SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  • Documents (965)

  1. Excavations of Early Postclassic Commoner Households at Jalieza, Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico (2024)
  2. The Exchange and Consumption of Incensarios in Middle Postclassic Sauce, Veracruz, Mexico (2024)
  3. Expanding Archaeological Outreach Thorough Middle-Grade Literature (2024)
  4. An Experimental Analysis of Water Content on Stone Raw Material Quality (2024)
  5. Experimental archaeology of traditional Andean foods: a contribution from organic residue analysis of replicated Formative cooking vessels from Northwest Argentina (2024)
  6. Experimental Heat Treatment on Basalt Lithic Artifacts to Identify Wildfire Effects on Prehistoric Archaeological Sites (2024)
  7. Experimental Study of Hunter-Gatherer Base Camp Taphonomy in the Southern Appalachian Highlands (2024)
  8. The Exploits of the JAE: Open Access Publishing Meets Archaeology and Education (2024)
  9. An Exploration of Late-Terminal Archaic Domestic Architecture and Settlement Patterns in Southern Connecticut (2024)
  10. Exploring 13th century settlements on the Hopi Mesas (2024)
  11. Exploring Ancient Foodways: Starch Grain Analysis of Ceramic Residue in Wansan, Yilan County, Taiwan (2024)
  12. Exploring Biological Sex Inequality through Mortuary Practices at Teotihuacan: A Machine Learning Approach (2024)
  13. Exploring Characteristics of Sustainable Coastal Exploitation during the Middle and Later Stone Ages in South Africa through Fish Bones and Seal Teeth (2024)
  14. Exploring early historic human-canid relationships in the intermountain west: a case study from 17th century Blacks Fork, WY (2024)
  15. Exploring Obsidian Hafted Scraper Use-Wear Patterns Through Experimental Hide-Working in Southern Patagonia (2024)
  16. Exploring Pre-Contact Pithouse Features and Artifact Assemblage at the Amoskeag West Bank Site (2024)
  17. Exploring the Orange Period in Southern Florida’s Inland Tree Islands (2024)
  18. Exploring the Question of Heterarchy vs Hierarchy at Urcuquí, Ecuador (2024)
  19. Factors Influencing Obsidian Procurement and Use in the Snake River Plain, Idaho, and its Environs (2024)
  20. Farming and Importing Food: Colonial Racial Capitalism and Food Sovereignty in the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico from 1919 to the Present (2024)
  21. A Faunal Analysis of the Outlet Site (XHP315), Etivlik Lake, Northern Alaska (2024)
  22. Faunal Chronicles: Unearthing Cultural Significance in San Antonio del Embudo’s Eighteenth- to Nineteenth-Century Animal Remains (2024)
  23. Feasting and Gift Giving in Pre-Contact and Spanish Colonial Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands of Micronesia (2024)
  24. Finding Fire: Techniques for Identifying Ephemeral Ceramic Firing Features in the Archaeological Record (2024)
  25. Finding the Everyday: Coles Creek Non-Mound Spaces in the Natchez Bluffs (2024)
  26. FINISTERRA - Population Trajectories and Cultural Dynamics of Late Neanderthals in Far Western Eurasia (2024)
  27. “Fire and Be Damned”: An Analysis of Lead Bullets from Alamance Battleground State Historic Site (31MR397) (2024)
  28. Fire Lookout Viewsheds in the Malheur National Forest (2024)
  29. Firefly Synchronicity in Platform Mound Building by Indigenous Peoples of the Florida Peninsula, USA (2024)
  30. The First Bite: Archaeological Traces of Early Spanish Colonial Carpentry from Quarai and Pecos Pueblos (2024)
  31. Fixed if by Ice, Loose if by Sea? Harpoon Technology as Evidence of Hunting-Scapes in the Neoglacial Eastern Aleutian Islands (2024)
  32. A Flash of Silver in the Swamp: The Identification of a B-24 Crash Site from WWII in the Lowcountry of South Carolina (2024)
  33. Flint on Flesh: Creating an Experimental Comparative Collection for Use Wear Analysis of Holmul Region Lithics, Petén, Guatemala (2024)
  34. Food and Fortitude: A Story of Life Within Presidio San Sabá as Told Through Zooarchaeological Analysis (2024)
  35. Food as Freedom: Examining Afro-Indigenous Foodways at the Late-Eighteenth to Early-Nineteenth Century Seneca Boston-Florence Higginbotham House, Nantucket, Massachusetts (2024)
  36. Food for Thought, Smoke for Diplomacy (2024)
  37. Food for thought: Exploring the Cultural and Ecological Significance of Greater Antillean Fisheries (2024)
  38. Food storage and processing. A cross-cultural study of the Neolithic/Formative period of Central Europe and the USA (2024)
  39. Food, Rituals, and Beliefs: Multiple Interpretations of Plants unearthed from Tombs of Chu State—The example of Zanthoxylum bungeanum (2024)
  40. Foraging for Answers: A Preliminary Analysis of Contemporary Central African Forest Forager Diets via Stable Isotopic Analysis (2024)
  41. A Foreign Ingredient in a Local Tradition: Chaco Canyon Pottery and the Chaco–Chuska Connection (2024)
  42. Forest Use at Te Zulay, an ancient community at the Mouth of The Pastaza River in the Upper Amazonia (2024)
  43. Forging International Archaeological Research Collaborations and Mentorship Opportunities at Lower Dover, Belize (2024)
  44. Foxes in Retrospect. Unraveling Human-Fox Relationships Through Fox Tooth Ornaments in the Swabian Jura (2024)
  45. FRA Cultural Resources Division. (2024)
  46. Fragments of a Mogollon Ritual Landscape in South-Central New Mexico, USA (2024)
  47. *From Calf Creek to Reed: Understanding the Lithic Assemblage of School Land I (34DL64) Delaware County, Oklahoma (2024)
  48. From Enfilades to Medieval Caves: An In-Progress Report from the Medieval Roman Archaeological Survey of Kalymnos (2024)
  49. From Flowers to Sin: Exploration of Sexuality and Gender in Ancient Mesoamerica (2024)
  50. From Food of the Gods to Avocado Toast: Bringing the Mesoamerican Avocado to California in the Nineteenth Century (2024)
  51. From Gray to Gold: A Reexamination of the Woodland Period in Northeastern Illinois Using Legacy Collections and Gray Literature (2024)
  52. From Maize Presence to Maize Incorporation: An Integrated Bioarchaeological Approach for Exploring Early Histories of Maize in the Eastern Woodlands (2024)
  53. From McLoughlin and Mills to Ikanum and Inclusion: Broadening the Understanding of tumwata (Oregon City) History through Indigenous Historiography (2024)
  54. From Municipal Dumpsite to Private Liberal Arts University: Insights into the City of San Antonio from a Nineteenth-Century Midden (2024)
  55. From Personal Amulets to Shared Rituals (2024)
  56. From Survey to Surveillance in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (2024)
  57. From Triangles to Rectangles: Exploring Change Over Time at the Epipalaeolithic Site of Kharaneh IV, Jordan (2024)
  58. Frontier Fundamentals: An Analysis of Artifacts from Historic Fort Gibson Military Site (2024)
  59. Furthering 3D Digital Representation Methods: An Introduction to the Application of Neural Radiance Fields as an Alternative to Photogrammetric Modeling (2024)
  60. Gaining Insight into Lithic Technology in East-Central Pennsylvania through the Study of an Amateur Collection (2024)
  61. Galapagos marine plastic pollution: a perspective from contemporary archaeology (2024)
  62. Generationally-Linked Archaeology: "Living-Off-The-Land" for 4,000 Years on the Salish Sea (2024)
  63. A Geoarchaeological Analysis of the Site Formation Processes at Brown Hole and WR-1. (2024)
  64. A Geoarchaeological Examination of the Elijah Bray Site: Exploring the Extent of the Pinson Landscape, West Tennessee, USA (2024)
  65. A Geoarchaeological Investigation of an Early Holocene Soil Feature at the Page-Ladson Site (8JE591) (2024)
  66. Geoarchaeology of the Big Blue River Valley, NE Kansas: Implications for Paleoindian and Earlier Archaeology (2024)
  67. Geoarchaeology of the Southern American Frontier: The Late Quaternary Archaeological Landscapes of the Mack Aike Canyon, Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina (2024)
  68. Geological Knowledge, CRM, and the Lithic Cultural Landscape of Eastern Oregon (2024)
  69. Geophysical Survey of the Friendly Fire Incident, French and Indian War, Pennsylvania (2024)
  70. Getting Creative with Photogrammetry: Adventures in Dos Mangas, Ecuador (2024)
  71. Getting to the root (2024)
  72. A GIS-Based Digitization of Archaeological Field Survey Data from the Central Peruvian Andes (2024)
  73. Glass in Colonial and Early Independent Mexico: Investigating its Context of Use and Symbolic Value (2024)
  74. Goosefoot Galore: Results from the Analysis of a Goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri) Cache in the American Bottom (2024)
  75. The Great House and the Old Plate: Planter Household Archaeology (2024)
  76. Greathouse Springs, Arkansas: Structure and Social Organization of an Archaic Base Camp in the Ozarks (2024)
  77. Ground Penetrating Radar and Photogrammetry Survey of Laurel Hill Cemetery; An African American Cemetery in Western Pennsylvania (2024)
  78. Ground Stones in Ritual Contexts in the Central China Neolithic: Use-wear Analysis and Residue Analysis of Artifacts in Burials (2024)
  79. Gruta do Gentio II: data on the new excavations and isotopic signals from the site (2024)
  80. Guidelines for Creating a Typology for Mass-Produced Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Burial Container Hardware (2024)
  81. “Half-way up a hill, at the foot of which we camped”: Archaeological Investigations of the 1781 Rochambeau Camp #5, Bolton, Connecticut (2024)
  82. The Hamtramck Historic Spatial Archaeology Project: Integrating Archaeological Collections into Historical Spatial Data Infrastructures (2024)
  83. Hand Imprints in the Middle Ibañez River (Central Chilean Patagonia): Social Cohesion and Human-Nature Relations (2024)
  84. Hawaiian Archaeology & Disasters: (Re)unification with the Land to build a Resilient Future (2024)
  85. Health and Disease during the Ecuadorian Formative: A Case Study from Buen Suceso (2024)
  86. Health and Mortality During the Transition to Commercial Dairy Farming in Nineteenth Century Upstate New York (2024)
  87. Heat Alteration of Red Munsungun Chert (2024)
  88. Herding in Shifting Politics: A Preliminary Isotopic Study on Dian Lake Faunal Remains, Southwestern China (2024)
  89. Heritage Management and Wildland Fire: A Story of Success on the Comanche Fire (2024)
  90. Hidden in Plain Sight: Documenting a Forgotten Chacoan Outlier in the Mesa Verde Region (2024)
  91. High Above the River: Points, Pottery and a Pithouse in Southern New Hampshire (2024)
  92. High-Altitude Adaptation in the Middle Palaeolithic of the Zagros Mountains, Iran: a view from Houmian (2024)
  93. High-Resolution Microarchaeological Techniques for Understanding Depositional and Postdepositional Processes in Mugr-el Hamamah Cave (Jordan) (2024)
  94. HistoGenes: Integrating genetic, archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern Central Europe of the 1st millennium CE (2024)
  95. Historias de pukaras: Trayectorias locales y diversidad en dos asentamientos de la precordillera del Desierto de Atacama durante el Período Intermedio Tardío y Tardío (900-1532 dC) (2024)
  96. Historic and Ancient Terrace Use at the Hacienda Rincon de Guadalupe (2024)
  97. Historic Tewa pottery 1600-1800 and Social Survivance (2024)
  98. "A History of the Ancient Southwest" Revisited (2024)
  99. A History of The Manteño of Bola De Oro: Understanding Manteño Adaptation to a Changing Climate through Age-Depth Modeling and Charcoal Abundance Analysis of Agricultural Landscape Modifications (2024)
  100. Holly Bend Plantation 2022: Search for the Kitchen Hearth, Ceif Cabin Site, and Dependencies (2024)