EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,401-1,500 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Experiments with edge angels in hafted stone axes (1973)
  2. Explanation in archaeology: a computer experiment (1973)
  3. Farm tools through the ages (1973)
  4. Flint workshop debitage (1973)
  5. The flintknapper's raw materials (1973)
  6. Function testing of the denticulate (1973)
  7. Förhistorisk järnhantering i Dalarna. Fältundersökningar och tekniska undersökningar. Bergshistoriska utskottet (1973)
  8. Försök med pilspetsar (1973)
  9. Homo erectus: Constructing a shelter (1973)
  10. Homo erectus: The Acheulean handaxe (1973)
  11. Hur ben krymper vid kremering (how bone shrink when cremating) (1973)
  12. Iron smelting experiments with a shaft furnace of the Roman period (1973)
  13. Jagd und Fischfang: mit einem Anhang: Honiggewinnung (1973)
  14. La Balsa (1973)
  15. Lejre-centrets fremtid: perspektiver og forslag (1973)
  16. Lithic Technology Part I: Percussion Biface Replication (1973)
  17. Living Archeology—Toward a Better Understanding of the Past (1973)
  18. The living environment of early Danish man: an experimental approach (1973)
  19. The Manufacture of Jewellery during the Migration Period at Helgö in Sweden (1973)
  20. Material culture and technology (1973)
  21. Mathematische Theorie statistischer Experimente (Hochschultexte / Universitexts) (1973)
  22. Metallurgy for Engineers (1973)
  23. Methoden zum Weichmachen von Geweih und Knochen in frühslawischen Werkstätten (1973)
  24. Millie's camp: an experiment in archaeology (1973)
  25. Neanderthal Shelter Project (1973)
  26. Neanderthal: A study of wear patterns of 4 waste flake denticulates (1973)
  27. Neanderthal: Child dependency and the Mousterian industry (1973)
  28. Neanderthal: Wear patterns on a Mousterrian handaxe (1973)
  29. Newsletter of Experimental Archaeology (1973)
  30. Noreia - Zusammenfassung der Grabungsergebnisse 1929-1932 (1973)
  31. Nålbindning (1973)
  32. Observation on the thermal treatment of chert in the Solutrean of laugerie Haute, France (1973)
  33. Obtention expérimentale de la retouche de type Quina (1973)
  34. The Old Rag Project, a preliminary report (1973)
  35. The old rag report: a practical guide to living archaeology (1973)
  36. Om Lejrecentrets grundlag (1973)
  37. On hafting stone axes (1973)
  38. Outils de pierre, outils d'acier chez les Baruya de Nouvelle-Guinee (1973)
  39. Papyrus rafts across the Atlantic (1973)
  40. Pottery manufacturing techniques in Papua New Guinea (1973)
  41. Pottery production: a technical study (1973)
  42. Preliminary report on ethno-archaeological research in the northwestern Massim, T.P.N.G. (1973)
  43. Reconstructing the past: 'The Lunt' Roman Fort: theory and practice of experimental archaeology (1973)
  44. Remelting of iron in a forge (1973)
  45. Replication of Late Woodland ceramics from Western Pennsylvania (1973)
  46. Schmelzversuche in halbeingetieften Rennöfen in Polen (1973)
  47. Staged Authenticity: arrangements of social space in tourist settings (1973)
  48. State-wide Service Test of Fence Posts: Twenty-year Progress Report (1973)
  49. Stone tools for steel-age Mexicans?: aspects of production in a Zapotec stoneworking industry (1973)
  50. A supplementary note on flint chipping with the teeth (1973)
  51. Systematik der Textilen Techniken (1973)
  52. Tagungsberichte 1966-1972 (1973)
  53. Technik der Steinzeit: Archäolithikum-Mesolithikum (1973)
  54. Textbook. Social and cultural anthropology of prehistoric Scandinavia (1973)
  55. Textilien aus Westafrika (1973)
  56. Textilien aus Westafrika (1973)
  57. Traditional societies and technological change (1973)
  58. Turkana material culture viewed from an archaeological perspective (1973)
  59. Variability in the Early Stages of Manufacture of Virginia Fluted Points: an experimental study (1973)
  60. Експерименталноэ изуце ниэ орудиэ труда триполской културы (1974)
  61. Експериментално-трасологицескоэ изуцениэ производств триполского обсцества (1974)
  62. Aboriginal tribes of Australia: their terrain, environmental control, distribution, limits and proper names (1974)
  63. Araišu ezera pils dzivojamas ekas (jugstura konstrukcija) (1974)
  64. The archaeological present: near eastern village potters and work (1974)
  65. Archaeology and mud wall decay in a West African village (1974)
  66. The archaeology of ships (1974)
  67. Archäologie - Rauhes Tuten aus der Vorzeit (1974)
  68. Arrowheads and Projectile Points with a Classification Guide for Lithic Artifacts (1974)
  69. The atlatl: function and performance (1974)
  70. Bemerkungen zu Geschichte, Stand und Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit von Archäologie und Ethnographie in der Ur- und Frühgeschichte (1974)
  71. Benvenuto Cellini. Abhandlungen über die Goldschmiedekunst und die Bildhauerei (1974)
  72. Beobachtungen bei der Restaurierung des langobardischen Goldblattkreuzes von Civezzano, Grab II (1974)
  73. Beobachtungen und Versuche zur Herstellung römischer Münzgußformen (1974)
  74. Über die Forschung der Geschichte der Arbeitsgeräte (1974)
  75. The building and trials of the replica of an ancient boat: the Gokstad faering. 1. Building the replica (1974)
  76. The building and trials of the replica of an ancient boat: the Gokstad faering. 2. The sea trials (1974)
  77. A butchering experiment with flaked obsidian tools (1974)
  78. Can Copper be Smelted in a Crucible? (1974)
  79. Ceramic longevity and archaeological interpretation: an example from the upper Ucayali, Peru (1974)
  80. A comparison of the flaking qualities of Nehawka chert before and after thermal treatment (1974)
  81. Country Craft Tools (1974)
  82. Das Experiment im Michelsberger Erdwerk in Mayen (1974)
  83. Das Versuchsgelände in Kinzweiler, Untersuchungen zur neolithischen Besiedlung der Aldenhovener Platte, 4 (1974)
  84. De re metallica libri XII (1st print Basel 1556) (Bergbau und Hüttenkunde, 12 Bücher). (Gedenkausgabe des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden.) Taschenbuch für Eisenhüttenleute (1974)
  85. Diary of my life as an Aborigine (1974)
  86. Die Giebelrekonstruktion des Schatzhauses von Megara (1974)
  87. Doswiadzyc znaczy zrozumiec (1974)
  88. The effects of scavengers on bone material from a large mammal: an experiment conducted among the Bisa of the Luangwa Valley, Zambia (1974)
  89. Ein spätneolithischer Bogenstab von Koldingen, Kreis Hannover (1974)
  90. Elements of ceramics (1974)
  91. Ethnoarchaeology (1974)
  92. Ethnoarchaeology (1974)
  93. Ethnographic data and wear pattern analysis: a study of socketed eskimo scrapers (1974)
  94. Ethologische Überlegungen auf dem Gebiet der Altertumskunde (1974)
  95. An example of microwear analysis: its contributions to stone tool typologies (BA Thesis) (1974)
  96. Experiment and the Anglo-Saxon environment (1974)
  97. The experiment in archaeology: a comparison of two case studies (1974)
  98. Experimental Archaeology Papers (APE) (1974)
  99. The experimental earthwork on Morden Bog, Wareham, Dorset, England: 1963 to 1972 (1974)
  100. Experimental investigation of hard-hammer percussion flaking (1974)