Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (2023)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 88th Annual Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon from March 29 - April 2, 2023.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1,101-1,200 of 2,109)

  • Documents (2,109)

  1. Lithic Technological Organization at 8JE1796: A Perspective from Apalachee Bay, Florida (2023)
  2. Lithic Technologies and Faunal Remains From a Terminal Pleistocene Pit Feature at Cooper’s Ferry, Idaho (2023)
  3. Lithics and Landscapes in the Mojave Desert (2023)
  4. Lived Experiences of Disease and Trauma among Manteño Burials from Buen Suceso (2023)
  5. Lives of Baskets, Lives of Weavers: Using Digital Heritage and Interdisciplinary Research to Restore Social Memory (2023)
  6. Livestock Economy and the Emergence of Urbanism in Central Italy during the Iron Age and Archaic Period (2023)
  7. Living on the Edge: Uncovering Quotidian Life of the Eighteenth-Century Land Grant Community of San Miguel de Carnué (2023)
  8. Living on the Spine of the World: Placemaking at Early Community Centers, Rincon, UT (2023)
  9. The Llamitas of Wiñaymarka: Individual Potters, Communities of Practice, and the Organization of Production for Pacajes Pottery in the Southern Titicaca Basin, Bolivia (2023)
  10. Local and Imperial Powers at the Huancabamba Depression: The Alto Piura Case (2023)
  11. The Local Environmental Context for Settlement and Abandonment of the Wetland Site Haimenkou, Yunnan, China (2023)
  12. Local Pride and Prejudice: Public Archaeology, Archaeological Heritage Management, and Authorized Discourse in Japan (2023)
  13. Local Trajectories, Regional Patterns, and Human Ecodynamics in Northern Māori Fisheries (2023)
  14. The Location for the Origin of Domesticated Sorghum in Africa: A Brief Review of Some Cultures in the Sahara, Nile, and Sahel (2023)
  15. The Lone Spruce Site, a High-Altitude Seasonal Camp of the Upper Colorado River Basin (2023)
  16. Long-Term and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Water Use and Management in the Mountain West (2023)
  17. Long-Term Collaboration and Advocacy around the Ludlow Massacre (2023)
  18. The Long-Term Trajectory of Tom Dalton Dillehay in Chile (2023)
  19. Long-Term Use of Local Clays in Potting Traditions during Early Urbanization in the Nochixtlán Valley of the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico, 500–100 BCE (2023)
  20. Longevity: The Archaeology of a Chinese Gift Store and Restaurant in Eugene, Oregon’s, Market District (2023)
  21. A Look at the Impact of Natural Grassland Fires on the Archaeological Record along the Eastern Escarpment of the Southern High Plains of Texas (2023)
  22. Looking at the Blind Spot of the Maya Collapse: Highlands Occupation during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries (2023)
  23. Looking for Evidence of Corn Processing (Nixtamalization) at Angel Mounds (2023)
  24. Looking for Lomas (2023)
  25. Looking for the Golden Hind's Landfall (2023)
  26. Looting Enigmas and Contextual Narratives at La Corona (2023)
  27. Los Antepasados Eran Más Valientes: Ancient and Modern Movement in the Sierra Sur Mountains (2023)
  28. Los Chimalapas, the Connection of the Zoque with Oaxaca (2023)
  29. Los señores de la Casa del Mendrugo, Puebla: Tras los pasos de su vida a partir de los dientes (2023)
  30. Los sitios arqueológicos de la Mixteca vistos como espacios caminables (2023)
  31. Los tableros doble escapularios de las unidades residenciales del Conjunto Monumental de Atzompa (2023)
  32. Los temazcales de Cerro Jazmín, evidencia de uso práctico en la Mixteca Alta (2023)
  33. Love beyond What Is Lost: Expressions of Kinship through Mortuary Practice at Phaleron Cemetery (2023)
  34. Low and Slow: Landscape Taphonomy of High-Altitude Landscapes within the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado (2023)
  35. Low-Density Maya Urbanism in the Dynamic Fluvial Landscape of the Upper Usumacinta Confluence Zone (2023)
  36. Luminescence Age Calculation Models, Termites, and Dune History in the Northern Kalahari Desert, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe (2023)
  37. Machine Learning R-CNN Identification of the Entirety of the Southwest Regional Road Network (2023)
  38. A Macroscopic Lithic Analysis of South Mountain Metarhyolite Quarries: A Focus on Intersite and Intrasite Assemblage Comparisons of the Green Cabin Site (36AD0569), South Mountain, Pennsylvania (2023)
  39. Magnentic Gradiometry Surveys of the Upper and Lower Plazas at La Sufricaya, Guatemala (2023)
  40. Maize Adaptation to Changing Environments (2023)
  41. Maize Domestication and Dispersal in the Americas (2023)
  42. Making Archaeology Relevant and Inclusive in a Local Park System (2023)
  43. Making Data Free, Immediate, and Having Equitable Access: How Federal and State Agencies Work to Meet OSTP Governance through Responsible Curation and Preservation (2023)
  44. Making Khipu Cords (2023)
  45. Making Pottery, Making Identity: Geochemical and Design Analyses from a Small Middle San Juan Site, New Mexico (2023)
  46. Making Race Women: Intellectual and Material Contributions to Understanding Black Lives in the Early Twentieth Century (2023)
  47. Making the Case for “Zombie Trees”: Intangible Cultural Heritage Management in Guyana (2023)
  48. Management and Memory Work: How Site Management Practices Affect the (Re-)Presentation of Archaeological Landscapes in Western New York (2023)
  49. Management in the World Heritage Site Prehistoric Caves of Yagul and Mitla in Oaxaca, Mexico (2023)
  50. Managing a Tikal Outpost: The Palace and Associated Architecture (2023)
  51. Managing Multiple Heritages: A Case Study of the Ohanapecosh Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2023)
  52. Managing Wooden Resources in Norse Greenland: Using Tree-Rings to Explore Wood Use and Acquisition Strategies in a “Treeless” Environment (2023)
  53. Manufacture Marks on Shell Fishhooks: Technological Knowledge and Tradition of Coastal and Maritime Societies along the Pacific Coast of Chile (2023)
  54. The Many Lives of Wari Dogs: A Summary of Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Research (2023)
  55. The Many Meanings and Uses of Tomo-Kahni Rock Art (2023)
  56. Mapping Agricultural Terraces on the Copacabana Peninsula, Bolivia, Tsing Multispectral Satellite Imagery (2023)
  57. Mapping Archaeological Smithing Sites with the Aid of Hammerscale (2023)
  58. Mapping Bison: Oral Traditions from Picuris Pueblo, NM, on Bison Procurement (2023)
  59. Mapping Graves at an Indian Boarding School Cemetery: Results from Chemawa in Salem, Oregon (2023)
  60. Mapping Marronage and Afro-Indigenous Relationality in Central Peninsular Florida (2023)
  61. Mapping Marronnage: Creating, Managing, and Visualizing Archival Datasets (2023)
  62. Mapping Midgard: Reconstructing Mental Geographies of Viking Age Seafarers (2023)
  63. Mapping Thermal Features at Quartz Lake, Alaska (2023)
  64. Marine Mammal Hunting in the Kuril Islands: Zooarchaeological and Genetic Insights (2023)
  65. The Marketplace Next Door: Socioeconomics at Ximbal Che’, an Intermediate-Elite Maya Household at Yaxnohcah (Campeche, Mexico) (2023)
  66. Maroon Ritual Belongings Excavated on Gulf Coast Florida (2023)
  67. "A Masculine Occupation": Women in CRM (2023)
  68. Mass Spectrometry Database of Archaeologically Relevant Plants for Organic Residue Analysis (2023)
  69. Mastoid Osteoma on the Skeleton of a Known Individual from the Bethel Cemetery (2023)
  70. Material Signatures for Idolatry in Sixteenth- to Eighteenth-Century Viceregal Yucatan (2023)
  71. Materializing the Maya Collapse and Shifting Alliances during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries: Circular Shrines and Other “Mexicanized” Traits in Belize and Beyond (2023)
  72. The MAUP and the Milpa: Analytical Scale and the Problem of Lowland Maya Sustainability (2023)
  73. The Maya Wall Paintings of Chajul (Guatemala): Iconography (2023)
  74. Mayan Cosmology Depicted in Ancient Murals: Understanding Gender, Death, and Religious Pedagogy in Mayan Civilization during Classical and Preclassical Era (2023)
  75. Mayan Spelling Conventions: Late Preclassic through Late Classic (2023)
  76. Meadowcroft Rockshelter 2023: Revisit (2023)
  77. Meaning beyond Capital: Life in a Twentieth-Century Mining Town (2023)
  78. The Meaning of a Sample of Teeth Pendants from the Paleolithic Bacho Kiro Cave in Bulgaria (Exc. 1971–1975) (2023)
  79. The Meaning of Water: One Mountain’s Tale of Water Politics and Heritage in Northern New Mexico (2023)
  80. Measurements of Archaeobotanical Diversity and Richness Using Combined Macrobotanical and Microbotanical Data: Methodological and Theoretical Considerations (2023)
  81. Measuring Intensity: Harold Dibble’s Contributions to Paleoanthropology and Specifically to the Measure of Site Occupational Intensity (2023)
  82. Measuring Movement: The Influence of Scraper Reduction Models on the Early Pleistocene (2023)
  83. Measuring Past Networks of Cultural Transmission: The Haskett Projectile Point (2023)
  84. Measuring Reduction Intensity in Laminar Cores: An Experimental Approach and Archaeological Application (2023)
  85. Media and Meaning in “The Maya Scribe and His World” (2023)
  86. Medical Anthropology and Tattooing (2023)
  87. Medieval Medicine Board Game: Saving Ancient Studies (2023)
  88. Melting Ice, High-Altitude Hunting, and Horse Use in the Mongolian Altai (2023)
  89. Members of the Community: Animal Sculptures as Kin (2023)
  90. Memories of Disaster and Monumental Places in the Callejon de Huaylas, Peru (2023)
  91. Memory, Pilgrimage, and Social Life in an Ancient Maya City: Waka’s City Temple as a Compendium of Political History (2023)
  92. Merchants and Muleteers: A GIS Approach to Movement in the Eighteenth-Century Andes (2023)
  93. The Mesoamerican Ceramic Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Database at MURR: History, Current Status, and Future Directions (2023)
  94. Mesoamerican Precedents for Chaco Canyon Great House Architecture (2023)
  95. Metabolomic Residue Studies of Foodways in the Motul de San José Polity, Petén, Guatemala (2023)
  96. Metalheads about the Polar Sea: Metal-Use in the Eastern Arctic and Its Significance for Understanding Broader Interaction Dynamics (2023)
  97. The Metallurgists from Jicalán in the Colonial Period: An Ethnohistorical Approach (2023)
  98. Metallurgy, Shamanism, and Ideographic Currency in Bering Strait: Scythian Descent? (2023)
  99. Metaphor in Precolumbian Mesoamerica: In Honor of John Justeson (2023)
  100. Methodological Considerations for Modeling the Temporal Characteristics of Hawaiian Architecture: An Example from Kekaha Kai, North Kona (2023)