Chavín de Huántar’s Contribution to Understanding the Central Andean Formative: Results and Perspectives

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Chavín de Huántar’s Contribution to Understanding the Central Andean Formative: Results and Perspectives" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Chavín de Huántar is an important Middle-Late Formative site (1200–500 BC) of the north-central highlands of Peru, recognized for its precocious worked stone monumental construction, enigmatic architectural forms including subterranean galleries, and extensive stone art that decorated many architectural contexts. The site's primary function was religious, judging from the elaborate development of ritual contexts and material culture. The Programa de Investigación Arqueológica y Conservación en Chavín de Huántar began in 1994, addressing the multidimensional complexity of the site. Its transdisciplinary research marked a significant shift in the generation of knowledge about the emergence of authority in the Andes. Greater understanding of previously known contexts and discovery of new ritual spaces have revealed an iconic tradition marked by both continuity and innovation. Detailed excavations of galleries, including those in the Atrium of the Circular Plaza, have sophisticated understanding of function and organization of the Chavín entity. Across 30 years of fieldwork and analysis a variety of locations in and around the monumental site have been investigated. This session focuses on the Programa’s new knowledge and research perspectives, reevaluating concepts of Andean Formative organization and its complexity, and questioning how or if the Formative was elemental in development of Andean states.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-14 of 14)

  • Documents (14)

  1. Apropiación, síntesis y representación en la etapa Blanco y Negro de Chavín (2024)
  2. Archaeoacoustics at Chavín de Huántar: New Evidence for Social Complexity via Sonic Communication Technologies (2024)
  3. Chavín and Its Galleries: An Inside View of the Andean Formative Period (2024)
  4. Chavín de Huántar and the Chronology of the Andean Formative Period in Lima (2024)
  5. Consumo de plantas psicoactivas en Chavín de Huántar: Primeras evidencias directas en tubos de hueso en contexto de la Galería 3 (2024)
  6. Daily Life Outside the Monument: Recent Excavations at the La Banda Sector, Chavín de Huántar (2024)
  7. Descifrando las transformaciones y significados en Chavín de Huántar: Un análisis de los marcadores materiales en la Plaza Circular y el atrio (2024)
  8. Eating and Drinking at Chavín de Huántar: What the Microbotanical Evidence Can (and Can’t) Tell Us (2024)
  9. Faced Façade: New Interpretations of Chavín’s Tenon Heads (2024)
  10. Gallery of the Condor: The Earlier End of Chavín’s Underground Structures (2024)
  11. The Offerings to the Ceremonial Center of Chavín de Huántar: New Perspectives from the Explanada Canals (2024)
  12. Renovación del templo en Chavín de Huántar en el Periodo Formativo Tardío: Una interpretación desde el estudio de los materiales (2024)
  13. Searching for the Domestic at Chavín: Integrating 20-Plus years of Archaeology in La Banda (2024)
  14. Transiciones en cuerpos y espacios: Acercamiento a las prácticas funerarias desplegadas en Chavín de Huántar a finales del Formativo (2024)