Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,901-2,000 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Plazas and Proxemics: Preclassic and Classic Period Plazas at the Maya Centers of Cival and Holmul (2024)
  2. Pleistocene Archaeology in the Formerly Glaciated Northeast: Why Bother? (2024)
  3. Plenty of Fish for Fowl in the Watery Worlds of the Kerr Archive (2024)
  4. A Plethora of Points at the Haynie Site (2024)
  5. Political Complexity and Gendered Violence in the Andes – A Bayesian Approach (2024)
  6. Political Dynamics through the Discourse of the Baah Sajal of Yaxchilan (2024)
  7. Political Economy in Neighborhood Public Space at Angamuco, Michoacan (2024)
  8. Politics and Possibilities in Prehistoric Europe: An Alternative View on Power and Wealth (2024)
  9. Pomp and Circumstance at an Ancient Maya Village: The 2023 Season at Group M of the Medicinal Trail Community, NW Belize (2024)
  10. Pompeii’s Pitfalls: The Vulnerability of Water Supply in the Wake of Natural Disasters (2024)
  11. Ponderosa Pine Culturally Modified Trees (CMTs) at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Colorado: What We Have Learned from 40 Years of Recording, Dating, Analyzing, and Consulting with Tribal Peoples (2024)
  12. Popularising the Archaeology of Climate Change (2024)
  13. Popularización: aspectos favorables y negativos para la meliponicultura del siglo XXI (2024)
  14. Population Dynamics and Subsistence Variability on the Farming/Hunter-Gatherer Boundary: Central Western Argentina as a Case Study (2024)
  15. Population Replacement and Radiation and the Decline of the Great Moravian State (2024)
  16. The Portrait of Professional Qualification Standards: Where Archaeologists Stand Regarding the Secretary of the Interior Standards (2024)
  17. The Possibilities of Sociopolitical Forms: An Archaeological Existentialism for Collectives (2024)
  18. Post-Emancipation Ceramics and Housing in the British Caribbean: A Case Study from St. Kitts’ Southeast Peninsula (2024)
  19. A Postclassic Maya Midden at Colha, Belize (2024)
  20. Postmolds in the Forest: A Preliminary Report on Site 16VN3504 (2024)
  21. The Potential for Using Long Bone Measurements to Determine Breed of Gallus gallus domesticus and its Implications for the Archaeological Record (2024)
  22. Potential Refugia in the Levant During the Pleistocene and Their Use by Hominins (2024)
  23. The potentials of airborne geomagnetic survey systems for cultural resources management: Preliminary results of experimental geophysical investigations in eastern Hungary and central Arizona, USA (2024)
  24. Pottery Assemblage Change from the 16th to 19th Centuries in the Pueblo of Pojoaque (2024)
  25. Pottery Offerings and Ritual Gestures in Sutar Conti, a Ceremonial Site on the Processional Pathway of the Licancabur Pampa, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile (2024)
  26. Pottery Production and Use at the Shang Dynasty Village of Guandimiao (2024)
  27. Pottery Traditions and Cultural Resilience: The Evidence from Yaxnohcah (2024)
  28. Poultry in Motion: The Translocation of Turkeys (Meleagris spp.) in Ancient Greater Nicoya, Costa Rica (2024)
  29. Poverty Point's Plaza as Monumental Earthwork (2024)
  30. The Power of Blade Stones in Postclassic Mesoamerica (2024)
  31. The Power of Reuse and Removal: A Case Study of the Indonesian Megaliths of Iowa City, Iowa (2024)
  32. Power or Privilege? Parallel Gender Hierarchies in the American Southwest (2024)
  33. Practical and applied archaeogaming (2024)
  34. Practicality in the Enforcement of Human Remains Trafficking in Louisiana (2024)
  35. Practicas textiles y complejidad social Recuay: Nuevas evidencias de Pashash (Ancash, Perú) (2024)
  36. Practicing Indigenous Data Sovereignty On and Off Picuris Pueblo Lands (2024)
  37. Pragmatism and Peacebuilding: Building an Empirically Honest, Ethically Engaged Archaeology (2024)
  38. Praxis Makes Perfect? The Archaeological Correlates of Social Failure in Minoan Crete (2024)
  39. Precious Objects and Kingship: A Closer Look At Pre-columbia Classic Period Maya Artifacts, located at the Godwin Ternbach Museum (2024)
  40. Precious People: Indigenous Medical-Spiritual Relations in the Archaeology of Maya Childhood (2024)
  41. Preclassic Maya Economy: Lithic Production and Exchange in Aguada Fénix and Its Neighboring Sites in the Middle Usumacinta Region, Mexico (2024)
  42. Preclassic Standardized Complexes in the Middle Usumacinta Region (2024)
  43. Precolumbian Art History at the University of California: Teaching, Mentorship, and Disciplinary Contention (2024)
  44. Precolumbian Low-Density Urbanism in the Llanos de Moxos (2024)
  45. Precolumbian Metallurgy at the Late Moche–Transitional site of Huaca Colorada, Jequetepeque Valley, North Coast of Peru (2024)
  46. Precolumbian Water Management in the Andean Puna and Neotropical Forests of NW Argentina: Strategies for Sustainability in Contrasting Environments (2024)
  47. Precontact Domestic Dogs in the Moapa Valley (2024)
  48. Predicting Water Availability from Phytolith Assemblages of Finger Millet, Pearl Millet, and Sorghum (2024)
  49. Prehistoric Hohokam Gridded Fields in the Lower Salt River Valley (2024)
  50. Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Plant Food Use in the Northern Zagros: New Evidence from Carbonized Plant Macro-remains (2024)
  51. Prehistoric Millet Cuisine: Diversity across Eurasia (2024)
  52. Prehistoric World Systems in the Age of the Genetic Revolution: The Eurasian Evidence (2024)
  53. Preliminary Analysis of Archaeobotanical Remains Recovered from Late Classic Maya Marketplaces in Northwestern Belize (2024)
  54. A Preliminary Analysis of Bijou Hills Quartzite Blades from Site 21RK82 (2024)
  55. Preliminary archaeogenomic insights on the domestication of the avocado tree (2024)
  56. A Preliminary Botanical Analysis of the Quinebaug Falls Site in Preston, Connecticut (2024)
  57. A Preliminary Recontextualization of Lithic and Exchange Chronology of Coxcatlan Cave within the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico (2024)
  58. Preliminary Report on the Faunal Material from the Deserted Medieval Village Site in Ballintober, Co. Roscommon, Ireland (2024)
  59. Preliminary Results of Ancient Maya Marketplace Investigations at La Milpa, Belize (2024)
  60. Preliminary Results of the Physico-Chemical Analysis and Manufacturing Traces of the Tesserae Mirrors from El Caño, Gran Coclé Archaeological Tradition (750–1020 CE) (2024)
  61. Preliminary Study of Funerary Patterns at the site of CuzCuz – Huarmey Valley, Peru (2024)
  62. Preliminary Survey and Excavations at Puerto Inka (2024)
  63. Preparing for the Great War: How Lidar and GPR Helped Locate Military Training Resources (2024)
  64. Preparing the Surface (PRESUR): The Forgotten Step of “Seasoning” Food Processing-Ground Stone Tools and Its Implications for Use-wear Analysis (2024)
  65. Prepping for The End: How Changing Fears Impacted the Use-lives of Fallout Shelters (2024)
  66. The Presence of Fraxinus in Hohokam Pithouses (2024)
  67. The Presence of Maya Aquatic Imagery at Teotihuacan (2024)
  68. The Presence of Potbelly Sculptures in the Lake Atitlán Basin, Guatemala (2024)
  69. The Presence of Sacrifice in Chichen Itza and Tenochtitlan: Two Faces of the Same Story (2024)
  70. Preservation of Cultural Heritage at the Alamo: A Collaboration between Archaeology and Conservation (2024)
  71. Preservation, Degradation, and Contamination: The Chemical Identification of Cochineal in Archaeological Environments (2024)
  72. Preserving the Maritime Cultural Heritage: Digital Recording Applications on the Nineteenth-Century Schooner Equator (2024)
  73. The Prevalence of Entomophagy in the Americas: A Meta-analysis of Human Coprolites (2024)
  74. The Prevalence of Pseudoarchaeology on TikTok (2024)
  75. The Privilege of Memory: Segregation within a Plural Long Island Cemetery (2024)
  76. Producing a Digital Interpretive Environment: The Role of Digital Documentation and Game Engines in Reaching New Audiences with Critical Stories of the Past (2024)
  77. Producing and Stretching Identity: Earspools and Childhood in the Maya Area (2024)
  78. The Production of Blackware Pottery at Pachacamac and the Lurín Valley, Peru, during the Late Horizon: A Multi-method Approach (2024)
  79. Project Management in Archaeology: How to Finish on Budget and Ahead of Schedule while Meeting Expectations (2024)
  80. Promoting Engagement and Interaction: How Local Museums Can Use Digital 3D Models (2024)
  81. Property Regimes, Resource Protection, and Sustainability in the Remote Pacific (2024)
  82. A Proposition to Extend the Kings Crossing Phase in the Lower Mississippi Valley to 1200 CE (2024)
  83. Prospección arqueológica en la Ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán: Consecuencias y oportunidades de la colaboración entre el Laboratorio de Prospección Arqueológica, el Municipio de Mérida y la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (2024)
  84. Proteomic Sex Estimation of a Gendered Sacrificial Context in Pampa la Cruz, North Coast of Peru (2024)
  85. Provenance and 3D Geometric Morphometry of a Large Obsidian Biface Cache from Central Oregon—Preliminary Perspectives (2024)
  86. Proxies for the Agricultural Demographic Transition: How Well Do Radiocarbon Time-Series Track Crude Birth Rates? (2024)
  87. Pubertal Development among Pre-Hispanic Moquegua Valley Populations (Southern Peru, 800-1500 CE) (2024)
  88. Public Archaeology and Geophysical Survey of a Cemetery in North Dakota (2024)
  89. Public Lands, Lithic, and Gray Material: Layser Cave (2024)
  90. Pueblos, Hogans, and LiDAR on the Fireline (2024)
  91. Puffin Heads and Albatross Limbs: An Examination of Avifaunal Usage from the Rat Islands, Alaska (2024)
  92. Pulling it Together: Collecting, Collating, and Analyzing Quantitative Data from Written Reports using R (2024)
  93. Punto de referencia en la movilización de los olmecas de la costa del Golfo de México (2024)
  94. Pursuing Park Museums and Archaeology in Ghana: A New Frontier in Heritage Education and Development (2024)
  95. The Puruwá Border: Archaeological Footprints and Ancestorship in Tungurahua and Chimborazo, Ecuador (2024)
  96. Putting Archaeology Southwest’s Indigenous Collaboration Model into Practice: A New Mexico Example (2024)
  97. Putting the Pieces Together: Paleogenomics and Bioarchaeology at Midnight Terror Cave (2024)
  98. Quantifying Earth Oven Fire-Cracked Rock: A View from the Langtry Rock Midden (2024)
  99. Quartz Microcores and Bladelets in Southern New England: Gulf of Maine Archaic Tradition Sites and the Rise of Quartz Technology during the Early Holocene (2024)
  100. A Queer Afterlife: Re-excavating the Halcyon House Collection (2024)