SHESC: Long Term Vulnerability and Transformation Project (LTVTP) - Documents and Data
Site Name Keywords
Atsinna •
Cienega Site •
Mirabal Ruin •
Pueblo de los Muertos •
Scribe S Site •
Tinaja •
Hinkson Site •
Log Gigantes •
Gran Quivira •
Pueblo Blanco
Site Type Keywords
Non-Domestic Structures •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Room Block / Compound / Pueblo •
Town / City •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Great House / Big House •
Kiva / Great Kiva •
Hamlet / Village
Other Keywords
Resilience •
demography •
settlement •
population •
Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project •
Agriculture •
Culture Keywords
Cibola •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Zuni •
Salado •
Mimbres •
Hohokam •
Historic •
Historic Native American •
Spanish •
Inka Empire
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Archaeological Overview •
Collections Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Environment Research •
Ethnographic Research •
Ethnohistoric Research •
Remote Sensing •
Geophysical Survey •
Material Types
Ceramic •
Macrobotanical •
Mineral •
Temporal Keywords
Pueblo III •
Pueblo IV •
Prohistoric •
Postclassic •
Civano •
Classic •
Late Pithouse •
Preclassic •
Sedentary •
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
New Mexico •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Cibola •
Zuni •
Cibola County (County) •
USA (Country) •
Arizona •
El Morro Valley
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-29 of 29)
Animal Species Descriptions and Ethnographic Uses and Beliefs (2007)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Report on the ethnographic uses and beliefs pertatining to animals in the U.S. Southwest.
CARP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Coding sheet for macrobotanical data from the Cibola Archaeological Project (CARP) collected during the summers of 1972 and 1973.
CARP Fauna (2007)
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Cibola Archaeological Research Project faunal database. 25,547 elements recorded.
CARP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
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Macrobotanical data from the Cibola Archaeological Project (CARP) collected during the summers of 1972 and 1973.
CARP Master Sample Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DATASET [not managed]
Master sample sheet for macrobotanical data from the Cibola Archaeological Project (CARP) collected during the summers of 1972 and 1973.
Decorated Ceramics from Excavated Mimbres Sites (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
This synthesis presents counts of decorated ceramics from excavated sites in the Mimbres region.
Documents and Data from Hegmon et al. Marking and Making Difference: Representational Diversity in the US Southwest
PROJECT [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Data sets included in this project were created for the article "Marking and Making Difference: Representational Diversity in the US Southwest.". Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late...
Documents and Data from Hegmon et al. Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context
PROJECT [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
This is the data used in the chapter "Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context" by Michelle Hegmon, James R. McGrath, F. Michael O'Hara, III, and Will G. Russell in New Perspectives on Mimbres Archaeology: Three Millennia of Human Occupation in the Desert Southwest edited by Particia A. Gilman, Roger Anyon, and Barbara Roth
EMVPP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Coding sheet for the macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.
EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
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Macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.
General Resources from the Long Term Vulnerability and Transformation Project
PROJECT [not managed]
Long-Term Coupled Socioecological Change in the American Southwest and Northern Mexico: Each generation transforms an inherited social and environmental world and leaves it as a legacy to succeeding generations. Long-term interactions among social and ecological processes give rise to complex dynamics on multiple temporal and spatial scales – cycles of change followed by relative stasis, followed by change. Within the cycles are understandable patterns and irreducible uncertainties; neither...
Hegmon et al. Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context Database (2013)
DATASET [not managed]
This data set contains the ceramic data analyzed for and published in "Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context" by Michelle Hegmon, James R. McGrath, F. Michael O'Hara, III, and Will G. Russell in New Perspectives on Mimbres Archaeology: Three Millennia of Human Occupation in the Desert Southwest edited by Patricia A. Gilman, Roger Anyon, and Barbara Roth
Hohokam Population Database (2006)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples
This database contains population estimates for all major sites within the Hohokam region by time period from about AD 700-1400. These data are based on Doelle's (1995) Roosevelt Community Development Study and updated based on data produced after the initial publication.
Marking and Making Difference Appendix A: PIII Database (2015)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...
Marking and Making Difference Appendix B: Early PIV Database (2015)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...
Marking and Making Difference Appendix C: Late PIV Database (2015)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...
Marking and Making Difference Appendix D: Early Proto Database (2015)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...
Marking and Making Difference Appendix E: Late Proto Database (2015)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker
Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...
Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context (2015)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This document is the final submission for the forthcoming chapter: Michelle Hegmon, James R. McGrath, F. Michael O’Hara, III, and Will G. Russell Forthcoming Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context. In New Perspectives on Mimbres Archaeology: Three Millennia of Human Occupation in the Desert Southwest, edited by Patricia A. Gilman, Roger Anyon, and Barbara Roth. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, submitted 2015.
OBAP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2016)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Coding sheet for macrobotanical database associated with the Ojo Bonito Research Project.
OBAP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
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Macrobotanical database for the Ojo Bonito Research Project.
Raw Data for Soils Collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the North Coast of Peru (2010)
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These are the raw data for soils collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the north coast of Peru for Strawhacker's dissertation research.
Raw Data on Soils Collected from Prehispanic and Historic Fields on the Middle Gila River (2013)
DATASET [not managed]
These are the raw data from the soils collected from the middle Gila River (on the land now management by the Gila River Indian Community) for Strawhacker's dissertation research.
Salinas, New Mexico Settlement Database (2007)
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This database contains information on all likely habitation sites with available data from the Salinas region of central New Mexico dating ca. AD 1100-1670.
Settlement and Demography in the Greater Mimbres Region (2007)
DATASET [not managed]
The database presented here contains information on all major habitation sites and smaller habitation sites from major surveys across the most densely populated portions of the Mimbres region (Mimbres Valley, Eastern Mimbres area, and the Upper Gila). The database is relatively complete for sites that date between AD 1000 and 1450 but also includes limited information on major earlier components dating between AD 200-1000.
The Social Significance of Mimbres Painted Pottery in the U.S. Southwest
PROJECT [not managed]
Supporting data for "The Social Significance of Mimbres Painted Pottery in the U.S. Southwest" by Michelle Hegmon, Will G. Russel, Kendall Baller, Matthew A. Peeples, and Sarah Striker. (2021) American Antiquity 86(1):23-42. doi:10.1017/aaq.2020.63 All of the data for this article are derived from the Mimbres Pottery Images Digital Database (MimPIDD) at Data for specific analyses are compiled in...
Sustaining Irrigation Agriculture for the Long-Term: Lessons on Maintaining Soil Quality from Ancient Agricultural Fields in the Phoenix Basin and on the North Coast of Peru (2013)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Irrigation agriculture has been heralded as the solution to feeding the world’s growing population. To this end, irrigation agriculture is both extensifying and intensifying in arid regions across the world in an effort to create highly productive agricultural systems. Over one third of modern irrigated fields, however, show signs of serious soil degradation, including salinization and waterlogging, which threaten the productivity of these fields and the world’s food supply. Surprisingly, little...
Synthesis of Salinas Pueblo Glazeware Sources from Petrographic Analyses (2008)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Stephanie Kulow
This spreadsheet presents counts of glazeware ceramics for each of the Salinas Pueblos organized by petrographically-determined production area
Taking Risks and Making Trade-offs: Hohokam Communities High School - College (2016)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Hohokam Risks and Trade-offs is the product of research funded by a NSF Coupled Natural and Human Systems Grant that focused on the role of social and ecological diversity as a strategy for prehistoric resilience. This curriculum, targeted to 4th - through early middle school, is based off a platform designed by NASA. Itchallenges students to explore the risks and trade-offs made by prehistoric Hohokam communities related to geographic space, irrigation, cooperation, and trade networks. They...