School of Human Evolution and Social Change


This collection serves as a digital archive of archaeological investigations carried out by faculty, staff, and students from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University.

The collection includes resources from projects around the globe and includes documents, images, and data.

SHESC strives to meet the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsible, Ethical) principles of data stewardship.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,301-2,400 of 2,538)

There are 2538 Images within this Collection [remove this filter]

  • CAGR_BH_TB_WI_A1.tif (1977)
    IMAGE [not managed] David Wilcox.

    This is a photo of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

  • CAGR_BH_TB_WI_A2.tif (1977)
    IMAGE [not managed] David Wilcox.

    This is a photo of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

  • CAGR_BH_TB_WI_A3.tif (1977)
    IMAGE [not managed] David Wilcox.

    This is a photo of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

  • Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Sketch Map (1964)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: alycia hayes

    This image is a sketched map of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The map identifies all sites at features of the Monument known at that time. The features are identified as to what they were and given an approximate date of use within the Classic Period of the Hohokam Indian culture. The map outlines potential boundries for both the sites and the entire area of inhabitation.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Shelter, Structural Design and Details (1932)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: alycia hayes

    These images are blueprints for the shelter over the Great House in Compound A at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The provide a detail of the structural integrity of the shelter roof and foundation. They provide dimensions along with spacial coverage as it relates to the Great House. They were prepared for the Office of the Chief Engineer of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House North Section (1978)
    IMAGE [not managed] Erik Borchers. Myra Borchers. Perry Borchers.

    Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the North Section looking South.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House South and North Section Looking West (1978)
    IMAGE [not managed] Perry Borchers. Myra Borchers. Erik Borchers.

    Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the South and North section looking West.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House South Section (1978)
    IMAGE [not managed] Erik Borchers. Myra Borchers. Perry Borchers.

    Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the South Section looking North.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House West and East Section (1978)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the West and East Section.

  • Casa Grande Ruins Terrestrial Photogrammetry on Great House West Section (1978)
    IMAGE [not managed] Erik Borchers. Myra Borchers. Perry Borchers.

    Image of on site terrestrial photogrammetry of The Great House. Picture was taken with Galileo Santoni Phototheodolite. Photo is taken of the West Section looking East.

  • Central and South Portion of Compound A Locations of 1963 Excavations (1963)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image reflects an aerial view of areas in Central and South portion of Compound A at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument undergoing 1963 excavations.

  • Class I (Overview) Survey Update of the San Carlos Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) Joint Works for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Pinal County, Arizona: Photo (2009)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. To assist with project planning, Reclamation directed Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS)...

  • Class II (Reconnaissance) Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photos (2010)
    IMAGE [not managed] Michael Droz.

    This project is part of the Lower Verde River Survey. Other entries related to that project can be found at the following link: As required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office conducted a Class III (intensive) cultural resources inventory of approximately 6,200 acres of Reclamation withdrawn land along the west side of the lower Verde River in early 2000, which was...

  • Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resource Survey of 458 Acres of Federal and Private Land for Proposed Construction and Operations of a Sediment Removal Pond and Storage Area Below Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona: Photos (2010)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos and Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The initial focus of the SCIDD Rehabilitation Project is the rehabilitation of the Ashurst-Hayden...

  • Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Photos (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Gabe Montgomery.

    Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1,270 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...

  • Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1600 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photos (2005)
    IMAGE [not managed] Shawn Fackler. Jeff Roberson.

    Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1600 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...

  • Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photos (2006)
    IMAGE [not managed] Linda Schilling.

    Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 2,530 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...

  • Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Photos (2008)
    IMAGE [not managed] Walter R. Punzmann. Eric Dosh.

    Other entries related to work done on Arizona withdrawn lands can be found at the following links: and The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 960 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located along Queen Creek west of Superior, Arizona. The withdrawn land was...

  • Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photos (2011)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Claudine Gravel-Miguel

    This project is part of the Lower Verde River Survey. Other entries related to this project can be found at the following link: As required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office (PXAO) requested Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) to conduct Class III (intensive) cultural resources inventory of approximately 6,200 acres of Reclamation withdrawn land along the...

  • Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photos (2000)
    IMAGE [not managed] M. McCurdy. S. Reichardt.

    The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community. At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey...

  • Class III Pedestrian Survey, Shovel Probe Testing, Limited Nonsite Backhoe Trenching, and Magnetometer Sampling for the San Xavier District Farm Rehabilitation Project, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Photos (2011)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    This is part of the San Xavier Farm Rehabilitation Project. Additional entries related to this project can be found at the following link: The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) assisted the Tohono O’odham Nation’s (Nation) San Xavier District’s (District) Farm Cooperative (CoOp) in developing some 1,400 acres of new farm land along both sides of Interstate 19 south of the existing CoOp farm fields. This project was in accordance with the...

  • Class III Survey of Expanded Area of Potential Effect for the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation of Reaches 1, 2, and 3: Photos (2017)
    IMAGE [not managed] Thomas Jones. Jennifer Rich.

    As authorized under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004, the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District (SCIDD) is undertaking a 10-year rehabilitation project of its irrigation system. SCIDD is the non-Indian irrigation component of the San Carlos Irrigation Project (SCIP), which provides irrigation water to the communities of Florence, Coolidge, and Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. The Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office (Reclamation) directed Archaeological Consulting...

  • Collection Map for Soils Used in 2007 Grow Experiment (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Collection Map for Soils Used in 2007 Grow Experiment

  • Comparison of Construction Material Mound Height for Outlying Structures at Pueblo Pato and Pueblo la Plata (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Will Russell.

    Graph comparing construction material mound heights for outlying structures at Pueblo Pato and Pueblo la Plata. The average mount height at Pueblo Pato is larger than at Pueblo la Plata, although the latter has a wider range of mound heights.

  • Comparison of Outlying Structures at Pueblo la Plata: Distance from Pueblo vs. Number of Rooms (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Will Russell.

    Graph comparing the distance of outlying structures to Pueblo la Plata on one hand and the number of rooms per structure on the other. Shows a general pattern wherein larger outliers tend to be closer to the pueblo.

  • Comparison of Outlying Structures at Pueblo la Plata: Distance from Pueblo vs. Structure Size (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Will Russell.

    Graph comparing the distance of outlying structures to Pueblo la Plata on one hand and the size of these structures (estimated floor area) on the other. Pattern suggests that outlying structures near the pueblo tend to be larger in size.

  • Comparison of Outlying Structures at Pueblo la Plata: Proportions of Assemblage by Number of Rooms (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Will Russell.

    Pie chart showing the proportions of outlying structures at Pueblo la Plata with various room counts. Most outliers consist of one room. In general, there is a negative correlation between the number of rooms in a structure and their prevalence.

  • Comparison of Soil Sediment Sizes at Pueblo la Plata, Bull Tank Farm, and Richinbar Ruin (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Graphs comparing differences in soil sediment types at Pueblo la Plata, Bull Tank Farms, and Richinbar Ruin. Samples were taken from agricultural terraces with varying degrees of anthropogenic modification.

  • Compilation of Plan Maps, Showing Construction Sequence at Pueblo la Plata (2005)
    IMAGE [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Compilation of Plan Maps, Showing Construction Sequence at Pueblo la Plata

  • Compound map (1992)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: alycia hayes

    This image is a detailed compound map of Compound B at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.

  • Cultural Resources Assessment of 117 Archaeological Sites for the Fannin-McFarland and Tucson Aqueducts, Central Arizona Project Canal: Photos (2017)
    IMAGE [not managed] Walter R. Punzmann. Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    In compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), Phoenix Area Office (PXAO) began cultural resource surveys along the Central Arizona Project (CAP) main stem alignment shortly after the CAP was authorized. For the next 25 years, various cultural resource management contractors conducted inventories of the CAP, recording several hundred archaeological sites. From the 1970s to the 1980s, some of these sites were tested and/or excavated as mitigation for the...

  • Cultural Resources Assessment of 39 Archaeological Sites in the Agua Fria Conservation Area: Select Photos (2007)
    IMAGE [not managed] Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd..

    In 2007, Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc. (ACS) re-visited 39 known archaeological sites in the Agua Fria Conservation Area in Lake Pleasant Regional Park. ACS archaeologists documented and assessed the condition of the sites. This record includes select photos from the assessment work.

  • A Cultural Resources Survey of 1,420 Acres Along the Lower San Pedro River, North of Benson: Photos (2002)
    IMAGE [not managed] Lisa Champagne. Chad Badorek.

    The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed Archaeological Consulting Service, Ltd. (ACS) to complete a Class III cultural resources survey of 1,420 acres along the lower San Pedro River. Reclamation, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy, plans to acquire this land and designate it a conservation easement as mitigation for the destruction of riparian habitat during construction of the Central Arizona Project fish barriers. ACS conducted a Class III cultural resources survey of the...

  • Cultural Resources Survey of 510 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Near Granite Reef Diversion Dam: Photos (2004)
    IMAGE [not managed] Lisa Champagne. Donald W. Jolly.

    Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 510 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn land is within the Tonto National...

  • Diagram of Proposed Construction Sequence at Pueblo la Plata (2005)
    IMAGE [not managed] Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

    Map series showing proposed stages of construction at Pueblo la Plata

  • Drain Ditch from South and East Map (1967)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image reflects a profile of an original and corrected Drain Ditch in Compound A. Main drawing represents the Drain Ditch from South on West side and smaller drawing represents the same ditch From East on North Side.

  • Drainage Plan of Compound A, Casa Grande National Monument (1933)
    IMAGE [not managed] C.F. Wells.

    These images are plans for proposed drainage systems for Compound A at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The mapping shows placement and method of installation for drainage systems. Included are diagrams of drainage placement through both the compound walls and room walls within the compound.

  • Elevations of the Interior Walls of Tier A in The Great House (1980)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of a profile displaying the features of the interior walls of Tier A in the Great House. Image indicates location of the following features: observation holes, beam holes, intact wall plaster, stablization, through wall cracks, erosion cracks, and laminated deposits

  • Elevations of the Interior Walls of Tier B in The Great House (1980)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of a profile displaying the features of the interior walls of Tier B in the Great House. Image indicates location of the following features: observation holes, beam holes, intact wall plaster, stablization, through wall cracks, erosion cracks, and laminated deposits

  • Elevations of the Interior Walls of Tier C in The Great House (1980)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of a profile displaying the features of the interior walls of Tier C in the Great House. Image indicates location of the following features: observation holes, beam holes, intact wall plaster, stablization, through wall cracks, erosion cracks, and laminated deposits.

  • Elevations of the Interior Walls of Tier D of The Great House (1980)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of a profile displaying the features of the interior walls of Tier D of the Great House. Image indicates location of the following features: observation holes, beam holes, intact wall plaster, stablization, through wall cracks, erosion cracks, and laminated deposits

  • Elevations of the Interior Walls of Tier E in The Great House (1980)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Jessica Harness

    Image of a profile displaying the features of the interior walls of Tier E in the Great House. Image indicates location of the following features: observation holes, beam holes, intact wall plaster, stablization, through wall cracks, erosion cracks, and laminated deposits

  • EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) Reconstructable Vessels (2017)
    IMAGE [not managed] Michelle Hegmon.

    Photographs of all reconstructable vessels from Las Animas Village (LA3949). The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In...

  • EMAP Photographs - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 2 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 22 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 23 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 3 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Anderson (LA37690) Unit 41 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 1 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 10 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 13 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 14 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 15 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 16 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 17 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 18 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 2 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 30 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 31 (1997)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 4 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 5 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 50 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 51 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 6 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 60 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 7 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 70 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 8 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 80 (1995)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Las Animas (LA3949) Unit 9 (1994)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Phelps (LA37691) Unit 1 (1983)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Phelps (LA37691) Unit 10 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Phelps (LA37691) Unit 11 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs - Phelps (LA37691) Unit 12 (1993)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA44997) Unit 1 (1997)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA44997) Unit 2 (1997)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 1 (1997)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 20 (1999)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 21 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 22 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 23 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 40 (1997)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Avilas Canyon (LA45000) Unit 60 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 1 (1990)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 10,11,12 (1991)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 2 (1990)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 3 (1991)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Buckaroo (LA70259) Unit 4 (1991)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 100 (2000)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 114 (2001)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 116 (2000)
    IMAGE [not managed] Uploaded by: Sarah Klassen

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 118 (2001)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 120 (2001)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 121 (2001)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 31 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 32 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 33 (2001)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 34 (2000)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 35 (2000)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...

  • EMAP Photographs – Flying Fish (LA37767) Unit 50 (1998)
    IMAGE [not managed] Sarah Klassen.

    The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...