Nellis AFB - Survey Reports
Site Name Keywords
26CK4984 •
26NY1492 •
26NY9127 •
26NY9123 •
26CK4999 •
26CK4973 •
26CK4974 •
26CK5007 •
26CK5010 •
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Lithic Scatter •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Artifact Scatter •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Isolated Artifact •
Domestic Structures •
Rock Shelter •
Quarry •
Isolated Feature
Other Keywords
No historic properties •
Silver Flag •
DACA63-95-D-0022 •
Gatecliff Series •
Humboldt Series •
Elko Series •
Pinto Series •
Toolstone Quarry •
fiber optic line •
Las Vegas to Tonopah Railraod
Culture Keywords
Western Shoshone •
Southern Paiute •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Beatty Mountain Shoshone •
Yuman •
Mojave •
Owens Valley Paiute •
Vanyume •
Virgin Branch Anasazi •
Kawich Range Shoshone
Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Systematic Survey •
Environment Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Heritage Management •
Data Recovery / Excavation
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Obsidian •
Ceramic •
Ground Stone •
Dating Sample •
Macrobotanical •
Wood •
Lithic Scatter •
Fauna •
Temporal Keywords
Prehistoric •
Historic •
Middle Archaic •
Late Archaic •
Gypsum Period •
Early Archaic •
Shoshonean Period •
Pinto Period •
Paleoindian Period •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Nevada (State / Territory) •
North America (Continent) •
USA (Country) •
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada •
Clark (County) •
Nye (County) •
Las Vegas, Nevada •
Cactus Flat •
Pahute Mesa
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 410)
- Documents (410)
Class III Cultural Resources Survey For Ten Concrete Boresite Pads and Three Access Roads Associated with the P-28 System Site, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada. (2006)
The US Air Force proposes to set ten concrete pads for instrument (aka boresite) towers associated with their existing facility at P28 on the Nevada Test and Training Range.
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for the Emplacement Of a 13.8 Kv Transformer on the Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to place a 13.8 Kv transformer on a 30 x 30 m (100 x 100 ft) graded pad between two existing power lines on the Tonopah Test Range (TTR). One of these two power line alignments has been surveyed for cultural resources by Ellis (1979) who found no historic properties in the vicinity of the proposed location for the transformer (Figures 1 and 2). The proposed location was re-examined for cultural resources on July 23, 1996, and again found to contain no cultural...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey for Thirty Proposed Systems Pads on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2012)
The U. S. Air Force (USAF) proposes to develop and use 30 new electronic system pads on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1 and 2, also see project maps in Appendix A and project overview photographs in Appendix B). These pads, which average about 1.5 ha (3.7 acres) in size, wIII be used to temporarily park mobile electronic systems during test and training missions and these systems wIII be moved on and off the pads between missions. No additional utilities...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey For Upgrading the GRl-l Facility Pad, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2007)
The U. S. Air Force (USAF) proposes to upgrade the existing GRl-l facility pad on the Nevada Test and Training Range (Figure 1). This upgrade will entail enlarging the existing pad to encompass approximately an additional 2 hectare (5 acre) area beyond the eastern edge of that pad. Although cultural resource surveys have previously been conducted along the power line which runs along this eastern boundary, the original GRl-1 pad, established in 1978, was never evaluated for the presence of...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey in Support of a Proposed Expansion of the P-21 System Pad, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2011)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to relocate an electronic system on an existing facility pad (P-21) on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) in Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1 and 2). This site was chosen because it already has a concrete pad on which the system can be positioned and the site is already connected to the fiber optic network. Furthermore, there is an existing boresite tower pad associated with the P-21 pad that can be used by the new system. The existing P-21 facility pad, and the...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey in Support of a Proposed Fiber Optics Line From the Tolicha Peak Compound to Black Mountain, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2010)
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) proposes to install a 10.6 mile (17.1 km) long fiber optic line between the Tolicha Peak Compound and the top of Black Mountain (Figures 1 and 2). The proposed route was chosen to coincide with corridors of existing utility lines and other disturbance, as much as possible, in order to minimize potential effects to the overall environment and to known historic properties. All but 0.4 miles (1 acre) of the 10.2 miles follows previously-disturbed and previously-surveyed...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of a Commercial Power Line from the Tolicha Peak Road to Site 2-T1 in Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2004)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to install a commercial power line from the existing transmission line along the Tolicha Peak Road to Site 2-Tl atop Thirsty Mountain in Range EC South on the Nevada Test and Training Range in Nye County, Nevada.
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of a Commercial Power Line from the Tolicha Peak Road to Site 2-Tl in Range EC South, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2004)
The Desert Research Institute conducted a pedestrian survey of this proposed route between May 24 and May 27, 2004, to assess the potential effects of this proposed undertaking on historic properties. That survey revealed 4 cultural resources, 10 isolated artifacts and 9 rock features in the area of potential affect (Table 1). The assemblage of isolated artifacts includes 4 beverage cans, a meat can, a practice bomb and 4 prehistoric age stone flakes. The isolated features include 7 rock cairns,...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed Boresite Tower for P-78 in Range EC West, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2005)
The Desert Research Institute conducted a pedestrian field survey for this proposed undertaking on June 10, 2005. The purpose of this survey was to assess the proposed undertaking's potential effects on historic properties. That survey included the 0.5 acre area proposed for the location of the boresite tower and a 100 ft ( 30 m) wide corridor parallel to the existing utility line between the 53-20 (M-77) and P-78 (53-20A) facility pad (Figure 2). No cultural resource surveys have ever been...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed Fiber Optic Line from Cedar Pass Facility to the P-80A Facility on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2010)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to install a one mile (1.652 km) long fiber optic line between the "site central" near the waste water treatment plant at the Cedar Pass Facility and "Box 2" near the P-80A facility in Range EC West on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) in Nye County, Nevada (Figures 1 and 2). Although several utility line corridors and facility pads have been previously surveyed in this area, none of those survey areas or corridors coincides with the proposed route....
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed System Pad and Access Road near P-24a, Nevada. Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2001)
Construction for this undertaking wIII include preparing one 46m x ·1-6 m (150 ft x 150 ft) improved gravel pad for the system as well as blading a 160 m (528 ft) 1ong access road linking the new system site with an existing paved rond. A pedestrian survey for cultural resources was conducted at the proposed system pad and along the proposed access road on August 07, 2001. No cultural resources were found in the area-of-potential-effect (APE). Consequently. the planned construction activity...
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of A Sandia Penetrator Target Site on Range R4809, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
Sandia National Laboratories proposes to construct a penetrator target site near the Antelope Tuff locality on the Tonopah Test Range (Figure 1). This development will include the excavation of a 15 to 25 ft deep exploratory backhoe trench. the construction of the penetrator target and an associated camera station and the improvement of an existing access road to the target area. A Class III cultural resources survey of the 500 by 500 ft square area (5.7 acres; 2.3 hectares) proposed for target...
Class III Cultural Resources Survey of an Additional Boresite Tower for the P-78 Facility in Range EC West, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2009)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to install an additional boresite tower for the P-78 facility in Range EC West on the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) in Nye County, Nevada (Figures I and 2). This tower will be placed in a 150 ft (46 m) diameter area (0.5 acre) area immediately south of an existing boresite tower along the Cross Range Road west of the existing P-78 pad. In June of 2005, the Desert Research Institute conducted a pedestrian field survey for the existing boresite tower. They...
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Four Station Lines for the Placement of Eight Ground Motion Canisters and One GRMPY Van near U20ax Drill Pad, Pahute Mesa, Area 20 , Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1992)
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Four Station Lines for the Placement of Eight Ground Motion Canisters and One GRMPY Van near U20ax Drill Pad, Pahute Mesa, Area 20 , Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Instrument Site P-44 and a Buried Utility Line, Nye County, Nevada (1990)
The Department of Energy wishes to obtain archeological clearance to construct an instrument site approximately 8.6 km (5.4 miles) from existing instrument sites in the southeast portion of Cactus Flat. The areas to be affected included an instrument site pad about 90 by 90 m (295 by 295 feet) in size, and a buried 8.6 km utilities alignment.
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Sandia Station C-4 on Range R4809, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1991)
Sandia National Laboratories proposes to construct a rocket test facility to support the new Phase 3, W61 Development Program. This construction wIII include the modification of existing structures at the C-4 Site, the improvement of the existing access route to the site from the Cedar Pass Road and the excavation of a cable way between Bunker 3 and the C-4 Site.
A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Three Proposed Sites Associated with P-69 on Range 4809, Tonopah Test Range (2008)
The U. S. Air Force proposes to construct three, 30 x 30 m (100 x 100 ft), gravel facility pads for P-69 systems on the Tonopah Test Range. These pads wIII house 7.6 to 24.4 m (25 - 80 ft) high antennae and other support equipment. They are designated P-69W (lat 37° 34' 56", long. 116° 41' 18"), P-69C (lat 37° 34' 31 ",long. 116° 34' 20"), and P-69E (lat 37° 34' 53", long. 116° 27' 16"). The pads are all located immediately adjacent to existing roads.
Class III Cultural Resources Surveys For a Proposed Expansion of Systems and Utility lines on The Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1995)
Surveys within approximately 32.9 hectares (81.45 acres) around this proposed disturbance, including several alternative sites for facility placement, failed to locate any new cultural resources, but did help to clarify and redefine the significance of three previously identified cultural resources (26NY8618; 26NY9123 and 26NY9127). All three of these properties are recommended to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as historic properties and should be...
A Class III Inventory for Range 71 Special Operations Training NTTR, Nye County, Nevada (2005)
A Class III Inventory for Range 71 Special Operations Training NTTR, Nye County, Nevada.
A Class III Inventory for Range 74 Special Operations Training Kawich Valley, Nye County, Nellis Air Force Base (2003)
Class III inventory in support of special operations training.
A Class III Inventory for the Proposed Cedar Pass Airfield on the East Fan of the Kawich Range [(EC East) Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR), Nye County, Nevada] (1999)
The Air Force proposes development of an airfield to support training operations. An existing access road intersects the southwest portion of the project area. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is the project area plus buffer acreage for a total of 187 acres. Photos 1 and 2 show the project area.
A Class III Inventory for the Proposed Installation of New Target Complexes on Ranges 71S & 76 (2006)
The Proposed Action is to develop targets in an Area of Potential Effect (APE) in Range 71S (R-71S) and Range 76 (R-76). to emulate current world conditions. They would include an Urban Operations Complex (UOC)-Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) storage facility target complex, and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Terrorist Training Compound and Hostage Holding Area target complex. They would be located on Upper Pahute Mesa and in Pack Rat Canyon, respectively. The APE is 193 acres.
Class III Inventory of 10 Acres for Three Munitions Storage Igloos in Area II, Nellis Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada (1997)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes construction of three munitions storage igloos adjacent to Perimeter Road, Area II, NAFB. Because the storage igloos abut a pre-existing road, the APE is defined as the project area.
A Class III Inventory of 115 Acres North of the O & M Compound, Tonopah Test Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Lockheed Martin proposes development of a borrow pit. The borrow pit is adjacent to an existing road, thus, the APE is defined as the project area.
A Class III Inventory of 135 Acres on FAC Alpha, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Lockheed Martin proposes development of a borrow pit, grading and graveling of an existing jeep trail, and grading for a TPK pad. Because the entire project area is currently accessible through existing roadways, the APE is defined as the project area.
A Class III Inventory of 14 Acres for a R/W on Tonopah Test Range (4809A), Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (2000)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes a right-of-way for an underground power line. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes the 50-foot wide right-of-way and a buffer margin for a total of 14 acres.
A Class III Inventory of 1528 Acres for Target Installations on Range 76 and Reconnaissance Survey for Target Reconfigurations on Range 71S, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2004)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes to install new High Fidelity, Tunnel, and JDAM targets as well as TOSS (Tactical Ordinance Scoring System) towers on Ranges 71S (Table 1) and 76 (Table 2) within the Nevada Test and Training Range (Figure 1), Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is 248 acres for reconnaissance and 1281 acres for Class III inventory.
A Class III Inventory of 177 Acres For a Proposed Helicopter Training Target, Mt. Helen, Nye County, Nevada (2006)
Class II inventory in support of a Special Forces Helicopter training target area on the north alluvial fan of Mt. Helen and a right-of-way to connect the target to a major bladed road. Disturbance is expected to occur as a result of repeated helicopter landings, individual training. The Area of Potential Effect and area covered by the survey is 177 acres.
A Class III Inventory of 180 Acres in EC West Near Gabbard Hills, Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR), Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Class III inventory report in support of the excavation of a borrow pit.
Class III Inventory of 200 Acres for a Borrow Pit Near Ragged Ridge, Range 74, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Class II inventory of a proposed Borrow Pit in Range 74, NAFR. The project area is located on an open alluvial fan and adjacent to an existing transmission line road, thus, the APE is defined as the boundaries of the project area.
A Class III Inventory of 222 Acres in Area II (Weapons and Munitions Storage Area) and 300 Acres in Area III, Nellis Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada (2000)
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This survey completes the inventory, initiated in 1993, of cultural/resources in the Nellis Air Force Base Area II (Weapons and Munitions Storage areas) and Area III in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Future expansion of Air Force use areas is planned for portions of the acreage.
A Class III Inventory of 24 Acres for a Proposed Water Well, EC West, Gold Flat, Nye County, Nevada (2005)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB), 98th Range Wing (99 RANS) proposes construction of a water well and staging pad, 10 acres, and construction of a road and underground pipeline, each 3,200 feet long by 100 feet wide, seven acres each. The new access would originate from a major bladed road through Gold Flat. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) and area inventoried is 24 acres.
A Class III Inventory of 240 Acres on EC West, North of Gold Flat, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Class III inventory report in support of an expansion of an existing borrow pit.
A Class III Inventory of 30 Acres Near Indian Springs AFAF for Box Canyon Temporary Storage Expansion [Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR), Clark County, Nevada] (1998)
A long-term holding area for materials cleaned from the South Range, awaiting pickup and disposal, is located in a narrow valley called Box Canyon. The temporary storage yard, about 10 acres within the project area shown on Map 1, requires a larger area, a portion on either side of the current yard. The expansion areas abut an existing road, and an area was surveyed larger than the project area, thus, the APE is defined as storage yard and buffer areas. Photo 1 is a view of the project area...
A Class III Inventory of 33 Acres for a Proposed Predator Training Target, Spotting Range, Clark County, Nevada (2005)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB), 98th Range Wing (99 RANS) proposes construction of a Predator training target within drainages and on two terraces on Mercury Ridge in the Spotted Range. No access is required. The archaeologist and biologist were shuttled by helicopter to the location for their inventories. The helicopter landed in the center of the APE, shown on Maps 1-4 where three small, modular buildings and six inoperative vehicles are proposed to be carried by helicopter and placed in the...
A Class III Inventory of 405 Acres for Target Reconfigurations on Range 76, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2001)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes reconfigurations of three targets on Range 76, on Pahute Mesa in the north Nevada Test and Training Range. An archaeological inventory was conducted in the vicinity of the existing targets as shown in Figure 1. A total of 405 acres were inventoried.
A Class III Inventory of 490 Acres for Target Reconfigurations on Range 74, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2001)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes reconfigurations of five targets on Range 74, in Kawich Valley, on the north Nevada Test and Training Range. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for each target is listed in Table 1, with a total acreage of 490. Survey parcels are presented graphically in Map 1.
A Class III Inventory of 5.7 Acres at Silver Flag Alpha (ISAFAF) for a Target Expansion Area [Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR), Clark County, Nevada] (1998)
Silver Flag Alpha, attached to the Indian Springs Auxiliary Airfield, South Range, is used for weapons training. A target area of about three areas is located north of the main bladed road. The training command requests an expansion of three plus acres adjacent to the north of the present target area. Access is present. Five acres were surveyed to encompass a 2-acre buffer for three acres, thus, the APE was expanded.
A Class III Inventory of 545 Acres for Range 76-11 Target Reconfigurations, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2001)
Nellis Air Force Base proposes an expansion of Target 76-11, located in an interface of north Pahute Mesa and Stonewall Mountain/Stonewall Flat, on the north Nevada Test and Training Ranges. The Area of Potential Effect for the proposed federal action (Target 76-11) is 949 acres. The inventory occurred in two parts. This supplement describes survey in July 2000, which covered 522 acres. An additional inventory in July 2001 by Geo-Marine (see NAFB Report 01-04 main report) occurred due to a...
Class III Inventory of 60 Acres for a Borrow Pit Near White Patch Draw, Range 71, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Lockheed Martin proposes to develop a borrow pit. The project area is located on an open alluvial fan adjacent to the existing Range 71 access road, thus the APE is defined as the project area.
A Class III Inventory of 640 Acres for the FAC Bravo Borrow Pit, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nevada Test & Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (1999)
The development of a borrow pit on Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR), Nevada Test & Training Range (NTTR, formerly called Nellis Air Force Range) is proposed. The project area is located on an alluvial fan and adjacent to an existing dirt road that will be used to access the borrow pit. Thus, the Area of Potential Effect (APE) is defined as the boundaries of the project area.
A Class III Inventory of a Bypass Road Right-of-Way, Range 62, Nevada Test and Training Range, Clark County, Nevada (2001)
Report detaling the results of a Class II inventory for proposed rights-of-way segments in Range 62.
A Class III Inventory of an Unnamed Spring in the Northeast Cactus Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Class III inventory report in support of fencing around an unnamed spring in the Cactus Range, Nye County, Nevada to protect the fragile riparian environment from wild horse impacts. Access to the springs wIII be gained through existing dirt roads. Disturbance within the project area wIII be limited to post holes, 18 inches in diameter by three feet deep, spaced at intervals of 10 to 12 feet. Thus, the APE is defined as the project area.
A Class III Inventory of Antelope Springs East Seeps, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) Natural Resources Manager proposes to surround Antelope Springs east seeps with wildlife fencing to protect the fragile riparian environment from wild horse impacts. Access to the springs wIII be gained through existing dirt roads. Disturbance within the project area wIII be limited to post holes, 18 inches in diameter by three feet deep, spaced at intervals of 10 to 12 feet. Thus, the APE is defined as the project area.
Class III Inventory of Eight Acres for Seven Asphalt Pads in Area II, Nellis Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada (1997)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) proposes to construct seven asphalt pads for equipment storage. The area of potential effect is limited to the sizes listed in Project Dimensions. Access to the project areas will be gained through existing paved roads.
A Class III Inventory of Harley Spring, Kawich Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
Class III inventory report in support of Harley Spring wildlife fencing to protect the fragile riparian environment from wild horse impacts. Access to the spring will be gained through existing dirt roads. Disturbance within the project area wIII be limited to post holes, 18 inches in diameter by three feet deep, spaced at intervals of 10 to 12 feet. Thus, the APE is defined as the project area.
Class III Inventory of One Acre of Land for Salvage Yard Expansion, Range 71N, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Lockheed Martin proposes to expand an existing salvage yard on located on Range 71N, NAFR.
A Class III Inventory of Sleeping Column Spring, Cactus Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1998)
The Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB) Natural Resources Manager proposes to surround Sleeping Column Spring with wildlife fencing to protect the fragile riparian environment from wild horse impacts. Disturbance within the project area wIII be limited to post holes, 18 inches in diameter by three feet deep, spaced at intervals of approximately 10 to 12 feet on the periphery of the project area. In addition, a modern trough and improvised, T bar fence, installed at the spring by the Bureau of Land...
Class III Inventory of Two Pads for Placement of Unmanned Threat Emitters on Range 74, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
NAFB Range group proposes to place two Unmanned Threat Emitters (UMTE) adjacent to existing roads. No cultural resources were located within the areas of potential effect, therefore, the undertaking will not cause any impacts.
A Class III Inventory on Pahute Mesa for Conversion of a Conventional Target to a Cluster Bomb Unit Grid (Range 76-29) [Nellis Air Force Range (NAFR), Nye County, Nevada] (1998)
The target area, present for at least 15 years, wIII be converted to a Cluster Bomb Unit Grid. The impacts would be larger in diameter than the previous target, thus the APE were determined and inventoried as involve an APE of 23 acres. Twenty percent of the area had been previously disturbed by target uses. Several armor tanks remain on-site. Sufficient access is present.
Cleared Blocks Maps, Nellis Air Force Base (2020)
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Cleared Blocks Maps from cultural resource surveys conducted at Nellis Air Force Base.
Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations’ Document Review Committee Report Responding to a Cultural Resources Report for Portions of Areas II and III on the Nellis Air Force Base (2000)
This report responds to two archaeological surveys that were previously conducted in Areas II and III on the Nellis Air Force Base.
A Cultural Resource and Geological Study Pertaining to Four Selected Petroglyph/Pictograph Sites on Nellis Air Force Range and Adjacent Overflight Lands, Lincoln and Nye Counties, Nevada (1999)
This study documents comparative results of four petroglyph and/or pictograph sites: two on Nellis Air Force Range and two on adjacent Nellis AFR aircraft overflight lands administered by the BLM. A fifth cultural resources site, situated east of Beatty, Nevada, was studied as a control site for the sonic boom aspect of the study. Work focused on determining aircraft conic boom effects on sonic boom effects on rock formations containing petroglyphs/pictographs and contrasting the two differing...
A Cultural Resource Inventory of a Railroad Spur Right-of-Way on Nellis Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada (1989)
On April 3, 1989, DAS conducted a cultural resource inventory of a 1,400-foot (427 m) long by 100-foot (30 m) wide rail spur right -of-way on Nellis Air Force Base property in the northern Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada. The spur will connect the Union Pacific Railroad main track to a terminus at the Cal Nev Pipeline Company-Las Vegas oil terminal. The construction of the railspur will result in the disturbance of the ground surface within the· right- of-way, removing the floral cover...
Cultural Resource Inventory of Approximately 62 Miles of Proposed Fencing Construction Along the Eastern Boundary of the Nellis Air Force Range from Queen City Summit to the Pahranagat Range (1978)
The intensive archaeological survey along the proposed Nellis fence line project produced little evidence of prehistoric cultural use within the fence line corridor.
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the East Range Wash Flood Control Basin, Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada (1993)
Cultural resource inventory of a proposed flood control basin located in the eastern portion of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Situated at the base of Sunrise Mountain, the proposed basin covers approximately 260 acres of land situated south of and adjacent to Nellis Air Force Base. Construction of the flood control basin, the retaining walls, and access roads will severely disturb the natural ground surface and any cultural resources that may exist within the project area.
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Indian Springs Landfill Expansion Project Area, Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Clark County, Nevada (1991)
The Indian Springs Landfill Expansion project required the survey of an approximate 128 x 128 area, incorporating 16,388 m2 (4 acres). On 12 February 1991, the survey was completed by two archaeologists walking parallel linear transects at 20 m intervals. Kathleen Bergin served as Principal Investigator and Project Archaeologist; Anne DuBarton provided survey suppon. A single archaeological property was encountered during the survey--an aboriginal hearth feature.
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Reid Gardner-Pecos #3 230 kV Transmission Line Case #N061985 for the Nevada Power Company Clark County, Nevada (1990)
Conducted a cultural resource investigation of a proposed 230 kV transmission line right-of-way for the Nevada Power Company. The utility company wished to contract the additional line in response to the increasing power needs of Las Vegas Valley communities.
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Utah Tie Line System in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada (1986)
In July and August, 1986, the Division of Anthropological Studies (DAS) of the Environmental Research center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas conducted a cultural resource inventory of the proposed Utah Tie Line System for Nevada Power Company of Las Vegas, Nevada. This survey was made necessary due to its location being entirely on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Las Vegas District, or in a right-of-way corridor administered by the Bureau of Land Management across the Moapa...
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Radar Threat Site Project Area Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada (1994)
Environmental Solutions, Inc. conducted archival research and an intensive pedestrian survey for historic properties within the Radar Threat Site project area on Nellis Air Force Range property in Nevada. Encompassing approximately 113,312 m2 (28 acres), the survey area lies within the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, northwest of the town of Beatty in Nye County, Nevada. The research efforts resulted in the inventory of an isolated obsidian tool manufactured from a broken biface, and this...
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the Tolicha Peak Gravel Pit Project Area (1991)
Environmental Solutions, Inc. conducted archival research and an intensive pedestrian survey for historic properties within the Tolicha Peak Gravel Pit project area within the Nellis Air Force military reservation. Encompassing approximately 96,624 m2 (24 acres), the project area is situated along the southern perimeter of the Nellis North Range northwest of the town of Beatty in Nye County, Nevada. The research efforts resulted in the conclusion that the project area is devoid of cultural...
A Cultural Resource Inventory of the West Range Diversion Dike Project, Clark County, Nevada (1992)
A Cultural resource inventory of the West Range Diversion Dike project on BLM land in Clark County Nevada. A total of 204 acres was surveyed. The purpose of the survey was to inventory a linear parcel for a diversion dike being constructed for the Clark County Flood Control District.
A Cultural Resource Inventory of Two Well Drill Areas on The Desert National Wildlife Range Clark County, Nevada (1987)
A cultural resources inventory of ten test well drill locations adjacent to the Desert Range on the Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Clark County, Nevada. The USGS will be drilling test wells in these areas. Surface disturbance to the locations will consist mainly of the placement of drilling equipment on the site surfaces and the actual drilling itself.
Cultural Resource Inventory, LSV Indian Springs, Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 (2018)
BCR Consulting LLC (BCR Consulting) under contract to Ace Environmental LLC completed a Cultural Resources Inventory of the LSV Indian Springs Project (project) located at Creech Air Force Base (CAFB) and on Bureau of Land Management land (BLM) in Clark County, Nevada. Proposed project activities will include installation of permanent power at an existing communications site, and installation of underground, overhead, and above-ground utility lines to an existing telecommunications site. The...
A Cultural Resource Investigation of a Fence Line And Water Containment Facility in the Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge Pahranagat Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada (1989)
A cultural resource investigation of a fence line right-of-way on the Pahranagat Wildlife Refuge. This pedestrian archaeological survey, approximately 4.5 miles in length and 50 feet in width on the Desert National Wildlife Range for Nellis Air Force Base, was conducted under order number PX8000-9-0501 from the National Park Service, Western Region. In addition, a water storage site was surveyed at the request of Bruce Zeller of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Maps 1 and 2). Constructing the...
A Cultural Resource Investigation of Seismic Line #5Clark County, Nevada (1980)
The project consisted of a cultural resource survey of Seismic Line #5 conducted by the Archaeological Research Center in Clark County, Nevada for Seisdata Services Incorporated. The route started at the Lincoln/Clark County line, ran south along Highway 93 for 28 miles, then turned slightly to the west and continued for another 22 miles until it ended three miles west of Range Road.
A Cultural Resource Investigation of the Proposed Nevada State Prison Site Near Indian Springs, Clark County, Nevada (1980)
In early April of 1980, the Archaeological Research Center, a Division of the Museum of Natural History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) received a·request from Mr. William Hannocock, State of Nevada, Department of Public Works, to conduct an archaeological survey in the Indian Springs area, Clark County, Nevada. The project area to be surveyed is proposed as the location of a new Nevada State prison. The cost estimate for the archaeological-survey was submitted by the Research Center to...
A Cultural Resource Investigation of the Ragged Ridge Radar Site, Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range Nye County, Nevada (1980)
An archaeological and botanical survey was performed on the proposed Ragged Ridge Gap Filler Radar Site in accordance with an agreement concluded between Boyle Engineering Corp. and the Archaeological Research Center, Museum of Natural History , University of Nevada , Las Vegas.
Cultural Resource Overview for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada (1981)
The Social Sciences Center, Desert Research Institute, was contracted by the Department of Energy to provide information concerning the nature of cultural resources in the project area, to identify and evaluate cultural resource factors that may be important in selecting the nuclear waste repository site, and to recommend procedures for the avoidance of adverse impact to the archaeological record of the southwestern Nevada Test Site, in support of the search for potential repository locations...
Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of Proposed Drill-Hole Site U20A1 on the Nevada Test Site (1980)
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Short report recommending that land disturbing activities proposed at drill hole site U-20A be postponed until the area can be properly surveyed.
Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Short Report SR 120993-1 YMP9415NE (1994)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for Construction of Borehole SD-9 in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada. No archaeological sites are previously known from the project area, and no new archaeological sites were found as a result of this reconnaissance. As no archaeological sites will be affected by the proposed project activities, it is recommended that the project proceed as scheduled.
Cultural Resources Inventory of 17 Acres for the Creech Air Force Base Land Acquisition Project, Clark County, Nevada (2014)
The project area is located in Indian Springs, Clark County, Nevada, within T16S, R56E, Section 9 (Figure 2). It is a 17.4‐acre, roughly rectangular parcel bounded on three sides by Creech AFB and on the fourth (south) side by a frontage road paralleling the north side of US Highway 95 (US 95). Spatial definition of the project area was generated by digitizing a project map provided by Nellis AFB, combined with refinement using tax assessor parcel boundaries. The parcel is privately owned, but...
Cultural Resources Inventory for Proposed Range Measuring System (RMS) Antennae installation within the Nellis AF Range (1978)
Cultural Resource clearance and Inventory.
Cultural Resources Inventory of 27 Acres for a Laser Target in Kawich Valley, Nye County, Nevada (1997)
Class III inventory in support of installation of a laser target.
A Cultural Resources Inventory of a Proposed Re-installation of a Fiber Optics Line on Angel Peak, Clark County, Nevada (2009)
Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB), 98th Range Wing (99 RANS) proposes re-installation of an existing fiber optics line on Angel Peak communications site, Mt. Charleston, Clark County, Nevada. The Area of Potential Effect and area covered by the inspection is five acres.
A Cultural Resources Inventory of the Test Well Drill Areas Near Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada (1987)
On October 7, 1987, the Division of Anthropological Studies (OAS) of the Environmental Research Center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, conducted a cultural resources inventory of three test we 11 drill sites near Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada. Mifflin and Associates, Incorporated, of Las Vegas, Nevada, wIII be drilling test wells in conjunction with the State of Nevada Yucca Mountain Project. Surface disturbances to the locations would include vehicular traffic, the placement of drilling...
A Cultural Resources Inventory of Thirteen Proposed Water Monitoring Wells on the Desert National Wildlife Range, Lincoln County and Clark County, Nevada (1991)
Cultural Resources Survey in support of proposed water monitoring wells.
A Cultural Resources Investigation for Multi-Structure Development (1983)
Development survey for a 4-plex development, 4800 E Craig Rd. Potential impacts to the site include grading and leveling of the parcel, followed by the construction of 12 units on the property measuring 840' x 150'.
Cultural Resources Overview of the Las Vegas Valley (1985)
Since the early 1970s, the Bureau of Land Management has been involved in what has come to be known as "cultural resource management", which is "the development and maintenance of programs designed to protect, preserve and/or scientifically study cultural resources.. . and the natural resource that figures scientifically in cultural systems" (USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Nevada State Office Information Memorandum No. NSO 76-59:3). This involves the survey of lands subject to impact through...
Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Fourteen U.S. Geological Survey Water Table Exploration Drill Hole Sites in the NNWS I Yucca Mountain Project Area, Southern Nye County, Nevada (1983)
This report concerns only those water table exploration drill hole sites (A, C, D, E, H, M and N) which occur outside the previous studied areas of Yucca Mountain and those drill holes (C and M) that will impact known cultural resources.
Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Proposed White Sides Land Withdrawal Lincoln County, Nevada (1994)
The proposed land wirhdrawal, if granted, should have an overall beneficial effect on the historic properties within the land parcels due to the restriction of public access. Recent recreational activities on White Sides have already affected the cultural resource at 26LN3761 by the removal of rocks to construct wind breaks and have affected both historic roads (26LN3218 and 26LN3985) which have been heavily traveled to gain access to the southern land parcel. An adverse effect of land...
Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Short Report SR042594-2 (1994)
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of Portions of Split Wash and Drill Hole Wash for Proposed Phase II of Ghost Dance Fault Trenching in Association with the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project, Nye County, Nevada.
Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Short Report SR061284-1 (1984)
A class III cultural resources reconnaissance of a water line between a BLM well and the Tonopah Test Range Man Camp, Nye County, Nevada.
Cultural Resources Survey at Range 63, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (1991)
The Air Force proposes to conduct an ordinance test on Range 63 west of the dry lake area in an area that previously contained no targets. An archaeological survey was deemed necessary to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the proposed target area.
A Cultural Resources Survey For a Proposed Fiber Optic Line Between The Tonopah Test Range and The Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nellis Air Force Range, Nye County, Nevada: Phase II - Site 50 to TPK-40 (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to emplace an approximately 96 km (60 mile) long fiber optic line between the Sandia Compound and Cedar Peak Facility on the Tonopah Test Range (ITR) and TPK-40 on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range.
Cultural Resources Survey for Seisdata Services Inc: Seismic Lines #1, 2, 3 and 8 Clark County, Nevada (1979)
The cultural resources survey is undertaken to provide alternate right-of-way routes for Seisdata Services' seismic investigation. The objective of the cultural survey is to record and preserve any historic or prehistoric values of significance, and also to provide clearance guidelines for the seismic line activities.
A Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed Munitions Facility Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Airfield (1986)
As part of the environmental protection program of the U.S. Air Force, archaeologists from the Desert Research Institute's Social Sciences Center conducted a cultural resources survey at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Airfield (AFAF) in southern Nevada. The purpose of the survey was to examine whether or not cultural resources existed within the potential impact zone of a proposed munitions facility. this facility will consist of eight structures in an area of approximately 94 acres.
A Cultural Resources Survey of Five Seismic Lines in Tikaboo Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada (1984)
In late May, 1984 Seisdata Services, Inc. (SSI) requested that Sagebrush Archaeological Consultants (Sagebrush) conduct an archaeological survey of several proposed seismic lines in Tikaboo Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada. The project area lies about 65 miles west of Caliente, Nevada, adjacent to the northern edge of Nellis Air Force Base.
Data Review Pertinent to the Examination of Selected Rock Art Sites on Nellis Air Force Base Range and Adjacent Bureau of Land Management Airspace Lands in Southern Nevada (1998)
On behalf of Earth Tech and the Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), the Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Natural History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has completed a summary review of existing material pertinent to a proposed comparative rock art study on the Nellis Air Force Range (Nellis Range) and adjacent overflight area situated east of the Nellis Range. Representing the first of several reporting tasks, this report includes existing data relevant to...
Delineation of Range 62 Target Disturbance Zone Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2002)
This document presents data to demonstrate that the expansion of reconfigured targets on and adjacent to Dog Bone Lake in Range 62 is within a zone of target disturbance created beginning in the late 1950’s. Following is a brief history of target uses, discussion of the cultural history and environment, sources used to identify the size and range of disturbance, definition of the Range 62 target disturbance zone, and results including the NAFB determination.
Delineation of Range 74 Kawich Valley Target Disturbance Zone Nevada Test and Training Range Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2004)
The goal of this study is to examine the status of cultural resources research and development of targets in the center portion of Kawich Valley. The project area or Area of Potential Effect (APE) for this review is called the Range 74 Kawich Valley Target Disturbance Zone (R74 TDZ), depicted in Maps 1 and 2 and defined as 51,000 acres in size. The purpose of this study was defined by five objectives. 1) Define the boundaries of the target zone in Kawich Valley, Range 74C, characterized by live...
Discussion of Cultural Resources and the Guard Beddown (2012)
Discussion of Cultural Resources and the Guard Beddown.
District 4 Material Pit (1981)
A material pit location was surveyed in March 1981. On the basis of the survey we found the 480 acre parcel to contain no cultural material whatsoever. We further recommend that this parcel be given cultural resource clearance on the basis of this survey. Should any prehistoric cultural remains be found at a later date, the NDOT Chief Archaeologist should be notified immediately.
Documentation for the Lack of Physical Integrity for the Cedar Pass Road Repair, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada (2010)
The 98th Range Wing has proposed road repair of a 29-mile road segment from SR highway 375 in Railroad Valley, east-west to Cactus Flat. Its location crosses Cedar Pass in the Kawich Range in the northeast portion of the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), managed by Nellis Air Force Base. The existing paved road was created circa 1970. It is the sole and main artery to access the northeast portion of the NTTR. With substantial use, the road has become in disrepair and two individuals have...
Documentation of Surface Disturbance for a Proposed Right-of-way from P80B to P48, West of Kawich Range, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2007)
Documentation of Surface Disturbance for a Proposed Right-of-way from P80B to P48, West of Kawich Range, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base. Attachment includes memo and photos.
Documentation of the Lack of Physical Integrity for a Silver Flag Alpha (Range 63C) Tent City, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2007)
A temporary facility called Tent City is proposed for construction in December 2007. The Area of Potential Effect is 60 acres and is entirely on previously disturbed land, depicted in Photos 1-4. The Area of Potential Effect lacks physical integrity and no historic properties would be affected by the temporary installation. NAFB has composed a Plan for inventory of 2,500 acres and 14.5 miles of historic railroad alignment for future training actions in the south portion of Silver Flag Alpha.
Documentation of the Lack of Physical Integrity for an Upgrade to Silver Flag Alpha Training in Ranges 6 and 6A, Nevada Test and Training Range Nellis Air Force Base (2007)
The 99th Range Wing has proposed an upgrade to Training Ranges 6 and 6A at the Silver Flag Alpha facilities 15 miles southeast of Indian Springs and Creech Air Force Base, Clark County, Nevada. The Area of Potential Effect is 45 acres. The location is shown in Maps 1 and 3. The upgrade would consist of excavating trenches, depicted in Feature 1, within the current boundaries of Ranges 6 and 6A. The APE has been used for small arms training for decades, thus unexploded ordnance remains. The...
The Dry Lake Hydrologic Disturbance Evaluation Model: A New Method for Assessing Archaeological Integrity in Dry Lake Environments at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (2006)
The NAFB is interested in streamlining the identification of cultural resources in playa areas to quickly clear them for training. The Dry Lake Hydrological Disturbance Evaluation Model is a quantitative process by which archaeologists can assess whether a cluster of artifacts is an intact, culturally significant site, or merely the eroded remnants of several sites, using concepts of geomorphology, hydrology, and statistics, minimizing the need for intense field surveys. Using the findings of...
Early Human Adaptations Along Dry Lake Shorelines in the Great Basin Archaeological Research on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nellis Air Force Base (2011)
The first human arrivals in the Great Basin encountered a landscape that for a time supported numerous lakes, marshes, rivers, and streams within the internally draining basins of the Great Basin. The current investigation is an effort to determine whether the terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene remnants of Mud, Gold Flat, and Kawich lakes on the Nevada Test and Training Range supported Paleo archaic activity. This study combines Dickerson's 2006 geomorphology findings with archaeological...
EC South Range Archaeological Characterization Nevada Test and Training Range (2009)
Geo-Marine, Inc., conducted archaeological inventory of 6,989 acres on EC South Range, part of the Nellis Test and Training Range. The primary goal of the project was to integrate empirical data, including associations of features and material culture with potential sacred significance, and ethnographic data to characterize the archaeological resources of EC South Range. Ethnographic data were provided by Native American crew members during fieldwork. The project addressed requirements under...