Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2024

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research," at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Through both internal and external activities, archaeology has been part of NOAA Ocean Exploration's mission to explore the unknown ocean since its beginnings. By working closely with partners across public, private, and academic sectors, we are filling gaps in our basic understanding of the marine and archaeological landscape from coastal waters to the deep sea. This exploration-forward session presents archaeological investigations, projects, and partnerships in the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific and Great Lakes regions to help consider the fundamental questions: How do we encounter and engage underwater cultural heritage when conducting exploration-focused operations? How do we archive, share, and protect these data? How can we better engage and support the archaeology community?

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-18 of 18)

  • Documents (18)

  • Behind the Scenes of a NOAA Ocean Exploration Underwater Cultural Heritage Explorer-in-Training (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Raymond Phipps. Phil A. Hartmeyer. Frank Cantelas. Trish Albano.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The NOAA Ocean Exploration’s Explorer-in-Training (EiT) program provides opportunities for emerging scientists to learn valuable career-oriented skills. For summer 2023, NOAA Ocean Exploration offered its first 10-week EiT internship for underwater cultural heritage (UCH) to train next generation marine...

  • Citizen Science in Saipan: Engaging an Island Community (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Della A. Scott-Ireton. Michael Thomin. Nicole Grinnan. Jennifer McKinnon.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The 2023 NOAA Saipan project included a significant public outreach component. A major part of the grant focused on re-visiting sites included in the WWII Battle of Saipan Maritime Heritage Trail to conduct monitoring and update site plans. Since these sites first were documented to create the Trail in 2008,...

  • Communicating the Results of Submerged Paleolandscapes Research (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda M Evans. Ramie A. Gougeon. Louise Tizzard. August Costa.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. As part of a NOAA OER grant funded project, the authors of this paper acquired geophysical and geotechnical data over multiple submerged and buried paleolandscape features in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The project resulted in the acquisition of over 1,200-line kilometers of sub-bottom data (including both...

  • Community-Driven Archaeology in the Aleutian Islands: A DPAA and NOAA Success Story (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail C. Bleichner. Sam M. Cuellar.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In May 2023, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency partnered with NOAA Ocean Exploration to complete its first funded partner mission to the far reaches of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. As part of the Seascape Alaska 1: Aleutians Deepwater Mapping expedition, NOAA, DPAA, and the veteran-owned remote sensing...

  • Deep-water Exploration into World War II Underwater Cultural Heritage from the Battle of Saipan (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Aleck Tan.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. While shallow-water World War II underwater cultural heritage (UCH) related to the Battle of Saipan has been researched extensively, there is little known about deep-water UCH from the battle. During Ships of Discovery’s 2023 NOAA Saipan project, numerous methods were used for the location and identification of...

  • Deepwater AUV Surveys of WWII U.S. Cultural Assets in the Saipan Channel (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Andrew Pietruszka.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In February 2022 members of Scripps Institution of Oceanography conducted an exploratory ocean survey using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to locate and document multiple U.S. WWII B-29 aircraft that crashed offshore Tinian and Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern...

  • Exploring Deepwater World War II Battlefields in the Pacific Using Emerging Technologies (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer McKinnon. David Benavente. Toni Carrell.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper outlines an interdisciplinary, community inclusive project which brings together historians, archaeologists, biologists, conservation scientists, photogrammetry specialists, GIS specialists, veterans and Micronesian researchers to focus on archaeological and biological research of WWII underwater...

  • Exploring Novel Potentials: OE Research on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Ashley Lemke. John O'Shea.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration has supported diverse research projects including underwater archaeology in the Great Lakes within the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS). The Great Lakes have long been known to preserve historical shipwrecks in their cold, fresh, waters but OE research in Lake...

  • From Drawing Board to Overboard: NOAA Ocean Exploration Operations and Archaeology (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Sam M. Cuellar. Phil A. Hartmeyer.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Underwater archaeological investigations by NOAA Ocean Exploration are often among the office’s most watched and interacted events on expeditions with its remotely operated vehicles Deep Discoverer and Serios. The selection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) targets are not done arbitrarily. NOAA Ocean...

  • Identifying Submerged Cultural Maritime Landscapes Using New Technologies and Interdisciplinary Partnerships (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Amy E Gusick. Jillian Maloney. Roslynn King. Andrew Mendoza. Steven Constable. Shannon Klotsko. Todd Braje. Jon Erlandson. David Ball.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Sea-level rise following the Last Glacial Maximum submerged millions of square kilometers of coastal landscapes around the world, complicating efforts to understand the paleolandscapes, paleoecology, human dispersals, and the cultural history of these now drowned regions. This situation is particularly...

  • Integrating Machine Learning with GIS Tools for Automated Shipwreck Detection from Sonar Imagery (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Advaith Sethuraman. Anja Sheppard. Onur Bagoren. Katherine A. Skinner.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Recent advances in sensor technology and marine robotic platforms have enabled efficient data collection over large areas across oceans, lakes, and coastal regions. These efforts have resulted in massive amounts of data that contain rich information relevant to ocean exploration. However, processing these large...

  • Investigating Changes to the Coastal Environment and Coral Reef Habitat in Relation to WWII: War in the Pacific National Historical Park, Guam (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Monique LaFrance Bartley. Anne E. W. Nunn.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The NPS Submerged Resources Center and Ocean and Coastal Resources Branch conducted a joint underwater battlefield survey at War in the Pacific National Historical Park, Guam in 2023, supported by NOAA OER. The study collected remote sensing data to identify cultural resources relating to the 1944 American...

  • Midway 2023: Overview and Initial Results of the 2023 Telepresence Mission to the Battle of Midway (1942) Site (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only James P. Delgado.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In the fall of 2023, a NOAA-funded mission by the Ocean Exploration Trust and other partners conducted a series of telepresence-assisted remotely operated vehicle assessments of three sites from the pivotal WWII naval battle of Midway. The carriers USS Yorktown, HIJMS Akagi, and HIJMS Kaga, all previously...

  • The MIssion and Opportunities in NOAA Ocean Exploration (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Frank Cantelas. Phil A. Hartmeyer.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. NOAA Ocean Exploration is dedicated to exploring the unknown ocean and unlocking its potential through scientific discovery, technological advancements, partnerships, and data delivery. An increasing scientific, economic, and strategic need to understand the ocean is contributing to a growing number of...

  • Multifaceted and Multivocal: Utilizing a "Multimedia Storytelling" Approach to Interpret the Role of Science in Exploring Saipan’s Underwater Cultural Heritage (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicole Grinnan. Mike Thomin.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Toward engaging local communities and the broader public, the 2023 NOAA Ocean Exploration project “Exploring Deepwater World War II Battlefields in the Pacific Using Emerging Technologies” prioritized the inclusion of citizen scientists and the production of several public outreach products. While the history...

  • Our Submerged Past: Exploring Inundated Late Pleistocene Caves in Southeast Alaska with SUNFISH (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly R Monteleone. Kristof Richmond. Vickie Siegel. Nancy Bigelow. Vera Pospelova. Tyler Haden. Mimi Alexander. Taylor Heaton. Jason Gulley. Tamara Adame.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Our Submerged Past’s NOAA OER-funded project surveyed, mapped, and sampled caves and overhangs on the continental shelf west of Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. Sea levels were as much as -165 m lower during the last glacial maximum exposing a large continental shelf. The project goal is to identify...

  • Photogrammetry-based Deviation Analysis of WWII Wrecks in Saipan Using: Methodology, Explanations, and Results (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Kotaro Yamafune.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Photogrammetry-based 3D recording was conducted on nine submerged WWII American and Japanese wrecks in 2017 and again in 2023. The authors used the scaled 3D models in CloudCompare, a point cloud analysis software, to visualize and quantify the differences between the two years. In this paper, the authors will...

  • Restricted Data Management in the Deep Sea (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Phil A. Hartmeyer. Frank Cantelas.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. NOAA Ocean Exploration is a public-facing agency that collects, manages, and archives multitudes of data through both internal and external federal actions. This can include any exploration where NOAA Ocean Exploration has led or funded fieldwork where underwater cultural heritage discoveries are made, whether...