The Archaeology of Vermont

This collection contains documents on the archaeology of Vermont.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-37 of 37)

  • Documents (37)

  1. Addendum Report: Phase 1B Archaeological Survey, Deerfield Wind Project, Towns of Searsburg and Readsboro, Bennington County, Vermont (2008)
  2. The Age of Common Beans in the (Phaseolus vulgaris) Northeastern United States (1999)
  3. Analysis of an Obsidian Biface Reportedly Found in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont (2007)
  4. Archaeological Resource Assessment of the Proposed Central Vermont Public Service Rutland Transmission Line Reconductoring Project Rutland, Rutland County, Vermont (2012)
  5. Archaeology of Vermont (1881)
  6. A Bibliography of Northeast Historical Archaeology, 1987–2006 (2006)
  7. Brickyards and Frameworks: A Retrospectus and Prospectus on Vermont History Writing (2003)
  8. Chapter 9: Clear-Cutting, Reforestation, and the Coming of the Interstate: Vermont’s Photographic Record of Landscape Use and Response (2010)
  9. The Chemical Variability of Carbonized Organic Matter through Time (1992)
  10. Cold Water Volunteers Their Role in Lake Champlain's Submerged Heritage Programs (1995)
  11. Conservation of Waterlogged Linoleum (2004)
  12. Current Approaches to the Analysis and Interpretation of Small Lithic Sites in the Northeast (2008)
  13. Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany II (2008)
  14. Elizabeth Mine: Protecting People, Ecosystems, and Heritage - A Shared Legacy (2006)
  15. The Enshrining of Fort Ste. Anne: Forgotten Memories and Selective Reconstruction of Vermont's Earliest European Occupation Site (2008)
  16. Evidence of early tobacco in Northeastern North America? (2006)
  17. Filling the Archaeological Void: Saint Lawrence Iroquoians in Alburg, Vermont (2005)
  18. Historical Archaeology in Historic House Museums (2006)
  19. Impacts to Historic Properties in Drawdown Zones at Corps of Engineers Reservoirs (1996)
  20. Indian Fires in the Prehistory of New England (1988)
  21. Lake Champlain Underwater Cultural Resources Survey - Volume IV: 1999 Results and Volume V: 2000 Results (2001)
  22. Lake Champlain Underwater Cultural Resources Survey - Volume VI: 2001 Results and Volume VII: 2002 Results (2002)
  23. Lake Champlain Underwater Cultural Resources Survey - Volume VIII: 2003 Results and Volume IX: 2004 Results (2007)
  24. Modeling Archaeological Sensitivity in Vermont with GIS (2006)
  25. Obsidian In Vermont: Analysis of an Arrowhead in the Gerald Coane Collection (2008)
  26. Oral Traditions and the Archaeological Record of a Wabanaki Maritime Society (2007)
  27. The Original Green: Regulatory Best Practices for Sustainable Historic Preservation in Montpelier, Vermont (2011)
  28. Phase 1B Archaeological Survey: Proposed Bennington Substation, Town of Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont (2011)
  29. Powerful History: The Archaeology of Native People in the Champlain Lowlands (2011)
  30. The Reconstructing of the Lake Champlain Sidewheel Steamer Champlain II (1997)
  31. Revised Archaeological Resources Assessment for the Proposed Georgia Mountain Community Wind Project, Milton, Chittenden County, Vermont (2009)
  32. Sloop Island Canal Boat Study: Phase III Archaeological Investigation in Connection with the Environmental Remediation of the Pine Street Canal Superfund Site (2010)
  33. Thompson's Point, Charlotte, Vermont: A Platform for a folder of Nature Notes on a Website (2008)
  34. Tundra, Ice and a Pleistocene Cape on the Gulf of Maine: A Case of Paleo Indian Transhumance (2005)
  35. Valcour Bay Research Project: 1999-2004 Results from the Archaeological Investigation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield in Lake Champlain, Clinton County, New York (2007)
  36. The Vermont State Historic Preservation Office's Guidelines for Conducting Archaeology in Vermont and Appendices (2007)
  37. Walking Through Time: Heritage Resources within the Appalachian Trail Corridor (1998)