EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,601-1,700 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Ersatz von Originalen (1975)
  2. Ersatz von Originalen am Beispiel der Abgüsse im Kerameikos (1975)
  3. An experimental analysis of quartz scrapers: results and applications (1975)
  4. Experimental Archaeology: The Way It Was at Cahokia (maybe) (1975)
  5. The experimental study of bipolar flakes (1975)
  6. Experimentele archeologie (translation by SJE Pannekoek-Westenburg of "archaeology by experiment" 1973) (1975)
  7. Expriments in the replication of fire-cracked rock (1975)
  8. Farming in prehistory: from hunter-gatherer to food-producer (1975)
  9. Flake Removal Sequence and Cultural Inference (1975)
  10. Forsøg med Fortiden (translation by Jørgen Lund of "archaeology by experiment" 1973) (1975)
  11. Functional analysis of stone tools: a cautionary note on the role of animal fats (1975)
  12. The Historical Workshop, Denmark: The Lejre cCentre (1975)
  13. Huset vi byggede. Rekonstruktion af jernalderhuset (1975)
  14. Iron Age cookery (1975)
  15. Lithic technology: making and using stone tools (World Anthropology. [international Congress on Anthropology and Ethnology]) (1975)
  16. Lithic wear patterns in deer butchering (1975)
  17. A lithic workshop symposium (1975)
  18. The Lunt Roman Fort Museum and Interpretive Centre 1965-74 (1975)
  19. Mathematics and computer in archaeology (1975)
  20. Microwear in perspective: a sympathetic response to Lawrence H. Keeley (1975)
  21. Microwear on flint: some experimental results (1975)
  22. Miscellaneous studies in hard-hammer percussion flaking: the effects of oblique impact (1975)
  23. Models, replicas and experiments in nautical archaeology (1975)
  24. Neuerungen und Experimente im Asparner Urgeschichtemuseum (1975)
  25. The New Archaeology (1975)
  26. The Origin of Iron Smelting in Africa (1975)
  27. Paa rangel 1974. Studier over rangler, föremål av järn från yngre norsk järnålder (1975)
  28. Pressure blades and total cutting edge: an experiment in lithic technology (1975)
  29. Prima vyroba zeleza z rud na Blanensku. [with english summary: Direct Iron Making Process in the Surroundings of Blansko] (1975)
  30. Problems in the interpretations of microscopic wear patterns: the evidence of bone skates (1975)
  31. Produkcja grotów beltów do kuszy w sredniowieczku swietle wspólczesnych prób eksperymentalnych (1975)
  32. “Punch Techniques” and Upper Paleolithic Blades (1975)
  33. Replica of an Iceni Village (as it was in 60 A.D.) at Cockley Cley, Nr. Swaffham, Norfolk (1975)
  34. Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse: A Modern Reconstruction (1975)
  35. The survival of the bark canoe, Part 1 (1975)
  36. The survival of the bark canoe, Part 2 (1975)
  37. Teilrekonstruktion und Ergänzungen (1975)
  38. Traditional potters of the Kathmandu valley: an ethnoarchaeological study (1975)
  39. Viking seamanship questioned (1975)
  40. Village Progress Report (1975)
  41. The village wheelwright and carpenter, Aylesbury (1975)
  42. Vor- und Frühformen der europäischen Stadt im Mittelalter: Bericht über ein Symposium in Reinhausen bei Göttingen in der Zeit vom 18. bis 24. April 1972. 2 volumes (1975)
  43. Voraussetzungen, Möglichkeiten und Ziele von Untersuchungen an Keramik (1975)
  44. West African weaving (1975)
  45. Wiederaufbau am Beispiel des Trajaneum in Pergamon (1975)
  46. Wiederaufbau ganzer Gebäude (1975)
  47. Методологитческие вопросы аркхеологии (1976)
  48. Abbauversuche am Salzbergwerk Hallstatt (1976)
  49. Abfallprodukte der Harpunenherstellung im Inventar von Gönnersdorf (1976)
  50. An agricultural experiment in the unprotected salt marsh (1976)
  51. Appunti sulla tecnica di scheggiatura della selce e sulla sua predeterminazione (1976)
  52. Archäologie und Geschichte: Vorträge und Aufsätze. 1 (1976)
  53. Arqueologia Experimental (translation of ”archaeology by experiment” by TORRINHA, Maria Fernanda) (1976)
  54. The art of Bolivian Highland weaving (1976)
  55. Australian Western Desert lithic technology: an ethnoarchaeological study of variability in material culture (1976)
  56. Avantages dún traitement thermique pour la taille des roches siliceuses (1976)
  57. Az építészet története: Ókor (1976)
  58. Behavioral archeology (1976)
  59. Beobachtungen zur Herstellungstechnik eines Mortuariums (1976)
  60. Brettchenweben (1976)
  61. Building a hide boat: an archaeological experiment (1976)
  62. Butchering a deer with obsidian tools (1976)
  63. The Butser Ancient Farm Research Project (1976)
  64. Contemporary pottery techniques in southern and central Mexico (1976)
  65. Das Museum, Lernort contra Museumstempel (1976)
  66. Das Zusammensetzen geschlagener Steinartefakte (1976)
  67. Deer skinning with a bifacial tool (1976)
  68. Der altslawische Tempel von Gross Raden (1976)
  69. Det äldsta Kastelholm (1976)
  70. The development of the Cementation Process for the Manufacture of Steel (1976)
  71. Die Bedeutung der Kulturen des Niltals für die Eisenproduktion im sub-saharischen Afrika. (Studien zur Kulturkunde 39) (1976)
  72. Die bronzezeitliche Kupfergewinnung in Niederösterreich: Forschungsstand Ende 1974 und Aufgaben; der Experiment in der Urgeschichte (1976)
  73. Die didaktisch erzieherische Rolle der Freilichtmuseen (1976)
  74. Die Geschichte der Urgesellschaft und die Ethnographie: zum Problem der Rekonstruktion der Vergangenheit aus ethnographischem Material (1976)
  75. Die Technologie der Geräteherstellung (1976)
  76. Die vorgeschichtlichen Feuerzeuge in Schleswig-Holstein (1976)
  77. Die Zeichentechnik in der rotfigurigen Vasenmalerei (1976)
  78. Documentation of artifacts, Pamunkey Project phase I (1976)
  79. East Scandinavian Style 1: an answer to Birgit Arrhenius (1976)
  80. Edge damage on experimentally used scrapers of Hawaiian basalt (1976)
  81. Ein Töpferofen der römischen Kaiserzeit mit abnehmbarer Kuppel aus Weddinghusen, Kr. Dithmarschen (1976)
  82. Eingetiefte Rennöfen der frühgeschichtlichen Eisenverhüttung in Europa (1976)
  83. Eketorp – Fortification and settlement on Öland/Sweden (1976)
  84. Erlebte Steinzeit: experimentelle Archäologie (1976)
  85. Essai d'un four de potier reconstitué du type de Sévrier (bronze final) (1976)
  86. Ett vendel-vikingatida verkstadshus på Gotland (1976)
  87. Evolution of the house. Reprint of: 1947 (1976)
  88. Experiment zu den "verstümmelten" Händen von Gargas (1976)
  89. Experimental archaeology and boats (1976)
  90. Experimental archaeology and the Butser Ancient Farm Project (1976)
  91. Experimental Archaeology Papers (APE), The Pamunkey Project Phases I and II (1976)
  92. Experimental Archeology: Unlocking the Doors of Time (1976)
  93. Experimental lithic technology, with special reference to the Middle Palaeolithic (1976)
  94. Experimental utilization of Onondaga flint (1976)
  95. Experimentation and analyzation of unmodified and unifacially modified flakes associated with trapping in a subsistence based situation (1976)
  96. Experimentelle und theoretische Beiträge zur Leichenbranduntersuchung (1976)
  97. Experiments in prehistory (1976)
  98. The Fall of the Roman Empire - A Reappraisal (1976)
  99. Farming in the Iron Age (1976)
  100. Feurmachen vor 5000 Jahren (1976)