Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,301-2,400 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. Slowing Down the Archaeological Process in Dolores, Petén, Guatemala (2024)
  2. Small Sites and Big Assumptions: Questioning the Uncritical use of “Field House” to Classify Small Pre-contact Structures on South Cat Mesa of the Jemez Ranger District (2024)
  3. Small Stemmed Projectile Points, Bow and Arrow, and the Presence of New Human Populations in the Final Late Holocene of South Patagonia (2024)
  4. Smoke and Weirs: The Historic Use and Archaeological Documentation of Fish Weirs in Eastern Tennessee (2024)
  5. The Snake Queens of Waka’: Harnessing Sorcery and Divinatory Power in Service to Kaan (2024)
  6. So Many Disks, So Little Research: The Intersectionality of Modified Ceramic Sherds (2024)
  7. Sobre "actores sociales", "comunidad" y otros términos esquivos: Reflexiones desde el complejo arqueológico Mateo Salado, Lima, Perú (2024)
  8. Social Connections Near and Far: The Role of Local and Exotic Goods in the Emergence of Complexity on Cyprus during the Prehistoric Bronze Age (2024)
  9. Social Inequality and Cohesion through Rural-Urban Feasts at the Lowland Maya site of La Corona (2024)
  10. The Social Life of Crash Sites: Understanding World War II Sites in Context in the Search for Missing Air Crew (2024)
  11. Social Responses to Volcanic Eruptions: Comparative Studies in Central America and Japan (2024)
  12. The Social Significance of Jemez Mountains Obsidian at Aztec Ruins National Monument (2024)
  13. Social Structure Indicated by the Distribution of Bronze Resources in the Sanxingdui Culture (ca. 3200–3000 BP), Southwest China (2024)
  14. The Socio-Ecological Determinants of Community Centers (2024)
  15. Sociopolitical and Environmental Change and its Effect on the Biology of a Medieval Polish Population through Isotopic Analysis (2024)
  16. The Sociopolitical Impacts of Agricultural Intensification and Water Management in Classic Maya Society (2024)
  17. Soil Micromorphology Applied to Ceramics from Chupícuaro: The Search of Raw Materials in Volcanic Contexts (2024)
  18. The Soils and Geoarchaeology of Aguada Fénix and the Middle Usumacinta Region (2024)
  19. Soils, Water, and Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands: Lidar and Paleoproxies Reveal New Perspectives on Complexity and Resilience (2024)
  20. Solar Architecture and the Making of Inca Sacredness (2024)
  21. Some Highlights from the Past Two Decades of Archaeological Research in New Orleans (2024)
  22. Son of a Son of a Sailor: Island Life and the Colonization of Cyprus (2024)
  23. Sounds of Change: Mapping Auditory Experiences through Time in the Greater Chaco Landscape (2024)
  24. Source Analysis of Cascade Points from the Connley Caves, Oregon (35LK50) (2024)
  25. Sourcing Gary Points at the Poverty Point Site and Chert from the Trans-Pecos and High Plains Regions (2024)
  26. Sourcing Maya Lowland Chert Resources: A Multimethod Perspective (2024)
  27. Sourcing Obsidian in the Central Mesoamerican Region Using XRF Analysis (2024)
  28. Sourcing Pensacola Communities of Practice: NAA of Mississippian Pottery on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast (2024)
  29. Sourcing Surface Treatments on Whiteware Ceramics from Southeast Utah Great House Communities (2024)
  30. Sowing the Seeds for a Relational Archaeology: Building Relationships in Queer Inuit Communities as a Settler Archaeologist (2024)
  31. Sowing the Seeds of Empire: Early Statecraft and the Emergence of Indigenous Agriculture on the Mongolian Steppe (ca. 250 BC–AD 150) (2024)
  32. “Sowing” Children in Arid Lands Irrigated with Artificial Hydraulic Canals in the Moche Valley, North Coast of Peru (2024)
  33. Spaces of Survivance: Recovering Nineteenth-Century Choctaw Homesteads Misrecorded in Archaeological Literature (2024)
  34. Spanning the Southern Appalachians and the Archaic-Woodland Transition: Comparing Patterns of Plant Use and Land Use in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina (2024)
  35. A Spatial Analysis of Excavated Mortuary Features from La Playa, Sonora, Mexico (SON F:10:3) (2024)
  36. Spatial Analysis of Glass at Fort St. Joseph (2024)
  37. The Spatial Analysis of Housing Structures in Relation to Mortuary Features at Las Canopas (AZ T:12:137[ASM]) (2024)
  38. A Spatial Analysis of Precontact Sites Containing Ceramics in Relation to Natural Resources and Landforms of Eastern Idaho (2024)
  39. Spatial Distribution and Archaeological Characteristics of the Historical Record of Central-West Patagonia (2024)
  40. The Spatial Distribution of Pleistocene Archaeological Sites and Paleoenvironmental Records across North America (2024)
  41. SPD Analysis Sheds Light on North Spanish Mesolithic Demography (2024)
  42. Spear-Thrower or Bow? Refining Comparative Metrics to Track the Cultural Transmission of Bow Technology in the Andes (2024)
  43. Species Identification of Shark Vertebrae Using Collagen Type 1: Toward Ichthyoarchaeological Identification (2024)
  44. Specters and Spectators: Paranornal Tourism and Historic Sites of Confinement in the American South (2024)
  45. Spinning Knowledge: Applications of High-Resolution Photogrammetry and Experimental Archaeology with Lithic Gorgets at Poverty Point WHS (2024)
  46. Spinning Makes the World Go Round: Spindle Whorls from Nohcacab, Q. Roo, Mexico (2024)
  47. The Spurious Claim of “Human Sacrifice” (2024)
  48. Squaring the Circle: Public Architecture of Fort Center and the Resiliency of Community (2024)
  49. St. Pius X Mission Boarding School - An Archaeological Investigation (2024)
  50. Stable Isotope Analysis Study of Dietary Change from the Qing Dynasty to Modern Day in Northwestern Taiwan (2024)
  51. Stable isotopic evidence for camelid mobility and its consequences for early hunter-gatherer settlement patterns in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert, Chile (2024)
  52. Stand by the Gray Stone: GIS and Spatial-Temporal Applications at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (2024)
  53. Starch Spherulites: What We Know and What Is Next for This Promising New Method of Paleoethnobotanical Analysis (2024)
  54. STARR: Southeastern Tribal Alliance for Repatriation and Reburial (2024)
  55. The State of Andean Obsidian Artifact Provenance: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) (2024)
  56. The State of State Archaeological Site Files (2024)
  57. State of the Art: Digital Methods for Rock Art Research in 2024 (2024)
  58. States of Mobilities: Nomadic Institutions as the Foundations of Large-Scale Polities (2024)
  59. States of Vulnerability: Examining Moche Era Practices of Care in Life and Death (2024)
  60. The Status of Roman Archaeogaming: Serious Games for Archaeological Education and Outreach of Ancient Rome (2024)
  61. Stela and Altar Rituals: Caches, Inscriptions and Iconography in Tikal, Petén, Guatemala (250-950 AD) (2024)
  62. Stepping Towards a Paradigm Shift: The White Sands Footprints (2024)
  63. Sticky Places: Persistence and Relationality (2024)
  64. Stingless Beeswax in Mesoamerican Investment Casting Processes (2024)
  65. Stone Monumentality in Tana Toraja, Indonesia: Initial Ethnoarchaeological Insights (2024)
  66. Storage Pit Prospection and Capacity Estimation in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Comparison of Surface Detection Methods (2024)
  67. The Storied Landscape of Macuilxóchitl (2024)
  68. A Story of Soldiers and Surgeons: Excavating the Remains of Four Individuals and Three Amputated Limbs Interred at the Williamsburg Powder Magazine (2024)
  69. Strategizing Food Security under Colonial Rule at Purun Llaqta del Maino, Chachapoyas, Peru (2024)
  70. A Stratified Past: A Geoarchaeological Perspective of the Sayles Adobe Terrace Site (2024)
  71. The Stratigraphy of American Archaeology: Gender, Academia, Authorship, and the Need to Go "Beyond the Critique" (2024)
  72. Straying from the Flock: A Stable Isotope Analysis of a Sheep Membrane Condom from Colonial Maryland (2024)
  73. Street Code: Working Out How Symbolic Artifacts and Features Are Used to Traffic Drugs (2024)
  74. Striking a Balance: Ethical and Methodological Challenges in Virtual Reality Experience Design for Cultural Heritage Applications (2024)
  75. Strings of the Past: Revisiting the Lapidary Industry of Poverty Point (2024)
  76. Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) Isoscapes for Mobility and Migration: The Way Forward (2024)
  77. Strontium Isotopic Evidence Reveals Sustained Levels of Intraregional Migration at the Postclassic City of Mayapán (2024)
  78. The Structural Archaeology of a Middle Fort Ancient Village: Recent Investigations at the State Line Site (2024)
  79. Structuring Liminality: Terminal Classic C-shaped Structures in the Puuc Region (2024)
  80. Student Contributions to International Collaboration in MIA Cases: A Personal Case Study (2024)
  81. Student Mentorship and Reflections of Service on DPAA Recovery Projects (2024)
  82. A Study of the Free-Backing Bow-and-Arrow System’s Functions and Social Implications in Western Alaska (AD 600–Nineteenth Century) by the Use of a Morphometrical and Mechanical Methodology (2024)
  83. A Study of the Materiality of Codex Tonindeye: Some Preliminary Results (2024)
  84. Studying Past Iñupiat Legacy Collections from the Kobuk River, Northwestern Alaska: Challenges and Benefits of Developing an Integrated Database (2024)
  85. Subsistence Strategies across the East Eurasian Steppes: Exploring Connections between Diet and Dental Pathology (2024)
  86. Suburban Space Transformed: Investigating Chu Capital’s Southern Suburbs before and after Conquests (2024)
  87. Sugar, Alcohol, and Toys: Uses and Changes in Pottery Following the Spanish Conquest of Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  88. The Sum of Their Parts: Excavation and Inventory of Isolated Commingled Remains alongside Partially Articulated Individuals at Diablo Wasi, Peru (2024)
  89. A Supplemental Approach: The Influence of Ann Stahl’s Interdisciplinarity to African Archaeology (2024)
  90. Supplying Life and Death: General Goods Stores in Nineteenth-Century Upstate New York (2024)
  91. Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering in the Urartian and Assyrian Empires (2024)
  92. Surveillance at Ancient Hillforts of the Titicaca Basin, Southern Peru: Insights into Social Dynamics and Defensive Strategies (2024)
  93. Survey and Mapping of Antimpampa, An Early Horizon Monumental Center in Southern Peru (2024)
  94. The Susiana Legacy: A Discussion on the Ceramic Petrographic Analysis of Legacy Collections from Iran’s Susiana Plain (2024)
  95. Sustainable Futures in Southern Calabria: Vibrant Communities, Farming Heritage, and Loving the Rural Life (2024)
  96. Sustainable Urbanism in the Maya Lowlands: 13 Years of Research in the Bajo el Laberinto Region, Southern Campeche (2024)
  97. Sustainable Visit to Rapa Nui: Global Perspectives (2024)
  98. A Synthesis of Archaeological, Genetic, and Spatial Data in Studying Medieval Families: An Example from the Vanished Village of Gać, Poland (2024)
  99. Systematic Data Recovery at Archaeological Sites in the McIntyre Creek Valley, Whitehorse, Yukon (2024)
  100. The Tacahuay Landscape: Land Use and Environmental Change on the South Coast of Peru (2024)