Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,001-2,100 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Queer Imaginatives, Normative Narratives: Examining Archaeological Theory and Conceptions of Hunter-Gatherer-Fisher Labor and Social Identity (2024)
  2. The Question of Monumentality in the Sacred Spaces and Features of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua (2024)
  3. The Question of Permanence: Understanding Head Shaping as a Process (2024)
  4. Questioning Social And Labor Relations In Contract Archaeology From A Feminist Autoethnography (2024)
  5. Questioning “Centralization”: Ritual, Minor Temple Complexes and Social Integration at Ceibal, Guatemala (2024)
  6. Quilts and Palimpsests: Intensive Agricultural Landscapes in the Llanos de Moxos (2024)
  7. Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Indigenous Responses to Roman Colonial Surveillance in Alentejo, Portugal (2024)
  8. The Race Track: A Chacoan Legacy in the Northern Rio Grande (2024)
  9. Radical Cosmological Ritual Intervention at Poverty Point (2024)
  10. Radiocarbon Dates and a Proposed Cultural Chronology for Little John (KdVo-6), a Multicomponent Site in Eastern Beringia, Yukon Territory, Canada (2024)
  11. Radiocarbon Dating a Paraffin Contaminated Moccasin: Detection and Removal of Paraffin from Skin-Based Samples (2024)
  12. Radiocarbon Dating in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands (2024)
  13. The Radiocarbon Record and Precolonial California (2024)
  14. Raiders of the Lost Arca: An Early Foraging Landscape in Cabo Rojo/Lajas, Southwestern Puerto Rico (2024)
  15. Rain Born of the Mountains: Hydrology, Vistas, and Political Control (2024)
  16. Raised Field Nutrient Cycling: Implications for Hydrologic Controls and Landesque Capital (2024)
  17. Raising Appalachia: Promoting and Fostering Academic Spaces for Undergraduate Students to Engage with Archaeology at West Virginia University (2024)
  18. The Raja Ampat Project (2024)
  19. The Ralph Solecki Collection: Revisiting Forgotten Materials in an Urban New York Landscape (2024)
  20. Rammed-Earth Construction as a Catalyst for Social Transformation (2024)
  21. Rapid Increase in Production of Symbolic Artifacts after 45,000 Years Ago Is Not a Consequence of Taphonomic Bias (2024)
  22. Rare and Isolated Artifact Occurrences from the Caves of the El Malpais Lava Fields of New Mexico (2024)
  23. Raw Material Selection and Technological Expediency in the Iberian Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition (2024)
  24. (Re)Connections Through Time: Developing a model for multi-modal storytelling about Zuni Cultural Connections (2024)
  25. Re-dissecting an Old Friend: Looking Back at the Evidence of Kiuic’s First Court (2024)
  26. Re-tying a Wayu: Connecting a Cranial Mask in the Smithsonian to Its Community of Origin in Huarochirí, Peru (2024)
  27. Ready, aim, fire: darts, arrows, and pre-contact era fire use in the western Cascades (2024)
  28. Real Roads and Imaginary Borders: Exploring Northern and Central Andean Cultural Trajectories and Interactions from the Perspective of the Ceja de Selva during the First Millenium BCE (2024)
  29. The Reality of Commercial Archaeology for Early Career Archaeologists (2024)
  30. Reanalysis of the Aterian Lithic Assemblage from Layer 6 of Mugharet el’Aliya: Specialized Activities in a Cave Context During the Middle Stone Age of Morocco (2024)
  31. A Reanalysis of the Weitas Creek Site (10CW30): An Early Nez Perce Upland Hunting Camp (2024)
  32. Reassembling an Assemblage to Examine the Origins of Race-Based Enslavement at Flowerdew Hundred Plantation (2024)
  33. Reassessing a Postclassic Subterranean Ceremonial Complex at Teotihuacan (2024)
  34. Reassessing Herd Management Strategies in the Early Bronze Age of Southern Israel-Palestine: Preliminary Insights from Tell el-Hesi (2024)
  35. Reassessing Plants and Pastoralist Foodways in Ancient Eastern Africa: A Preliminary Report on New Excavations at Luxmanda, Tanzania (2024)
  36. A Reassessment of Obsidian Procurement Networks on Guatemala's Pacific Slope (2024)
  37. Recent Advances of the Tlalancaleca Archaeological Project, Puebla, Central Mexico. (2024)
  38. Recent Archaeological Investigations of Wiki Peak and the Beaver Creek Drainage (2024)
  39. Recent Developments from the Submerged Cultural Landscape of Murujuga Sea Country, Northwest Shelf (Dampier Archipelago), Western Australia (2024)
  40. Recent Excavations and Research on Lithic Technology of the Swabian Aurignacian (2024)
  41. Recent Geochemical Analysis of Ceramics from the Upper Basin Region of the Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument (2024)
  42. Recent Investigations at the Musgrove Shell Ring (9LI2169) on St. Catherines Island, Georgia (2024)
  43. Recent Manifestions of Belief in Embodied Spiritual Power in the Western World (2024)
  44. Recent research about the Chiapanec and the Central Depression of Chiapas, Mexico, during the Postclassic period (2024)
  45. Recent Research in an E-Group (Group AA) at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Guatemala (2024)
  46. Recent Search and Recovery Efforts: Honoring Missing US Service Personnel through Forensic Archaeology (2024)
  47. Reciprocal Archaeology in the Time of Climate Change (2024)
  48. Reciprocal Feasting and Access to Foodstuffs at Huaca Colorada (2024)
  49. Reclaiming and Activating Chinese American Heritage in Wyoming (2024)
  50. Reconciling with the Past and Present: Efforts at Colorado Federal Indian Schools (2024)
  51. Reconsidering Cattle and Power at Great Zimbabwe (2024)
  52. Reconsidering Kingship Among the Gulf Olmec (2024)
  53. Reconsidering the Impacts of Late Mississippian Chiefdoms on Early Spanish Entradas: A View from Western North Carolina (2024)
  54. Reconsidering the Penal System in Aztec Society: A New Perspective on Human Sacrifice and Enslavement (2024)
  55. Reconsidering the Role of Archaeology in Shaping “Affective Places”: Case Scenarios from Hawai'i and Yucatán (2024)
  56. Reconsidering the Terminal Classic in the Northern Lowlands – A Boom or the Start of a Bust? (2024)
  57. Reconsidering Tomb 7 at Monte Albán: Style, Ethnicity and Migration (2024)
  58. Reconstrucción de rutas acuáticas en Nueva España a través del análisis geográfico de textos (2024)
  59. Reconstructing Ancient Mesoamerican Cuisine through Innovative Imaging Techniques of Amorphous Carbonized Objects (2024)
  60. Reconstructing Climate and Environment in Paleolithic Western Iberia: A Stable Isotopic Study of Organic Remains at Lapa do Picareiro (2024)
  61. Reconstructing Early Settlement in the Northern Lesser Antilles while Honestly Accounting for Site Loss (2024)
  62. Reconstructing Mortuary Rites through Micro-CT Forensic Taphonomy at Ancient Aksum, Ethiopia (50-400 AD) (2024)
  63. Reconstructing Seasonality at the Burns Site (8BR85), Cape Canaveral, Florida using δ18O Stable Isotope and Zooarchaeological Analyses (2024)
  64. Reconstructing the Codex Colombino-Becker (2024)
  65. Reconstructing the Life Use of a Medieval Friary from Its Fragmentary Remains (2024)
  66. Reconstructing Utah’s Indigenous Maize Farming Niche (2024)
  67. Reconstructing Vanished Midwestern Wetlands: Insights from the Aquatic Fauna of the Middle Grant Creek Site (2024)
  68. Reconstructing Violence: A Multiscalar Approach to Cranial Trauma (2024)
  69. Reconstruction of the Site History of the “Zip Code Site,” a Large Virgin Branch Puebloan Site at the Mt. Trumbull Area in the Arizona Strip (2024)
  70. Recording Baselines: Getting Climate Change and Plastic Pollution Data into the Archaeological Record (2024)
  71. Recovery Efforts at a Second World War Aircraft Crash Site on the Island of Luzon, Republic of the Philippines (2024)
  72. Recuperando la memoria hidrosocial y arqueológica de la Meseta de Marcahuasi: Un enfoque hacia el desarrollo sostenible en la Sierra de Lima (2024)
  73. Redefining the “City” during a Time of Risk: The Site of Achanchi and the Chanka Heartland of Andahuaylas, Central Highland Peru (1000–1400 CE) (2024)
  74. Rediscovering the Andersson Collection: 100 Years Later (2024)
  75. Rediscovering the Revolutionary War on the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests (2024)
  76. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Small Finds in the Collections of Maya Archaeological Assemblages of the BREA Project in Belize. (2024)
  77. Reenvisioning “Zero Waste Archaeology” (2024)
  78. Reevaluating Bone Artifact Collections and Their Histories at the Museum of Northern Arizona (2024)
  79. Reevaluating Conclusions: New Data and Theories on Instrasite Find Distribution in Medieval Incastellamento, San Giuliano Plateau, Lazio, Italy (2024)
  80. Reevaluating the Concept of Sustainability in the Context of Animal Resource Utilization in Ancient China (2024)
  81. A Reevaluation of Cribra Orbitalia at Early Bronze Age Bab adh-Dhra’ (2024)
  82. A Reexamination of Hurricane Hill Macrobotanicals (2024)
  83. Refining Airborne Laser Scanning Data to See Through Mayapán's Dense Vegetation (2024)
  84. Refining Ecological Contexts of Animal Herding: Implications for Culture Process (2024)
  85. Refining Haudenosaunee Site Sequences in the Cayuga Lake Region (2024)
  86. Refining Ideal Free Distribution Predictions Using Paleoenvironmental and Zooarchaeological Data on California’s Northern Channel Islands (2024)
  87. Refining the Chronology of Mortuary Deposits at La Consentida, Oaxaca, Mexico (2024)
  88. Reflections on 30 Years of Digital Archaeology: Where Do We Go from Here? (2024)
  89. Reflections on Career Choices: Alliance Building in Archaeology (2024)
  90. Reflections on DGR and RBR: David G. Anderson and the Richard B. Russell Reservoir Project (2024)
  91. Reflexiones, posibilidades y desafíos de la arqueología colaborativa en el Perú (2024)
  92. Reframing Heritage: Indigenous Views in the Forefront (2024)
  93. Regional Food Paths of Ancient Tropical Agriculturists: A Multi-isotope Approach (2024)
  94. Regional Settlement, Subsistence, and Environment after the Demise of Teotihuacan (2024)
  95. Rehabilitating the Radiocarbon Sample Archive at the Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (2024)
  96. Reimagining and Reengineering Political Complexity in Early Vietnam. (2024)
  97. Reimagining the Castleton Medical College through 3D Imaging and Visualization (2024)
  98. Reintroducing Spiro Mounds (2024)
  99. Rekindling Ancestral Choctaw Cuisine: A Collaborative Application of Archaeology for Community Consumption (2024)
  100. Relational Complexity in Mesoamerican Sacrificial Ritual Images (2024)