Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 89th Annual Meeting was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from April 17–April 21, 2024.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 2,601-2,700 of 2,774)

  • Documents (2,774)

  1. "Us the Hunters”: Evaluating Shifting Gender Dynamics of North American Paleolithic Researchers and Scholarship (2024)
  2. USACE Tulsa District Wister Lake Site Preservation Project (2024)
  3. The Usage of Levels of Detail in LiDAR Survey to Increase the Digital Applications on Maya Archaeology. (2024)
  4. The Use and Circulation of Seaweeds along the Western Coast of South America (2024)
  5. Use and Sources of Ohio Hopewell Fossil Shark Teeth (2024)
  6. Use of Introduced and Native Plants by Early Humans in the Japanese Archipelago (2024)
  7. The Use of Legacy Collections as Education Opportunities for Undergraduate Student Internships (2024)
  8. Use of X-Ray Fluorescence for Elemental Analysis and Resolution of Commingled Remains with the Arch Street Project (2024)
  9. The Use-Life of Spanish Colonial Metal Artifacts from Carnué, New Mexico (2024)
  10. Use-Wear Analysis on Shell Artifacts (2024)
  11. Use-Wear Insight into the Chipped Stone Plant-Processing Toolkit in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands (2024)
  12. Using A.I. Tools in ArcGIS to Identify Mining Features in Northern Georgia (2024)
  13. Using Agent-Based Models to Explore How Behavior Affects Archaeological Networks (2024)
  14. Using Archaeobotany and Historical Archaeology to Identify the Influence of Early English Science on Southeastern Plantation Development (2024)
  15. Using ArchaMap to Help Datasets Talk to Each Other: A Case Study from Southwest Archaeology (2024)
  16. Using DNA to Connect Living People to Enslaved Ironworkers at Catoctin Furnace (2024)
  17. Using Ethnographic Skills while Excavating: Exploring the Longevity of a Community Archaeology Project in Western Ireland (2024)
  18. Using Experimental Archaeology to Engage the Public in Arkansas (2024)
  19. Using Experimental Archaeology to Teach about Ancient Military Technology (2024)
  20. Using Extant Photographs of Ceramic Collections for Geometric Morphometric Archaeological Research (2024)
  21. Using Geoarchaeological Methods to Identify Intact Buried Mounds at the Mitchell Site, Illinois (2024)
  22. Using Geophysical Survey to Relocate Missing World War II-Era American Graves and a Large Postwar Unmarked Cemetery near Stalag Luft VI, a German POW Camp in Macikai, Lithuania (2024)
  23. Using Geophysics for Cemetery Delineation on DOD Installations: Practical Advice, Pitfalls, and Project Examples (2024)
  24. Using Isotopic Geochemistry to Relate Ceramics to Raw Materials (2024)
  25. Using Paleoenvironmental Data to Learn about Past Inuit Societies: A Case Study from the Rising Whale (KTZ304) Site at Cape Espenberg, Northwest Alaska (2024)
  26. Using Petrography to Fine-Tune Temper and Fabric Recognition of Indigenous Pottery in Florida (2024)
  27. Using Proteomics to Identify Ancient Pastoralism (2024)
  28. Using Ramped Pyrolysis and Oxidation (RPO) to Date and Characterize Geoarchaeological Deposits: A Pilot Study from the Ancient Mesopotamian City of Ur (2024)
  29. Using Sediment Chemistry to Define Ancient Activities (2024)
  30. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photography to Develop Preservation and Management Plans at S’eḏav Va’aki, Arizona (2024)
  31. Using ZooMS to Understand Hunting and Fishing in the Roman Mediterranean (2024)
  32. The Ust’-Menza 14 (Lagernaya) Site and Its Place in the Middle Upper Paleolithic of Southern Siberia (2024)
  33. The Usulután Ceramics of Central America: Using Izalco-Usulutám Wares to Understand Interregional Relationships and Local Social Complexity (2024)
  34. Usulután Pottery in the Southern Maya Region: Paste Composition & Potting Communities (2024)
  35. Utility Lines Straddling State Boundaries: Cultural Resources Angle on Accumulated Knowledge and Knock-On Effects (2024)
  36. Utilizing Drone Modeling to Facilitate Targeted Pedestrian Survey in Central Western Patagonia (2024)
  37. The Valle de Mairana, Bolivia (c. 1000-1532 CE): Elucidating the Everyday (2024)
  38. The Value of 3-D Models in the Classroom (2024)
  39. Vapaki: Akimel O’Odham Cultural Knowledge Regarding Classic Period Platform Mound Villages in the Phoenix Basin (2024)
  40. Variability in Human-Animal Interactions at the Emergence of Animal Domestication in Southwest Asia (2024)
  41. Variability in Site Usage: a Comparison of Sites 16RA1758 and 16RA1811 in Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana (2024)
  42. Variation in Household Kitchen Activities at Housepit 54, British Columbia: Reflections on Jeanne Arnold’s Legacy (2024)
  43. Vecinos: The Symbiotic Relationship between Picuris Pueblo and Its Indio-Hispano Neighbors (2024)
  44. Vegeculture Agriculture in the Ethiopian Highlands: The Archaeobotany of Enset (2024)
  45. Vegetation Survey Methods at Inland Shell Mound Sites (2024)
  46. Verdant Signs: The Making and Shaping of Foodstuffs in Mesoamerican Texts (2024)
  47. Vertical Economy of Prehispanic Pacific Coast Guatemala (2024)
  48. Vessels and Bones: Ritual Offerings from the Grupo Kuche Palace Throne Room (2024)
  49. Vessels at War: The Kerr Archive and the Study of Classic Maya Violence (2024)
  50. Vibrancy of Place and Cahokia's Emergence (2024)
  51. Vicksburg before the Siege: Paleoenvironment, Population Expansion, and a Delayed Woodland to Mississippian Transition in the Lower Mississippi Valley (2024)
  52. Victims of Mesoamerican Royal Funerals: Companions of the Dead or Sacrificial Victims? (2024)
  53. Viewshed and Network Analysis of Late Formative (600 BCE - 200 CE) Chit'apampa Cuzco, Peru (2024)
  54. The Viking Great Army: Weighing Up Reuse (2024)
  55. Villa, Monastery, or Vicus? The Archaeology of Monasteries and Productive Centers across the West ca. 400–1000 (2024)
  56. Violence and Selected Funerary Treatment: Insights from a Collective Open Tomb of the Upper Nepeña Drainage, Peru (AD 1300–1500) (2024)
  57. Violence or Funerary Ritual? Performances of Life and Death in the Middle and Late Archaic Period of North Alabama (2024)
  58. Virtual Anthropology in Fieldwork, Conservation, and Education in Mexico: Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Future Perspectives (2024)
  59. Visible and Invisible workings of Cahokia (2024)
  60. Visions Around and Within: A GIS-based Viewshed Analysis of Ancient Ballcourts in Northern Arizona (2024)
  61. A Visual Analysis of Intersecting Identities: Nathan Harrison's Gender Performance in Southern California (2024)
  62. Visualizing Mayapán’s Outlying Centers and Regional Distribution (2024)
  63. Visualizing Salt Production below, above, and on the Ground in Ixtapa, Chiapas, Mexico: Insights from Ethnography, Aerial Photogrammetry, and Geochemistry (2024)
  64. Visualizing the Origins of Monumentality: The Case of Tiwanaku, Bolivia (2024)
  65. Visualizing the Vergennes Archaic: Using 3D Imaging to Highlight the Importance of Vermont’s Ketcham’s Island Site (2024)
  66. Vive la différence? Comparing American and French Approaches to Heritage (2024)
  67. Walking in Winter Landscapes: Reflections on Temporality and Seasonality in Stone Age Rock Art of Northern Europe (2024)
  68. The Wari Occupation of the Site of Kaninkunka in the Cusco Region of Peru (2024)
  69. Warrior, Priestess, Queen: Scythian Women & Their Roles (2024)
  70. “The Watchers Belonging to the Warriors”: Military Surveillance among the Maya (2024)
  71. Watching Me, Watching You, Watching Me: Greek Helots and Their Masters (2024)
  72. Water Access and World-Systems: Aquarian versus Terrestially Oriented Polities (2024)
  73. Water and Hydraulic Technology in the Eastern Andean Mountains: The Amarete Valley (2024)
  74. Water and Land: A Case Study of Panlongcheng in the Middle of Yangtze River (2024)
  75. The Water Is Not Wasted: Tailwater Ponds, Habitat Conservation, and the Perpetuation of Akimel O’Odham Water Culture (2024)
  76. Water Management and Symbolism in the Agrarian Landscape of the Sondondo Valley, Peru (2024)
  77. Water management from the Maya Lowlands: Implementing archaeology in mutual aid (2024)
  78. Water Mountain, Ritual, and Maya Community Cohesion at Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico (2024)
  79. Water Technology and Symbolism in the Andes (Cordillera Blanca, Ancash, Peru) (2024)
  80. Water, Creation, and Celestial Phenomena at La Casa de las Golondrinas, Guatemala (2024)
  81. Water, Maps, and Mountains: Shifting Water Taskways in the Andes (2024)
  82. Ways of Death at Los Guachimontones (2024)
  83. We Carry It Within Us: Shared Colonial History and Control of Caribbean Cultural Heritage Collections (2024)
  84. “We Used to Always Burn That”: Anthropogenic Fire Regimes and Cultural Resilience at túl’mǝn’ (2024)
  85. Weaving a Complex Past – Longobards in Italy: A Population on the Move in the Early Medieval Times (2024)
  86. Weaving Paths to Healing and Human Rights: Creating Tsunamis of Systemic Change in Archaeology (2024)
  87. Weaving with the Seasons: A Case Study of Jomon Baskets and Resource Management in Neolithic Japan (2024)
  88. Weaving with Wichuñas in the Coastal Tiwanaku Diaspora: New Insights into Camelid Bone Tool Production from Los Batanes (Sama, Peru) (2024)
  89. Weeksville Pictographs, Western Montana: The Importance of Location (2024)
  90. Were the Fiber-Tempered Sherds from Claiborne (22Ha201) Made at the Site? (2024)
  91. Wetland Soils and Ancestral Menominee Maize Agriculture in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (2024)
  92. Wetlands and Grasslands: Habitat Choice of Hunters and Herders across the Transition to Mobile Pastoralism in Mongolia’s Desert-Steppe (2024)
  93. Wetlands and Woodland Period Settlement on the Florida Gulf Coast (2024)
  94. “We’ve never been allowed to fail before!” Undergraduate Experimental Archaeology Courses at the Crossroads of History and Archaeology (2024)
  95. Whales, Chiefs, and Seal Stomachs: Understanding Ceramic Adoption in the Kodiak Archipelago (2024)
  96. What 35 Students Tell Us: Re-evaluating Traditional Field School Delivery Methods (2024)
  97. What a Cache! Ritual Activities at the Medicinal Trail Community, a Small Rural Maya Site in Northwestern Belize (2024)
  98. What Faunal Remains from Wolf Scat in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Can Tell Us about Canid Presence in the past (2024)
  99. What Happens in the Ivory Tower: The Academic Trade of Archaeological Human Remains (2024)
  100. What Is CRM’s Origin Story: How Did We Get to the System We Have Now and What Does It Say about Our Future? (2024)