Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,501-1,600 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Making, Baking, Breaking, and Cutting: Experiential Learning through Enacting the Past (2024)
  2. Malaria in the African Indian Ocean Islands: Prospects and Challenges for Biomolecular Archaeology (2024)
  3. Managing Teotlalpan: Resourcefulness and Socioecological Diversity during the Epiclassic Period in Central Mexico (2024)
  4. Manifestaciones del poder Inka en la Cordillera Oriental (Usicayos, Puno, Peru) (2024)
  5. Mapping Agricultural Landscapes in Roman and Post-Roman Italy (2024)
  6. Mapping Heat: Pinpointing Early Human Interactions with Chili Pepper in Mexico (2024)
  7. Mapping Human Migrations, Past and Present: Developing Environmental Isotope and Trace Element Maps of Mexico and Central America (2024)
  8. Mapping Indigenous Laborers at the Pageant Tavern and Hotel on the Red Cliff Reservation on Lake Superior, Wisconsin, USA. (2024)
  9. Mapping Structural Vulnerability through Nutritional Deficiencies, Infection, and Burial Location at the Colonial Maya site of Tipu (AD 1543–1707) (2024)
  10. Mapping the Historic Baptist Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts (2024)
  11. Mapping the Mayordomo's Procession: A Study of Ritualized Movement in Oaxaca (2024)
  12. Mapping the Younger Dryas Landscape of the San Dieguito Paleochannel (2024)
  13. Mapping Up and Down: Automatic Mapping of Highland and Coastal Sites Using Multispectral Based Image Analysis Methods From Aerial Images (2024)
  14. Marine Shell from Burials in St. Henry’s Cemetery (11S1742), East St. Louis, IL (1866-1908) (2024)
  15. Marine Species and Sea-Related Representations in Ninth- to Fourteenth-Century Casma Iconography on the North-Central Coast of Peru (2024)
  16. Maritime Lifeways and Technological Choices of the Englefield Culture (7000-5600 cal BP) in Southern Patagonia: Insights from Obsidian and Bone Tool Analysis (2024)
  17. Maritime Settlement of Fuego-Patagonia Archipelago: New Archaeological Records from the Middle Holocene (6300-5000 BP) at Navarino Island, Chile (55º S / 67º W) (2024)
  18. Marshlands and Early Mesopotamian Urban Form (2024)
  19. Marxist Dendroarchaeology: Examining Labor’s Effects on Landscapes and Living Conditions in Cebolla Canyon, New Mexico (2024)
  20. The Material Culture of Back-to-Africa: Object Reinvention in the Development of Africa's First Republic (2024)
  21. Material Proxies and Stylistic Indicators: On the Adoption of Foreign Forms of Governance at Xochicalco, Morelos, Mexico (2024)
  22. Material Transformations and Vegetal Ontologies in the Postclassic and Colonial Mesoamerican Flower Worlds (2024)
  23. Material Wealth and Herding Power: A Pastoralist Perspective on Divine Lordship from Pashash, Peru (2024)
  24. Materialities of Boiling and Steaming: SEM Microscopic and Experimental archaeological Study on East and Southeast Asian Cooking Technologies (2024)
  25. The Materiality of Surveillance: Scale, Complexity, and Polity (2024)
  26. Materialización de las nuevas interacciones en la zona fronteriza entre Mesoamérica y el Área Istmo-colombiana durante el Postclásico Temprano: Un acercamiento desde Los Naranjos, noroeste de Honduras (2024)
  27. Materialization of Time, Space, Nature, and Societies Denoted by New Lidar Maps at Teotihuacan (2024)
  28. Materializing Inka-Colla Interaction in the Colonial Viceroyalty of Peru (2024)
  29. Maternal Marginalization and Infant Mortality in Dunedin, New Zealand, 1850–1940 (2024)
  30. The Matlatzinca-Aztec City of Tlacotepec: Results of the Proyecto Arqueológico Tlacotepec/Tlacotepec Archaeological Project (2024)
  31. Matters of Scale: Depositional Processes and the Archaeology of Daily Life at Bacon’s Castle (2024)
  32. Mauretanian and Roman Settlement Chronology in the Loukkos Valley, Northern Morocco (2024)
  33. The Maya are a People of Movement: An Isotopic Assessment at Chactemal (Santa Rita Corozal), Northern Belize (2024)
  34. Maya Dental Modifications: Insights from Ka’Kabish, Belize (2024)
  35. Maya Funerary Diversity: A Nonlinear Perspective from Palenque, Chiapas (2024)
  36. Maya Lithic and Metal Technologies in Belize (2024)
  37. The Maya Mountain Altars of Northwestern Guatemala (2024)
  38. Maya Obsidian Production and Exchange in the Southern Belize Region (2024)
  39. Maya Pilgrimage to Interactive Places: Human Bones in Caves at Mensabak, Chiapas (2024)
  40. Maya Ritual Beverages: Unveiling the Ingredients for an Ancient Alcoholic Offering (2024)
  41. Mea Culpa (2024)
  42. The Meaning, Value, and Purpose of Things: The Evolving Idea of the Archaeological Museum Collection (2024)
  43. Meaningful Choices and Relational Networks: Analyzing Western Arnhem Land’s Painted Hand Rock Art Style Using Chaîne Opératoire (2024)
  44. Measurement Variability in a Collection of Modern Gazelle (Gazella gazella) Skeletons and its Archaeological Implications (2024)
  45. Measuring Urban Mobility and Accessibility in a Mesoamerican Context (2024)
  46. Medical Cannibalism in Scandinavian Folklore: Practical Uses and Religious Rationalities (2024)
  47. Medieval Archaeology as Historical Archaeology, or Why Anthropological Archaeologists Should Take the European Middle Ages Seriously (2024)
  48. Medieval Fortifications of the Mountainous South Caucasus (Zakagori Fortress in Truso Valley, North Georgia) (2024)
  49. Medieval Settlement atop Monte Bonifato: A Case Study in Function over Form (2024)
  50. Meeting Needs in the Ancient Maya Forest: A Model of Food and Shelter at El Pilar (2024)
  51. Memory Culture and the Long O’Odham History of Nanakmel Kii (Bat’s Home), Tempe, Arizona (2024)
  52. Mercadal from the Onset of Settlement through the Medieval Crisis in Southern Aragon (Spain) (2024)
  53. Merchants, Mercenaries, and Migration in the Art of Cacaxtla (AD 600–900) (2024)
  54. Mesoamerican Death Imagery Oversimplified (2024)
  55. The Mesoamerican Knife Handles at the Museo delle Civiltà (Rome): A Cultural Biography (2024)
  56. Mesoamerican Queens, Revisited (2024)
  57. Mesoamerican Transitions: Social, Psychological, and Symbolic (2024)
  58. Mesolithic and Neolithic Recipes under the Microscope: A Comprehensive Approach for the Study of Archaeological Food Remains (2024)
  59. Metal Production at Abu Muslim qala: An Analysis of Metallurgical Waste from a Medieval Site in Central Asia (2024)
  60. Metallurgical Traditions of a Mongolian Habitation Site (2024)
  61. Metallurgy in the Arc: Technological Choice and Resource Management Strategy during the Late Shang Period (2024)
  62. Metamorphoses of Human and Non-Human Agents Within the Shaft Tomb Burials in Ancient West Mexico (2024)
  63. Methods of Geophysical Testing (2024)
  64. Methods, Models, and Movement: Examining Multiple Trace Element Dataset to Explore Past Land use Dynamics (2024)
  65. The Mexica Tzompantli ("Skull Rack") as Life-Energy Battery Pack (2024)
  66. Micaceous Mindsets: Chemical Characterization of Classic Period Utility Wares at Multiple Sites Along the Rio Grande (2024)
  67. Micro-remains in Sediment as Indicators of Human Activity (2024)
  68. Microanalysis of Late Stone Age Rock Art Ochre Pigments in Eswatini (2024)
  69. Microblade Industries of Northeastern Asia During the Holocene: Case Study of the Ust’-Khaita site in Eastern Siberia (2024)
  70. MicroCT Analysis Reveals Beginning of Rice Domestication in the Lower Yangtze Valley during the Tenth Millennium BP (2024)
  71. Microfossil Analysis Of A Grinding Stone From The Etzanoa Archaeological Site (2024)
  72. Micromorphology of Earthen Architecture at Palaikastro, Crete (2024)
  73. Microstratigraphic and Biomolecular Identification of Seaweeds in the Mesolithic of Atlantic Iberia, SW Europe (2024)
  74. Middle Horizon Residence and Production at Huaca Colorada: Sectors A and C in Comparative Perspective (2024)
  75. The Middle Preclassic Site of Pajonal and Its Interactions with La Venta and Aguada Fénix (2024)
  76. The Middle Stone Age Goes Alpine: Preliminary Results of New Excavations at Ha Soloja Rockshelter, Lesotho, Africa (2024)
  77. Migrant Health in the Past: Assessment of Differential Growth Conditions between Locals and Nonlocals to Medieval London (2024)
  78. Migration and Dental Nonmetric Variation in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary (2024)
  79. Migration and Mitogenomes: analysis of West Mexican populations to better understand their place in the larger Mesoamerican social landscape (2024)
  80. The Migration Panel: Rethinking Acoma’s History in SE Utah (2024)
  81. Mill Cove Complex Native Copper: A Lead Isotopic Study (2024)
  82. Millenial Tropical Urbanism in the Upper Amazon (2024)
  83. "Milwaukee’s Forest Home Cemetery is a Place for the Living Too”: The Reemergence of Deathscape Recreation at Forest Home Cemetery (2024)
  84. Mining Datasets and Weaving Diverse Contexts: A Multisite Comparison of Indigenous Forced-Labor Compounds in Colonial Peru (2024)
  85. Minnesota's Dugout Canoes (2024)
  86. Mirrors in the Adriatic Region: Holders, Contexts, Exchanges (2024)
  87. Mirrors, a Mean to Look into Cultures (2024)
  88. The Missihuasca Hypothesis (2024)
  89. The Missing Mammals of Cerro Azul (Guaviare, Colombia): Extreme Fragmentation in Neotropical Zooarchaeological Assemblages (2024)
  90. Missions, Herds, and Habitat: Analyzing Livestock Dynamics in the Desert Pimería Alta (2024)
  91. Mississippi River Folk: Dugout Canoe Form, Function, and Frequency in the Magnolia State (2024)
  92. Misuse and Abandonment of African American Cemeteries: How Social Inequalities Persist in Death in the Post Civil War Southeast (2024)
  93. MITLA 3D : A Digital Reconstruction of the Most Important Postclassic Zapotec City (2024)
  94. Mixing Times: Excavating Shared Pasts in Contemporary India (2024)
  95. Mobility and Animal Economy in the Early Nuragic Culture: A Case Study from South-Central Sardinia (2024)
  96. Mobility, Foodways, and Ancient Statecraft in the Gobi-Steppe of Mongolia (2024)
  97. A model melting pot? Interrogating hybridity and ethnogenesis in colonial ceramic production at Comanche Springs, New Mexico (2024)
  98. Modeling Socioecological Transformation in Coastal East Africa: A Case Study from Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania (2024)
  99. Modeling the social demography of a Classic Maya city-state, the case of El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2024)
  100. Modeling the Use of Seaweed for Fire by Hunter-Gatherers in the Atacama Desert (2024)