prioritization in the face of limited funding and time.