SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  1. The Home And The Hearth; Reconstructing Race and Ethnicity at the Starkville Mine and Town (2024)
  2. Hot Spot Analysis: Copper Production in the Northern Lake Superior Basin (2024)
  3. Household Crafting in the Maya City of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  4. Households, Community, and Crafting at Kanono: The Creation of an Early 2nd Millennium Village in Western Zambia (2024)
  5. Houses to Villages: Exploring Late Precontact Communities in the Great Lakes Region (2024)
  6. How Grassroots Initiatives Preserve and Protect Tunisian Cultural Heritage (2024)
  7. How it Started vs. How it’s Going: The First Year of a Cultural Compliance Rule for New Mexico Trust Land (2024)
  8. How the Skeletal Remains of Romanian Reflect the Culture and Daily Life of the Medieval Period (2024)
  9. Human Behavior and Environment: A Preliminary Zooarchaeological Investigation at the Alm Shelter Wyoming (2024)
  10. The Human Place in Northern Mongolian Food Webs (2024)
  11. Human-Environment Relationships and Spatial Organization in the Nepeña Valley, Ancash Peru (2024)
  12. Humans strategy and paleoclimate in the Andean: variation in intensity occupation in the Laguna del Diamante (ca. 2000-500 años aP) (2024)
  13. Hurricane Salvage and Public Archaeology: Preliminary Results from Data Recovery Excavations in Kisatchie National Forest of Western Louisiana (2024)
  14. Iconographic and Material Comparative Analysis of Ulúa Valley Polychromes (2024)
  15. An Iconographic Study of Pottery Stamps from a Postclassic Village in Las Margaritas, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  16. ICP-MS Investigation of Geochemical Differences Between Archaeological Ceramics from Terrestrial and Submerged Environments, La Altagracia Province, Dominican Republic (2024)
  17. Identifying Ancient Intra-Monastic Pathways among Gandharan Buddhist Sites through GIS (2024)
  18. Identifying Deeply Buried Sites: A Case Study from Site CA-SLO-16, Morro Bay, California (2024)
  19. Identifying Parrots, Songbirds, and Toucans with New Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) Markers (2024)
  20. If Threads Could Talk: Listening to Andean Textiles at the Louisiana University Museum of Art (2024)
  21. If Walls Could Whisper: Tales from a Talus Room (2024)
  22. Illuminating Complex Mortuary Rituals in a Cemetery from Bronze Age Eastern Hungary (2024)
  23. Impact Notches on Megafaunal Limb Bones: Hammerstone Versus Carnivore Tooth Notch Shapes on Samples of Experimental, Paleontological, and Archaeological Bones (2024)
  24. The Impact of Belizean Archaeological Participation on Aspects of Cultural Identity and Cultural Heritage (2024)
  25. The Implementation and Distribution of Thermoregulatory Technology in the Paleoindian Period (2024)
  26. The Importance of Different Ontologies for Heritage Conservation in the Maya Area (2024)
  27. In Field Photogrammetry (2024)
  28. Incorporating Knowledge about Future Weather Conditions on Navigational Decisions in an Agent-Based Seafaring Simulation: Comparison to Simpler Navigation Strategies (2024)
  29. Incorporating Soil Micromorphology into First American Research: A Tale of Two Sites (2024)
  30. Increasing Inventory Together: Recent Co-stewardship Efforts at Channel Islands National Park (2024)
  31. Increasing Public Access to the Treasures of Edgar L. Hewett's American Southwest (2024)
  32. An Industry-Focused Approach to Piling Recordation along the Shorelines of Grays Harbor County (2024)
  33. Inka Dynamics in the Cochabamba Valley (2024)
  34. The Inka Road and Mobility of a Fisher Community in the Cañete Valley, Peru (2024)
  35. Inside and Out: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Injured Bodies in Industrializing London (1760–1901) (2024)
  36. Insights into Early Medieval Irish Glass: Preliminary Findings, Promises, and Limitations of an Archaeometric Analysis (2024)
  37. Institutional Analysis of the Social Property System and its Application for the Management of Cultural Resources in Mexico (2024)
  38. An Integrated Study of Late Archaic to Early Woodland Lithics and Ceramics of the Coastal Savannah River Valley (2024)
  39. Integrating Categorical Legacy Data in Spatial Models: A Unique Dataset from Southeast Asia (2024)
  40. Integrating GIS and QField for Enhanced Archaeological Surveys in the Maya Lowlands: A Methodological Approach for the El Tigre Project. (2024)
  41. Intensive Regionalism Amongst Hunter-Gatherer Groups in Eastern Oklahoma (2024)
  42. Intentional Sustainability in Human Behavioral Ecology: Modeling Athabascan Caribou Predation (2024)
  43. Inter-site Relationships on the Madaba Plain: Surveys Around the Ancient Town of Nebo (Khirbat al-Mukhayyat, Jordan) (2024)
  44. Interacción Socioeconómica Costa-Sierra en el Valle Medio del Rio Mala Durante Periodos Tardíos (2024)
  45. Interconnections between Indigenous Women and Traditional Fire Practices in the Far North (2024)
  46. Interpreting Prospect Bluff (2024)
  47. Interpreting Recycling in the Roman Glass from Colchester (2024)
  48. Interpreting the History of Stolen Land: A Collaborative Project Between the New Mexico State Land Office and New Mexico Highlands University (2024)
  49. Interrogating the Past: Intercampus Collaborations to Understand the Impacts of the Pedagogical Narrative in Archaeology Classrooms and Departments (2024)
  50. Interspecies Relationships in Nordic Bronze Age Iconography (2024)
  51. Interwoven Networks: Obsidian Exchange and Overlapping Economies among the Ancient Maya of Western Belize (2024)
  52. Intrasite Spatial Analysis of the 13,800-year-old Component at Shég' Xdaltth’í’, Central Alaska (2024)
  53. Introducing The Ancient Maya Kinship Project Consultation, Engagement, and Outreach Program (2024)
  54. Investigating Camelid Herding Strategies in the South-Central Andes Using Stable Isotope Analysis (2024)
  55. Investigating Ceramic Standardization at Bombon Church, Philippines (2024)
  56. Investigating Possible Hopi “Neighborhoods” at Pottery Mound (LA 416), New Mexico (2024)
  57. Investigating Precontact Resource Conservation of Deer Populations in the San Francisco Bay Area (2024)
  58. Investigating Southeastern United States Early Pottery Uses through Lipid Residue Analysis (2024)
  59. Investigating the Pottery Use of Neolithic Ceramics from Guijiabao in Southwest China Using Organic Residue Analysis (2024)
  60. An Investigation of Bone Preservation as a Result of Environmental and Cultural Variables in Mortuary Contexts (2024)
  61. The Irish Medieval Patron-Client State in World Perspective (2024)
  62. Island Horticultural Technology Wooden and Woven: An Ethnoarchaeological Case from Taiwan (2024)
  63. Isotope Values Reveal “Canopy Effect” in Deer Territoriality and Maize Consumption for Dogs at Kentucky Archaeological Sites Dating to the Middle Woodland through Late Fort Ancient Time Periods (2024)
  64. Isotopic and Paleogenomic Evidence of Maya Persistence at Late Postclassic and Early Colonial Chactemal (Santa Rita Corozal), Belize. (2024)
  65. Isotopic Data from Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) at Houck, Arizona (A.D. 800-1250) (2024)
  66. An Isotopic Study of Diet at Mtwapa, Kenya (15-18th c CE) (2024)
  67. Issues of the Davit Gareji Monasteries’ Structure on the Background of the Early Byzantine Monasticism (2024)
  68. It Takes a Village to Defend a Village: Women, Elders, and Children in Indigenous Resistance during the Contact and Colonial Periods of Central New Mexico (1539-1696) (2024)
  69. The Jones-Miller Legacy Collection: Reexamining the 10,800 Year Old Bison Butchery Site (2024)
  70. Junius and Margaret Bird at Chiloé: A Review of the First Archaeological Work in the Northwestern Patagonian coast (2024)
  71. Kalunga!: Identifying Afrodescendant Landscapes in Spanish Santo Domingo, 1502-1822 (2024)
  72. Karst Landscapes and Uses of Caves among the Prehispanic Zoque people of Cerro Brujo, Ocozocoautla, Chiapas (2024)
  73. Kura-Araxes Herding Practices in Early Bronze Age Armenia (2024)
  74. “La cisterna”: an analysis of ceramic materials from a Manteño phase hilltop water cistern in Dos Mangas, Ecuador (2024)
  75. La Producción Prehispánica de Cal en la Región de Ichkaantijoo, Yucatán, México: Caracterización de Morteros por Medio de Ciencias de Materiales Aplicadas (2024)
  76. La Tortuga: The Last Texas Built Laguna Madre Scow Sloop (2024)
  77. Labor, Land Use, and Settlement at Hacienda del Rincón de Guadalupe, Apaxco, México (2024)
  78. Ladders, Axes, and Pithouses: Elements of a Seventh Century Pueblo Technological Complex (2024)
  79. Lake Lahontan: A Pleistocene Pluvial Lake in the Northwest Great Basin—Paleoenvironments and the Archaeological Record (2024)
  80. Lake Superior’s Relic Shorelines: Geochronological Dating of Archaic Sites in the Northern Lake Superior Basin (2024)
  81. Land Use and Settlement Pattern Change in Mauka Kawaihae, Hawai‘i Island, 1790-1930 (2024)
  82. Land, War, and Optimal Territorial Size in Neolithic Society: Why New Guineans Rarely ever Occupied the Territories They had Conquered (2024)
  83. Landscape and settlements in Cuscatlán, El Salvador (2024)
  84. Landscape History and the Built Environment at Liberty Hall (2024)
  85. Landscapes of Insecurity in Huancavelica, Peru: Infrastructure, Emplacement, and Quotidian Life in Volatile Surroundings (2024)
  86. Landscapes of Silence at the First Baptist Church (2024)
  87. Laser Scanning and Preservation of House A3H5 at Kuukpak: A Study of Excavation and Archaeological Monitoring in an Arctic Environment (2024)
  88. Late Classic/Early Postclassic Chiapanec, Zoque, and Maya socioeconomic interaction in and around the Chiapas Central Depression: further interpretations of the results of an Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of clay sources and paste recipes in Fine Orange ceramics. (2024)
  89. A Late Pleistocene Palaeoenvironmental Record for Northern Namaqualand, South Africa: Geoarchaeology, Geochronology, and Stable Isotopes from Spitzkloof A Rockshelter (2024)
  90. Late Quaternary Site Formation Processes and Archaeological Site Preservation Potential of the Lower Aucilla River, Florida (2024)
  91. Layout, Construction, and Rebuilding of Landscape Features at Poverty Point World Heritage Site (2024)
  92. Lead Isotopes as a Tool for Identifying Human Mobility in Central Mexico (2024)
  93. Leadership on the Battlefield: Lessons Learned from 8 Years of Systematic Metal Detection on Conflict Sites (2024)
  94. Learning Together: A Specialized Residence for Acolytes at Group C, Xunantunich (2024)
  95. Legacy Collection from a Mid-Columbia River Village Site Reveals Surprising Late Pre-contact Focus on Terrestrial Mammal Hunting and Processing Bone and Stone Items for Use and Export (2024)
  96. Let’s Put Our Differences Aside and Work Together: A Case Study in NAGPRA Consultation and Repatriation (2024)
  98. Life and Death: How Infant Burial Practices in Buen Suceso Reflect Social Practices, Status, and Community (2024)
  99. Life in a Land of Little Rain: Historical Agricultural Landscapes on the Carrizo Plain, California (2024)
  100. Life on the River: Recent Investigations in the Lower Susquehanna River Valley (2024)