SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts

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  • Documents (965)

  1. Neutron Activated Analysis of Afro-Caribbean Ware Excavated Archaeologically from Six Pre-Emancipation Sugar Plantation sites on Anguilla and Sint Maarten (2024)
  2. A New Bioavailable Strontium Baseline for the Baikal Region (2024)
  3. New Dendrochronological and Radiocarbon Dates for Northwest Mexican Cliff Dwellings (2024)
  4. New Directions for Archaeology at Drayton Hall (2024)
  5. New Evidence of the Northern Manteño Frontier, The Land of the Pasaos Before the Spanish Encounter (2024)
  6. New Excavations at Fell Cave, South Patagonia, Chile (2024)
  7. New Insights from Archaeology into Life in Space: The Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment (SQuARE) on the International Space Station (2024)
  8. New Observations on Ancient Maya Ceramic/Textile Composites: A Technological, Conceptual and Contextual Re-Appraisal (2024)
  9. A New Perspective on the Ore Source Supply and Potential Provenience of Han Bronzes from the Broader Lingnan Region (2024)
  10. New Research on Andean Mummies at the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium (2024)
  11. No Smoking Gun: The Potential and Limitations of Isotopic Sourcing of Archaeological Cinnabar in the Central Andean Region (2024)
  12. Non-Local White Ware in Montezuma Canyon and its Implications (2024)
  13. Nondestructive DNA Sampling Method of Human Teeth (2024)
  14. Northern Brooks Range Caribou Hunting Architecture (2024)
  15. Nossa Senhora do Freixo, Portugal: A Late Antiquity Roman Basilica and the Continued Reuse of Sacred Space (2024)
  16. Not just Jed and Jethro: Erasing Diversity from Public Memory in the Ozarks (2024)
  17. Not-so-Set in Stone: An Investigation of Rock Art Digitization Methods and Scale of Applicability (2024)
  18. A Novel Application of δ15N Values to Segregate Human and Non-Human Remains (2024)
  19. Object itineraries of metal artifacts from the Stark Farm Site Complex (22OK778) (2024)
  20. The Obsidian Artifacts of Uaxactun. (2024)
  21. Occupational History and Site Function at Two Sites within Montezuma Castle National Monument (2024)
  22. Old Data, New Format: Digitizing to Increase the Accessibility of Mortuary Information at S'edav Va'aki, Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
  23. Old Union Cemetery, Indiana (2024)
  24. Olive Oil and Urbanism: Specialized Production in late 4th millennium South-West Asia (2024)
  25. One Step at a Time- Preliminary Evidence for Human and Mega Fauna Trackways Located Along the Ancient Shorelines of Lake Lucero, White Sands Missile Range. (2024)
  26. Ongoing Excavations at Big Village (42EM2861) in Range Creek Canyon, Utah (2024)
  27. Ongoing Investigations into Late Woodland and Early Caddo Subsistence in the Bois d’Arc Creek Watershed, Northeast Texas (2024)
  28. Optimization of a Minimally Invasive DNA Extraction Protocol for Teeth (2024)
  29. The Origin and Dispersion of the Bow in the Andes (16–37°S) Based on a Controlled Database of Projectile Point Metrics (2024)
  30. The Osceola Mudflow: Dropping into the Valley and Standing Up Next to the Mountain in Southern Puget Sound (2024)
  31. Our Ancestor’s Hands Made These Ceramics: A Comparative Ceramic Analysis in the Coca-Nahua Community of Mezcala, Jalisco, Mexico (2024)
  32. Over a Decade of Design-Build Archaeology on the California High-Speed Rail, Construction Package 1 from Madera to Fresno, California (2024)
  33. An Overview of Ancient Funerary Practices in Oriental Amazonia: A Regional Bioarchaeological Approach for Amapá, Brazil (2024)
  34. An Overview of Paleoindian and Archaic Finds from August Pine Ridge, Belize, Central America (2024)
  35. Painted Pottery on the Fremont Frontier (2024)
  36. Painting Methods and Process—a Compositional Analysis of Pecos River Style Murals (2024)
  37. Palabras Andantes: Collaborative Story Mapping of Community Memories Using QField at Chupacoto in Huaylas, Peru (2024)
  38. Paleoanthropology in the Central Highlands of Kenya: A Knowledge Co-production Research Model (2024)
  39. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Two Paleoindian Sites in North-Central New Mexico (2024)
  40. A Paleoethnobotanical Comparison of Mortuary and Village Langford Tradition Sites in Northern Illinois (2024)
  41. A Paleogenomic Investigation of Historical Human Skeletal Remains from Rapparee Cove, North Devon, UK (2024)
  42. Paracosmic Play Areas in Western Plains Boarding and Day Schools (2024)
  43. Parsing the Pits: Cooking Techniques in the Kachemak Period Kodiak Archipelago (2024)
  44. Participatory Mapping and Self-Management of Territory among the Kuikuro of the Upper Xingu, Amazonia (2024)
  45. A Pathway to Attain Sustainable Development in Africa (2024)
  46. Paul Gendrop’s Río Bec, Chenes, and Puuc Architecture: New Insights after 40 Years (2024)
  47. The Peninsula of Baja California, a Terra Ignota Before and Now (2024)
  48. People and food: investigating the diet through isotopic analysis in a pre-colonial group from Piaçaguera shell mound (sambaqui), Brazil (2024)
  49. People on the move: early peopling of Central Brazilian Plateau, eastern South America (2024)
  50. People-as-Animal Comparisons and the Indigenous Experience of Spanish Colonialism in the Andes. (2024)
  51. Pequot Subsistence Practices during the Seventeenth Century: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Calluna Hill Site (59-73), Groton, CT (2024)
  52. Periods: Out in the Open (2024)
  53. Perishable Artifacts from Rockshelters and Caves in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico and Texas: Dating and Stylistic Study of Sandals, Baskets, Matting, and Cordage from Early Twentieth-Century Excavations (2024)
  54. Persistence in Pastoralist Practices During the Uruk Period at Tepe Farukhabad (2024)
  55. Petrographic and Chemical Analysis of Ceramics of the Atlantic Period of Baol (1400–1900), Historical Kingdom of Northern Senegambia (2024)
  56. A Phylogenetic Approach to Analyzing Lithic Stone Tool Morphology in Southern British Columbia (2024)
  57. Pittsburgh’s Chinatown: A Study of Chinese Diaspora Archaeology in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
  58. Planning for the Inevitable: Climate Change, Cultural Resources, and Coastal Cities in the American Southeast. (2024)
  59. Plants and Environment: A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of the Vosburg Site (21FA002) (2024)
  60. Playing the Game: an Analysis of Hohokam Ballcourt Structures (2024)
  61. Plazas and Proxemics: Preclassic and Classic Period Plazas at the Maya Centers of Cival and Holmul (2024)
  62. A Plethora of Points at the Haynie Site (2024)
  63. Political Complexity and Gendered Violence in the Andes – A Bayesian Approach (2024)
  64. Pomp and Circumstance at an Ancient Maya Village: The 2023 Season at Group M of the Medicinal Trail Community, NW Belize (2024)
  65. Popularising the Archaeology of Climate Change (2024)
  66. Post-Emancipation Ceramics and Housing in the British Caribbean: A Case Study from St. Kitts’ Southeast Peninsula (2024)
  67. A Postclassic Maya Midden at Colha, Belize (2024)
  68. The Potential for Using Long Bone Measurements to Determine Breed of Gallus gallus domesticus and its Implications for the Archaeological Record (2024)
  69. Potential Refugia in the Levant During the Pleistocene and Their Use by Hominins (2024)
  70. The potentials of airborne geomagnetic survey systems for cultural resources management: Preliminary results of experimental geophysical investigations in eastern Hungary and central Arizona, USA (2024)
  71. Pottery Assemblage Change from the 16th to 19th Centuries in the Pueblo of Pojoaque (2024)
  72. Pottery Offerings and Ritual Gestures in Sutar Conti, a Ceremonial Site on the Processional Pathway of the Licancabur Pampa, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile (2024)
  73. Power or Privilege? Parallel Gender Hierarchies in the American Southwest (2024)
  74. Practical and applied archaeogaming (2024)
  75. Precious Objects and Kingship: A Closer Look At Pre-columbia Classic Period Maya Artifacts, located at the Godwin Ternbach Museum (2024)
  76. Prehistoric Hohokam Gridded Fields in the Lower Salt River Valley (2024)
  77. A Preliminary Analysis of Bijou Hills Quartzite Blades from Site 21RK82 (2024)
  78. Preliminary archaeogenomic insights on the domestication of the avocado tree (2024)
  79. A Preliminary Botanical Analysis of the Quinebaug Falls Site in Preston, Connecticut (2024)
  80. A Preliminary Recontextualization of Lithic and Exchange Chronology of Coxcatlan Cave within the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico (2024)
  81. Preliminary Report on the Faunal Material from the Deserted Medieval Village Site in Ballintober, Co. Roscommon, Ireland (2024)
  82. Preliminary Results of the Physico-Chemical Analysis and Manufacturing Traces of the Tesserae Mirrors from El Caño, Gran Coclé Archaeological Tradition (750–1020 CE) (2024)
  83. Preliminary Study of Funerary Patterns at the site of CuzCuz – Huarmey Valley, Peru (2024)
  84. Preliminary Survey and Excavations at Puerto Inka (2024)
  85. Preparing the Surface (PRESUR): The Forgotten Step of “Seasoning” Food Processing-Ground Stone Tools and Its Implications for Use-wear Analysis (2024)
  86. Prepping for The End: How Changing Fears Impacted the Use-lives of Fallout Shelters (2024)
  87. The Presence of Fraxinus in Hohokam Pithouses (2024)
  88. The Presence of Maya Aquatic Imagery at Teotihuacan (2024)
  89. The Presence of Potbelly Sculptures in the Lake Atitlán Basin, Guatemala (2024)
  90. Preservation of Cultural Heritage at the Alamo: A Collaboration between Archaeology and Conservation (2024)
  91. Preservation, Degradation, and Contamination: The Chemical Identification of Cochineal in Archaeological Environments (2024)
  92. The Prevalence of Entomophagy in the Americas: A Meta-analysis of Human Coprolites (2024)
  93. The Prevalence of Pseudoarchaeology on TikTok (2024)
  94. The Privilege of Memory: Segregation within a Plural Long Island Cemetery (2024)
  95. Project Management in Archaeology: How to Finish on Budget and Ahead of Schedule while Meeting Expectations (2024)
  96. Promoting Engagement and Interaction: How Local Museums Can Use Digital 3D Models (2024)
  97. Provenance and 3D Geometric Morphometry of a Large Obsidian Biface Cache from Central Oregon—Preliminary Perspectives (2024)
  98. Pubertal Development among Pre-Hispanic Moquegua Valley Populations (Southern Peru, 800-1500 CE) (2024)
  99. Public Lands, Lithic, and Gray Material: Layser Cave (2024)
  100. Pueblos, Hogans, and LiDAR on the Fireline (2024)