Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group

Datasets uploaded by Eastern Archaic Faunal Working Group Members as part of NSF grant BCS 1430754 between 2014 and 2017.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 101-200 of 897)

Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Project
  1. Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
  2. Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
  3. Coding sheet for CulturalAffiliation (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
  4. Coding sheet for Element (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2015)
  5. Coding sheet for Element (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
  6. Coding sheet for HumMod (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
  7. Coding sheet for Recovery (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
  8. Coding sheet for Recovery (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
  9. Coding sheet for Resource Type (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2015)
  10. Coding sheet for Resource Type (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
  11. Coding sheet for ResourceType (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
  12. Coding sheet for Site (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2016)
  13. Coding sheet for Site (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2016)
  14. Coding sheet for Taxon (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation) (2015)
  15. Coding sheet for Taxon (Campbell Hollow, IL (11ST144) Fauna dataset 1/4" screen) (2015)
Dust Cave Site, AL (1LU496) Project
  1. Dust Cave Site, AL (1LU496) Project
  2. Coding sheet for Resource Taxon (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  3. Coding sheet for Butchering (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  4. Coding sheet for Comp (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  5. Coding sheet for Completeness (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  6. Coding sheet for Context (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  7. Coding sheet for Elem (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  8. Coding sheet for Gnawing (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  9. Coding sheet for Heat Alteration (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  10. Coding sheet for Portion (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  11. Coding sheet for Recovery (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  12. Coding sheet for Side (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  13. Coding sheet for Taxon (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2015)
  14. Coding sheet for Unit (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2016)
  15. Coding sheet for Weathering (Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset) (2017)
  16. Dust Cave, Alabama Archaic faunal dataset (1998)
  17. Dust Cave, Alabama Late Paleoindian Faunal Dataset (1998)
Koster Site, IL (11GE4)
  1. Koster Site, IL (11GE4)
  2. Boon Hor 11 Age (2010)
  3. Boon Hor 11 Animal Modification (2010)
  4. Boon Hor 11 Axiality (2010)
  5. Boon Hor 11 Breakage (2010)
  6. Boon Hor 11 Burning (2010)
  7. Boon Hor 11 Butcher Marks (2010)
  8. Boon Hor 11 Certainty (2010)
  9. Boon Hor 11 Completeness (2010)
  10. Boon Hor 11 Cultural Modification (2010)
  11. Boon Hor 11 Fracture Pattern (2010)
  12. Boon Hor 11 Laterality (2010)
  13. Boon Hor 11 Proximity (2010)
  14. Boon hor 11 Structure (2010)
  15. Boon Hor 11 Weathering (2010)
  16. Boon Horizon Eleven Dataset (2010)
  17. Coding sheet for Age (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  18. Coding sheet for Animal Mod (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  19. Coding sheet for Burn (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  20. Coding sheet for Burning Modification (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  21. Coding sheet for Butcher Mark (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  22. Coding sheet for Complt (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  23. Coding sheet for Context (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  24. Coding sheet for CultMod (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  25. Coding sheet for Hor (Koster-N Horizons 8A-10B Micro) (2016)
  26. Coding sheet for Horizon (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  27. Coding sheet for Horizon (Hill Horizon 11) (2016)
  28. Coding sheet for Horizon (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  29. Coding sheet for Horizon (Kos-N Priority Horizon Indet File) (2015)
  30. Coding sheet for Horizon (Koster - Hill Combined 4 and 6 Horizons) (2016)
  31. Coding sheet for Horizon (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  32. Coding sheet for Horizon (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  33. Coding sheet for HZ (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  34. Coding sheet for HZ (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  35. Coding sheet for Number of Items (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  36. Coding sheet for ProvStat (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  37. Coding sheet for Recov (Koster-N Horizons 8A-10B Micro) (2016)
  38. Coding sheet for Recovery (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  39. Coding sheet for Recovery (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  40. Coding sheet for Recovery (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  41. Coding sheet for Recovery (Hor 11 Boon Flotation ) (2016)
  42. Coding sheet for Recovery (Hor 11 Boon Flotation ) (2016)
  43. Coding sheet for Recovery (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  44. Coding sheet for Recovery (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  45. Coding sheet for Recovery (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  46. Coding sheet for Species Eastern Taxa (KOS-N Priority Horizon Identified) (2016)
  47. Coding sheet for Taxon 1 (Kos-N Combined Hor 11 Dataset- Macro) (2016)
  48. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  49. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Combined Horizon Eleven Dataset) (2016)
  50. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Hill Horizon 11) (2016)
  51. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Hor 11 Boon Flotation ) (2016)
  52. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  53. Coding sheet for Taxon 2 (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  54. Coding sheet for Taxon2 (Horizon Eleven Trial Dataset) (2017)
  55. Coding sheet for Unit (Koster-N Horizon 11 Flotation ) (2016)
  56. Coding sheet for Unit (Koster-N Horizon 11 Macro) (2016)
  57. Coding sheet for Unit (Koster-N Horizons 8A-10B Micro) (2016)
  58. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  59. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N Hill Other Horizon (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  60. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N HILL Other Horizons (4,6,9AB and 12) Macro) (2017)
  61. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N HILL Other Horizons (4,6,9AB and 12) Macro) (2017)
  62. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N HILL Other Horizons (4,6,9AB and 12) Macro) (2017)
  63. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  64. Coding sheet for Unit Number (Koster-N Other Horizons (4,6, and 12) Macro ) (2016)
  65. Coding sheet for Weath (KOS-N Horizon 8A-10B Identified) (2016)
  66. Coding sheet for Weathering (Kos-N Hor 8A-10B Indet File) (2016)
  67. EAFWG Chronology Ontology (2015)
  68. EAFWG Recovery Method Ontology (2105)