SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts

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  1. A Preliminary Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Houck Sites in Northeastern Arizona (2023)
  2. Pristine Forests of Southern Chile? Evidence for a Millennium of Anthropogenic Woodlands (2023)
  3. Privy to the Details: Biographies of the Teager/Weimer Site (45SN409) in Arlington, Washington (2023)
  4. Production, Use, and Microwear Analysis of Experimental Quartz Tools (2023)
  5. Projectiles or Pikes? Clovis Point Attributes and Braced Weapon Use (2023)
  6. Prospects for the Recovery of aDNA from Asphaltic Faunal Remains (2023)
  7. Proyekto Paisahe Kultural di Kòrsou: The Environmental Legacy of Curaçao’s Cultural Landscapes (2023)
  8. Public Archaeology at Iosepa: Community Collaboration in Artifact Display and Analysis (2023)
  9. Public Outreach and Rock Art: Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center’s Commitment to Public Engagement (2023)
  10. Publication Trends in Research on Human Environment Interactions in Early China (2023)
  11. The Pueblo of Acoma’s Cultural Inheritance and Archaeological Partnership in “The Lands Between” of Southeastern Utah (2023)
  12. Putting Life into a Stone Age Dwelling Construction: A Joint Venture of Local Volunteers and Archaeological Scientists (2023)
  13. Quality Control: The Impact of Raw Material Quality on Inter-analyst Variation and Interpretation of Lithic Assemblages (2023)
  14. A Quantitative Analysis of the Association between Pottery Motifs and Communal Identity during the Third Millennium BCE at Abu Fatma, Sudan (2023)
  15. Quichunque: Un santuario inca de altura en la sierra norte de Lima (2023)
  16. The Quivira Connections (2023)
  17. Radiocarbon Dates from the Necropolis of Ancón, Peru (2023)
  18. Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching on a Dendrochronologically Dated Timber Sample from Paquimé (2023)
  19. Reaping the Rewards of Incipient Agriculture from the Land to the Sea and the Mangroves In Between (2023)
  20. Recent Archaeological Research in Gorgona Island, Colombia (2023)
  21. Recent Developments in Small and Low-Cost 3D Scanning Systems (2023)
  22. Recent Investigations at 41AN162, a Middle Caddo Site in East Texas: Implications for Late Mississippian Settlement-Subsistence Behavior and Precision Dating (2023)
  23. Recent Investigations of Maya Archaeological Site Looting in Petén, Guatemala (2023)
  24. Recent Trends in North American Great Plains Archaeological Research (2023)
  25. A Reclassification of the High Plains Upper Republican Ceramics from Buick Campsite: Buick Collared and Buick Straight (2023)
  26. Reconsidering the Ideal Despotic Distribution on Agricultural Frontiers (2023)
  27. A Reconstructed Chaîne Opératoire for Mesoamerican Cochineal (2023)
  28. Reconstructing a Paleoindigenous Communal Space: Living under the Trees in the Atacama Desert, Chile, 12,800–11,200 cal yrs BP (2023)
  29. Reconstructing Funerary Practices from a Heavily Looted Tomb: A Case from the Upper Nepeña Drainage, Ancash, Peru (2023)
  30. Reconstructing Multiregional Pastoral Strategies in the South-Central Andes (2023)
  31. Reconstructing the Habitual Workspaces of a Middle Caddo Period Structure at Site 41FN244 (2023)
  32. Reconstructing the Social Life of Death at Ancient Aksum through Micro-CT Imaging (AD 50–400) (2023)
  33. Recovering Lost Excavations: Reconstructing Burials from the University of California Excavations at Guatacondo, Chile (1967–1969) (2023)
  34. Recuperando el rompecabeza: Un análisis de la escalera jeroglífica de El Resbalón (2023)
  35. Recycling Woodlands: Timber Use and Reuse in Timber Framed Buildings in West Suffolk, England (2023)
  36. Reevaluating Precolumbian Pottery of the Florida Keys (2023)
  37. A Reevaluation of Viejo Period Architecture and Construction in the Casas Grandes Region (2023)
  38. Reexamining the Organization of Ornament Production at Chaco Canyon: Insights from Pueblo Bonito’s Lapidary Tool Assemblage (2023)
  39. Refining Archaeological Data Collection and Management (2023)
  40. Refining the Chronology of Basketmaker II Perishable Craft Production in Southeastern Utah (2023)
  41. Refining the Regional Ceramic Chronology of the Postclassic Basin of Mexico to account for Spatial-Temporal Variability (2023)
  42. Reflections on My First Summer of Fieldwork (2023)
  43. Refuse Disposal and Activity Area Patterns in a Fur Trade Period Pithouse on the Nechako Plateau, British Columbia (2023)
  44. Regional Comparison of Ritual Closure in American Southwest (2023)
  45. A Regional Perspective on Archaic to Formative Settlement in the Sierra Blanca Region, New Mexico (2023)
  46. Regional Spheres of Gameplay: A Preliminary Comparative Analysis of Patolli, a Mesoamerican Board Game (2023)
  47. The Religious Network in the Early Spanish Colonialism in Asia: A Comparative Study of Seventeenth-Century Church Sites in Archaeological Contexts (2023)
  48. Remote Sensing Methods for Investigating Modern-Day Land-Use Intensity in Archaeological Landscapes: A Case Study from the Sinis Archaeological Project, Sardinia (2023)
  49. Renovar para construir: La renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar durante el Periodo Formativo (1100–450 aC) (2023)
  50. The Reorganization of Shell Bead Production in California during the Historic Period (2023)
  51. Reorienting Frontiers and Borderlands: Recent Research on the Usumacinta River (2023)
  52. Repatriating Cahokia: Pursuing Tribal Priorities in and around NAGPRA (2023)
  53. Representation Matters: The Importance of Local Participation in Archaeological Projects in Belize (2023)
  54. Reserviors of Knowledge: An Examination of Inundated Resources (2023)
  55. Residue Analysis by Crossover Immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) on Siskiyou Utility Ware, a Pilot Study from Southern Oregon (2023)
  56. Resting in Meaning: Symbolism from St. Henry’s Cemetery (11S1742), East St. Louis, IL, 1866–1908 (2023)
  57. Results of the Fort Hunter Liggett Rock Art Investigation Project in Monterey County, California (2023)
  58. The Return of the Large Enigmatic Pit: Investigating Off-Mound Areas at Pumpkin Lake (2023)
  59. A Review of the Antiquity and Distribution of Intertidal Fishing Technology in Southeast Alaska and Future Research Inquiry (2023)
  60. A Review of the Archaeological Evidence for Smoking across the Americas and Africa (2023)
  61. Reviewing Urbanization and Deurbanization at Teotihuacan (2023)
  62. Revisiting Interaction Sphere Theory (2023)
  63. Revisiting Kelly Forks (10CW34): Current and Future Research at a Western Stemmed Tradition Occupation in the Nez-Perce Clearwater National Forest, Idaho (2023)
  64. Revisiting the Sentinels: An Analysis of Data Recovery Potential from the Razed Manhattan Project Built Environment, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico (2023)
  65. Revitalizing Ancient Knowledge: A Community-based Outreach Project Sharing Classic Maya Epigraphy in Ox Mul Kah (San Antonio), Belize (2023)
  66. Reviving Collections “At Rest”: Examining Recent Efforts to Promote Collections Research at CFAR (2023)
  67. Ritual Movement on Chacoan Roads: Insights from Recent Fieldwork, Ethnography, and Cross-Cultural Comparison (2023)
  68. The Road to Rayan Is Paved with Good Intentions (2023)
  69. The Roman Basilica at Freixo, Portugal: Ongoing Excavations and Current Interpretations Regarding the Role and Regional Significance of this Hinterland Community (2023)
  70. Royal Numismatic Hoard from Samshvilde (Political and Economic Aspect of the Medieval South Caucasus based on Archaeological Data) (2023)
  71. Río Chico in the Distant Past of the Pastaza Valley, Ecuador (2023)
  72. Sacrificing SAIS: Ceramic Offerings from Huari, Peru (2023)
  73. The Sakjol Marketplace of Yaxnohcah, Campeche, Mexico (2023)
  74. Salient Spaces in the Painted Desert: A Comparative Ceramic Study of the Lacey Point Petroglyph Site (2023)
  75. Sampling Vein Quartz: An Adapted Fieldwork Protocol Combining Structural Geology and Archaeology (2023)
  76. San Jacinto and the Origins of Pottery Making in the Americas: A Technological Perspective (2023)
  77. Saving Sacred Places in Perpetuity: Research Report of Ongoing Archaeological Investigations at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Mississippi (2023)
  78. Seasonal Resource in Coastal Baja California: Pedestrian Survey in Colonet, Baja California, Mexico (2023)
  79. Seasonal Visibility and the Panoptic Plantation: Exploring the Use of “Fertile” Landscapes and 3D GIS Visualization Technologies on Plantationscapes (2023)
  80. Semetabaj and Its Role in Commercial and Ideological Interaction in the Guatemalan Highlands and Beyond (2023)
  81. Serious Seriation: Age-at-Death Assessment of Skeletons from Caves Branch Rockshelter, Belize (2023)
  82. Setting the Table at the ca. 1638 Waterman House Site, Plymouth Colony (2023)
  83. Settlement Clusters: A Different Way of Conceptualizing Community (2023)
  84. Settlement Patterns and Land Use on the Shivwits Plateau: Insights from a Cultural Resources Inventory on the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (2023)
  85. Several Fallacies Handicap Thinking Regarding Pleistocene LCTs: For Example, the Victorian Pet Name “Handaxe” Has Biased Minds with Assumed Behavior for 150 Years (2023)
  86. Sex-Biased Differences in Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy at Síi Túupentak, an Ancestral Ohlone Village in Central California (ca. 540–145 cal BP) (2023)
  87. A Shell Mound in a Rockshelter? Geoarchaeological Analysis of Shell-bearing Facies at Maximiano Rockshelter, Iporanga County, São Paulo State, SE Brazil (2023)
  88. Shellfish Variability and Its Role in the Adaptation to Fishing Economies on the California Channel Islands (2023)
  89. Sight Formation Processes: Archaeology of Cultural and Sociohistorical Extromission and “Seeing Together” (2023)
  90. Signage and Protection: The Effect of Moral and Threat Appeals at Reducing Depreciative Behaviors at Rock Art Sites (2023)
  91. Silcrete Heat Treatment Technology during the MIS 5/4 Transition at Pinnacle Point 5-6 and Vleesbaai, South Africa (2023)
  92. Simulated Archaeological Site Development for Education and Outreach: A Case Study from Kazakhstan (2023)
  93. Site Formation and Karst Processes during the Last Glacial Cycle at Lapa Do Picareiro, Portugal (2023)
  94. Site Hierarchy and Ceramic Display: Regional Variation in Bronze Age Ceramic Assemblages in the Eastern Carpathian Basin (2023)
  95. Skeletons in the Closet: Ethical, Moral, Pedagogical, and Intellectual Issues in Managing Unprovenanced Osteological Legacy Collections (2023)
  96. Slow Archaeology, Community Engagement, and Collaborative Knowledge Production in the Maya World (2023)
  97. Small Things Brought Together: Analyzing the Microdebitage of Experimental Lithic Assemblages (2023)
  98. Small-Scale Agriculture and Localized Food Processing: Overview of a Post-Emancipation Communal Sugar (and Mango) Processing Platform on Providencia Island, Colombia (2023)
  99. Smith Creek Cave Revisited: An Analysis of Western Stemmed Tradition Raw-Material Procurement Strategies and Lithic Technological Organization in the Bonneville Basin (2023)
  100. Social Inequalities by Diet in Archaeology: The Contribution of Isotopes (2023)