EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 7,201-7,300 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Altaripa, archéologie expérimentale et architecture navale gallo-romaine (1999)
  2. Analisi tecnologica e riproduzioni sperimentali (1999)
  3. The ancient art of Split Willow Sculpture (1999)
  4. The Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne, UK: a reconstruction site built for education (1999)
  5. Ancient Weaving and Dyeing in the Forest of Dean (1999)
  6. Androgynous objects: strings bags and gender in Central New Guinea, by Maureen A. MacKenzie (1991) (1999)
  7. Antler Billets with a thought for the pocket-book (1999)
  8. Aplikace metody archeologického experimentu a její přínos pro dějiny sklářské výroby v období vrcholného středověku (1999)
  9. Araišu ezerpils. Historiografisks apskats (1999)
  10. Arbeitsgruppe "Chemische Arbeitsverfahren" (1999)
  11. Archaeological park in Százhalombatta (1999)
  12. Archaeological reconstruction and education at the Jorvik Viking Centre and Archaeological Resource Centre, York, UK (1999)
  13. Archaeological reconstructions and the community in the UK (1999)
  14. The archaeological site as an interpretative environment (1999)
  15. Archaeology and the National Park Idea: Challenges For Management and Interpretation (1999)
  16. Archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Age - experimental archaeology, environmental archaeology, archaeological parks, proceedings of the international conference (Százhalombatta, 3-7 October 1996) (1999)
  17. Archaeology, analogy, material culture, society: an exploration (1999)
  18. Archeologie en toerisme (1999)
  19. Archeon, Archaeology reconstructed in the Netherlands (1999)
  20. Architecture and sound: an acoustic analysis of megalithic monuments in prehistoric Britain (1999)
  21. Archäologiepark Schnals (1999)
  22. Archäologisch-Ökologisches Zentrum Albersdorf - Ein Bericht zum Stand der Arbeiten (1999)
  23. Archäologischer Erlebnispark "Gabreta" bei Lichtenau (1999)
  24. Archéologie expérimentale et architecture navale gallo-romaine (1999)
  25. Archéologie expérimentale et goût du vin romain (1999)
  26. Archéométrie, archéologie et histoire du verre: études en cours (1999)
  27. Arkaim Archaeological Park: a cultural-ecological reserve in Russia (1999)
  28. Arkitektur og bygningskunst i ældre vikingetid (1999)
  29. Arqueología Experimental o experimentación en Arqueología (1999)
  30. Arriving in Antiquity. The Living Past in Scania (1999)
  31. Arriving in Antiquity. The living past in Scania (1999)
  32. Askeladden i Österviking – saga och virkelighet på de ryska floderna (Askeladden on the East Viking route – fairy tale and reality on the Russian rivers) (1999)
  33. Atlatl spurs (1999)
  34. Atlatls: Throwing for Distance (1999)
  35. Att möblera med högsäte (1999)
  36. Att rekonstruera det förflutna. En problematisering av användandet av rekonstruktioner (1999)
  37. Attachment methods and aspects of technology in Late Bronze Age workshops: the case of ivory (1999)
  38. Authenticity on the Ground: Engaging the Past in a California Ghost Town (1999)
  39. Barley Malt and Ale in the Neolithic (1999)
  40. A Basketmaker II Knife system (1999)
  41. The Beaune Archéodrome: an experimental archaeological park (1999)
  42. Bede's World, UK: the monk who made history (1999)
  43. Bedeutung der Faserzusatze in der Arbeitsmasse für die Herstellung mittelalterlicher irdener Kochtopfe und Versuche zur Fasergewinnung aus Brennesseln (1999)
  44. Beobachtungen zum Serienguß in der alteren Eisenzeit (1999)
  45. Blowing new life in old technology - Viking Age bronze casting (1999)
  46. Bone Splitting Tips (1999)
  47. Bone Working Basics (1999)
  48. Bow Pendants - Archers' Release Aids? (1999)
  49. Bronzezeitliche Luren - Werkzeug göttlicher Schwingungen (1999)
  50. Bullroarers (Dutch: 'snorrebot') (1999)
  51. The Butser Ancient Farm Earthworks Research Project - a first analysis of the data and a description and review of the methodology (1999)
  52. Butser Ancient Farm, Hampshire, UK (1999)
  53. Butser Ancient Farm: A Unique Research & Educational Establishment (1999)
  54. Båtgrav som kilde – konstruksjon og rekonstruksjon av båt fra vikingtid (Boat grave as source – construction and reconstruction of a Viking Age boat) (1999)
  55. Caddo House Reconstruction (1999)
  56. Carving Green Wood and curing wood carvings (1999)
  57. The Cattail Doll (1999)
  58. Cave Painting (1999)
  59. Celts and Axes, Celts in the Pamunkey and Cahokia House building projects (1999)
  60. Cienega Points and Late Archaic Period Chronology in the Southern Southwest (1999)
  61. The Common Thread. Textile Production during the Late Iron Age - Viking Age (1999)
  62. Communicating Archaeology (1999)
  63. The Constructed Past, experimental archaeology, education and the public (1999)
  64. Construction of a Split-Rib Bone Knife (1999)
  65. Cordage (1999)
  66. Craft, industry and everyday life: Bone, antler, ivory and horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York (1999)
  67. Culture of Stone. Sacred and profane uses of Stone among the Dani (1999)
  68. The curing of hides and skins in European prehistory (1999)
  69. Das "Hornstaadhaus" im Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen. Feldversuch und Bewohnung (1999)
  70. Das Archäologische Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1999)
  71. Das Archäologische Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (1999)
  72. Das archäologische Park und die Feuchtschichtengrabung in Liptovská Mara (1999)
  73. Das Museumsdorf Düppel als Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum - ein Modell? (1999)
  74. Das Wesen archäologischer Experimente (1999)
  75. De 100 grafheuvels. Het Régészeti archeologisch park (1999)
  76. De Archéosite van Aubechies (België) (1999)
  77. De gav järnet… (1999)
  78. De-Pithing Soft-Rush (Juncus effusus) for Wicks (1999)
  79. Deer Hoof Rattles (1999)
  80. Den experimentální archeologie v Roztokách u Prahy, (day of experimental archaeology in Roztokách in Prague) (1999)
  81. Den Forstærkede Dybbølfortælling (1999)
  82. Den Gürtel enger schnallen. Der Verschluß von frühmittelalterlichen Gurteln mit Schilddornschnallen im Experiment (1999)
  83. Der Nachbau eines "Arbon-Hauses" der Horgener Kultur im Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (1999)
  84. Der Nachbau eines altslawischen Bootes (1999)
  85. The Design, Dimensions and Weight of Spear-Throwers and Spears (1999)
  86. Die Deutsche Limes-Straße - eine touristische Chance für die Denkmalpflege (1999)
  87. Die Herstellung einer Frauentracht an Hand von Grabungsfunden der Swifterbant-Kultur (1999)
  88. Die historischen Ackerbauversuche im Freilichtmuseum Wackershofen. Bericht über die Ackerbauversuche (1999)
  89. Die Mechanik und Technologie römischer Bronzepumpen (1999)
  90. Die Rekonstruktion des mittelalterlichen liegenden Topferofens von Gottin (1999)
  91. Die Rückzüchtung eines mittelalterlichen Weideschweines im Museumsdorf Düppel, Berlin (1999)
  92. Die Technologie der vorgeschichtlichen Keramik mit Rücksicht auf ihr Brennen (1999)
  93. Die technologisch-typologische Methode. Der Darwinismus und die Erforschung von Kulturgeschichte (1999)
  94. The dilemma of didactic displays: habitats and dioramas, life-groups and reconstructions of the past (1999)
  95. Discovering Archaeology (1999)
  96. Discovering childhood: using fingerprints to find children in the archaeological record (1999)
  97. Dogbane (apocynum sp.), Botany, ecology, fiber preparation and a method for making 3-ply cordage (1999)
  98. A Dogbane Net (1999)
  99. Doppeltopf-verfahren (1999)
  100. Drilling Stone (1999)