Relocation, Reassessment, and Remapping of 74 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 3, 4, and 5 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase B)


The Phoenix Area Office (PXAO), Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) main stem canal. The current data is based on data resulting from Class III surveys conducted in the 1970s and 1980s prior to the canal’s construction. The majority of these sites have not been revisited since they were first recorded. An unknown number of these sites were destroyed by either construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW)/Reclamation land. Because the database is a management tool, it is necessary that they accurately reflect the current status of sites within the CAP main stem ROW.

To assist in checking the accuracy of its site database, Reclamation requested that Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) revisit 74 sites that had been identified in Reaches 3, 4, and 5 of the Tucson Aqueduct Phase B corridor. Eleven of these sites were identified in Arizona State Museum’s (ASM) AZSITE database but were not in Reclamation’s database; however, they appeared to be located either wholly or partially in the project area. These were relocated and assessed to determine whether or not they are under Reclamation jurisdiction.

This document presents the results of this project.

The photos taken during the assessment can be found at tDAR ID: 393764.

The photolog can be found at tDAR ID: 393763.

Cite this Record

Relocation, Reassessment, and Remapping of 74 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 3, 4, and 5 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase B). Linda Schilling. Tempe, Arizona: Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. 2013 ( tDAR id: 393762) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8CC11TX


Archaic Historic Hohokam

Ceramic Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Glass Ground Stone Metal Shell

Site Name
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Site Type
Ancient Structure Artifact Scatter Ball Court Cairn Canal or Canal Feature Encampment Funerary and Burial Structures or Features Hamlet / Village Hearth House Isolated Artifact Kiln Midden Mound / Earthwork Pit Pit House / Earth Lodge Quarry Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno Rock Alignment Terrace Trash Midden Water Control Feature

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 300 to 1950

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.354; min lat: 32.255 ; max long: -111.107; max lat: 32.606 ;

Record Identifiers

Bureau of Reclamation Delivery Order No.(s): R12PB32032

ACS Project No.(s): 12-242-CSUR

General Services Administration Contract No.(s): GS10F0224P

ASM Accession No.(s): 2012-0541

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
FINAL_Tucson_Aqueduct_12_242_CSUR_Report.pdf 19.71mb Sep 5, 2014 10:52:00 AM Confidential

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Contact(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office

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