SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  • Documents (965)

  1. Life within Death: Contextualizing Burial Practice at Kenan Tepe, Turkey, from the Ubaid Period to the Early Bronze Age (2024)
  2. Life, Death, and Renewal: Examining the Significance of Lowland Maya Sweat Baths in the Belize River Valley (2024)
  3. Lifeways at the Onset of Urbanization in Central Mexico: Initial Findings from Ceramic Analysis and Residential Excavations at Middle Formative Tlalancaleca, Puebla. (2024)
  4. Linear Enamel Hypoplasia: An Analysis of Health Disparities Between the Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon of Nasca, Peru (2024)
  5. Lines to the Mountains: Investigations of LIP and LH Carangas Settlement Patterns and Geoglyphs (2024)
  6. Lithic Attribute Analysis for Blydefontein Backed Blades and Endscrapers (2024)
  7. A Lithic Cache from the Crane Dune Site (41CR61), Crane County, Texas (2024)
  8. A “Little Bang” at the Start of the Little Ice Age? Late Mississippian Mound Center Chronology in the Upper Tombigbee River Drainage (2024)
  9. Living Data: A Digital Data Collection and Management System for Landscape Archaeology (2024)
  10. Living in Turbulent Times: Life on the Plaza in Nineteenth-Century Mesilla, New Mexico (2024)
  11. Local Adaptation and Subsistence Strategy of Yangshao Migrants in Northwestern Sichuan in China During the Middle Neolithic (5300-4700 cal. BP) (2024)
  12. Local Impact of Tiwanaku at the site of Pinami, Cochabamba: Synthesis of Diachronic Ceramic, Household, Food Production, Mortuary and Isotopic Data (2024)
  13. Long-Distance Exchange of Emeralds in the Istmo-Colombian Area (2024)
  14. Long-Distance Obsidian Trade from Multiple Island Sources to Prehistoric Tuscany, Italy (2024)
  15. Looking Beyond Consumption: Archaeological and Ethnohistoric Approaches to Interpreting Sweetgum Use at Coles Creek Mound Centers (2024)
  16. A Low-cost Method for Measuring Ridge Width on Lithic Artifacts for the Purpose of Evaluating Artifact Condition (2024)
  17. The Lucayans and Their Rodents: Pre-Columbian Hutia Management in the Bahama Archipelago (2024)
  18. Macedonian presence on the Crnobuki Gradiste Riches to Rags: Year 1 (2024)
  19. Macrobotanical Analysis of Archaeological Excavations at the Moundville (1Tu500) Riverbank (2024)
  20. Macrobotanical and Microbotanical Evidence for Plant Use and Consumption at Gede, Kenya (2024)
  21. A Macroscopic Investigation and Analysis of Trauma Among Late Post-Medieval Adult Male Individuals of St. Michael's Litten, Chelsea Old Church and St. Benet Sherehog (2024)
  22. Maize and Meat over Millennia: Meta-analysis of Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios from the Andean Preceramic to the Colonial Period (7000 BCE - 1600 CE) (2024)
  23. Maize in the Mix: Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of a Fremont Ceramic Mug Recovered from the Snow Farm Site in Payson, Utah (2024)
  24. Making and Made: Time and Virtual Material Action as Empowerment of Cultural Heritage Curation Institutions (2024)
  25. Making Sense of the Hohokam Irrigation Anomaly (2024)
  26. Manifestaciones del poder Inka en la Cordillera Oriental (Usicayos, Puno, Peru) (2024)
  27. Mapping Indigenous Laborers at the Pageant Tavern and Hotel on the Red Cliff Reservation on Lake Superior, Wisconsin, USA. (2024)
  28. Mapping Structural Vulnerability through Nutritional Deficiencies, Infection, and Burial Location at the Colonial Maya site of Tipu (AD 1543–1707) (2024)
  29. Mapping the Historic Baptist Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts (2024)
  30. Mapping the Younger Dryas Landscape of the San Dieguito Paleochannel (2024)
  31. Mapping Up and Down: Automatic Mapping of Highland and Coastal Sites Using Multispectral Based Image Analysis Methods From Aerial Images (2024)
  32. Marine Shell from Burials in St. Henry’s Cemetery (11S1742), East St. Louis, IL (1866-1908) (2024)
  33. Maritime Lifeways and Technological Choices of the Englefield Culture (7000-5600 cal BP) in Southern Patagonia: Insights from Obsidian and Bone Tool Analysis (2024)
  34. Maritime Settlement of Fuego-Patagonia Archipelago: New Archaeological Records from the Middle Holocene (6300-5000 BP) at Navarino Island, Chile (55º S / 67º W) (2024)
  35. Marxist Dendroarchaeology: Examining Labor’s Effects on Landscapes and Living Conditions in Cebolla Canyon, New Mexico (2024)
  36. Materializing Inka-Colla Interaction in the Colonial Viceroyalty of Peru (2024)
  37. The Matlatzinca-Aztec City of Tlacotepec: Results of the Proyecto Arqueológico Tlacotepec/Tlacotepec Archaeological Project (2024)
  38. Mauretanian and Roman Settlement Chronology in the Loukkos Valley, Northern Morocco (2024)
  39. The Maya are a People of Movement: An Isotopic Assessment at Chactemal (Santa Rita Corozal), Northern Belize (2024)
  40. Maya Dental Modifications: Insights from Ka’Kabish, Belize (2024)
  41. Maya Obsidian Production and Exchange in the Southern Belize Region (2024)
  42. Mea Culpa (2024)
  43. Measurement Variability in a Collection of Modern Gazelle (Gazella gazella) Skeletons and its Archaeological Implications (2024)
  44. Medieval Fortifications of the Mountainous South Caucasus (Zakagori Fortress in Truso Valley, North Georgia) (2024)
  45. Meeting Needs in the Ancient Maya Forest: A Model of Food and Shelter at El Pilar (2024)
  46. Mercadal from the Onset of Settlement through the Medieval Crisis in Southern Aragon (Spain) (2024)
  47. Metal Production at Abu Muslim qala: An Analysis of Metallurgical Waste from a Medieval Site in Central Asia (2024)
  48. Metamorphoses of Human and Non-Human Agents Within the Shaft Tomb Burials in Ancient West Mexico (2024)
  49. Methods, Models, and Movement: Examining Multiple Trace Element Dataset to Explore Past Land use Dynamics (2024)
  50. Micaceous Mindsets: Chemical Characterization of Classic Period Utility Wares at Multiple Sites Along the Rio Grande (2024)
  51. Micro-remains in Sediment as Indicators of Human Activity (2024)
  52. Microanalysis of Late Stone Age Rock Art Ochre Pigments in Eswatini (2024)
  53. Microblade Industries of Northeastern Asia During the Holocene: Case Study of the Ust’-Khaita site in Eastern Siberia (2024)
  54. Microfossil Analysis Of A Grinding Stone From The Etzanoa Archaeological Site (2024)
  55. The Middle Stone Age Goes Alpine: Preliminary Results of New Excavations at Ha Soloja Rockshelter, Lesotho, Africa (2024)
  56. Migration and Mitogenomes: analysis of West Mexican populations to better understand their place in the larger Mesoamerican social landscape (2024)
  57. The Migration Panel: Rethinking Acoma’s History in SE Utah (2024)
  58. The Missing Mammals of Cerro Azul (Guaviare, Colombia): Extreme Fragmentation in Neotropical Zooarchaeological Assemblages (2024)
  59. Misuse and Abandonment of African American Cemeteries: How Social Inequalities Persist in Death in the Post Civil War Southeast (2024)
  60. Mixing Times: Excavating Shared Pasts in Contemporary India (2024)
  61. A model melting pot? Interrogating hybridity and ethnogenesis in colonial ceramic production at Comanche Springs, New Mexico (2024)
  62. Modeling the social demography of a Classic Maya city-state, the case of El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2024)
  63. Modeling White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Responses to Human Population Change and Ecosystem Engineering in Precolonial and Colonial Eastern North America (2024)
  64. Modelling the Persistence of Helminth Infections in Small-Scale Societies (2024)
  65. Modern and Ancient Craftswomen in the Andes, from Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100) to Present in Bolivia and Peru (2024)
  66. Mogollon Strontium Isotopic Baseline (2024)
  67. Mongol Trappings: Analysis of Archaeological Leather from Northern Mongolia (2024)
  68. Monkey Business: Examining the Significance of Monkey Imagery in Maya Caves & Ideology (2024)
  69. Monte Lima, a Tallán Community in Late Intermediate Period Chira Valley, Perú (2024)
  70. Monumental Architecture on the South Summit of Cerro Tajahuana, Ica Valley, Peru (2024)
  71. Monumental Memories: Addressing the Association between Fort Ancient Villages and Woodland Earthen Monuments (2024)
  72. More Hands Make Light Work - A Collaborative Leadership Approach for Successful Public Archaeology Field Schools (2024)
  73. More than a 'Bones Player': Community-led Reinterpretation of the Brewster-Mount Site in Setauket, New York. (2024)
  74. Mortality Profiles From Massive and Attritional Guanaco Deaths in Southern Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology (2024)
  75. Mortuary Practices at the Pre-Columbian Site of Indian Creek, Antigua - Preliminary Results (2024)
  76. A Mound or Not a Mound? How Rasters and Point Clouds Can Help with False Positive Identification (2024)
  77. Moving a Monster, Part One: Preserving Illinois’ Cultural History in Perpetuity (2024)
  78. Moving a Monster, Part Two: Preserving Illinois’ Cultural History in Perpetuity (2024)
  79. A Multi-instrument Geophysical Survey Comparing the Effects of Plowing on the Geophysical Signatures of a Precontact Earthwork in Perry County, Ohio (2024)
  80. A Multi-instrument Geophysical Survey for the Identification of Preclassic Ritual Deposits at Cahal Pech, Belize (2024)
  81. A Multi-method Analysis of Ceramic Production at Precolumbian Peñitas, Nayarit (2024)
  82. Multi-Proxy Analysis of Sea Lion Hunting in the Northwestern Pacific (2024)
  83. A Multicomponent Archaeological Site at Spring Lake, San Marcos, Texas (2024)
  84. Multimodal Digital Documentation of Actun Tunichil Muknal, Belize (2024)
  85. Multiple Clovis Occupations at the Belson Site: New Data for Testing Foraging Models from Southwest Michigan (2024)
  86. Multiproxy Approach to Identify Pottery Contents in Postclassic Xochimilco, Mexico: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Prehispanic Foodways (2024)
  87. A Multisite Assessment of Mobility in Coastal and Interior Nicaragua through 87Sr/86Sr Analysis (2024)
  88. Multivocal Approaches to Sustainability in the Rejuvenation of the Archaeological Tell Site, Vésztő-Mágor (2024)
  89. Musket Ball Analysis at Fort St. Joseph (2024)
  90. NAGPRA 2.0?: Comparing the Proposed Rule to the Law (2024)
  91. Narabeb: Examining the Middle Stone Age of the Namib Sand Sea (2024)
  92. NASA's Contributions to Remote Sensing in Archaeology (2024)
  93. Nat 20: Looking at Gaming Pieces and Gambling from the Haynie Site (2024)
  94. “Natural” Resources Land Conservation Ignores Archaeological Resources? (2024)
  95. Navigating the Field: New Perspectives from Women of Color in Archaeology (2024)
  96. Navigating Uncharted Waters - Staying up to date with new tools and best practices for underwater archaeological survey (2024)
  97. Neanderthal and carnivore interplay at Escoural Cave: preliminary evidence from the archaeofaunal and spatial analysis of two new test pits (2024)
  98. Negotiating with Empire: the Chancay as "intermediaries" in the Inka-Chimu conflict (2024)
  99. The Negotiation of Status: New Insights into a Late Classic Household at Las Ruinas de Arenal, Belize (2024)
  100. The Neolithic Stone beads of Nahal Hemar Cave, Israel (2024)